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Although bacteriophage have been reported to be the most abundant organisms on earth, little is known about their contribution to the ecology of natural communities of their host bacteria. Most importantly, what role do these viral parasitoids play in regulating the densities of bacterial populations? To address this question, we use experimental communities of Vibrio cholerae and its phage in continuous culture, and we use mathematical models to explore the population dynamic and evolutionary conditions under which phage, rather than resources, will limit the densities of these bacteria. The results of our experiments indicate that single species of bacterial viruses cannot maintain the density of V. cholerae populations at levels much lower than that anticipated on the basis of resources alone. On the other hand, as few as two species of phage can maintain these bacteria at densities more than two orders of magnitude lower than the densities of the corresponding phage-free controls for extensive periods. Using mathematical models and short-term experiments, we explore the population dynamic processes responsible for these results. We discuss the implications of this experimental and theoretical study for the population and evolutionary dynamics of natural populations of bacteria and phage.  相似文献   
We assessed the importance of glycosaminoglycans and sulfur-mediated bonds for the mechanical properties of lens capsules by comparing the stress-strain responses from control and treated pairs of bovine source. No significant change in mechanical properties was observed upon reduction of disulfide bonds. However, removal of glycosaminoglycan chains resulted in a significantly stiffer lens capsule, whereas high concentrations of reducing agent, which is expected to reduce the recently reported sulfilimine bond of collagen IV, resulted in a significantly less stiff lens capsule. A comparison of the diffraction patterns of the control and strongly reduced lens capsules indicated structural rearrangements on a nanometer scale.  相似文献   
Adipose progenitor cells (APCs) are widely investigated for soft tissue reconstruction following tumor resection; however, the long-term success of current approaches is still limited. In order to develop clinically relevant therapies, a better understanding of the role of cell-microenvironment interactions in adipose tissue regeneration is essential. In particular, the effect of extracellular matrix (ECM) mechanics on the regenerative capability of APCs remains to be clarified. We have used artificial ECMs based on photocrosslinkable RGD-alginate to investigate the adipogenic and pro-angiogenic potential of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes as a function of matrix stiffness. These hydrogels allowed us to decouple matrix stiffness from changes in adhesion peptide density or extracellular Ca(2+) concentration and provided a physiologically relevant 3D culture context. Our findings suggest that increased matrix rigidity promotes APC self-renewal and angiogenic capacity, whereas, it inhibits adipose differentiation. Collectively, this study advances our understanding of the role of ECM mechanics in adipose tissue formation and vascularization and will aid in the design of efficacious biomaterial scaffolds for adipose tissue engineering applications.  相似文献   
Cardiac neural crest cells migrate into the pharyngeal arches where they support development of the pharyngeal arch arteries. The pharyngeal endoderm and ectoderm both express high levels of FGF8. We hypothesized that FGF8 is chemotactic for cardiac crest cells. To begin testing this hypothesis, cardiac crest was explanted for migration assays under various conditions. Cardiac neural crest cells migrated more in response to FGF8. Single cell tracing indicated that this was not due to proliferation and subsequent transwell assays showed that the cells migrate toward an FGF8 source. The migratory response was mediated by FGF receptors (FGFR) 1 and 3 and MAPK/ERK intracellular signaling. To test whether FGF8 is chemokinetic and/or chemotactic in vivo, dominant negative FGFR1 was electroporated into the premigratory cardiac neural crest. Cells expressing the dominant negative receptor migrated slower than normal cardiac neural crest cells and were prone to remain in the vicinity of the neural tube and die. Treating with the FGFR1 inhibitor, SU5402 or an FGFR3 function-blocking antibody also slowed neural crest migration. FGF8 over-signaling enhanced neural crest migration. Neural crest cells migrated to an FGF8-soaked bead placed dorsal to the pharynx. Finally, an FGF8 producing plasmid was electroporated into an ectopic site in the ventral pharyngeal endoderm. The FGF8 producing cells attracted a thick layer of mesenchymal cells. DiI labeling of the neural crest as well as quail-to-chick neural crest chimeras showed that neural crest cells migrated to and around the ectopic site of FGF8 expression. These results showing that FGF8 is chemotactic and chemokinetic for cardiac neural crest adds another dimension to understanding the relationship of FGF8 and cardiac neural crest in cardiovascular defects.  相似文献   
The in vivo genotoxic activity of two inorganic lead compounds was studied in Drosophila melanogaster by measurement of two different genetic endpoints. We used the wing-spot test and the comet assay. The comet assay was conducted with larval haemocytes. The results from the wing-spot test showed that neither lead chloride, PbCl(2), nor lead nitrate, Pb(NO(3))(2), were able to induce significant increases in the frequency of mutant spots. In addition, the combined treatments with gamma-radiation and PbCl(2) or Pb(NO(3))(2) did not show significant variations in the frequency of the three categories of mutant spots recorded, compared with the frequency induced by gamma-radiation alone. This seems to indicate that the lead compounds tested do not interact with the repair of the genetic damage induced by ionizing radiation. When the lead compounds were evaluated in the in vivo comet assay with haemocytes, Pb(NO(3))(2) was effective in inducing significant increases of DNA damage with a direct dose-response pattern. These results confirm the usefulness of the comet assay with haemocytes as an in vivo model and support the assumption that there is a genotoxic risk associated with lead exposure.  相似文献   
Ethylenediamine dinitrate (EDDN) and diethylenetriamine trinitrate (DETN) are relatively insensitive explosive compounds that are being explored as safe alternatives to other more sensitive compounds. When used in combination with other high explosives they are an improvement and may provide additional safety during storage and use. The genetic toxicity of these compounds was evaluated to predict the potential adverse human health effects from exposure by using a standard genetic toxicity test battery which included: a gene mutation test in bacteria (Ames), an in vitro Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell chromosome aberration test and an in vivo mouse micronucleus test. The results of the Ames test showed that EDDN increased the mean number of revertants per plate with strain TA100, without activation, at 5000μg/plate compared to the solvent control, which indicated a positive result. No positive results were observed with the other tester strains with or without activation in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98, TA1535, TA1537, and Escherichia coli strain WP2 uvrA. DETN was negative for all Salmonella tester strains and E. coli up to 5000μg/plate both with and without metabolic activation. The CHO cell chromosome aberration assay was performed using EDDN and DETN at concentrations up to 5000μg/mL. The results indicate that these compounds did not induce structural chromosomal aberrations at all tested concentrations in CHO cells, with or without metabolic activation. EDDN and DETN, when tested in vivo in the CD-1 mouse at doses up to 2000mg/kg, did not induce any significant increase in the number of micronuclei in bone marrow erythrocytes. These studies demonstrate that EDDN is mutagenic in one strain of Salmonella (TA100) but was negative in other strains, for in vitro induction of chromosomal aberrations in CHO cells, and for micronuclei in the in vivo mouse micronucleus assay. DETN was not genotoxic in all in vitro and in vivo tests. These results show the in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity potential of these chemicals.  相似文献   
The fungal diversity in areas accessible and not accessible to tourists at UNESCO World Heritage-listed Naracoorte Caves was investigated with culture-dependent and culture-independent techniques for assistance in cave management protocol development. The caves were selected based on tourist numbers and configurations: Stick Tomato (open, high numbers), Alexandra (lockable openings, high numbers) and Strawhaven (control; no access). Culture-based survey revealed Ascomycota dominance irrespective of sampling area with Microascales (Trichurus sp.) being most frequently isolated. Some Hypocreales-like sequences belonging to Fusarium sp., Trichoderma sp. and Neonectria sp. (Stick Tomato) were cultured only from areas not accessible to tourists. These orders also were detected by DGGE assay irrespective of sampling area. The predominance of Ascomycota (especially Microascales) suggested their important ecological roles in these caves. Culture-independent analysis showed higher Shannon fungal diversity values (from ITS-based DGGE profiles) in tourist-accessible areas of these caves than in inaccessible areas with the fungal community banding patterns being substantially different in Stick Tomato Cave. Further investigations are needed to determine the cause of the differences in the fungal communities of Stick Tomato Cave, although cave-related factors such as use, configuration and sediment heterogeneity might have contributed to these differences.  相似文献   
Phenological, biogeographic and community shifts are among the reported responses of marine ecosystems and their species to climate change. However, despite both the profound consequences for ecosystem functioning and services, our understanding of the root causes underlying these biological changes remains rudimentary. Here, we show that a significant proportion of the responses of species and communities to climate change are deterministic at some emergent spatio-temporal scales, enabling testable predictions and more accurate projections of future changes. We propose a theory based on the concept of the ecological niche to connect phenological, biogeographic and long-term community shifts. The theory explains approximately 70% of the phenological and biogeographic shifts of a key zooplankton Calanus finmarchicus in the North Atlantic and approximately 56% of the long-term shifts in copepods observed in the North Sea during the period 1958–2009.  相似文献   
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