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Increasingly lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysates are used as the feedstock for industrial fermentations. These biomass hydrolysates are complex mixtures of different fermentable sugars, but also inhibitors and salts that affect the performance of the microbial production host. The performance of six industrially relevant microorganisms, i.e. two bacteria (Escherichia coli and Corynebacterium glutamicum), two yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pichia stipitis) and two fungi (Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma reesei) were compared for their (i) ability to utilize monosaccharides present in lignocellulosic hydrolysates, (ii) resistance against inhibitors present in lignocellulosic hydrolysates, (iii) their ability to utilize and grow on different feedstock hydrolysates (corn stover, wheat straw, sugar cane bagasse and willow wood). The feedstock hydrolysates were generated in two manners: (i) thermal pretreatment under mild acid conditions followed by enzymatic hydrolysis and (ii) a non-enzymatic method in which the lignocellulosic biomass is pretreated and hydrolyzed by concentrated sulfuric acid. Moreover, the ability of the selected hosts to utilize waste glycerol from the biodiesel industry was evaluated.  相似文献   
Being born small for gestational age (SGA), a proxy for intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and prenatal famine exposure are both associated with a greater risk of metabolic disease. Both associations have been hypothesized to involve epigenetic mechanisms. We investigated whether prenatal growth restriction early in pregnancy was associated with changes in DNA methylation at loci that were previously shown to be sensitive to early gestational famine exposure. We compared 38 individuals born preterm (<32 weeks) and with a birth weight too low for their gestational age (less than −1SDS; SGA) with 75 individuals born preterm but with a birth weight appropriate for their gestational age (greater than −1SDS) and a normal postnatal growth (greater than −1SDS at three months post term; AGA). The SGA individuals were not only lighter at birth, but also had a smaller length (p = 3.3 × 10−13) and head circumference at birth (p = 4.1 × 10−13). The DNA methylation levels of IGF2, GNASAS, INSIGF and LEP were 48.5, 47.5, 79.4 and 25.7% respectively. This was not significantly different between SGA and AGA individuals. Risk factors for being born SGA, including preeclampsia and maternal smoking, were also not associated with DNA methylation at these loci. Growth restriction early in development is not associated with DNA methylation at loci shown to be affected by prenatal famine exposure. Our and previous results by others indicate that prenatal growth restriction and famine exposure may be associated with different epigenetic changes or non-epigenetic mechanisms that may lead to similar later health outcomes.Key words: SGA, DOHAD, IUGR, DNA methylation, famine, IGF2, LEP, INS, GNASAS  相似文献   
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) are generally accepted as the preferred techniques for detecting and quantitating analytes of interest in biological matrices on the basis of the rule that one chemical compound yields one LC-peak with reliable retention time (Rt.). However, in the current study, we have found that under the same LC-MS conditions, the Rt. and shape of LC-peaks of bile acids in urine samples from animals fed dissimilar diets differed significantly among each other. To verify this matrix effect, 17 authentic bile acid standards were dissolved in pure methanol or in methanol containing extracts of urine from pigs consuming either breast milk or infant formula and analyzed by LC-MS/MS. The matrix components in urine from piglets fed formula significantly reduced the LC-peak Rt. and areas of bile acids. This is the first characterization of this matrix effect on Rt. in the literature. Moreover, the matrix effect resulted in an unexpected LC behavior: one single compound yielded two LC-peaks, which broke the rule of one LC-peak for one compound. The three bile acid standards which exhibited this unconventional LC behavior were chenodeoxycholic acid, deoxycholic acid, and glycocholic acid. One possible explanation for this effect is that some matrix components may have loosely bonded to analytes, which changed the time analytes were retained on a chromatography column and interfered with the ionization of analytes in the MS ion source to alter the peak area. This study indicates that a comprehensive understanding of matrix effects is needed towards improving the use of HPLC and LC-MS/MS techniques for qualitative and quantitative analyses of analytes in pharmacokinetics, proteomics/metabolomics, drug development, and sports drug testing, especially when LC-MS/MS data are analyzed by automation software where identification of an analyte is based on its exact molecular weight and Rt.  相似文献   
The biosynthesis, processing, and secretion of parthormone and the effect of calcium on these processes were measured in dispersed porcine parthyroid cells incubated with [(35)S]methionine. Proparathormone was detected at 10 min, the earliest time measured, and was rapidly and apparently quantitatively converted to parathormone. The half-life of the prohomormone pool was 15 min. Secretion of parathormone was detected by 20 min. In pulse-chase experiments there was a period between 20 and 40 min during which the wave of newly-synthesized parathormone was secreted. After 40 min during little additional radioactive hormone was secreted, but dibutyryl cyclic AMP, an agent that can mobilize stored parathormone, when added to the incubation mixtures enhanced radioactive parathormone secretion but only after 60 min, although it increased net hormone secretion as determined by radioimmunoassay to the same extent at all times studied. When the ionized calcium concentration of the medium was lowered, more radioactive hormone was secreted at all times but the effect was greatest on that hormone that was synthesized less than 60 min previously ; however, net hormone secretion in contrast to radioactive hormone was enhanced equally at all intervals. These data could mean that the refractoriness to secretion of parathormone 40-60 min of age was related to maturation of secretory container preparatory to storage. Low calcium (0.5 mM) stimulated hormone secretion up to fivefold compared to high calcium (3.0 mM) but did not affect synthesis of parathormone or proparathormne or conversion of the latter to hormone. During processing at least 70 percent of the intracellular parathormone was lost, presumably through proteolysis and this degradation was greater at high calcium. These data have been interpreted in light of the concept that two secretable pools of parathormone exist within the parathyroid.  相似文献   
The effect of a single blood meal on the host-seeking response of Anopheles gambiae was investigated in the laboratory using a behavioural bioassay, whereas possible changes at the chemosensory level were monitored using electroantennogram recording (EAG). To avoid the possible confounding effect of body size, mosquitoes of a large size class only were used. Five-day old female mosquitoes were given a blood meal on a human arm and exposed to the emanations of a human hand in an olfactometer at 3, 24, 40, 48 and 72 h following the meal and their behaviour and EAG response to host stimuli were compared with that of unfed mosquitoes (controls) of corresponding age. During egg development, mosquitoes had access to glucose and an oviposition tray. The ovarian development of blood-fed mosquitoes that responded to host odours was compared with that of blood-fed mosquitoes that had not been exposed to host odours. The EAG response of blood-fed and control mosquitoes to host odour was examined upon stimulation with air led over incubated human sweat, hexanoic acid, indole and geranyl acetone. EAGs were recorded at times after a blood meal corresponding with those used in the behavioural experiment. There was no host-seeking response at 3 and 24 h post blood meal (pbm). Seven percent of the mosquitoes responded to human emanations 40-h pbm, 27% at 48 h and 68% at 72 h following a blood meal. The average response of controls to host stimuli varied from 35 (at t=40 h) to 67%. There was no ovarian development in the unfed group of mosquitoes. Of the mosquitoes that responded to host odour 48 h pbm, 12.5% (n=5) had ovaries in Christophers' stage IV and the remainder in stage V. Of the mosquitoes that responded 72 h pbm, 66.7% (n=94) had ovaries in stage V and 31.2% (n=44) had recently oviposited. Maximum EAG amplitudes recorded from blood-fed and control mosquitoes were similar for mosquitoes in Christophers' stages I-III, whereas in stage IV EAG amplitudes recorded from the blood-fed group were significantly lower than those of the corresponding control group in response to headspace of incubated human sweat and to indole. The results show that there was a strong inhibition of host seeking in An. gambiae for a period of at least 40 h following a blood meal. Host-seeking returned to pre-blood meal levels 72-h post feeding and was associated with egg maturation. The inhibition of host-seeking behaviour was accompanied by an inhibition of olfactory sensitivity to headspace of incubated sweat and indole just before the resumption of the host-seeking response. The implications of these findings for mosquito surveillance with host odours are discussed.  相似文献   


Infection with H. pylori is important in the etiology of gastric cancer. Gastric cancer is infrequent in Africa, despite high frequencies of H. pylori infection, referred to as the African enigma. Variation in environmental and host factors influencing gastric cancer risk between different populations have been reported but little is known about the biological differences between gastric cancers from different geographic locations. We aim to study genomic instability patterns of gastric cancers obtained from patients from United Kingdom (UK) and South Africa (SA), in an attempt to support the African enigma hypothesis at the biological level.


DNA was isolated from 67 gastric adenocarcinomas, 33 UK patients, 9 Caucasian SA patients and 25 native SA patients. Microsatellite instability and chromosomal instability were analyzed by PCR and microarray comparative genomic hybridization, respectively. Data was analyzed by supervised univariate and multivariate analyses as well as unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis.


Tumors from Caucasian and native SA patients showed significantly more microsatellite instable tumors (p < 0.05). For the microsatellite stable tumors, geographical origin of the patients correlated with cluster membership, derived from unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis (p = 0.001). Several chromosomal alterations showed significantly different frequencies in tumors from UK patients and native SA patients, but not between UK and Caucasian SA patients and between native and Caucasian SA patients.


Gastric cancers from SA and UK patients show differences in genetic instability patterns, indicating possible different biological mechanisms in patients from different geographical origin. This is of future clinical relevance for stratification of gastric cancer therapy.
Lipid bilayers represent a fascinating class of biomaterials whose properties are altered by changes in pressure or temperature. Functions of cellular membranes can be affected by nonspecific lipid-protein interactions that depend on bilayer material properties. Here we address the changes in lipid bilayer structure induced by external pressure. Solid-state 2H NMR spectroscopy of phospholipid bilayers under osmotic stress allows structural fluctuations and deformation of membranes to be investigated. We highlight the results from NMR experiments utilizing pressure-based force techniques that control membrane structure and tension. Our 2H NMR results using both dehydration pressure (low water activity) and osmotic pressure (poly(ethylene glycol) as osmolyte) show that the segmental order parameters (SCD) of DMPC approach very large values of ≈0.35 in the liquid-crystalline state. The two stresses are thermodynamically equivalent, because the change in chemical potential when transferring water from the interlamellar space to the bulk water phase corresponds to the induced pressure. This theoretical equivalence is experimentally revealed by considering the solid-state 2H NMR spectrometer as a virtual osmometer. Moreover, we extend this approach to include the correspondence between osmotic pressure and hydrostatic pressure. Our results establish the magnitude of the pressures that lead to significant bilayer deformation including changes in area per lipid and volumetric bilayer thickness. We find that appreciable bilayer structural changes occur with osmotic pressures in the range of 10−100 atm or lower. This research demonstrates the applicability of solid-state 2H NMR spectroscopy together with bilayer stress techniques for investigating the mechanism of pressure sensitivity of membrane proteins.  相似文献   


Genetic disruption of an important phenotype should favor compensatory mutations that restore the phenotype. If the genetic basis of the phenotype is modular, with a network of interacting genes whose functions are specific to that phenotype, compensatory mutations are expected among the genes of the affected network. This perspective was tested in the bacteriophage T3 using a genome deleted of its DNA ligase gene, disrupting DNA metabolism.  相似文献   
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