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NOR1, Nur77 and Nurr1 are orphan nuclear receptors and members of the NR4A subfamily. Here, we report that the expression of hypothalamic NOR1 was remarkably decreased in mildly obese β-endorphin-deficient mice and obese db/db mice with the leptin receptor mutation, compared with age-matched wild-type mice, whereas there were no genotypic differences in the expression of hypothalamic Nur77 or Nurr1 in these animals. The injection of NOR1 siRNA oligonucleotide into the third cerebral ventricle significantly suppressed food intake and body weight in mice. On the other hand, the decreases in hypothalamic NOR1 expression were not found in non-obese 5-HT2C receptor-deficient mice. Moreover, systemic administration of m-chlorophenylpiperazine (mCPP), a 5-HT2C/1B receptor agonist, had no effect on hypothalamic NOR1 expression, while suppressing food intake in β-endorphin-deficient mice. These findings suggest that 5-HT2C receptor-independent proopiomelanocortin-derived peptides regulate the expression of hypothalamic NOR1, which is a novel modulator of feeding behavior and energy balance.  相似文献   
Latent TGFβ binding proteins are extracellular matrix proteins that bind latent TGFβ to form the large latent complex. Nonsynonymous polymorphisms in LTBP4, a member of the latent TGFβ binding protein gene family, have been linked to several human diseases, underscoring the importance of TGFβ regulation for a range of phenotypes. Because of strong linkage disequilibrium across the LTBP4 gene, humans have two main LTBP4 alleles that differ at four amino acid positions, referred to as IAAM and VTTT for the encoded residues. VTTT is considered the “risk” allele and associates with increased intracellular TGFβ signaling and more deleterious phenotypes in muscular dystrophy and other diseases. We now evaluated LTBP4 nsSNPs in dilated cardiomyopathy, a distinct disorder associated with TGFβ signaling. We stratified based on self-identified ethnicity and found that the LTBP4 VTTT allele is associated with increased risk of dilated cardiomyopathy in European Americans extending the diseases that associate with LTBP4 genotype. However, the association of LTBP4 SNPs with dilated cardiomyopathy was not observed in African Americans. To elucidate the mechanism by which LTBP4 genotype exerts this differential effect, TGFβ’s association with LTBP4 protein was examined. LTBP4 protein with the IAAM residues bound more latent TGFβ compared to the LTBP4 VTTT protein. Together these data provide support that LTBP4 genotype exerts its effect through differential avidity for TGFβ accounting for the differences in TGFβ signaling attributed to these two alleles.  相似文献   
The positive role of fatty acids in the prevention and alleviation of non-human and human diseases have been and continue to be extensively documented. These roles include influences on infectious and non-infectious diseases including prevention of inflammation as well as mucosal immunity to infectious diseases. Cholera is an acute intestinal illness caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. It occurs in developing nations and if left untreated, can result in death. While vaccines for cholera exist, they are not always effective and other preventative methods are needed. We set out to determine tolerable concentrations of three fatty acids (oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids) and cholera toxin using mouse BALB/C macrophages and human intestinal epithelial cells, respectively. We solubilized the above fatty acids and used cell proliferation assays to determine the concentration ranges and specific concentrations of the fatty acids that are not detrimental to human intestinal epithelial cell viability. We solubilized cholera toxin and used it in an assay to determine the concentration ranges and specific concentrations of cholera toxin that do not statistically decrease cell viability in BALB/C macrophages. We found the optimum fatty acid concentrations to be between 1-5 ng/μl, and that for cholera toxin to be < 30 ng per treatment. This data may aid future studies that aim to find a protective mucosal role for fatty acids in prevention or alleviation of cholera infections.  相似文献   
A survey of the toxin production by several strains of blast fungus was carried out. Among the strains tested only one strain, C1(THU 69-03) produced α-picolinic acid with good yield and other strains produced neither α-picolinic acid nor piricularin. On the other hand, tenuazonic acid and its Fe-cbelate compound were isolated as novel blast fungus toxins from the surface culture brothes of these strains, but they could not be isolated from the shaking culture brothes. The phytotoxic effect of tenuazonic acid on rice plants in regard to varietal difference was also studied.  相似文献   
Deacetylcephalosporin C negative mutants, lacking a certain step in the pathway of deacetylcephalosporin C biosynthesis, were obtained from the deacetylcephalosporin C producing mutant No. 40 of Cephalosporium acremonium by treatment with N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Among these mutants, the strain No. 40-20 was found to mainly accumulate a cephalosporin compound other than deacetylcephalosporin C and cephalosporin C. The cephalosporin was isolated as crystals from the culture broth of the mutant No. 40-20, and identified as deacetoxycephalosporin C, possessing a D-a-aminoadipyl side chain at C-7, by physical, chemical and biological methods. The profile of deacetoxycephalosporin C fermentation and the examination of the biochemical reduction of deacetylcephalosporin C led us to the conclusion that deacetoxycephalosporin C would be produced through de novo synthesis by this mutant.  相似文献   
1. In vivo this investigation was carried out in order to compare the incorporation into rat lipids of free [1,2-minus 14C]-ciliatine and CMP-[1,2-minus 14C]-ciliatine which is the precursor in phosphonolipid biosynthesis. 2. The incorporation of the radioactivity from CMP-[1,2-minus 14C]-ciliatine took place more rapidly than that from free [1,2-minus 14C]-ciliatine in both liver and kidney. The amount of radioactivity from the CMP-[1,2-minus 14C]-ciliatine incorporated into total liver lipids was about 5 times higher than that incorporated into total liver lipids of rat two hrs after injecting free-[1,2-minus 14C]-ciliatine. 3. The amount of [1,2-minus 14C]-ciliatine incorporated into total liver lipids was 15 and 21 times higher than that incorporated into total kidney lipids of rat two and four hrs after injecting free [1,2-minus 14C]-ciliatine. 4. If the main pathway for the phosphonolipid biosynthesis is via CMP-ciliatine, the rate of phosphonolipid formation from CMP-ciliatine must therefore be higher than that from free-ciliatine. The results obtained here indicate therefore that the main pathway for phosphonolipid biosynthesis is a pathway involving CMP-ciliatine. 5. An unknow compound was detected in the water soluble fraction of the acid hydrolyzate of liver phosphonolipids. This material migrated with the N-trimethyl-derivative of ciliatine on the thin-layer chromatogram. The result shows that there is therefore a possibility of methylation of exogenous ciliatine to the phosphonate analogue of choline in the mammalian body.  相似文献   
To investigate the RNA polymerase of rabies virus, we cloned a cDNA of the catalytic subunit (called L protein because of its large molecular size) of the HEP-Flury strain, an avirulent strain obtained by high frequencies of serial embryonated hen egg passages. Nucleotide sequencing showed that the cDNA encodes a long polypeptide of 2,127 amino acids (Mr. 242,938). A comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with that of other strains (PV and SAD B19) indicated that the sequence was highly conserved, except for several amino acid substitutions which were accumulated in some limited regions. A fragment of the cDNA was used for expression in Escherichia coli (E. coli) to prepare the L antigen for raising the antibodies in rabbits. Immunoprecipitation studies with the rabbit antiserum showed that the polypeptides produced in the L cDNA-transfected COS-7 cells displayed almost the same electrophoretic mobility as that of authentic L protein. Immunofluorescence studies indicated that both L and P (another subunit of RNA polymerase) proteins displayed colocalized distribution with the nucleocapsid antigen (N) in the cytoplasmic inclusion bodies, where envelope proteins (G and M) were absent. On the other hand, expression of the L protein alone did not cause inclusion body-like granular distribution, suggesting that the inclusion body-like accumulation depends on certain interaction(s) with other viral gene products, probably with the ribonucleoproteins comprising the inclusion bodies.  相似文献   
White blood cells (WBCs) mediate immune systems and consist of various subtypes with distinct roles. Elucidation of the mechanism that regulates the counts of the WBC subtypes would provide useful insights into both the etiology of the immune system and disease pathogenesis. In this study, we report results of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and a replication study for the counts of the 5 main WBC subtypes (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, and eosinophils) using 14,792 Japanese subjects enrolled in the BioBank Japan Project. We identified 12 significantly associated loci that satisfied the genome-wide significance threshold of P<5.0×10−8, of which 9 loci were novel (the CDK6 locus for the neutrophil count; the ITGA4, MLZE, STXBP6 loci, and the MHC region for the monocyte count; the SLC45A3-NUCKS1, GATA2, NAALAD2, ERG loci for the basophil count). We further evaluated associations in the identified loci using 15,600 subjects from Caucasian populations. These WBC subtype-related loci demonstrated a variety of patterns of pleiotropic associations within the WBC subtypes, or with total WBC count, platelet count, or red blood cell-related traits (n = 30,454), which suggests unique and common functional roles of these loci in the processes of hematopoiesis. This study should contribute to the understanding of the genetic backgrounds of the WBC subtypes and hematological traits.  相似文献   
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