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GTP cyclohydrolase I (GCYH-I) is an essential Zn2+-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the first step of the de novo folate biosynthetic pathway in bacteria and plants, the 7-deazapurine biosynthetic pathway in Bacteria and Archaea, and the biopterin pathway in mammals. We recently reported the discovery of a new prokaryotic-specific GCYH-I (GCYH-IB) that displays no sequence identity to the canonical enzyme and is present in ∼25% of bacteria, the majority of which lack the canonical GCYH-I (renamed GCYH-IA). Genomic and genetic analyses indicate that in those organisms possessing both enzymes, e.g., Bacillus subtilis, GCYH-IA and -IB are functionally redundant, but differentially expressed. Whereas GCYH-IA is constitutively expressed, GCYH-IB is expressed only under Zn2+-limiting conditions. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that GCYH-IB functions to allow folate biosynthesis during Zn2+ starvation. Here, we present biochemical and structural data showing that bacterial GCYH-IB, like GCYH-IA, belongs to the tunneling-fold (T-fold) superfamily. However, the GCYH-IA and -IB enzymes exhibit significant differences in global structure and active-site architecture. While GCYH-IA is a unimodular, homodecameric, Zn2+-dependent enzyme, GCYH-IB is a bimodular, homotetrameric enzyme activated by a variety of divalent cations. The structure of GCYH-IB and the broad metal dependence exhibited by this enzyme further underscore the mechanistic plasticity that is emerging for the T-fold superfamily. Notably, while humans possess the canonical GCYH-IA enzyme, many clinically important human pathogens possess only the GCYH-IB enzyme, suggesting that this enzyme is a potential new molecular target for antibacterial development.The Zn2+-dependent enzyme GTP cyclohydrolase I (GCYH-I; EC is the first enzyme of the de novo tetrahydrofolate (THF) biosynthesis pathway (Fig. (Fig.1)1) (38). THF is an essential cofactor in one-carbon transfer reactions in the synthesis of purines, thymidylate, pantothenate, glycine, serine, and methionine in all kingdoms of life (38), and formylmethionyl-tRNA in bacteria (7). Recently, it has also been shown that GCYH-I is required for the biosynthesis of the 7-deazaguanosine-modified tRNA nucleosides queuosine and archaeosine produced in Bacteria and Archaea (44), respectively, as well as the 7-deazaadenosine metabolites produced in some Streptomyces species (33). GCYH-I is encoded in Escherichia coli by the folE gene (28) and catalyzes the conversion of GTP to 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate (55), a complex reaction that begins with hydrolytic opening of the purine ring at C-8 of GTP to generate an N-formyl intermediate, followed by deformylation and subsequent rearrangement and cyclization of the ribosyl moiety to generate the pterin ring in THF (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Notably, the enzyme is dependent on an essential active-site Zn2+ that serves to activate a water molecule for nucleophilic attack at C-8 in the first step of the reaction (2).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Reaction catalyzed by GCYH-I, and metabolic fate of 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate.A homologous GCYH-I is found in mammals and other higher eukaryotes, where it catalyzes the first step of the biopterin (BH4) pathway (Fig. (Fig.1),1), an essential cofactor in the biosynthesis of tyrosine and neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (3, 52). Recently, a distinct class of GCYH-I enzymes, GCYH-IB (encoded by the folE2 gene), was discovered in microbes (26% of sequenced Bacteria and most Archaea) (12), including several clinically important human pathogens, e.g., Neisseria and Staphylococcus species. Notably, GCYH-IB is absent in eukaryotes.The distribution of folE (gene product renamed GCYH-IA) and folE2 (GCYH-IB) in bacteria is diverse (12). The majority of organisms possess either a folE (65%; e.g., Escherichia coli) or a folE2 (14%; e.g., Neisseria gonorrhoeae) gene. A significant number (12%; e.g., B. subtilis) possess both genes (a subset of 50 bacterial species is shown in Table Table1),1), and 9% lack both genes, although members of the latter group are mainly intracellular or symbiotic bacteria that rely on external sources of folate. The majority of Archaea possess only a folE2 gene, and the encoded GCYH-IB appears to be necessary only for the biosynthesis of the modified tRNA nucleoside archaeosine (44) except in the few halophilic Archaea that are known to synthesize folates, such as Haloferax volcanii, where GCYH-IB is involved in both archaeosine and folate formation (13, 44).


Distribution and candidate Zur-dependent regulation of alternative GCYH-I genes in bacteriaa
OrganismcPresence of:
    Escherichia coli+
    Salmonella typhimurium+
    Yersinia pestis+
    Klebsiella pneumoniaeb++a
    Serratia marcescens++a
    Erwinia carotovora+
    Photorhabdus luminescens+
    Proteus mirabilis+
    Vibrio cholerae+
    Acinetobacter sp. strain ADP1++a
    Pseudomonas aeruginosa++a
    Pseudomonas entomophila L48++a
    Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5++a
    Pseudomonas syringae++a
    Pseudomonas putida++a
    Hahella chejuensis KCTC 2396++a
    Chromohalobacter salexigens DSM 3043++a
    Methylococcus capsulatus++a
    Xanthomonas axonopodis++a
    Xanthomonas campestris++a
    Xylella fastidiosa++a
    Idiomarina loihiensis+
    Colwellia psychrerythraea++
    Pseudoalteromonas atlantica T6c++a
    Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125++
    Alteromonas macleodi+
    Nitrosococcus oceani++
    Legionella pneumophila+
    Francisella tularensis+
    Chromobacterium violaceum+
    Neisseria gonorrhoeae+
    Burkholderia cepacia R18194++
    Burkholderia cenocepacia AU 1054++
    Burkholderia xenovorans+
    Burkholderia mallei+
    Bordetella pertussis+
    Ralstonia eutropha JMP134+
    Ralstonia metallidurans++
    Ralstonia solanacearum+
    Methylobacillus flagellatus+
    Nitrosomonas europaea+
    Azoarcus sp.++
    Bacillus subtilisd++
    Bacillus licheniformis++
    Bacillus cereus+
    Bacillus halodurans++
    Bacillus clausii+
    Geobacillus kaustophilus+
    Oceanobacillus iheyensis+
    Staphylococcus aureus+
Open in a separate windowaGenes that are preceded by candidate Zur binding sites.bZur-regulated cluster is on the virulence plasmid pLVPK.cExamples of organisms with no folE genes are in boldface type.dZn-dependent regulation of B. subtilis folE2 by Zur was experimentally verified (17).Expression of the Bacillus subtilis folE2 gene, yciA, is controlled by the Zn2+-dependent Zur repressor and is upregulated under Zn2+-limiting conditions (17). This led us to propose that the GCYH-IB family utilizes a metal other than Zn2+ to allow growth in Zn2+-limiting environments, a hypothesis strengthened by the observation that an archaeal ortholog from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii has recently been shown to be Fe2+ dependent (22). To test this hypothesis, we investigated the physiological role of GCYH-IB in B. subtilis, an organism that contains both isozymes, as well as the metal dependence of B. subtilis GCYH-IB in vitro. To gain a structural understanding of the metal dependence of GCYH-IB, we determined high-resolution crystal structures of Zn2+- and Mn2+-bound forms of the N. gonorrhoeae ortholog. Notably, although the GCYH-IA and -IB enzymes belong to the tunneling-fold (T-fold) superfamily, there are significant differences in their global and active-site architecture. These studies shed light on the physiological significance of the alternative folate biosynthesis isozymes in bacteria exposed to various metal environments, and offer a structural understanding of the differential metal dependence of GCYH-IA and -IB.  相似文献   
During early preclinical development of therapeutic proteins, representative materials are often required for process development, such as for pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic studies in animals, formulation design, and analytical assay development. To rapidly generate large amounts of representative materials, transient transfection is commonly used. Because of the typical low yields with transient transfection, especially in CHO cells, here we describe an alternative strategy using stable transfection pool technology. Using stable transfection pools, gram quantities of monoclonal antibody (Mab) can be generated within 2 months post‐transfection. Expression levels for monoclonal antibodies can be achieved ranging from 100 mg/L to over 1000 mg/L. This methodology was successfully scaled up to a 200 L scale using disposable bioreactor technology for ease of rapid implementation. When fluorescence‐activated cell sorting was implemented to enrich the transfection pools for high producers, the productivity could be improved by about three‐fold. We also found that an optimal production time window exists to achieve the highest yield because the transfection pools were not stable and productivity generally decreased over length in culture. The introduction of Universal chromatin‐opening elements elements into the expression vectors led to significant productivity improvement. The glycan distribution of the Mab product generated from the stable transfection pools was comparable to that from the clonal stable cell lines. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   
Obesity is a major global public health concern. Immune responses implicated in obesity also control certain infections. We investigated the effects of high‐fat diet‐induced obesity (DIO) on infection with the Lyme disease bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi in mice. DIO was associated with systemic suppression of neutrophil‐ and macrophage‐based innate immune responses. These included bacterial uptake and cytokine production, and systemic, progressive impairment of bacterial clearance, and increased carditis severity. B. burgdorferi‐infected mice fed normal diet also gained weight at the same rate as uninfected mice fed high‐fat diet, toll‐like receptor 4 deficiency rescued bacterial clearance defects, which greater in female than male mice, and killing of an unrelated bacterium (Escherichia coli) by bone marrow‐derived macrophages from obese, B. burgdorferi‐infected mice was also affected. Importantly, innate immune suppression increased with infection duration and depended on cooperative and synergistic interactions between DIO and B. burgdorferi infection. Thus, obesity and B. burgdorferi infection cooperatively and progressively suppressed innate immunity in mice.  相似文献   
A series of heterocyclic 2-(3,5-dimethylphenyl)tryptamine derivatives was prepared and evaluated on a rat gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor assay. The carbon tether length and heterocyclic ring attached to the amino group of 2-(3,5-dimethylphenyl)tryptamine were varied. Several of these derivatives were potent GnRH antagonists with the most potent compound having an IC50 of 16 nM.  相似文献   
We provide a general overview of features and technical specifications of an online, interactive tool for the identification of scale insects of concern to the U.S.A. ports-of-entry. Full lists of terminal taxa included in the keys (of which there are four), a list of features used in them, and a discussion of the structure of the tool are provided. We also briefly discuss the advantages of interactive keys for the identification of potential scale insect pests. The interactive key is freely accessible on http://idtools.org/id/scales/index.php  相似文献   
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