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Body weight gain and shank-toe growth during a 26-day treatment period following hypophysectomy were 55 and 46%, respectively, of control values, but the body weight gain was unaffected and bone growth only slightly reduced when the hypophysectomized chickens were fed a low dose of corticosterone (5 ppm). Bovine growth hormone (0.5 mg GH/kg body wt/day for 18 days) enhanced body weight gain and shank-toe length increase (an estimate of bone growth) by 46 and 33%, respectively, compared to the growth of hypophysectomized chickens receiving only corticosterone. These same endpoints were increased approximately 24% after ovine growth hormone treatment in hypophysectomized chickens not receiving corticosterone. Body weight gain during 18 days of treatment with bovine prolactin (0.5 mg PRL/kg/day) was 27% greater than the value for corticosterone-treated hypophysectomized chickens, but bone growth was unaffected. The mammalian GH preparations increased heart weight of the hypophysectomized chickens (25-29%), but pectoralis muscle weight was unaffected. GH treatment enhanced thymal weights by 71% in corticosterone-treated hypophysectomized chickens, and by 93% in hypophysectomized animals not receiving corticosterone. GH had no significant effect on bursal weights, and PRL had no effect on either of these lymphoid organ weights in corticosterone-treated hypophysectomized chickens. GH increased liver and adipose tissue weights considerably more than the large increases that followed treatment of hypophysectomized chickens with corticosterone alone (69 and 126% greater, respectively), but had no effect on these endpoints in hypophysectomized chickens not receiving corticosterone. PRL also greatly increased liver and adipose tissue weights in corticosterone-treated hypophysectomized chickens (79 and 75%, respectively). These results provide evidence that mammalian GH enhances body weight gain, bone growth, and the growth of several organs in the hypophysectomized chicken. Mammalian PRL increased body weight gain, liver weight, and adipose tissue weight in corticosterone-treated hypophysectomized chickens, but did not influence bone growth or the weights of the heart, pectoralis, thymi, or bursa.  相似文献   
Summary Eleven families with X-linked dominant hypophosphataemic rickets (HPDR) have been typed for a series of X chromosome markers. Linkage with probe 99.6 (DXS41) was demonstrated with a peak lod score of 4.82 at 10% recombination. Multilocus linkage analysis showed that HPDR maps distal to 99.6; this probe has previously been located at Xp22.31-p21.3 by in situ hybridisation. In the mouse hypophosphataemia (Hyp) maps to the distal part of the X chromosome; our location in man is consistent with a scheme which relates the mouse and human X chromosomes by two rearrangements. No marker has yet been found which shows no recombination with HPDR.  相似文献   
The genes for cellobiose utilization are normally cryptic in Escherichia coli. The cellobiose system was used as a model to understand the process by which silent genes are maintained in microbial populations. Previously reported was (1) the isolation of a mutant strain that expresses the cellobiose-utilization (Cel) genes and (2) that expression of those genes allows utilization of three beta- glucoside sugars: cellobiose, arbutin, and salicin. The Cel gene cluster has now been cloned from that mutant strain. In the course of locating the Cel genes within the cloned DNA segment, it was discovered that inactivation of the Cel-encoded hydrolase rendered the host strain sensitive to all three beta-glucosides as potent inhibitors. This sensitivity arises from the accumulation of the phosphorylated beta- glucosides. Because even the fully active genes conferred some degree of beta-glucoside sensitivity, the effects of cellobiose on a series of five Cel+ mutants of independent origin were investigated. Although each of those strains utilizes cellobiose as a sole carbon and energy source, cellobiose also acts as a potent inhibitor that reduces the growth rate on glycerol 2.5-16.5-fold. On the other hand, wild-type strains that cannot utilize cellobiose are not inhibited. The observation that the same compound can serve either as a nutrient or as an inhibitor suggests that, under most conditions in which cellobiose will be present together with other resources, there is a strong selective advantage to having the cryptic (Cel0) allele. In those environments in which cellobiose is the sole, or the best, resource, mutants that express the genes (Cel+) will have a strong selective advantage. It is suggested that temporal alternation between these two conditions is a major factor in the maintenance of these genes in E. coli populations. This alternation of environments and fitnesses was predicted by the model for cryptic-gene maintenance that was previously published.   相似文献   
The techniques of EPR and electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) were used to probe structure and electronic distribution at the nitric oxide (NO)-ligated heme alpha 3 in the nitrosylferrocytochrome alpha 3 moiety of fully reduced cytochrome c oxidase. Hyperfine and quadrupole couplings to NO (in both 15NO and 14NO forms), to histidine nitrogens, and to protons near the heme site were obtained. Parallel studies were also performed on NO-ligated myoglobin and model NO-heme-imidazole systems. The major findings and interpretations on nitrosylferrocytochrome alpha 3 were: 1) compared to other NO-heme-imidazole systems, the nitrosylferrocytochrome alpha3 gave better resolution of EPR and ENDOR signals; 2) at the maximal g value (gx = 2.09), particularly well resolved NO nitrogen hyperfine and quadrupole couplings and mesoproton hyperfine couplings were seen. These hyperfine and quadrupole couplings gave information on the electronic distribution on the NO, on the orientation of the g tensor with respect to the heme, and possibly on the orientation of the FeNO plane; 3) a combination of experimental EPR-ENDOR results and EPR spectral simulations evidenced a rotation of the NO hyperfine tensor with respect to the electronic g tensor; this implied a bent Fe-NO bond; 4) ENDOR showed a unique proton not seen in the other NO heme systems studied. The magnitude of this proton's hyperfine coupling was consistent with this proton being part of a nearby protein side chain that perturbs an axial ligand like NO or O2.  相似文献   
The function of the syncytiotrophoblast in maternal-fetal exchange is related to the properties of its microvillous (maternal-facing) and basal (fetal-facing) plasma membranes. We have previously reported the properties of the microvillous membrane (Smith, C.H., Nelson, D.M., King, B.F., Donohue, T.M., Ruzycki, S.M. and Kelley, L.K. (1977) Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 128, 190–196), and now describe the purification and partial characterization of the basal plasma membrane. Sonication and incubation with EDTA were used to isolate selectively the basal cell membrane. These steps were followed by a more conventional purification by centrifugation. The trophoblast was disrupted and its microvillous membrane and cytoplasmic contents were removed by sonication. The exposed basal cell membrane was selectively released from the underlying basal lamina by sonication in the presence of EDTA and further purified by discontinuous Ficoll gradient centrifugation. The material at the 4–10% Ficoll interface consisted of smooth membrane vesicles with internal microfilaments. It was 45-fold enriched in dihydroalprenolol binding activity and 11-fold enriched in ouabain binding activity. Other enzymatic analyses, including alkaline phosphatase, cytochrome-c oxidase, cytochrome-c reductase and galactosyl transferase indicated low contamination by other organelles. This procedure yields a preparation of relatively high purity which should be suitable for investigation of transport and other functions of the basal surface membrane of trophoblast. In principle, the purification procedures used may be applicable to other transporting epithelia.  相似文献   
Lactic acid concentration correlated with organoleptic spoilage of refrigerated, coarsely ground beef stored in casings with low oxygen permeability. The samples were assayed over time for lactic acid concentration, total aerobic plate count, percentage of gram-positive organisms, and pH. Lactic acid increased in all samples, as did the bacterial counts and percentage of gram-positive organisms in the total microflora, the latter representing an increase in the lactic acid-producing bacteria. pH was found to decrease in all samples, with the smallest decrease in pH being observed in the meat sample which maintained the lowest proportion of gram-positive organisms. With samples evaluated by a sensory panel, lactic acid levels were found to correlate inversely with odor acceptability.  相似文献   
We studied the interaction at 37 degrees C between a major apolipoprotein of pulmonary surfactant and 11 mixtures of lipids. The experiments were carried out in the presence of either 3 mM Ca2+ or 10 mM EDTA. The amount of apolipoprotein associated with lipid was independent of Ca2+. However the binding was sensitive to the percentage of gel-state lipid in the vesicles, and the amount of apolipoprotein in the recombinant lipoprotein complex decreased as the percentage of fully saturated phospholipid was reduced. Maximum association of the apolipoprotein occurred with lipid vesicles containing 85% 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and 15% 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-1-glycerol or 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycerol. Fluorescence measurements on the apolipoprotein indicated that the tryptophan side chains were in a relatively hydrophobic environment, and that the wavelength of maximum fluorescence emission was not changed upon the binding of lipid. The results suggest that the principal mode of interaction between the apolipoprotein and lipids of surfactant is hydrophobic bonding. The most extensive binding occurs with lamellar lipids in a gel that would be expected to have inhomogeneities in packing density due to the presence of acidic phospholipids or other glycerolipids. The role of Ca2+ in this interaction has not been fully determined. Although it is not needed to effect the binding of the lipids and the apolipoprotein, it does influence the physical state of the complex, and possibly the stoichiometry of lipid to protein. Some of the processes mediated by Ca2+ in this interaction may be analogous to those observed in membrane fusion. Thus, Ca2+ probably causes segregation of the lamellar phospholipids into domains, inducing vesicular disruption and fusion. This lipid aggregates about hydrophobic sites on the protein, thereby forming high molecular weight reassembly complexes.  相似文献   
Ultrastructural changes in the vaginal epithelium of the rhesus monkey during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. During the menstrual cycle, the epithelium was keratinized but varied in thickness. Cells of the basal and parabasal layers were polyhedral in shape but as they differentiated they accumulated glycogen and filaments. Cells in the intermediate layers had keratohyaline and membrane-coating granules. Cells in the superficial layers had a thickened cell envelope, abundant keratin filaments, electron-dense intercellular material, and focal tight junctions. The epithelial surface had numerous microridges and numerous adherent bacteria; bacteria were rare on desquamating cells. The epithelium remained keratinized for about the first month of gestation, then underwent "mucification." The cells contained abundant granules and Golgi apparatus. Concomitant with this transformation, bacteria were no longer adherent to the epithelial surface and the surface cells had microvilli instead of microridges. The epithelial changes during pregnancy were roughly associated with the changing pattern of steroid hormone secretion during gestation.  相似文献   
The aim of our study was to determine whether antibodies recognizing epitopes of HLA-DR antigens (idiotypic antibodies or Ab1) induce the production of anti-idiotypic antibodies (Ab2). We tested the capacity of the F(ab')2 fragment obtained from two sera, one with no anti-HLA antibodies (serum ES) and one depleted by absorption of anti-HLA lymphocytotoxins (serum FH), to block the anti-DR antibodies reacting with the HLA-DR antigens of the immunizing donor. The F(ab')2 fragment obtained from serum ES inhibited the anti-DR2 activity of an earlier post-delivery bleeding obtained from the same woman. The anti-idiotypic antibodies contained by this serum also inhibited the anti-DR2 activity of a reference anti-DR2 antiserum 8W907 and of an anti-MT1 antiserum 8W1231. Similarly, the F(ab')2 fragment obtained from serum FH, after absorption of her anti-DR4 antibody, inhibited the anti-DR4 activity of autologous and homologous antisera. These data suggest that sera of parous women contain anti-idiotypic antibodies directed against regulatory idiotypes of anti-DR antibodies.  相似文献   
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