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Densities of silver perch Bidyanus bidyanus eggs drifting in the Murray River, Australia, suggested a peak spawning time between 2100 and 0100 hours, and a propensity to drift in higher densities near shore and at the bottom of the water column. The results highlight the need to consider such spatial and temporal patterns when estimating species-specific drift abundances.  相似文献   
The chloroplast genome is now known to be more variable than was once thought. Reports of RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) and sequence variation, as well as variation in chloroplast microsatellites, are common. Here, data are presented on the variability of a minisatellite sequence in the chloroplast genome of Sorbus species. RFLP analysis of a PCR product comprising the region between the trnM and rbcL genes of nine Sorbus species identified seven size variants. Sequencing revealed the observed size polymorphism to be due to differences in the number of copies of an imperfect 9-bp motif. A more intensive survey of the variability of the minisatellite was undertaken in populations of Sorbus aucuparia. The potential uses of such regions in chloroplast DNA are discussed and a possible mechanism for the evolution of the minisatellite is presented.  相似文献   
Helicases not only catalyse the disruption of hydrogen bonding between complementary regions of nucleic acids, but also move along nucleic acid strands in a polar fashion. Here we show that the Rep52 and Rep40 proteins of adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) are required to translocate capsid-associated, single-stranded DNA genomes into preformed empty AAV-2 capsids, and that the DNA helicase function of Rep52/40 is essential for this process. Furthermore, DNase protection experiments suggest that insertion of AAV-2 genomes proceeds from the 3' end, which correlates with the 3'-->5' processivity demonstrated for the Rep52/40 helicase. A model is proposed in which capsid-immobilized helicase complexes act as molecular motors to 'pump' single-stranded DNA across the capsid boundary.  相似文献   
Ammonium regeneration by micro- (35–153 µm) andmacrozooplankton (> 153 µm) was determined in the Gulfof Maine by measuring the activity of the excretory enzyme glutamatedehydrogenase (GDH) in various size fractions. GDH maxima weregenerally observed to correspond to the depth of the chlorophyllmaximum as previously reported in the Gulf of Mexico and inthe vicinity of the Nantucket Shoals. GDH activity of the microzooplanktonwas considerably lower than the macrazooplankton, suggestingthe microzooplankton made only a minor contribution (1–11%) to the total ammonium regenerated. These results were confirmedby biomass estimates made from counts of individual species.Ammonium excretion by both zooplankton fractions was estimatedto supply 5–31 % of the nitrogen requirements for primaryproduction, with an estimated 59–63% supplied by the verticaltransport of nitrate (new nitrogen) into the euphoric zone.  相似文献   
The myelin proteolipid protein gene was characterized in jimpy mice to identify the specific mutation that produces dysmyelination, oligodendrocyte cell death, and death of the animal by 30 days of age. Exon 5 and flanking intron segments were isolated from jimpy proteolipid protein genomic clones and sequenced. A single nucleotide difference was noted between the normal and jimpy proteolipid protein genes: the conversion of an AG/GT to a GG/GT in the splice acceptor signal preceding exon 5, which apparently destroys the splice signal. Thus, exon 5 of the mouse myelin proteolipid protein gene is skipped during the processing of mRNA, producing a shortened proteolipid protein mRNA.  相似文献   
A role of the hinge protein is studied in the electron transfer reaction between cytochromes c1 and c, using highly purified "one-band" cytochrome c1 and "two-band" cytochrome c1. The results show that the hinge protein (Hp), which is essential for a stable ionic strength-sensitive c1-Hp-c complex, seems to play a certain role in electron transfer between cytochromes c1 and c; Keq for electron transfer reaction between cytochromes c1 and c in the presence of the hinge protein is found to be about 40% higher than that in the absence of the hinge protein at low ionic strength, but no difference exists at high ionic strength. We propose a hypothesis that the hinge protein may function as regulator for the electron transfer reaction between cytochromes c1 and c, and this may be at least one of the roles of the hinge protein in mitochondria.  相似文献   
We report here studies of the synthesis of lyso(bis)phosphatidic acid [L(b)PA] by normal and BCG-elicited rabbit alveolar macrophages. This study was prompted by our earlier observations that 1) alveolar macrophages did not synthesize L(b)PA de novo despite its abundance in these cells, 2) BCG-elicited cells contained only one-quarter the amount of L(b)PA as normal cells, and 3) the turnover of arachidonate in L(b)PA led to hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid and leukotriene synthesis. We found that exogenous phosphatidylglycerol (PG) was specifically converted to L(b)PA by both types of cells although BCG-elicited cells had only one-quarter the synthetic capacity of normal cells. Other phospholipids were found to become cell associated but were not significantly metabolized. Both glycerol moieties and the phosphate were incorporated into the product L(b)PA. However, substitution of the ester with an alkyl linkage in position 1 blocked the conversion of PG to L(b)PA. Most of the alkylphosphatidylglycerol was converted to phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. This result implied that catabolism of the acyl group in position 1 was essential for L(b)PA synthesis. Because alveolar macrophages are present in a surfactant-rich milieu, we suggest that surfactant provides a source of PG for macrophage synthesis of L(b)PA in situ. It is interesting that the surfactants from rabbits challenged with BCG have a significant decrease in PG content.  相似文献   
Solvation effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The availability of light, CO2 and NH4-N interacted to controlbuoyancy and growth of the gas vacuolate blue-green alga, Anabaenaflos-aquae. At high light intensities algal growth rates werehigh; however, the alga was non-buoyant regardless of the availabilityof CO2 or NH4-N. The mechanism for buoyancy loss involved increasedcell turgor pressures at higher light intensities which resultedin collapse of gas vacuoles. At lower light intensities algalgrowth rates and cell turgor pressures were reduced and buoyancywas controlled by the availability of CO2 and inorganic nitrogen.Carbon dioxide limitation increased buoyancy, while reducedinorganic nitrogen availability reduced buoyancy. Mechanismsfor buoyancy regulation at low light intensities involved changesin cellular C/N ratios which appeared to affect the rate ofsynthesis and accumulation of protein-rich gas vacuoles. Algalspecific growth rates were combined with buoyancy data to forma single index (µbloom) to the rate of surface bloom formationof A.flos-aquae as a function of the availability of light,CO2 and NH4-N. The bloom formation index was enhanced with decreasedavailability of light and CO2, and increased availability ofNH4-N.  相似文献   
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