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B. John  M. King 《Genetica》1985,66(3):183-194
The distribution of chiasmata and their relationship to the presence of fixed and polymorphic heterochromatic segments is described in seven grasshopper species. In six of these, Cryptobothrus chrysophorus, Trimerotropis bilobata, Calliptamus wattenwylianus, Arcyptera fusca, Pezotettix giorni and Acrotylus insubricus, the presence of terminally located polymorphic heterochromatic segments leads to a radical redistribution of chiasmata away from the segments to more proximal sites. Polymorphisms for proximal heterochromatic segments exist in the first three of these species and they lead to a predominance of terminally associated homologues at male meiosis. In Oxya japonica where both polymorphic and fixed blocks are present, the polymorphic blocks have a similar pronounced effect on chiasma distribution, whereas the fixed blocks have no such effect.  相似文献   
The regulatory region was sequenced for DNAs representative of seven independent isolates of JC virus, the probable agent of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. The isolates included an oncogenic variant (MAD-4), an antigenic variant (MAD-11), and two different isolates derived from the urine (MAD-7) and from the brain (MAD-8) of the same patient. The representative DNAs were molecularly cloned directly from diseased brain tissue and from human fetal glial cells infected with the corresponding isolated viruses. The regulatory sequences of these DNAs were compared with those of the prototype isolate, MAD-1, sequenced previously (R. J. Frisque, J. Virol. 46:170-176, 1983). We found that the regulatory region of JC viral DNA is highly variable due to complex alterations of the previously described 98-base-pair repeat of MAD-1 DNA. On the basis of these alterations, there are two general types of JC virus. There were no consistent alterations in regulatory sequences which could distinguish brain tissue DNAs from tissue culture DNAs. Furthermore, for each isolate except MAD-1 (R. J. Frisque, J. Virol. 46:170-176, 1983), the regulatory regions of brain tissue and tissue culture DNAs were not identical. The arrangement, sequence, or both of potential regulatory elements (TATA sequence, GGGXGGPuPu, tandem repeats) of JC viral DNAs are sufficiently different from those in other viral and eucaryotic systems that they may effect the unique properties of this slow virus.  相似文献   
Summary Maize and tomato cDNA clones have been hybridized in Southern blotting experiments to plant genomic DNA prepared from different lines to detect restriction fragment polymorphisms (RFPs). In maize we have found that a high degree of genetic variability is present, even among domestic inbred lines. Most randomly chosen maize cDNA clones can be used to detect elements of this variability. Similar levels of polymorphism are observed when genomic DNA is digested with any of a number of different restriction enzymes and probed with individual clones. When a clone is hybridized to genomic DNAs prepared from several different maize lines, a number of different alleles are often detected at a single locus. At the same time one clone can often detect more than one independently segregating locus by cross hybridization to related sequences at other loci. As expected these markers are inherited as simple codominant Mendelian alleles from one generation to the next and colinkage of these markers can be demonstrated in the progeny from a heterozygous parent. In similar studies with tomato, remarkably different results were found. Few RFPs were demonstrable among domestic Lycopersicon esculentum lines although a higher level of variability could be detected when comparing esculentum with its wild Lycopersicon relatives. These results are discussed in relation to the applied uses of RFPs in plant breeding as well as the inherent variability of different plant genomes.This work was supported in part by funds from Sandoz Ltd. (Basel, Switzerland) and its subsidiary company, Northrup King Co. (Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A.) as well as by NSF SBIR grant #BSR-8360870.  相似文献   
During 1981 and 1982, bollworm,Heliothis zea (Boddie), and tobacco budworm,H. virescens (F.), larvae (n=3,666) were collected from 41 cotton fields near Portland, Arkansas (USA) to assess the occurrence of parasitism. Three strategies were employed to controlHeliothis spp. in these fields: (1) release ofTrichogramma pretiosum Riley; (2) insecticidal control; or (3) inaction (check). Insecticide use in nonchemical control fields was reduced, but not eliminated.Heliothis spp. larvae collected in cotton had higher parasitism rates in 1981 (30.9%) and 1982 (50.1%) than had been reported for cotton since the advent of organochlorine insecticide usage. Four species of larval parasites and 1 species of larval-pupal parasite were recorded. The larval parasiteMicroplitis croceipes (Cresson) comprised 90.6% and 94.5% of all parasitic insects reared from field collectedHeliothis spp. in 1981 and 1982, respectively. No difference (P>0.05) in level of parasitism existed betweenH. zea andH. virescens. Differences between treatments occurred only in 1982 whenH. zea larvae were parasitized at a greater (P<0.05) rate in check fields (68.3%) than in insecticidal control fields (44.3%). Higher levels of larval parasitism in cotton fields may be a consequence of reduced insecticide usage and changes in materials applied, particularly the pyrethroids. Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to establish the incidence and prevalence of polymyalgia rheumatica/giant cell arteritis in general practice. Patients with this disorder, whether previously diagnosed or not, were ascertained by using a questionnaire administered by interview, and all received full clinical and laboratory assessment. A total of 579 patients aged 65 and over was seen, and 19 (33/1000) had been diagnosed or developed symptoms within the previous eight years. Thus the calculated annual incidence in those aged 65 and over was about 4/1000. The figures from this first large scale study of polymyalgia rheumatica/giant cell arteritis in general practice are much higher than those from studies carried out in hospital. The questionnaire was effective in both identifying known cases of polymyalgia rheumatica/giant cell arteritis and detecting new cases. As this is a treatable disorder, it is important that doctors become aware of how common it is in elderly people.  相似文献   
The amoeboid locomotion of Acanthamoeba castellanii has been studied by observation of individual cells moving on a planar glass substratum. Cell-substratum interactions involved in traction have been observed by reflexion interference microscopy. A variable part of the ventral surface of A. castellanii formed a protean platform, the 'associated contact', from which filopodia were subtended; these established stable, focal adhesions (approximately 0.4 micron diameter) on the substratum beneath. Surprisingly, acanthopodia, a prominent feature of this protozoon, did not play an obvious role in traction. The dimensions of the cell-substratum gap in the associated contact could be modulated by the concentration of ambient electrolyte. Dilution of electrolyte from 50 mM-KC1 to 2mM resulted in (i) an increase in the cell-substratum gap, (ii) a marked decrease in cell motility, (iii) reduced cell adhesion to glass.  相似文献   
The protein products of three adjacent P22 genes, 4, 10 and 26, are required for the stabilization of DNA newly packaged into P22 phage capsids. We have isolated unstable DNA containing capsids from cells infected with mutants defective in these genes. All three classes could be converted into mature phage in vitro, confirming that they represent intermediates in particle maturation. The first of the three proteins to add to the newly filled capsids is gp4, followed by gp10 and gp26. The active form of gp4 sediments at 3 S, while the active forms of both gp10 and gp26 sediment at 5 S. These soluble subunits appear to polymerize onto the newly filled capsids to form the neck of the mature phage, the channel for DNA injection. Since gp4 is the first protein to act after DNA packaging, the unstable DNA containing capsids from 4- -infected cells must represent the direct product of the packaging of DNA into procapsids. The major fraction of these capsids lost activity with a half-life of 1.1 minutes at 23 degrees C, though they were much more stable at 0 degree C. Electron microscopic observations indicated that the loss of activity was due to the DNA exiting from the incomplete capsids. The marginal stability of the condensed DNA molecules within capsids is consistent with models of ATP-driven condensation and spontaneous DNA ejection. The basis of the stability of these highly condensed molecules remains to be determined.  相似文献   
The consequences of a decreased O2 supply to a contracting canine gastrocnemius muscle preparation were investigated during two forms of hypoxia: hypoxic hypoxia (HH) (n = 6) and CO hypoxia (COH) (n = 6). Muscle O2 uptake, blood flow, O2 extraction, and developed tension were measured at rest and at 1 twitch/s isometric contractions in normoxia and in hypoxia. No differences were observed between the two groups at rest. During contractions and hypoxia, however, O2 uptake decreased from the normoxic level in the COH group but not in the HH group. Blood flow increased in both groups during hypoxia, but more so in the COH group. O2 extraction increased further with hypoxia (P less than 0.05) during concentrations in the HH group but actually fell (P less than 0.05) in the COH group. The O2 uptake limitation during COH and contractions was associated with a lesser O2 extraction. The leftward shift in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve during COH may have impeded tissue O2 extraction. Other factors, however, such as decreased myoglobin function or perfusion heterogeneity must have contributed to the inability to utilize the O2 reserve more fully.  相似文献   
Body weight gain and shank-toe growth during a 26-day treatment period following hypophysectomy were 55 and 46%, respectively, of control values, but the body weight gain was unaffected and bone growth only slightly reduced when the hypophysectomized chickens were fed a low dose of corticosterone (5 ppm). Bovine growth hormone (0.5 mg GH/kg body wt/day for 18 days) enhanced body weight gain and shank-toe length increase (an estimate of bone growth) by 46 and 33%, respectively, compared to the growth of hypophysectomized chickens receiving only corticosterone. These same endpoints were increased approximately 24% after ovine growth hormone treatment in hypophysectomized chickens not receiving corticosterone. Body weight gain during 18 days of treatment with bovine prolactin (0.5 mg PRL/kg/day) was 27% greater than the value for corticosterone-treated hypophysectomized chickens, but bone growth was unaffected. The mammalian GH preparations increased heart weight of the hypophysectomized chickens (25-29%), but pectoralis muscle weight was unaffected. GH treatment enhanced thymal weights by 71% in corticosterone-treated hypophysectomized chickens, and by 93% in hypophysectomized animals not receiving corticosterone. GH had no significant effect on bursal weights, and PRL had no effect on either of these lymphoid organ weights in corticosterone-treated hypophysectomized chickens. GH increased liver and adipose tissue weights considerably more than the large increases that followed treatment of hypophysectomized chickens with corticosterone alone (69 and 126% greater, respectively), but had no effect on these endpoints in hypophysectomized chickens not receiving corticosterone. PRL also greatly increased liver and adipose tissue weights in corticosterone-treated hypophysectomized chickens (79 and 75%, respectively). These results provide evidence that mammalian GH enhances body weight gain, bone growth, and the growth of several organs in the hypophysectomized chicken. Mammalian PRL increased body weight gain, liver weight, and adipose tissue weight in corticosterone-treated hypophysectomized chickens, but did not influence bone growth or the weights of the heart, pectoralis, thymi, or bursa.  相似文献   
Summary Eleven families with X-linked dominant hypophosphataemic rickets (HPDR) have been typed for a series of X chromosome markers. Linkage with probe 99.6 (DXS41) was demonstrated with a peak lod score of 4.82 at 10% recombination. Multilocus linkage analysis showed that HPDR maps distal to 99.6; this probe has previously been located at Xp22.31-p21.3 by in situ hybridisation. In the mouse hypophosphataemia (Hyp) maps to the distal part of the X chromosome; our location in man is consistent with a scheme which relates the mouse and human X chromosomes by two rearrangements. No marker has yet been found which shows no recombination with HPDR.  相似文献   
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