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Adult females of the mantis, Tenodera angustipennis, were presented with a wriggling model, consisting of six circular spots positioned in a row horizontally and adjacently. During presentation, this model wriggled like a worm by moving some spots. When the motion of the model was small (the number of moving spots ≤2), the mantis sometimes stalked the model with peering movements but seldom struck it. When the motion was large (the number of moving spots ≥3), the mantis frequently fixated, rapidly approached, and struck the model. These results suggest that the mantis changes its approach behavior depending on the amount of prey motion. Disappearance of some terminal spots at the stationary end hardly affected the rates of fixation, peering, and strike. The model that wriggled at each end elicited lower rates of fixation and strike than the model that wriggled at one end. These results suggest that the mantis responds to only the fastest moving part of the wriggling model when the motion of the model is large. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Cell lysates prepared from 3T3-L1 cells were analyzed by western blotting using the avidin-biotin complex system and anti-Bax antibody. The antibody interacted with bands of proteins with estimated molecular weights of 120, 74, 72, and 25 kDa. However, only the 25-kDa band was detected with the anti-Bax antibody when the direct immunoblotting method was used. Peroxidase-conjugated avidin interacted with the 120-, 74-, and 72-kDa bands. This interaction was not limited to 3T3-L1 cells, because peroxidase-avidin also interacted with these three proteins in MC3T3-E1, YROS, Saos-2, MG63, SCCKN, and SCCTF cells although the staining intensity was different in each cell type. Avidin-peroxidase also interacted with these three proteins in the mitochondria-containing fractions prepared from 3T3-L1 cells. FITC-streptavidin was also localized in mitochondria in the cultured cells. The localization of avidin/streptavidin-interacting proteins in mitochondria was confirmed by using double staining with FITC-streptavidin and Mito-tracker.  相似文献   
Abe H  Shimma Y  Jigami Y 《Glycobiology》2003,13(2):87-95
A glycosyltransferase was fused to the yeast cell wall protein Pir, which forms the Pir1-4 protein family and is incorporated into the cell wall by an unknown linkage to be displayed at the yeast cell surface. We first expressed the PIR1-HA-gma12+ fusion, in which gma12+ encodes alpha-1,2-galactosyltransferase from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe under the Saccharomyces cerevisiae GAPDH promoter. The alpha-1,2-galactosyltransferase activity was detected at the surface of the intact cells that produce Pir1-HA-Gma12 fusion. To further demonstrate sequential oligosaccharide synthesis, two plasmids containing PIR1-HA-KRE2 and PIR2-FLAG-MNN1 fusion genes were constructed in which KRE2 and MNN1 encode alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase and alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase from S. cerevisiae, respectively. The intact yeast cells transformed with these two plasmids added mannoses initially with an alpha-1,2 linkage and subsequently with an alpha-1,3 linkage to the alpha-1,2-mannobiose acceptor in the presence of a GDP-mannose donor, demonstrating that Pir1 and Pir2 can be used as anchors to simultaneously immobilize several glycosyltransferases at the yeast cell surface. Based on the high acceptor specificity of glycosyltransferases, we propose a simple in vitro method for oligosaccharide synthesis using the yeast intact cell as a biocatalyst.  相似文献   
To develop a drug delivery system for acute hepatic injury, we prepared Z-Asp, a general caspase inhibitor, encapsulated in poly (DL-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (50:50) (mol/mol) nanoparticles bearing poly-(N-p-vinylbenzyl-O--d-galactopyranosyl-[1-4]-d-gluconamide) (PVLA) on their surface. These nanoparticles specifically interacted with the primary cultured hepatocytes via the asialoglycoprotein receptors on surface and effectively inhibited the fulminant hepatic cell death induced by anti-mouse Fas antibody while these particles did not affect the cell death of an asialoglycoprotein receptor null cell line, A20. These nanoparticles are thus a promising therapy for acute liver injury.  相似文献   
Glutamine production with bacterial glutamine synthetase (GS) and the sugar-fermenting system of baker’s yeast for ATP regeneration was investigated by determining the product yield obtained with the energy source for ATP regeneration (i.e., glucose) for yeast fermentation. Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate was accumulated temporarily prior to the formation of glutamine in mixtures which consisted of dried yeast cells, GS, their substrate (glucose and glutamate and ammonia), inorganic phosphate, and cofactors. By an increase in the amounts of GS and inorganic phosphate, the amounts of glutamine formed increased to 19 to 54 g/liter, with a yield increase of 69 to 72% based on the energy source (glucose) for ATP regeneration. The analyses of sugar fermentation of the yeast in the glutamine-producing mixtures suggested that the apparent hydrolysis of ATP by a futile cycle(s) at the early stage of glycolysis in the yeast cells reduces the efficiency of ATP utilization. Inorganic phosphate inhibits phosphatase(s) and thus improves glutamine yield. However, the analyses of GS activity in the glutamine-producing mixtures suggested that the higher concentration of inorganic phosphate as well as the limited amount of ATP-ADP caused the low reactivity of GS in the glutamine-producing mixtures. A result suggestive of improved glutamine yield under the conditions with lower concentrations of inorganic phosphate was obtained by using a yeast mutant strain that had low assimilating ability for glycerol and ethanol. In the mutant, the activity of the enzymes involved in gluconeogenesis, especially fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase, was lower than that in the wild-type strain.  相似文献   
Isoamyl acetate is synthesized from isoamyl alcohol and acetyl coenzyme A by alcohol acetyltransferase (AATFase) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and is hydrolyzed by esterases at the same time. We hypothesized that the balance of both enzyme activities was important for optimum production of isoamyl acetate in sake brewing. To test this hypothesis, we constructed yeast strains with different numbers of copies of the AATFase gene (ATF1) and the isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase gene (IAH1) and used these strains in small-scale sake brewing. Fermentation profiles as well as components of the resulting sake were largely alike; however, the amount of isoamyl acetate in the sake increased with an increasing ratio of AATFase/Iah1p esterase activity. Therefore, we conclude that the balance of these two enzyme activities is important for isoamyl acetate accumulation in sake mash.  相似文献   
Glutamine production with bacterial glutamine synthetase (GS) and the sugar-fermenting system of baker’s yeast for ATP regeneration was investigated by determining the product yield obtained with the energy source for ATP regeneration (i.e., glucose) for yeast fermentation. Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate was accumulated temporarily prior to the formation of glutamine in mixtures which consisted of dried yeast cells, GS, their substrate (glucose and glutamate and ammonia), inorganic phosphate, and cofactors. By an increase in the amounts of GS and inorganic phosphate, the amounts of glutamine formed increased to 19 to 54 g/liter, with a yield increase of 69 to 72% based on the energy source (glucose) for ATP regeneration. The analyses of sugar fermentation of the yeast in the glutamine-producing mixtures suggested that the apparent hydrolysis of ATP by a futile cycle(s) at the early stage of glycolysis in the yeast cells reduces the efficiency of ATP utilization. Inorganic phosphate inhibits phosphatase(s) and thus improves glutamine yield. However, the analyses of GS activity in the glutamine-producing mixtures suggested that the higher concentration of inorganic phosphate as well as the limited amount of ATP-ADP caused the low reactivity of GS in the glutamine-producing mixtures. A result suggestive of improved glutamine yield under the conditions with lower concentrations of inorganic phosphate was obtained by using a yeast mutant strain that had low assimilating ability for glycerol and ethanol. In the mutant, the activity of the enzymes involved in gluconeogenesis, especially fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase, was lower than that in the wild-type strain.Glutamine is one of the most important compounds in nitrogen metabolism; it is not only a constituent of proteins but is also a donor of the amino (amido) moiety in the biosynthesis of other amino acids, purines, pyrimidines, pyridine coenzymes, and complex carbohydrates. Glutamine is also used in the treatment of gastric ulcers and has been produced commercially by direct fermentation with certain bacteria (610).In recent years, enzymatic synthesis has come to rival direct fermentation as a means of producing amino acids. In the case of glutamine, however, the need for a stoichiometric supply of ATP for the endoergonic reaction of glutamine synthetase (GS) precludes the development of an economically valuable method, unless ATP can be regenerated and recycled.Processes for the production of various substances using dried yeast cells as an enzyme source were established by Tochikura and colleagues (2, 4, 16, 1820). The processes are driven by the chemical energy of ATP released by the alcoholic fermentation by the yeast, which has been wasted in alcoholic brewing (17). Tochikura and colleagues also designed a process in which the yeast fermentation of sugar is combined with an endoergonic reaction catalyzed by an enzyme from a different microorganism (3). The results suggest that the process offers the possibility of producing many compounds at a high yield by using various biosynthetic reactions and high concentrations of substrates. Tochikura et al. introduced the general idea of coupled fermentation with energy transfer for the process; its principle is indicated in Fig. Fig.1,1, with glutamine production as an example. Open in a separate windowFIG. 1Scheme of glutamine production by the coupled fermentation with energy transfer method. ∗1, glycolytic pathway is abridged. ∗2, inorganic phosphate (Pi) is recycled.In the process of coupled fermentation with energy transfer, a catalytic amount of ATP is regenerated with the energy of sugar fermented by yeast, in the form of baker’s yeast (4, 16, 18, 19, 23). The energy-utilizing system for the synthesis can involve the enzyme(s) of yeast itself or those of other organisms. It should be noted that, from another point of view, the use of the energy-utilizing system results in ADP regeneration to complete the fermentation of glucose, and that, if there is no ADP regeneration, the yeast fermentation of sugar can proceed only as follows, in the presence of inorganic phosphate (the Harden-Young effect of inorganic phosphate [1]), 2 · glucose + 2 · inorganic phosphate → fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) + 2 · C2H5OH + 2 · CO2 (Harden-Young equation), where ADP regeneration for the fermentation of 1 mol of glucose is carried out by the phosphorylation of another mole of glucose to FBP.We previously reported glutamine production, obtained by employing a combination of baker’s yeast cells and GS from Gluconobacter suboxydans, as the first application of the coupled fermentation with energy transfer method for the production of a nonphosphorylated compound (12, 13). In addition, we achieved high-yield glutamine production by using the Corynebacterium glutamicum (Micrococcus glutamicus) enzyme and larger amounts of the substrates (15). The maximum amounts of glutamine formed (23 to 25 g/liter) and the yield based on glutamate (50 to 100%) were to some extent satisfactory, but the yield based on the energy source (glucose) for ATP regeneration was not satisfactory (about 40% of the theoretical value; 2 mol of glutamine can be formed when 1 mol of glucose is consumed).In the present study, we examined the characteristics of glutamine production regarding product yield based on the energy source for ATP regeneration and regarding the reactivity of GS during glutamine production, which is closely related to the product yield. The results of preliminary attempts to improve glutamine production are also described. In these experiments, a yeast mutant which has a low assimilating ability for glycerol and/or ethanol was used.  相似文献   
The handling of hepatocytes, a major cell population in the liver, is an important technique in both liver tissue engineering and hepatology. However, these cells are so fragile that it has been impossible to harvest hepatocytes with high viability from tissue culture dishes after a period of culture in vitro. In this study, we employed an artificial substrate for transfection of multilayer hepatocytes and harvested these cells with high viability after transfection. Hepatocytes cultured on an amphiphilic artificial substrate form multilayer aggregates (spheroids) in the presence of growth factors during gene transfection with cation liposomes. Compared to cells cultured on a collagen-coated plate, these spheroids are easily harvested with high viability by pipetting in EDTA solution. In addition, these spheroids rapidly spread on collagen after transfer from the artificial substrate, demonstrating that hepatocytes in the center of the spheroids were viable. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) increased the transfection efficiency into hepatocytes while hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) alone did not increase the efficiency. However, HGF synergestically increased the effect of EGF on transfection. Interestingly, this transfection required the process of spheroid formation because the gene was not transfected once the spheroid formation completed or under conditions where hepatocytes did not form spheroids. This method using spheroidal hepatocytes for in vitro transfection is promising for the development of ex vivo gene therapy.  相似文献   
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