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Summary The XmnI genotype at the apolipoprotein A-I locus was heterozygous in a boy with partial deletion of the long arm of chromosome 11, del(11)(q23.3qter). The apolipoprotein A-I gene, previously assigned to chromosome region 11q23q24, has been more specifically localized to 11q23 by excluding the region 11q24qter.  相似文献   
Sexual cell division and activation of gametangial cells forconjugation in Closterium acerosum were induced by light. L200cells conjugated at maximum level under the following conditions;(i) a light intensity higher than 1,000 lux in a 16-hr lightand 8-hr dark regime and (ii) an illumination time longer than12 hr at 3,000 lux. L200 cells also conjugated under continuousillumination at 3,000 lux. The action spectrum for the activation of gametangial cellshad peaks around 450, 611 and 665 nm. 3-(4'-Chlorophenyl)-l,l-dimethylurea (CMU) inhibited the accumulationof carbohydrates and sexual cell division at 10–5 M andthe activation of gametangial cells for conjugation at 10–4M. (Received August 15, 1977; )  相似文献   
Dietary carotenoids are absorbed in the intestine and delivered to various tissues by circulating lipoproteins; however, the mechanism underlying selective delivery of different carotenoid species to individual tissues remains elusive. The products of the Yellow cocoon (C) gene and the Flesh (F) gene of the silkworm Bombyx mori determine the selectivity for transport of lutein and β-carotene, respectively, to the silk gland. We previously showed that the C gene encodes Cameo2, a CD36 family member, which is thought to function as a transmembrane lipoprotein receptor. Here, we elucidated the molecular identity of the F gene product by positional cloning, as SCRB15, a paralog of Cameo2 with 26% amino acid identity. In the F mutant, SCRB15 mRNA structure was severely disrupted, due to a 1.4 kb genomic insertion in a coding exon. Transgenic expression of SCRB15 in the middle silk gland using the binary GAL4-UAS expression system enhanced selective β-carotene uptake by the middle silk gland, while transgenic expression of Cameo2 enhanced selective lutein uptake under the same GAL4 driver. Our findings indicate that divergence of genes in the CD36 family determines the selectivity of carotenoid species uptake by silk gland tissue and that CD36-homologous proteins can discriminate among carotenoid species.  相似文献   
Increasing evidence reveals the carcinogenicity of UVA radiation. We demonstrated that UVA-irradiated NADH induced damage to (32)P-labeled DNA fragments obtained from the p53 gene in the presence of Cu(II). Formamidopyrimidine glycosylase (Fpg)-sensitive lesions were formed at guanine residues, whereas piperidine-labile lesions occurred frequently at thymine residues. Formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG), upon UVA exposure in the presence of Cu(II), increased depending on NADH concentration. Catalase and bathocuproine, a Cu(I)-specific chelator, inhibited the DNA damage, suggesting the involvement of reactive species derived from H(2)O(2) and Cu(I). UVA-irradiated riboflavin induced DNA cleavage through electron transfer at 5' guanine of the 5'-GG-3' sequence with both Fpg and piperidine treatments; Fpg induced less cleavage at the guanine residues than piperidine. These results imply that NADH may participate as an endogenous photosensitizer in UVA carcinogenesis via H(2)O(2) generation, producing metal-mediated mutagenic lesions such as 8-oxodG.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas putida IFO13696, a recombinant strain with dsz desulfurization genes, desulfurized dibenzothiophene (DBT) in water but not in n-tetradecane. By introducing into this recombinant strain the hcuABC genes that take part in the uptake of DBT in the oil phase into the cell, 82% of 1 mM DBT in n-tetradecane was degraded in 24 h by resting cells. The products of hcuABC genes thus acted in the uptake of DBT in n-tetradecane into the cells and were effective in desulfurization of DBT in the hydrocarbon phase.  相似文献   
The neurogenic gene Drosophilabig brain (bib) has a high sequence homology to aquaporin-4. However, its cellular functions in Drosophila neurogenesis have remained elusive. Here we investigated cell adhesion, and the ion and water permeability of Bib. The adhesive function was examined by a cell aggregation assay using L cells. Bib-transfected L cells formed aggregated clusters, while control-L cells remained as a single cell suspension. Ion permeation was not confirmed in L cells stably expressing Bib. When expressed in COS7 cells, Bib exhibited limited water permeability. This newly found cell adhesive function of Bib may be important for Drosophila neurogenesis.  相似文献   
In aflatoxin biosynthesis, the pathway for the conversion of 1-hydroxyversicolorone to versiconal hemiacetal acetate (VHA) to versiconal (VHOH) is part of a metabolic grid. In the grid, the steps from VHA to VHOH and from versiconol acetate (VOAc) to versiconol (VOH) may be catalyzed by the same esterase. Several esterase activities are associated with the conversion of VHA to VHOH, but only one esterase gene (estA) is present in the complete aflatoxin gene cluster of Aspergillus parasiticus. We deleted the estA gene from A. parasiticus SRRC 2043, an O-methylsterigmatocystin (OMST)-accumulating strain. The estA-deleted mutants were pigmented and accumulated mainly VHA and versicolorin A (VA). A small amount of VOAc and other downstream aflatoxin intermediates, including VHOH, versicolorin B, and OMST, also were accumulated. In contrast, a VA-accumulating mutant, NIAH-9, accumulated VA exclusively and neither VHA nor VOAc were produced. Addition of the esterase inhibitor dichlorvos (dimethyl 2,2-dichlorovinylphosphate) to the transformation recipient strain RHN1, an estA-deleted mutant, or NIAH-9 resulted in the accumulation of only VHA and VOAc. In in vitro enzyme assays, the levels of the esterase activities catalyzing the conversion of VHA to VHOH in the cell extracts of two estA-deleted mutants were decreased to approximately 10% of that seen with RHN1. Similar decreases in the esterase activities catalyzing the conversion of VOAc to VOH were also obtained. Thus, the estA-encoded esterase catalyzes the conversion of both VHA to VHOH and VOAc to VOH during aflatoxin biosynthesis.  相似文献   
The testis is one of several immune-privileged organs and is known for its unique ability to support allogeneic or xenogeneic tissue transplants. We investigated the possibility of deriving offspring from mice that underwent transplantation with allogeneic male germ line stem cells in the testis. Although mature adult mice rejected allogeneic germ cells and were infertile, offspring were obtained by intracytoplasmic germ cell injection using partially differentiated donor cells. In contrast, complete spermatogenesis occurred when allogeneic germ cells were transplanted into immature pup testes. Tolerance induction by monoclonal antibody administration allowed the pup transplant recipients to produce allogeneic offspring by natural mating, whereas no spermatozoa were found in the epididymis of untreated recipients. Thus, these results indicate that a histoincompatible recipient can serve as a "surrogate father" to propagate the genetic information of heterologous male donors.  相似文献   
Although it is widely assumed that the cell type and genotype of the donor cell affect the efficiency of somatic cell cloning, little systematic analysis has been done to verify this assumption. The present study was undertaken to examine whether donor cell type, donor genotype, or a combination thereof increased the efficiency of mouse cloning. Initially we assessed the developmental ability of embryos that were cloned from cumulus or immature Sertoli cells with six different genotypes (i.e., 2 x 6 factorial). Significantly better cleavage rates were obtained with cumulus cells than with Sertoli cells (P < 0.005, two-way ANOVA), which probably was due to the superior cell-cycle synchrony of cumulus cells at G0/G1. After embryo transfer, there was a significant effect of cell type on the birth rate, with Sertoli cells giving the better result (P < 0.005). Furthermore, there was a significant interaction (P < 0.05) between the cell type and genotype, which indicates that cloning efficiency is determined by a combination of these two factors. The highest mean birth rate (10.8 +/- 2.1%) was obtained with (B6 x 129)F1 Sertoli cells. In the second series of experiments, we examined whether the developmental ability of clones with the wild-type genotype (JF1) was improved when combined with the 129 genotype. Normal pups were cloned from cumulus and immature Sertoli cells of the (129 x JF1)F1 and (JF1 x 129)F1 genotypes, whereas no pups were born from cells with the (B6 x JF1)F1 genotype. The present study clearly demonstrates that the efficiency of somatic cell cloning, and in particular fetal survival after embryo transfer, may be improved significantly by choosing the appropriate combinations of cell type and genotype.  相似文献   
Mammals possess two anatomically and functionally distinct olfactory systems. The olfactory epithelium (OE) detects volatile odorants, while the vomeronasal organ (VNO) detects pheromones that elicit innate reproductive and social behavior within a species. In rodent VNO, three multigene families that encode the putative pheromone receptors, V1Rs, V2Rs and V3Rs, have been expressed. We have identified the V1R homologue genes from goat genomic DNA (gV1R genes). Deduced amino acid sequences of gV1R genes show 40-50% and 20-25% identity to those of rat and mouse V1R and V3R genes, respectively, suggesting that the newly isolated goat receptor genes are members of the V1R gene family. One gene (gV1R1 gene) has an open reading frame that encodes a polypeptide of 309 amino acids. It is expressed not only in VNO but also in OE. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that gV1R1 -expressing cells were localized in neuropithelial layers of VNO and OE. These results suggest that the goat may detect pheromone molecules through two distinct olfactory organs.  相似文献   
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