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Axillary meristems, which give rise to branches and flowers, play a critical role in plant architecture and reproduction. To understand how axillary meristems initiate, we have screened for mutants with defects in axillary meristem initiation to uncover the genes controlling this process. These mutants, called the barren class of mutants in maize (Zea mays), have defects in axillary meristem initiation during both vegetative and reproductive development. Here, we identify and characterize a new member of the barren class of mutants named Developmental disaster1 (Dvd1), due to the pleiotropic effects of the mutation. Similar to the barren mutants, Dvd1 mutants have fewer branches, spikelets, florets, and floral organs in the inflorescence due to defects in the initiation of axillary meristems. Furthermore, double mutant analysis with teosinte branched1 shows that dvd1 also functions in axillary meristems during vegetative development. However, unlike the barren mutants, Dvd1 mutants are semidwarf due to the production of shorter internodes, and they produce leaves in the inflorescence due to the outgrowth of bract leaf primordia. The suite of defects seen in Dvd1 mutants, together with the genetic interaction of Dvd1 with barren inflorescence2, suggests that dvd1 is a novel regulator of axillary meristem and internode development.  相似文献   
  1. Most of the world's large rivers are dammed for the purposes of water storage, flood control, and power production. Damming rivers fundamentally alters water temperature and flows in tailwater ecosystems, which in turn affects the presence and abundance of downstream biota.
  2. We collaborated with more than 200 citizen scientists to collect 2,194 light trap samples across 2 years and more than 2,000 river km. Samples contained 16,222 net‐spinning caddisfly (Hydropsyche) individuals across six species. We used these data to model the distribution of Hydropsyche throughout the Colorado River Basin in the western U.S.A. to identify the roles of water temperature, flows, and species‐specific morphology in determining aquatic species distributions throughout a large arid watershed that has been heavily altered by damming.
  3. We predicted that water temperatures would determine Hydropsyche presence and abundance to a greater extent than diel variation in river stage associated with hydropower production. Among many species, adult female Hydropsychids are morphologically adapted to swim to deep‐water oviposition sites. We predicted that the presence of this ability would negate the otherwise deleterious effects of high stage change on caddisfly egg mortality.
  4. We found that distributions of the two most widespread species, Hydropsyche occidentalis and Hydropsyche oslari (92% of total Hydropsyche captured), were both predicted by water temperatures. However, we also found that the abundance of H. oslari decreased by as much as 10‐fold as diel stage change increased, despite the presence of female morphological adaptations for deep‐water oviposition. We found sexual dimorphism and evidence for deep‐water swimming adaptations in 5/6 species.
  5. Our results show that net‐spinning caddisflies have species‐specific responses to environmental variation and suggest that environmental flows designed to reduce diel stage change and destabilise water temperatures may improve habitat quality for these ubiquitous and important aquatic insects.
Ethanol exposure inhibits protein synthesis and causes cell death in the developing central nervous system. The double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-activated protein kinase (PKR), a serine/threonine protein kinase, plays an important role in translational regulation and cell survival. PKR has been well known for its anti-viral response. Upon activation by viral infection or dsRNA, PKR phosphorylates its substrate, the alpha-subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation factor-2 (eIF2alpha) leading to inhibition of translation initiation. It has recently been shown that, in the absence of a virus or dsRNA, PKR can be activated by direct interactions with its protein activators, PACT, or its mouse homologue, RAX. We have demonstrated that exposure to ethanol increased the phosphorylation of PKR and eIF2alpha in the developing cerebellum. The effect of ethanol on PKR/eIF2alpha phosphorylation positively correlated to the expression of PACT/RAX in cultured neuronal cells. Using PKR inhibitors and PKR null mouse fibroblasts, we verified that ethanol-induced eIF2alpha phosphorylation was mediated by PKR. Overexpression of a wild-type RAX dramatically enhanced sensitivity to ethanol-induced PKR/eIF2alpha phosphorylation, as well as translational inhibition and cell death. In contrast, overexpression of a mutant (S18A) RAX inhibited ethanol-mediated PKR/eIF2alpha activation. Ethanol promoted PKR and RAX association in cells expressing wild-type RAX but not in cells expressing S18A RAX. S18A RAX functioned as a dominant negative protein and blocked ethanol-induced inhibition of protein synthesis and cell death. Our results suggest that the interactions between PKR and PACT/RAX modulate the effect of ethanol on protein synthesis and cell survival in the central nervous system.  相似文献   
Although methanogenic archaea use B(12) extensively as a methyl carrier for methanogenesis, little is known about B(12) metabolism in these prokaryotes or any other archaea. To improve our understanding of how B(12) metabolism differs between bacteria and archaea, the gene encoding the ATP:co(I)rrinoid adenosyltransferase in Methanosarcina mazei strain G?1 (open reading frame MM3138, referred to as cobA(Mm) here) was cloned and used to restore coenzyme B(12) synthesis in a Salmonella enterica strain lacking the housekeeping CobA enzyme. cobA(Mm) protein was purified and its initial biochemical analysis performed. In vitro, the activity is enhanced 2.5-fold by the addition of Ca(2+) ions, but the activity was not enhanced by Mg(2+) and, unlike the S. enterica CobA enzyme, it was >50% inhibited by Mn(2+). The CobA(Mm) enzyme had a K(m)(ATP) of 3 microM and a K(m)(HOCbl) of 1 microM. Unlike the S. enterica enzyme, CobA(Mm) used cobalamin (Cbl) as a substrate better than cobinamide (Cbi; a Cbl precursor); the beta phosphate of ATP was required for binding to the enzyme. A striking difference between CobA(Se) and CobA(Mm) was the use of ADP as a substrate by CobA(Mm), suggesting an important role for the gamma phosphate of ATP in binding. The results from (31)P-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy experiments showed that triphosphate (PPP(i)) is the reaction by-product; no cleavage of PPP(i) was observed, and the enzyme was only slightly inhibited by pyrophosphate (PP(i)). The data suggested substantial variations in ATP binding and probably corrinoid binding between CobA(Se) and CobA(Mm) enzymes.  相似文献   
To assemble a bipolar spindle, microtubules emanating from two poles must bundle into an antiparallel midzone, where plus end–directed motors generate outward pushing forces to drive pole separation. Midzone cross-linkers and motors display only modest preferences for antiparallel filaments, and duplicated poles are initially tethered together, an arrangement that instead favors parallel interactions. Pivoting of microtubules around spindle poles might help overcome this geometric bias, but the intrinsic pivoting flexibility of the microtubule–pole interface has not been directly measured, nor has its importance during early spindle assembly been tested. By measuring the pivoting of microtubules around isolated yeast spindle poles, we show that pivoting flexibility can be modified by mutating a microtubule-anchoring pole component, Spc110. By engineering mutants with different flexibilities, we establish the importance of pivoting in vivo for timely pole separation. Our results suggest that passive thermal pivoting can bring microtubules from side-by-side poles into initial contact, but active minus end–directed force generation will be needed to achieve antiparallel alignment.  相似文献   
Using an approach based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR), we examined the diversity of polyketide synthase (PKS) genes present in 160 marine fungal isolates, representing 142 species. We obtained ketosynthase (KS) domain PCR products from 99 fungal isolates, representing Dothideomycetes, Sordariomycetes, Eurotiomycetes, and incertae sedis. Sequence similarity searches and phylogenetic analysis of 29 marine partial-KS-encoding sequences revealed domains predicted to encode reducing, nonreducing, and 6-methylsalicylic acid PKSs. Bioinformatic analysis of an alignment of the KS sequences from marine-derived fungi revealed no unique motifs in this region. However, several specificity-determining positions were apparent between fungal 6-methylsalicylic acid PKSs as compared with either reducing or nonreducing PKSs. Evaluation of these positions in the context of a modelled three-dimensional protein structure highlighted their potential use as PKS classification markers. Evaluating primer-binding sites was necessary to obtain KS domain fragments from putative PKSs while maintaining a level of sequence information adequate to properly classify and characterize them.  相似文献   
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of dietary calcium or dairy product intake on total energy expenditure (TEE), fat oxidation, and thermic effect of a meal (TEM) during a weight loss trial. Methods and Procedures: The intervention included a prescribed 500‐kcal deficit diet in a randomized placebo‐controlled calcium or dairy product intervention employing twenty‐four 18 to 31‐year‐old (22.2 ± 3.1 years, mean ± s.d.) overweight women (75.5 ± 9.6 kg). TEM and fat oxidation were measured using respiratory gas exchange after a meal challenge, and TEE was measured by doubly labeled water. Fat mass (FM) and lean mass (fat‐free mass (FFM)) were measured by dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry. Subjects were randomized into one of these three intervention groups: (i) placebo (<800 mg/day calcium intake); (ii) 900 mg/day calcium supplement; (iii) three servings of dairy products/day to achieve an additional 900 mg/day. Results: There were no group effects observed in change in TEE; however, a group effect was observed for fat oxidation after adjusting for FFM (P = 0.02). The treatment effect was due to an increase in fat oxidation in the calcium‐supplemented group of 1.5 ± 0.6 g/h, P = 0.02. Baseline 25‐hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) was positively correlated with TEM (R = 0.31, P = 0.004), and trended toward a correlation with fat oxidation (P = 0.06), independent of group assignment. Finally, the change in log parathyroid hormone (PTH) was positively correlated with the change in trunk FM (R = 0.27, P = 0.03). Discussion: These results support that calcium intake increases fat oxidation, but does not change TEE and that adequate vitamin D status may enhance TEM and fat oxidation.  相似文献   
Syngnathia (bony fusion of the upper and lower jaw) is a rare human congenital condition, with fewer than sixty cases reported in the literature. Syngnathia typically presents as part of a complex syndrome comprising widespread oral and maxillofacial anomalies, but it can also occur in isolation. Most cartilage, bone, and connective tissue of the head and face is derived from neural crest cells. Hence, congenital craniofacial anomalies are often attributed to defects in neural crest cell formation, survival, migration, or differentiation. The etiology and pathogenesis of syngnathia however remains unknown. Here, we report that Foxc1 null embryos display bony syngnathia together with defects in maxillary and mandibular structures, and agenesis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). In the absence of Foxc1, neural crest cell derived osteogenic patterning is affected, as osteoblasts develop ectopically in the maxillary prominence and fuse with the dentary bone. Furthermore, we observed that the craniofacial musculature is also perturbed in Foxc1 null mice, which highlights the complex tissue interactions required for proper jaw development. We present evidence that Foxc1 and Fgf8 genetically interact and that Fgf8 dosage is associated with variation in the syngnathic phenotype. Together our data demonstrates that Foxc1 – Fgf8 signaling regulates mammalian jaw patterning and provides a mechanistic basis for the pathogenesis of syngnathia. Furthermore, our work provides a framework for understanding jaw patterning and the etiology of other congenital craniofacial anomalies, including temporomandibular joint agenesis.  相似文献   
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