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The application of a commercially available coulometric electrochemical detector to the automated HPLC analysis of some monoamines and their metabolites in microdissected areas of the rat nervous system is described. Apart from the stability and high sensitivity of the system, other appealing features of the technique are the facile sample preparation and long-term sample storage characteristics which show minimal analyte degradation. Basal values of some regional monoamine and metabolite concentration are listed together with a brief appendix that serves as a user's guide to the operation and maintenance of the detection system.  相似文献   
Unusual DNA structures in the adenovirus genome   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
More than 80% (approximately 29 kilobase pairs) of the adenovirus serotype 2 genome was surveyed for the presence of unusual DNA conformations. Seven recombinant DNAs containing the largest HindIII fragments of AD2 DNA were analyzed for the presence of negative supercoil-dependent S1 nuclease-sensitive sites. Four plasmids each contained a specific site of S1 nuclease sensitivity whereas the other three showed no reaction. Further investigation was focused on a plasmid containing one of the positively reacting fragments (fragment C) which contained the major late promoter at coordinate 16.4 on the genome; three serotypes (Ad2, Ad7, Ad12) were studied. Fine mapping studies revealed the S1-sensitive sites to be a small region (approximately 6 base pairs) located at the TATA box of the major late promoter in all three cases. Other determinations (supercoil relaxation, T7 gene 3 product sensitivity, bromoacetaldehyde reactivity, anomalous gel mobility, the influence of negative superhelical density on nuclease sensitivity) led to the conclusion that the B-helix deformation was not due to a previously recognized DNA conformation (left-handed Z-DNA, cruciform, bent DNA), but may be accounted for by the homopurine X homopyrimidine nature of this region.  相似文献   
The octapeptide Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met-Arg-Gly-Leu was recently isolated from bovine adrenal chromaffin granules and serves as a marker for proenkephalin from which it is derived. Polyclonal antisera which are highly specific for the carboxyl terminus have been raised against the synthetic peptide. The only significant cross-reactivity was with the 18.2-k Da and 5.3-k Da enkephalin-containing peptides (EC peptides) which contain the octapeptide at their carboxyl termini and the [des-Tyr] and [des-Tyr-Gly] congeners of the octapeptide. Extracts of bovine adrenal medulla and rat spinal cord were shown to contain significant amounts of the octapeptide, the two larger EC peptides, and the two smaller congeners.  相似文献   
The ability of negative supercoiling to induce a left-handed helix in the recombinant plasmid pRW777, which contains a tract of 64 base pairs of almost perfect (dT-dG) . (dC-dA) from the mouse kappa immunoglobin gene, was studied. S1 nuclease recognizes and cleaves within the junction region which must exist adjacent to the (dT-dG)n . (dC-dA)n tract when in a left-handed state. The cleavage pattern indicates conformational flexibility and structural differences between the two existing junctions. The 64-base pair alternating copolymer undergoes the supercoil-induced formation of a left-handed state over the superhelical density range of -0.04 to -0.06, indicating that (dT-dG)n . (dC-dA) sequences form a left-handed helix less readily than (dC-dG)n . (dC-dG)n sequences of equivalent length. However, these supercoil densities are within the range found in vivo. Supercoil relaxation and antibody binding studies confirmed that the (dT-dG)n . (dC-dA)n tract in supercoiled pRW777 was in a left-handed helix.  相似文献   
A regime is proposed for the design of coupled enzyme assays in which auxiliary enzymes are added at concentrations proportional to their Km values. Under these conditions it is possible to calculate the complete time course of the assay including the time required for the system to approach its steady state. The consequence of increasing the number of coupling enzymes is shown to be a considerable decrease in time required to reach the steady state provided that the overall transient time remains the same. The method is extended to the general consideration of pathways and shows that pathways of the same length exhibit identical temporal responses provided that the units of concentration and time used are based on the steady-state concentration of intermediates and the transient time respectively. An unexpected finding is that increasing the number of intermediates in a pathway can decrease the time required to enter a steady state.  相似文献   
Intervening sequences in human fetal globin genes adopt left-handed Z helices   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
The large intervening sequences ( IVS2 ) of three human fetal globin genes contain tracts of alternating purine-pyrimidine sequences approximately 40-60 base pairs in length which adopt left-handed Z DNA helices under the influence of negative supercoiling. The amount of negative supercoiling (approximately 0.045) required for the right- to left-handed transitions is within the physiological range. The structural aberrations between the right- and left-handed helices were mapped by sequencing the S1 nuclease cleavage sites. Two-dimensional gel electrophoretic analyses of the supercoil-induced relaxation served to characterize the type and length of left-handed structure. Furthermore, binding studies with several types of antibodies confirmed the presence of left-handed helices. Since these simple sequences appear to be hotspots for recombination and gene conversion, unusual DNA conformations may participate in genetic expression.  相似文献   
1. Adenosine 3',5'-(cyclic)-monophosphate (3',5'-AMP) stimulates the synthesis of progestational steroids by rabbit ovarian tissue in vitro. 2. Other adenosine phosphates fail to increase steroidogenesis. 3. The ratio of 20alpha-hydroxypregn-4-en-3-one to progesterone, the maximal response of the tissue, and the responses of separated corpora lutea and interstitial tissue produced by luteinizing hormone are closely paralleled by 3',5'-AMP. 4. In tissues maximally stimulated by luteinizing hormone, 3',5'-AMP fails to produce an additional response. 5. The addition of theophylline, an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase, potentiates the effects of 3',5'-AMP and also luteinizing hormone. 6. The results obtained suggest that 3',5'-AMP is a mediator of the action of luteinizing hormone on progestational steroid synthesis by rabbit ovarian tissue.  相似文献   
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