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We characterized a group of acidic proteins of bovine chromaffin granules with an antiserum raised against a protein described by Rosa and Zanini [Eur. J. Cell Biol. 31, 94-98 (1983)] in pituitary gland. In adrenal medulla the proteins reacting with this antiserum are confined to chromaffin granules. Their largest component has a Mr of 86,000 and a pI of 5.0. In addition six proteins of lower molecular weight are recognized by this antiserum. In a cell-free system only one protein is synthesized that can be precipitated with this antiserum. The properties of these proteins are very similar to those of the previously described chromogranins A and B; however, there is no immunological cross-reaction between these protein groups. We suggest this third group of acidic proteins of chromaffin granules be named chromogranins C.  相似文献   
We are employing recent advances in the understanding of the cell cycle to study the inverse relationship between proliferation and neuronal differentiation. Nerve growth factor and aphidicolin, an inhibitor of DNA polymerases, synergistically induce neuronal differentiation of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and the expression of p21WAF1, an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases. The differentiated cells continue to express p21WAF1, even after removal of aphidicolin from the culture medium. The p21WAF1 protein coimmunoprecipitates with cyclin E and inhibits cyclin E-associated protein kinase activity. Each of three antisense oligonucleotides complementary to p21WAF1 mRNA partially blocks expression of p21WAF1 and promotes programmed cell death. These data indicate that p21WAF1 expression is required for survival of these differentiating neuroblastoma cells. Thus, the problem of neuronal differentiation can now be understood in the context of negative regulators of the cell cycle.  相似文献   
Western immunoblots of BHK-21 cell lysates probed with the highly virulent GDVII and the less virulent BeAn strains of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) revealed predominant binding to a 34-kDa membrane protein and much lower levels of binding to 100- and 18-kDa membrane proteins. Complete inhibition of virus binding to both the 34- and 18-kDa membrane species by excess unlabeled TMEV demonstrated specificity of binding. Virus binding was also blocked by wheat germ agglutinin, which specifically binds to sialic acid residues and blocks TMEV binding to whole BHK-21 cells. Radiolabeled TMEV also bound to 100-, 34-, and 18-kDa membrane proteins expressed on other TMEV permissive cell lines but not on the nonpermissive cell lines tested. These data suggest that a 34-kDa cellular protein may be the primary determinant of susceptibility to TMEV infection by mediating the binding of GDVII and BeAn viruses to susceptible cells.  相似文献   
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and photon counting histogram (PCH) analysis are powerful ways to study mobility and stoichiometry of G protein coupled receptor complexes, within microdomains of single living cells. However, relating these properties to molecular mechanisms can be challenging. We investigated the influence of β-arrestin adaptors and endocytosis mechanisms on plasma membrane diffusion and particle brightness of GFP-tagged neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptors. A novel GFP-based bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) system also identified Y1 receptor-β-arrestin complexes. Diffusion co-efficients (D) for Y1 and Y2-GFP receptors in HEK293 cell plasma membranes were 2.22 and 2.15 × 10(-9)cm(2)s(-1) respectively. At a concentration which promoted only Y1 receptor endocytosis, NPY treatment reduced Y1-GFP motility (D 1.48 × 10(-9)cm(2)s(-1)), but did not alter diffusion characteristics of the Y2-GFP receptor. Agonist induced changes in Y1 receptor motility were inhibited by mutations (6A) which prevented β-arrestin recruitment and internalisation; conversely they became apparent in a Y2 receptor mutant with increased β-arrestin affinity. NPY treatment also increased Y1 receptor-GFP particle brightness, changes which indicated receptor clustering, and which were abolished by the 6A mutation. The importance of β-arrestin recruitment for these effects was illustrated by reduced lateral mobility (D 1.20-1.33 × 10(-9)cm(2)s(-1)) of Y1 receptor-β-arrestin BiFC complexes. Thus NPY-induced changes in Y receptor motility and brightness reflect early events surrounding arrestin dependent endocytosis at the plasma membrane, results supported by a novel combined BiFC/FCS approach to detect the underlying receptor-β-arrestin signalling complex.  相似文献   
Mice of the Peromyscus aztecus species group occur at mid to high elevations in several mountain ranges in the highlands of Middle America (Mexico and Central America), a region of high endemicity. We examined the biogeography of this group by conducting phylogenetic analyses of 668 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene. Phylogenetic analyses under both parsimony and likelihood frameworks produced the same topologies, but estimates of nodal support were artificially high in weighted parsimony analyses. This difference is attributed to the inability of parsimony to optimize branch lengths when evaluating topologies. These data indicate that the P. aztecus-like populations from south and east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec currently assigned to P. a. oaxacensis represent a distinct species, with genetic distances as high as 0.091. In addition, P. hylocetes is strongly divergent from Mexican populations of P. aztecus (genetic distances of 0.044-0.069), supporting the recognition of this taxon as a distinct species. The history of divergence in this group can be explained by a series of apparently early to middle Pleistocene vicariance events associated with glacial cycles. The Sierra Madre Occidental and Cordillera Transvolcanica each appear to be faunistically isolated, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec appears to have been a strong Pleistocene barrier, and the Sierra Madre Oriental has affinities with the Sierra Madre del Sur and the highlands of central Oaxaca.  相似文献   
Specific therapy is not available for hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome caused by Andes virus (ANDV). Peptides capable of blocking ANDV infection in vitro were identified using antibodies against ANDV surface glycoproteins Gn and Gc to competitively elute a cyclic nonapeptide-bearing phage display library from purified ANDV particles. Phage was examined for ANDV infection inhibition in vitro, and nonapeptides were synthesized based on the most-potent phage sequences. Three peptides showed levels of viral inhibition which were significantly increased by combination treatment with anti-Gn- and anti-Gc-targeting peptides. These peptides will be valuable tools for further development of both peptide and nonpeptide therapeutic agents.Andes virus (ANDV), an NIAID category A agent linked to hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS), belongs to the family Bunyaviridae and the genus Hantavirus and is carried by Oligoryzomys longicaudatus rodents (11). HCPS is characterized by pulmonary edema caused by capillary leak, with death often resulting from cardiogenic shock (9, 16). ANDV HCPS has a case fatality rate approaching 40%, and ANDV is the only hantavirus demonstrated to be capable of direct person-to-person transmission (15, 21). There is currently no specific therapy available for treatment of ANDV infection and HCPS.Peptide ligands that target a specific protein surface can have broad applications as therapeutics by blocking specific protein-protein interactions, such as preventing viral engagement of host cell receptors and thus preventing infection. Phage display libraries provide a powerful and inexpensive tool to identify such peptides. Here, we used selection of a cyclic nonapeptide-bearing phage library to identify peptides capable of binding the transmembrane surface glycoproteins of ANDV, Gn and Gc, and blocking infection in vitro.To identify peptide sequences capable of recognizing ANDV, we panned a cysteine-constrained cyclic nonapeptide-bearing phage display library (New England Biolabs) against density gradient-purified, UV-treated ANDV strain CHI-7913 (a gift from Hector Galeno, Santiago, Chile) (17, 18). To increase the specificity of the peptides identified, we eluted phage by using monoclonal antibodies (Austral Biologicals) prepared against recombinant fragments of ANDV Gn (residues 1 to 353) or Gc (residues 182 to 491) glycoproteins (antibodies 6B9/F5 and 6C5/D12, respectively). Peptide sequences were determined for phage from iterative rounds of panning, and the ability of phage to inhibit ANDV infection of Vero E6 cells was determined by immunofluorescent assay (IFA) (7). Primary IFA detection antibodies were rabbit polyclonal anti-Sin Nombre hantavirus (SNV) nucleoprotein (N) antibodies which exhibit potent cross-reactivity against other hantavirus N antigens (3). ReoPro, a commercially available Fab fragment which partially blocks infection of hantaviruses in vitro by binding the entry receptor integrin β3 (5), was used as a positive control (80 μg/ml) along with the original antibody used for phage elution (5 μg/ml). As the maximum effectiveness of ReoPro in inhibiting hantavirus entry approaches 80%, we set this as a threshold for maximal expected efficacy for normalization. The most-potent phage identified by elution with the anti-Gn antibody 6B9/F5 bore the peptide CPSNVNNIC and inhibited hantavirus entry by greater than 60% (61%) (Table (Table1).1). From phage eluted with the anti-Gc antibody 6C5/D12, those bearing peptides CPMSQNPTC and CPKLHPGGC also inhibited entry by greater than 60% (66% and 72%, respectively).


Peptide-bearing phage eluted from ANDV
Phage% Inhibition (SD)aP valueb
Phage bearing the following peptides eluted with anti-Gn antibody 6B9/F5
    Group 1 (<30% inhibition)
        CDQRTTRLC8.45 (15.34)0.0002
        CPHDPNHPC9.94 (7.72)0.333
        CQSQTRNHC11.76 (13.25)0.0001
        CLQDMRQFC13.26 (9.92)0.0014
        CLPTDPIQC15.70 (14.05)0.0005
        CPDHPFLRC16.65 (15.22)0.8523
        CSTRAENQC17.56 (16.50)0.0004
        CPSHLDAFC18.98 (20.06)0.0017
        CKTGHMRIC20.84 (7.47)0.0563
        CVRTPTHHC20.89 (27.07)0.1483
        CSGVINTTC21.57 (19.61)0.0643
        CPLASTRTC21.65 (5.98)0.004
        CSQFPPRLC22.19 (8.26)0.0004
        CLLNKQNAC22.34 (7.78)0.001
        CKFPLNAAC22.89 (6.15)0.0001
        CSLTPHRSC23.63 (16.74)0.0563
        CKPWPMYSC23.71 (6.68)0.0643
        CLQHDALNC24.01 (7.60)1
        CNANKPKMC24.67 (11.67)0.0004
        CPKHVLKVC25.30 (28.36)0.0003
        CTPDKKSFC26.91 (11.15)0.399
        CHGKAALAC27.22 (32.53)0.005
        CNLMGNPHC28.08 (21.35)0.0011
        CLKNWFQPC28.64 (18.49)0.0016
        CKEYGRQMC28.76 (29.33)0.0362
        CQPSDPHLC29.44 (31.22)0.0183
        CSHLPPNRC29.70 (17.37)0.0061
    Group 2 (30-59% inhibition)
        CSPLLRTVC33.05 (20.26)0.0023
        CHKGHTWNC34.17 (12.50)0.0795
        CINASHAHC35.62 (13.03)0.3193
        CWPPSSRTC36.75 (26.95)0.0006
        CPSSPFNHC37.78 (7.11)0.0001
        CEHLSHAAC38.47 (7.60)0.0115
        CQDRKTSQC38.74 (9.12)0.1802
        CTDVYRPTC38.90 (25.03)0.006
        CGEKSAQLC39.11 (27.52)0.0013
        CSAAERLNC40.13 (6.33)0.0033
        CFRTLEHLC42.07 (5.01)0.0608
        CEKLHTASC43.60 (27.92)0.1684
        CSLHSHKGC45.11 (49.81)0.0864
        CNSHSPVHC45.40 (28.80)0.0115
        CMQSAAAHC48.88 (44.40)0.5794
        CPAASHPRC51.84 (17.09)0.1935
        CKSLGSSQC53.90 (13.34)0.0145
    Group 3 (60-79% inhibition)
        CPSNVNNIC61.11 (25.41)0.1245
Negative control0 (6.15)
6B9/F5 (5 μg/ml)26.77 (5.33)
ReoPro (80 μg/ml)79.86 (4.88)
Phage bearing the following peptides eluted with anti-Gc antibody 6C5/D12
    Group 1 (<30% inhibition)
        CHPGSSSRC1.01 (7.03)0.0557
        CSLSPLGRC10.56 (13.62)0.7895
        CTARYTQHC12.86 (3.83)0.3193
        CHGVYALHC12.91 (7.32)0.0003
        CLQHNEREC16.79 (13.72)0.0958
        CHPSTHRYC17.23 (14.53)0.0011
        CGMLNWNRC19.48 (19.42)0.0777
        CPHTQFWQC20.44 (13.65)0.0008
        CTPTMHNHC20.92 (11.68)0.0001
        CDQVAGYSC21.79 (23.60)0.0063
        CIPMMTEFC24.33 (9.28)0.2999
        CERPYSRLC24.38 (9.09)0.0041
        CPSLHTREC25.06 (22.78)0.1202
        CSPLQIPYC26.30 (34.29)0.4673
        CTTMTRMTC (×2)29.27 (8.65)0.0001
    Group 2 (30-59% inhibition)
        CNKPFSLPC30.09 (5.59)0.4384
        CHNLESGTC31.63 (26.67)0.751
        CNSVPPYQC31.96 (6.51)0.0903
        CSDSWLPRC32.95 (28.54)0.259
        CSAPFTKSC33.40 (10.64)0.0052
        CEGLPNIDC35.63 (19.90)0.0853
        CTSTHTKTC36.28 (13.42)0.132
        CLSIHSSVC36.40 (16.44)0.8981
        CPWSTQYAC36.81 (32.81)0.5725
        CTGSNLPIC36.83 (31.64)0.0307
        CSLAPANTC39.73 (4.03)0.1664
        CGLKTNPAC39.75 (16.98)0.2084
        CRDTTPWWC40.08 (18.52)0.0004
        CHTNASPHC40.26 (4.77)0.5904
        CTSMAYHHC41.89 (8.61)0.259
        CSLSSPRIC42.13 (29.75)0.2463
        CVSLEHQNC45.54 (6.55)0.5065
        CRVTQTHTC46.55 (8.45)0.3676
        CPTTKSNVC49.28 (14.00)0.3898
        CSPGPHRVC49.50 (42.60)0.0115
        CKSTSNVYC51.20 (4.60)0.0611
        CTVGPTRSC57.30 (11.31)0.0176
    Group 3 (60-79% inhibition)
        CPMSQNPTC65.60 (13.49)0.014
        CPKLHPGGC71.88 (27.11)0.0059
Negative control0.26 (4.53)
6C5/D12 (5 μg/ml)22.62 (8.40)
ReoPro (80 μg/ml)80.02 (76.64)
Open in a separate windowaStandard deviations of four experiments are shown in parentheses. Peptide-bearing phage were added at 109 phage/μl.bP values for the pairwise amino acid alignment score of each peptide versus that of integrin β3 were determined using an unpaired Student''s t test. P values considered statistically significant are shown in bold.To determine whether the peptide sequences of any of the identified inhibitory phage showed homology to integrin β3, a known entry receptor for pathogenic hantaviruses (6, 7), we used the Gap program to perform a pairwise amino acid alignment of each peptide versus the extracellular portion of integrin β3 and determined P values for the alignments. Of 45 phage eluted with the anti-Gn antibody, 6B9/F5, 27 of the peptide sequences showed homology to integrin β3 (P < 0.05), and 9 were highly significant (P ≤ 0.0005) (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). Of the latter, CKFPLNAAC and CSQFPPRLC map to the hybrid domain (Fig. (Fig.1B),1B), which is proximal to the plexin-semaphorin-integrin domain (PSI) containing residue D39, shown to be critical for viral entry in vitro (19). Five sequences (CPSSPFNH, CPKHVLKVC, CNANKPKMC, CQSQTRNHC, and CDQRTTRLC) map to the I-like (or βA) domain near the binding site of ReoPro (2). Finally, CLPTDPIQC maps to the epidermal growth factor 4 (EGF-4) domain, and CSTRAENQC aligns to a portion of β3 untraceable in the crystal structure, specifically the linker region between the hybrid domain and EGF-1. Although this represents a disordered portion of the protein (22), the location of this loop proximal to the PSI domain is worth noting, due to the role of the PSI domain in facilitating viral entry (19). Therefore, 60% of phage eluted with the anti-Gn antibody showed some homology to integrin β3, and those with highly significant P values predominantly mapped to or proximal to regions of known interest in viral entry.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Inhibitory peptides identified through phage panning against ANDV show homology to integrin β3. (A) Alignment of phage peptide sequences with P values for integrin β3 pairwise alignment of less than 0.05. Residues comprising the signal peptide, transmembrane, and cytoplasmic domains, which were not included during pairwise alignment, are underlined. Residues 461 to 548, which are missing in the crystal structure, are italicized. Residues involved in the ReoPro binding site are highlighted in green (2). Residue D39 of the PSI domain is highlighted in yellow (19). Peptides are shown above the sequence of integrin β3, with antibody 6C5/D12-eluted sequences shown in blue text and sequences eluted with antibody 6B9/F5 shown in red. Peptide sequences with alignment P values of ≤0.0005 are highlighted in yellow. Percent inhibition of the peptide-bearing phage is shown in parentheses. (B) View of integrin αvβ3 (PDB ID 1U8C [23]). αv is shown in blue ribbon diagram, and β3 is shown in salmon-colored surface representation, with specific domains circled. Residues corresponding to the ReoPro binding site are shown in green, as in panel A, and D39 is shown in yellow. Regions corresponding to 6C5/D12-eluted peptides with P values of ≤0.0005 for alignment with integrin β3 (highlighted in panel A) are shown in blue, and those corresponding to 6B9/F5-eluted peptides with P values of ≤0.0005 for alignment with integrin β3 are shown in red. Alignment of peptide PLASTRT (P value of 0.0040) adjacent to D39 of the PSI domain is shown in magenta. Graphics were prepared using Pymol (DeLano Scientific LLC, San Carlos, CA).Of the 41 peptide-bearing phage eluted with the anti-Gc antibody 6C5/D12, 14 showed sequence homology to integrin β3 (P < 0.05), 4 of which had P values of ≤0.0005 (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). Of the latter, sequence CTTMTRMTC mapped to the base of the I-like domain (Fig. (Fig.1B),1B), while CHGVYALHC and CRDTTPWWC mapped to the EGF-3 domain. Finally, sequence CTPTMHNHC mapped to the linker region untraceable in the crystal structure. Therefore, in contrast to peptide sequences identified by competition with the anti-Gn antibody, sequences identified by competition with the anti-Gc antibody 6C5/D12 appear to be mostly unrelated to integrin β3.As a low level of pathogenic hantavirus infection can be seen in cells lacking integrin β3, such as CHO cells (19), we asked if any of the identified peptide sequences could represent a previously unidentified receptor. We used the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool to search a current database of human protein sequences for potential alternate receptors represented by these peptides. However, none of the alignments identified proteins that are expressed at the cell surface, eliminating them as potential candidates for alternate viral entry receptors. This suggests that the majority of the peptides identified here likely represent novel sequences for binding ANDV surface glycoproteins.To determine whether synthetic peptides would also block infection, we synthesized cyclic peptides based on the 10 most-potent peptide-bearing phage. These peptides, in the context of phage presentation, showed levels of inhibition ranging from 44 to 72% (Table (Table2).2). When tested by IFA at 1 mM, four of the synthetic peptides showed inhibition levels significantly lower than those of the same peptide presented in the context of phage. This is not surprising, as steric factors due to the size of the phage and the multivalent presentation of peptide in the context of phage may both contribute to infection inhibition (8). However, there was no significant difference in inhibition by synthetic peptide versus peptide-bearing phage for six of the sequences, implying that inhibition in the context of phage was due solely to the nature of the peptide itself and not to steric factors or valency considerations contributed by the phage, which contrasts with our previous results, determined by using phage directed against αvβ3 integrin (10).


Synthetic cyclic peptides inhibit ANDV infection
TargetSample% Inhibition bya:
Peptide-bearing phageSynthetic peptide
GnCMQSAAAHC48.88 (44.40)59.66 (11.17)
GcCTVGPTRSC57.30 (11.31)46.47 (7.61)
GnCPSNVNNIC61.11 (25.41)44.14 (10.74)
GnCEKLHTASC43.60 (27.92)34.87 (9.26)
GcCPKLHPGGC71.88 (27.11)30.95 (7.73)b
GnCSLHSHKGC45.11 (49.81)29.79 (9.34)
GcCPMSQNPTC65.60 (13.49)18.19 (8.55)b
GnCKSLGSSQC53.90 (13.34)18.10 (7.55)b
GnCNSHSPVHC45.40 (28.80)15.52 (10.48)
GnCPAASHPRC51.84 (17.09)0 (10.72)b
Integrin β3ReoPro80.10 (7.72)
Gn6B9/F5 antibody42.72 (6.75)
Gc6C5/D12 antibody31.04 (7.81)
Open in a separate windowaStandard deviations of the results of at least four experiments are shown in parentheses.bMean percent inhibition between phage and synthetic peptide differs significantly (P < 0.05).The three most-potent synthetic peptides were examined for their ability to inhibit ANDV entry in a dose-dependent manner. The concentration of each peptide that produces 50% of its maximum potential inhibitory effect was determined. As shown in Fig. Fig.2A,2A, the 50% inhibitory concentration for each of the peptides was in the range of 10 μM, which from our experience is a reasonable potency for a lead compound to take forward for optimization.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Activities of synthetic peptides in inhibition of ANDV infection in vitro. (A) Peptides were examined for their ability to block ANDV infection of Vero E6 cells in a dose-dependent manner by IFA. (B) Peptides were tested in parallel for the ability to block infection of Vero E6 cells by ANDV, SNV, HTNV, and PHV. (C) Peptides were tested, singly or in combination, for the ability to block ANDV infection of Vero E6 cells. For all experiments, controls included media, ReoPro at 80 μg/ml, and monoclonal antibodies 6C5/D12 and 6B9/F5 at 5 μg/ml. All peptides were used at 1 mM. Data points represent n = 2 to 6, with error bars showing the standard errors of the means. Statistical analyses were performed on replicate samples using an unpaired Student''s t test.In order to determine the specificity of the three most-potent synthetic cyclic peptides in blocking ANDV, we examined them for inhibition of ANDV infection versus two other pathogenic hantaviruses, SNV and Hantaan virus (HTNV), or the nonpathogenic hantavirus Prospect Hill virus (PHV). As shown in Fig. Fig.2B,2B, ReoPro, which binds integrin β3, showed inhibition of infection by each of the pathogenic hantavirus strains, known to enter cells via β3, but not the nonpathogenic PHV, which enters via integrin β1 (6, 7). In contrast, peptides selected for the ability to bind ANDV were highly specific inhibitors of ANDV versus SNV, HTNV, or PHV. The specificities of peptides eluted by the anti-Gn monoclonal antibody are not surprising, as they are likely due to global differences in the Gn amino acid sequence. Specifically, sequence homologies between ANDV and SNV, HTNV, and PHV are 61%, 36%, and 51%, respectively, for the region corresponding to the immunogen for antibody 6B9/F5. Although homology between the immunogen for antibody 6C5/D12 and the corresponding Gc region of these viruses is somewhat higher (82% with SNV, 63% with HTNV, and 71% with PHV), the possibility that the monoclonal antibody used here recognizes a three-dimensional epitope lends itself to the high specificity of the peptides.The current model for cellular infection by hantaviruses (14) is as follows. Viral binding of the host cell surface target integrin is followed by receptor-mediated endocytosis and endosome acidification. Lowered pH induces conformational changes in Gn and/or Gc, which facilitate membrane fusion and viral release into the cytosol. As there is currently little information available about whether one glycoprotein is dominant in mediating infection, and as neutralizing epitopes have been found on both Gn and Gc glycoproteins (1, 4, 12, 13, 20), we examined whether combining anti-Gn- and anti-Gc-targeted synthetic peptides would lead to an increased infection blockade compared to those for single treatments. As shown in Fig. Fig.2C,2C, the combination of anti-Gn and anti-Gc peptides CMQSAAAHC and CTVGPTRSC resulted in a significant increase in infection inhibition (P = 0.0207 for CMQSAAAHC, and P = 0.0308 for CTVGPTRSC) compared to that resulting from single treatments. Although the high specificity of the peptides for ANDV makes it unlikely that this combination treatment will lead to more cross-reactivity with other pathogenic hantaviruses, this can be determined only by additional testing. Regardless, these data suggest a unique role for each of these viral proteins in the infection process as well as the benefits of targeting multiple viral epitopes for preventing infection.To our knowledge, the peptides reported here are the first identified that directly target ANDV, and this work further illustrates the power of coupling phage display and selective elution techniques in the identification of novel peptide sequences capable of specific protein-protein interactions from a large, random pool of peptide sequences. These novel peptide inhibitors (R. S. Larson, P. R. Hall, H. Njus, and B. Hjelle, U.S. patent application 61/205,211) provide leads for the development of more-potent peptide or nonpeptide organics for therapeutic use against HCPS.  相似文献   
Variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1143 bp) was examined to estimate the phylogenetic relationships of taxa within the Peromyscus boylii species group. In addition, phylogenetic relationships among the aztecus, boylii, and truei species groups were addressed. Maximum-likelihood, neighbor-joining, and maximum-parsimony (weighted and equally weighted) analyses produced similar topologies with P. boylii, P. beatae, P. simulus, P. stephani, P. madrensis, P. levipes, and three undescribed taxa from western Mexico forming a monophyletic unit. At least two of the undescribed taxa from western Mexico potentially represent species. Members of the P. aztecus species group formed a clade separate from the P. boylii group and should be recognized as a distinct species group. P. sagax, P. polius, and P. pectoralis, formerly placed in the P. boylii species group, generally formed an unresolved polytomy with the P. truei, P. aztecus, and P. boylii species groups. P. attwateri formed a sister taxon relationship with members of the P. truei species group (P. difficilis and P. nasutus) and should be considered a member of this group. Members of the P. truei species group did not form a monophyletic unit, indicating that this species group is not monophyletic and may be composed of two assemblages.  相似文献   
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