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We study the spatiotemporal dynamics of neuronal networks with spike frequency adaptation. In particular, we compare the effects of adaptation being either a linear or nonlinear function of neural activity. We find that altering parameters controlling the strength of synaptic connections in the network can lead to spatially structured activity suggestive of symptoms of hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD). First, we study how both networks track spatially homogeneous flickering stimuli, and find input is encoded as continuous at lower flicker frequencies when the network??s synapses exhibit more net excitation. Mainly, we study instabilities of stimulus-driven traveling pulse solutions, representative of visual trailing phenomena common to HPPD patients. Visual trails are reported as discrete afterimages in the wake of a moving input. Thus, we analyze several solutions arising in response to moving inputs in both networks: an ON state, stimulus-locked pulses, and traveling breathers. We find traveling breathers can arise in both networks when an input moves beyond a critical speed. These possible neural substrates of visual trails occur at slower speeds when the modulation of synaptic connectivity is increased.  相似文献   
Little is known about the prevalence of HBV genotypes/sub-genotypes in Jeddah province, although the hepatitis B virus (HBV) was identified as the most predominant type of hepatitis in Saudi Arabia. To characterize HBV genotypes/sub-genotypes, serum samples from 15 patients with chronic HBV were collected and subjected to HBsAg gene amplification and sequence analysis. Phylogenetic analysis of the HBsAg gene sequences revealed that 11 (48%) isolates belonged to HBV/D while 4 (18%) were associated with HBV/C. Notably, a HBV/D sub-genotype phylogenetic tree identified that eight current isolates (72%) belonged to HBV/D1, whereas three isolates (28%) appeared to be more closely related to HBV/D5, although they formed a novel cluster supported by a branch with 99% bootstrap value. Isolates belonging to D1 were grouped in one branch and seemed to be more closely related to various strains isolated from different countries. For further determination of whether the three current isolates belonged to HBV/D5 or represented a novel sub-genotype, HBV/DA, whole HBV genome sequences would be required. In the present study, we verified that HBV/D1 is the most prevalent HBV sub-genotype in Jeddah, and identified novel variant mutations suggesting that an additional sub-genotype designated HBV/DA should be proposed. Overall, the results of the present HBsAg sequence analyses provide us with insights regarding the nucleotide differences between the present HBsAg/D isolates identified in the populace of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and those previously isolated worldwide. Additional studies with large numbers of subjects in other areas might lead to the discovery of the specific HBV strain genotypes or even additional new sub-genotypes that are circulating in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   
In a previous paper Kunert and Qannari (1999) discussed a simple alternative to Generalized Procrustes Analysis to analyze data derived from a sensory profiling study. After simple pretreatments of the individual data matrices, they propose to merge the data sets together and undergo Principal Components Analysis of the matrix thus formed. On the basis of two data sets, it was shown that the results slightly differ from those obtained by means of Generalized Procrustes Analysis.
In this paper we give a mathematical justification to this approach by relating it to a statistical regression model. Furthermore, we obtain additional information from this method concerning the dimensions used by the assessors as well as the contribution of each assessor to the determination of these dimensions. This information may be useful to characterize the performance of the assessors and single out those assessors who downweight or overweight some dimensions. In particular, those assessors who overweight the last dimensions should arouse suspicion regarding their performance as, in general, the last dimensions in a principal components analysis are deemed to reflect random fluctuations.  相似文献   
We used a nonintrusive field experiment carried out at six sites – Wales (UK), Denmark (DK), the Netherlands (NL), Hungary (HU), Sardinia (Italy – IT), and Catalonia (Spain – SP) – along a climatic and latitudinal gradient to examine the response of plant species richness and primary productivity to warming and drought in shrubland ecosystems. The warming treatment raised the plot daily temperature by ca. 1 °C, while the drought treatment led to a reduction in soil moisture at the peak of the growing season that ranged from 26% at the SP site to 82% in the NL site. During the 7 years the experiment lasted (1999–2005), we used the pin‐point method to measure the species composition of plant communities and plant biomass, litterfall, and shoot growth of the dominant plant species at each site. A significantly lower increase in the number of species pin‐pointed per transect was found in the drought plots at the SP site, where the plant community was still in a process of recovering from a forest fire in 1994. No changes in species richness were found at the other sites, which were at a more mature and stable state of succession and, thus less liable to recruitment of new species. The relationship between annual biomass accumulation and temperature of the growing season was positive at the coldest site and negative at the warmest site. The warming treatment tended to increase the aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) at the northern sites. The relationship between annual biomass accumulation and soil moisture during the growing season was not significant at the wettest sites, but was positive at the driest sites. The drought treatment tended to reduce the ANPP in the NL, HU, IT, and SP sites. The responses to warming were very strongly related to the Gaussen aridity index (stronger responses the lower the aridity), whereas the responses to drought were not. Changes in the annual aboveground biomass accumulation, litterfall, and, thus, the ANPP, mirrored the interannual variation in climate conditions: the most outstanding change was a decrease in biomass accumulation and an increase in litterfall at most sites during the abnormally hot year of 2003. Species richness also tended to decrease in 2003 at all sites except the cold and wet UK site. Species‐specific responses to warming were found in shoot growth: at the SP site, Globularia alypum was not affected, while the other dominant species, Erica multiflora, grew 30% more; at the UK site, Calluna vulgaris tended to grow more in the warming plots, while Empetrum nigrum tended to grow less. Drought treatment decreased plant growth in several studied species, although there were some species such as Pinus halepensis at the SP site or C. vulgaris at the UK site that were not affected. The magnitude of responses to warming and drought thus depended greatly on the differences between sites, years, and species and these multiple plant responses may be expected to have consequences at ecosystem and community level. Decreases in biodiversity and the increase in E. multiflora growth at the SP site as a response to warming challenge the assumption that sensitivity to warming may be less well developed at more southerly latitudes; likewise, the fact that one of the studied shrublands presented negative ANPP as a response to the 2003 heat wave also challenges the hypothesis that future climate warming will lead to an enhancement of plant growth and carbon sequestration in temperate ecosystems. Extreme events may thus change the general trend of increased productivity in response to warming in the colder sites.  相似文献   
Annexins are calcium-binding proteins that have been associated in plants with different biological processes such as responses to abiotic stress and early nodulation stages. Until now, the implication of annexins during plant–pathogen interactions has not been reported. Here, a novel plant annexin gene induced in tobacco BY-2 cell suspension cultures infected with the phytopathogenic bacterium Rhodococcus fascians (strain D188) has been identified . Expression of this gene, called Ntann12 , is also induced, but to a lower extent, by a strain (D188-5) that is unable to induce leafy gall formation. This gene was also induced in BY-2 cells infected with Pseudomonas syringae but not in cells infected with Agrobacterium tumefaciens or Escherichia coli. Ntann12 expression was also found to be stimulated by abiotic stress, including NaCl and abscissic acid, confirming a putative role in stress signal transduction pathways. In addition, promoter- GUS analyses using homozygous transgenic tobacco seedlings showed that the developmentally controlled expression of Ntann12 is altered upon R. fascians infection. Finally, up-regulation of Ntann12 during leafy gall ontogenesis was confirmed by RT-qPCR. Discussion is focused on the potential role of Ntann12 in biotic and abiotic stress responses and in plant development, both processes that may involve Ca2+-dependent signalling.  相似文献   
Seeds of Kochia indica Wight germinate rapidly in shallow water,but their germination is retarded on moist filter-paper. Theretardation is traced to a surface-active, saponin-like inhibitor,which is readily leached away in water and is adsorbed by charcoalor soil. Excised embryos may also remain dormant on filter-paper,but if rinsed in water quickly become active. Inhibition isfavoured by higher temperature (30°C. as against 20°or less), especially in an atmosphere of oxygen, although onceactive the embryos grow rapidly in such conditions. When theoxygen concentration is reduced to 5 per cent., germinationand growth are markedly retarded, but 5 per cent. CO2 has littleor no retarding effect.  相似文献   
Predicting species'' fates following the introduction of a novel pathogen is a significant and growing problem in conservation. Comparing disease dynamics between introduced and endemic regions can offer insight into which naive hosts will persist or go extinct, with disease acting as a filter on host communities. We examined four hypothesized mechanisms for host–pathogen persistence by comparing host infection patterns and environmental reservoirs for Pseudogymnoascus destructans (the causative agent of white-nose syndrome) in Asia, an endemic region, and North America, where the pathogen has recently invaded. Although colony sizes of bats and hibernacula temperatures were very similar, both infection prevalence and fungal loads were much lower on bats and in the environment in Asia than North America. These results indicate that transmission intensity and pathogen growth are lower in Asia, likely due to higher host resistance to pathogen growth in this endemic region, and not due to host tolerance, lower transmission due to smaller populations, or lower environmentally driven pathogen growth rate. Disease filtering also appears to be favouring initially resistant species in North America. More broadly, determining the mechanisms allowing species persistence in endemic regions can help identify species at greater risk of extinction in introduced regions, and determine the consequences for disease dynamics and host–pathogen coevolution.  相似文献   
Motor neurons are a well-defined, although heterogeneous group of cells responsible for transmitting information from the central nervous system to the locomotor system. Spinal motor neurons are specified by soluble factors produced by structures adjacent to the primordial spinal cord, signaling through homeodomain proteins. Axonal pathfinding is regulated by cell-surface receptors that interact with extracellular lignads and once synaptic connections have formed, the survival of the somatic motor neuron is dependent on the provision of target-derived growth factors, although nontarget-derived factors, produced by either astrocytes or Schwann cells, are also potentially implicated. Somatic motor neuron degeneration leads to profound disability, and multiple pathogenetic mechanisms including aberrant growth factor signaling, abnormal neurofilament accumulation, excitotoxicity, and autoimmunity have been postulated to be responsible. Even when specific deficits have been identified, for example, mutations of the superoxide dismutase-1 gene in familial amyotrophic sclerosis and polyglutamine expansion of the androgen receptor in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy, the mechanisms by which somatic motor neuronal degeneration occurs remain unclear. In order to treat motor system degeneration effectively, we will need to understand these mechanisms more thoroughly.  相似文献   
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