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The highly oxygen-permeable material, poly-dimethylsiloxane (PDMS), has the potential to be applied to cell culture microdevices, but cell detachment from PDMS has been a major problem. In this study, we demonstrate that a combination of collagen covalently immobilized PDMS and an adequate oxygen supply enables the establishment of a stable, attached spheroid (hemispheroid) culture of rat hepatocytes. The bottom PDMS surfaces were first treated with oxygen plasma, then coupled with aminosilane followed by a photoreactive crosslinker, and they were finally reacted with a collagen solution. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and contact angle measurements showed that the covalent immobilization of collagen on the surface occurred only where the crosslinker had been introduced. On the collagen-conjugated PDMS surface, rat hepatocytes organized themselves into hemispheroids and maintained the viability and a remarkably high albumin production at least for 2 weeks of culture. In contrast, hepatocytes on the other types of PDMS surfaces formed suspended spheroids that had low albumin production. In addition, we showed that blocking the oxygen supply through the bottom PDMS surface inhibited the formation of hemispheroids and the augmentation of hepatocellular function. These results show that appropriate surface modification of PDMS is a promising approach towards the development of liver tissue microdevices.  相似文献   
We investigated whether the adoptive transfer of H-2-incompatible lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells would efficiently demonstrate antitumor activity without damaging the normal host cells. Allogeneic LAK cells (5 X 10(7] did not cause graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in irradiated recipients, whereas more than half of the mice transferred with the same dose of fresh allogeneic spleen cells developed GVHD. Repeated transfer (three times at 4-day intervals, 1.2 X 10(8) cells/mouse) did not result in GVHD. Graft-versus-host reaction (GVHR), which is detectable by spleen enlargement of recipients transferred with allogeneic lymphoid cells was also absent in LAK cell-transferred mice of all strain combinations tested. Host immune responses were not affected in these mice. Therefore, it is feasible to transfer allogeneic LAK cells. With the antitumor efficacy of allogeneic LAK cells, they preferentially lysed allogeneic tumor targets. Adoptive transfer of the allogeneic LAK cells led to a significant decrease in the lung-colonizing foci of intravenously inoculated B16 melanoma cells. Allogeneic LAK cells and syngeneic ones were equally active, in vivo. The use of allogeneic LAK cells may prove to be a valuable method for effective clinical antitumor immunotherapy.  相似文献   
Participation of IE antigens (Ag) in immune response as the transplantation Ag was examined. IE- B10.A(4R)(4R; Kk, IAk, IE-, Db) mice could not reject skin graft from IE Ag alone-disparate B10.A(2R) (2R; Kk, IAk, IEk, Db) mice despite intravenous (iv) injection of 2R spleen cells (SC) before or after skin grafting, indicating that graft rejection could not be caused across IE Ag-barrier alone. Furthermore, 4R SC could not induce lethal graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in supralethally (950 rad) irradiated 2R mice. On the other hand, infiltration of lymphoid cells was observed at the site of transplanted 2R skin in 4R mice. SC of 4R mice unprimed or primed with 2R skin or 2R SC showed the capability to proliferate in vitro in response to 2R Ag. In immunofluorescence analysis of lymph node cells (LNC) of 4R mice injected iv with 2R SC 7 days earlier, IE-reactive CD4+Vbeta 11+ T cells did not change in number, but slightly increased the expression of interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R). In 2R mice irradiated with 670 rad and injected iv with 4R SC 7 days earlier, 4R-derived CD4+V beta 11+ T cells proliferated, changed to blastoid form, and showed a markedly increased expression of IL-2R. To further investigate the influence of IE alloantigens on transplantation immunity, IL-2 production and anti-class I CTL activity were assayed. The 4R SC capable of recognizing IEk and Dk Ag of B10.BR (Kk, IAk, IEk, Dk) generated levels of both IL-2 and CTL activities higher than those of 2R SC capable of recognizing Dk Ag alone. These results strongly suggest that IE alloantigens indirectly act as the transplantation Ag by the stimulation of IE-reactive CD4+ helper T cells resulting in the differentiation of class I-restricted CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   
In human verbal communication, not only lexical information, but also paralinguistic information plays an important role in transmitting the speakers’ mental state. Paralinguistic information is conveyed mainly through acoustic features like pitch, rhythm, tempo and so on. These acoustic features are generally known as prosody. It is known that some species of birds can discriminate certain aspects of human speech. However, there have not been any studies on the discrimination of prosody in human language which convey different paralinguistic meanings by birds. In the present study, we have shown that the Java sparrow (Padda oryzivora) can discriminate different prosodic patterns of Japanese sentences. These birds could generalize prosodic discrimination to novel sentences, but could not generalize sentence discrimination to those with novel prosody. Moreover, unlike Japanese speakers, Java sparrows used the first part of the utterance as the discrimination cue.  相似文献   
Erythematous delayed reactions without induration, presumably assigned to Jones-Mote type, were characterized by the resistance to treatment with cyclophosphamide (CY) before elicitation or immunization in guinea pigs immunized with BGG in IFA or CFA. CY-treatment before elicitation converted delayed erythematous reactions from negative to positive at late intervals after immunization with BGG in IFA. Such a treatment augmented erythematous delayed reactions in animals immunized with BGG in CFA, but abolished induration at the reaction sites. CY-treatment before elicitation or immunization reduced the numbers of basophils at the reaction sites, although erythematous delayed reactions were augmented. Effector T cells responsible for delayed erythematous reaction without induration appear to persist for a long period of time after immunization in the presence of antibody production or tuberculin hypersensitivity and the expression of their function may be inhibited by suppressive mechanisms.  相似文献   
Live organisms (cfu) of Candida albicans per organ were counted 1 hr and 1 to 20 days after an intravenous inoculation into various groups of mice which had distinct levels of immunologic or non-immunologic defense mechanisms. a) The number of cfu in the liver decreased progressively in normal mice, but those in the kidney maintained a constant level during the observation period. b) The number of cfu in the liver decreased progressively also in nude mice. In their kidneys, however, cfu increased progressively at a late stage of infection. c) In lethally irradiated AKR of nude mice in which phagocyte functions were severely depressed, the number of cfu increased progressively in both liver and kidney from the initial stage of infection. d) In immunized AKR mice, growth of C. albicans was suppressed at late stages of infection. Such protective immunity could be transferred partly with immune lymphoid cells but not with hyperimmune serum in the experimental system employed. In protection against candida infection, non-immune phagocytosis and T cell-mediated immunity appear to be required at the early and late stages of infection, respectively.  相似文献   
In order to study pregnancy-induced changes in cell-mediated immunity to Listeria monocytogenes, acquired resistance and T cell functions in pregnant mice were compared with those in nonpregnant mice after immunization with viable listerial cells. Impaired generation of acquired resistance was evident in pregnant mice from the impaired elimination of bacteria and poor survival after secondary challenge. Delayed footpad reactivity to listerial antigen was also lower in the pregnant mice. When immune spleen cells were examined for their ability to produce macrophage activating factor in vitro, culture supernatants from pregnant-mouse spleen cells with listerial antigen showed far less ability to render macrophages cytostatic for P815 mastocytoma cells. To elucidate further the impairment of listeria-immune T cell generation in pregnant mice, a local transfer experiment was carried out. When a given number of immune spleen cells was transferred locally into the footpads of naive mice, both delayed footpad reaction and local protection were much lower in the pregnant mice. This local transferability of the reactions was abrogated after treatment of cells with anti-Thy 1 antibody plus complement. These findings indicate that pregnancy impairs the generation of specific T cells capable of contributing to acquired resistance to L. monocytogenes. Possible mechanisms for this impairment and the relationship to macrophage functions are discussed.  相似文献   
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