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The opening of mitochondrial membrane permeability transition (MPT) pores, which results in a cyclosporin A (CsA)-sensitive and Ca(2+)-dependent dissipation of the membrane potential (delta psi) and swelling (classical MPT), has been postulated to play an important role in the release of cytochrome c (Cyt.c) and also in apoptotic cell death. Recently, it has been reported that CsA-insensitive or Ca(2+)-independent MPT can be classified as non-classic MPT. Therefore, we studied the effects of apoptosis-inducing agents on mitochondrial functions with respect to their CsA-sensitivity and Ca(2+)-dependency. CsA-sensitive mitochondrial swelling, depolarization, and the release of Ca2+ and Cyt.c were induced by low concentrations of arachidonic acid, triiodothyronine (T3), or 6-hydroxdopamine but not by valinomycin and high concentrations of the fatty acid or T3. Fe2+/ADP and 2,2,-azobis-(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH) induced swelling of mitochondria and the release of Ca2+ and Cyt.c were not coupled with depolarization or CsA-sensitivity while dibucaine-induced swelling occurred without depolarization, Cyt.c-release or by a CsA-sensitive mechanism. A protonophoric FCCP and SF-6847 induced depolarization and Ca(2+)-release occurred in a CsA-insensitive manner and failed to stimulate the release of Cyt.c. These results indicate that ambient conditions of mitochondria can greatly influence the state of membrane stability and that Cyt.c release may occur not only via a CsA-sensitive MPT but also by way of a CsA-insensitive membrane deterioration.  相似文献   
It has been reported that inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase suppress cell proliferation and induce apoptosis. One inhibitor which induces apoptosis is mevastatin. However, the molecular mechanism of apoptosis induction is not well understood so the effects of mevastatin on various functions of HL-60 cells were investigated. We confirmed that mevastatin activated caspase-3 by release of cytochrome c (Cyt. c) from mitochondria through a membrane permeability transition mechanism and also induced typical fragmentation and ladder formation of DNA in HL-60 cells. These effects were inhibited by mevalonate, a metabolic intermediate of cholesterol biosynthesis. Mevalonate and geranylgeraniol (GGOH) inhibited DNA fragmentation whereas farnesol (FOH) did not. Mevastatin also induced cell differentiation to monocytic cells via a mevalonate inhibitable mechanism. Furthermore, mevastatin decreased the amount of an isoprenylated membrane bound Rap1 small GTPase concomitant with an increase in cytosolic Rap1 which occurred before apoptosis and differentiation. On the contrary, both mevastatin and geranylgeranylacetone (GGA), which competes with geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate, induced membrane depolarization of isolated mitochondria without swelling and Cyt. c release. These results suggest that mevastatin-induced apoptosis of HL-60 cells might be caused indirectly by activation of the caspase cascade through the modulation of mitochondrial functions and that some relationship between a certain small GTPase molecule, such as Rap1, and mevastatin-induced apoptosis may exist.  相似文献   
Disruption of adiponectin causes insulin resistance and neointimal formation   总被引:110,自引:0,他引:110  
The adipocyte-derived hormone adiponectin has been proposed to play important roles in the regulation of energy homeostasis and insulin sensitivity, and it has been reported to exhibit putative antiatherogenic properties in vitro. In this study we generated adiponectin-deficient mice to directly investigate whether adiponectin has a physiological protective role against diabetes and atherosclerosis in vivo. Heterozygous adiponectin-deficient (adipo(+/-)) mice showed mild insulin resistance, while homozygous adiponectin-deficient (adipo(-/-)) mice showed moderate insulin resistance with glucose intolerance despite body weight gain similar to that of wild-type mice. Moreover, adipo(-/-) mice showed 2-fold more neointimal formation in response to external vascular cuff injury than wild-type mice (p = 0.01). This study provides the first direct evidence that adiponectin plays a protective role against insulin resistance and atherosclerosis in vivo.  相似文献   
A major QTL for P uptake had previously been mapped to a 13-cM marker interval on the long arm of chromosome 12. To map that major QTL with higher precision and certainty, a secondary mapping population was developed by backcrossing a near-isogenic line containing the QTL from the donor parent to the recurrent parent of low P uptake. Two different mapping strategies have been followed in this study. A conventional QTL mapping approach was based on individual F(2) RFLP data and the phenotypic evaluation of family means in the F(3). The second strategy employed a substitution-mapping approach. Phenotypic and marker data were obtained for 160 F(3) individuals of six highly informative families that differed in the size of donor chromosomal segments in the region of the putative QTL. QTL mapping showed that close to 80% of the variation between families was due to a single QTL, hereafter referred to as Pup1 (Phosphorus uptake 1). Pup1 was placed in a 3-cM interval flanked by markers S14025 and S13126, which is within 1 cM of the position identified in the original QTL mapping experiment. Other chromosomal regions and epistatic effects were not significant. Substitution mapping revealed that Pup1 co-segregated with marker S13126 and that the flanking markers, S14025 and S13752, were outside the interval containing Pup1. The two mapping strategies therefore yielded almost identical results and, in combining the advantages of both, Pup1 could be mapped with high certainty. The QTL mapping appoach showed that the phenotypic variation between families was due to only one QTL without any additional epistacic interactions, whereas the advantage of substitution mapping was to place clearly defined borders around the QTL.  相似文献   
Causal relationship between the loss of RUNX3 expression and gastric cancer   总被引:137,自引:0,他引:137  
Runx3/Pebp2alphaC null mouse gastric mucosa exhibits hyperplasias due to stimulated proliferation and suppressed apoptosis in epithelial cells, and the cells are resistant to growth-inhibitory and apoptosis-inducing action of TGF-beta, indicating that Runx3 is a major growth regulator of gastric epithelial cells. Between 45% and 60% of human gastric cancer cells do not significantly express RUNX3 due to hemizygous deletion and hypermethylation of the RUNX3 promoter region. Tumorigenicity of human gastric cancer cell lines in nude mice was inversely related to their level of RUNX3 expression, and a mutation (R122C) occurring within the conserved Runt domain abolished the tumor-suppressive effect of RUNX3, suggesting that a lack of RUNX3 function is causally related to the genesis and progression of human gastric cancer.  相似文献   
Diverse variation of reproductive barriers in three intraspecific rice crosses   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Reproductive barriers are thought to play an important role in the processes of speciation and differentiation. Asian rice cultivars, Oryza sativa, can be classified into two main types, Japonica and Indica, on the basis of several characteristics. The fertility of Japonica-Indica hybrids differs from one cross to another. Many genes involved in reproductive barriers (hybrid sterility, hybrid weakness, and gametophytic competition genes) have been reported in different Japonica-Indica crosses. To clarify the state of Japonica-Indica differentiation, all reproductive barriers causing deviation from Mendelian segregation ratios in F(2) populations were mapped and compared among three different Japonica-Indica crosses: Nipponbare/Kasalath (NK), Fl1084/Dao Ren Qiao (FD), and Fl1007/Kinandang puti (FK). Mapping of reproductive barriers was performed by regression analysis of allele frequencies of DNA markers covering the entire genome. Allele frequencies were explained by 33 reproductive barriers (15 gametophytic and 18 zygotic) in NK, 32 barriers (15 gametophytic and 17 zygotic) in FD, and 37 barriers (19 gametophytic and 18 zygotic) in FK. The number of reproductive barriers in the three crosses was similar; however, most of the barriers were mapped at different loci. Therefore, these reproductive barriers formed after Japonica-Indica differentiation. Considering the high genetic similarity within Japonica and Indica cultivars, the differences in the reproductive barriers of each cross were unexpectedly numerous. The reproductive barriers of Japonica-Indica hybrids likely evolved more rapidly than other genetic elements. One possible force responsible for such rapid evolution of the barriers may have been the domestication of rice.  相似文献   
Tom7 is a component of the translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane (TOM) and assembles into a general import pore complex that translocates preproteins into mitochondria. We have identified the human Tom7 homolog and characterized its import and assembly into the mammalian TOM complex. Tom7 is imported into mitochondria in a nucleotide-independent manner and is anchored to the outer membrane with its C terminus facing the intermembrane space. Unlike studies in fungi, we found that human Tom7 assembles into an approximately 120-kDa import intermediate in HeLa cell mitochondria. To detect subunits within this complex, we employed a novel supershift analysis whereby mitochondria containing newly imported Tom7 were incubated with antibodies specific for individual TOM components prior to separation by blue native electrophoresis. We found that the 120-kDa complex contains Tom40 and lacks receptor components. This intermediate can be chased to the stable approximately 380-kDa mammalian TOM complex that additionally contains Tom22. Overexpression of Tom22 in HeLa cells results in the rapid assembly of Tom7 into the 380-kDa complex indicating that Tom22 is rate-limiting for TOM complex formation. These results indicate that the levels of Tom22 within mitochondria dictate the assembly of TOM complexes and hence may regulate its biogenesis.  相似文献   
The high expression of CD98 was reported in some normal tissues, including blood brain barrier, activated lymphocytes, the basal layer of skin, proximal tubles of kidney, placenta, testis and a wide variety of tumors. The CD98 complex consists of an 80-85kD heavy chain (4F2hc/FRP-1) and a 40-45kD light chain. CD98hc, 4F2hc, and FRP-1 are the same glycosylated protein each other and define antigenicity of CD98. LAT1, the sodium-independent L-type amino acid transporter 1, has been identified as a light chain of the CD98 heterodimer from C6 glioma cells. LAT1 also corresponds to TA1, an oncofetal antigen that is expressed primarily in fetal tissues and cancer cells such as glioma cells. Increased LAT1 expression was found in various malignancies including human gliomas. Several studies implicated the important role of LAT1 and 4F2hc in malignant transformation and carcinogenesis. The LAT1-CD98 pathway may represent a unique therapeutic target for cancer intervention.  相似文献   
In a theoretical analysis of the present study, we quantitatively indicate a potential threat of congenital toxoplasmosis to Japanese young women by the use of a simple mathematical model or a special case of the well-known catalytic infection model. For introducing a risk function of congenital toxoplasmosis, an annual infection rate, r, was divided into r(1), the rate before age a(0 < a < 15), and r(2), the rate after age a. Presuming the values of r(1), r(2) and a on the basis of the current situation of Toxoplasma infection in Japan, simulation analyses were performed with the mathematical model. As the simulation clearly demonstrated, Japanese young women are potentially facing a threat of congenital toxoplasmosis, although the current risk of it is relatively lower. From the viewpoint of risk management, public intervention programs are required. Based on our analyses, public intervention programs can be classified into two groups: group 1 for women before age a and group 2 for those after age a, and each group is expected to give a different kind of effect to the risk of congenital toxoplasmosis. The present study implies that a certain public intervention program could augment the risk, inadvertently.  相似文献   
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