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The genus Ceratocystis sensu stricto includes important fungal pathogens of woody and herbaceous plants. This genus is distinguished from species in Ceratocystis sensu lato by the presence of Chalara anamorphs. Ascospore shape has been used extensively in delineating Ceratocystis taxa, which show a large variety of ascospore shapes. Sequence analysis of one region of he 18S ribosomal RNA subunit and two regions of the 28S ribosomal RNA subunit showed that there was a majority of multiple substitutions at nucleotide sites and that there was a low transition/transversion ratio, T = 0.72. Both of these results suggest that these are well established, old species. Ascospore morphology, for the most part, was not congruent with the molecular phylogeny, and the use of morphological characters may be misleading in the taxonomy of these species.   相似文献   
The distributions of Penelope and Ulysses, two transposable elements that can induce hybrid dysgenesis, were studied in several species groups of Drosophila. No significant hybridization to Penelope and Ulysses probes was detected by Southern blot analyses of species outside the virilis group. In contrast, both element families have had a long residence in all species of the virilis species group, as indicated by their strong presence in the heterochromatic chromocenter. Except for D. kanekoi, D. lummei, and some strains of D. virilis, species of the group carry full-sized, and at least potentially functional, copies of both element families. Consistent with the occurrence of recent transposition, Penelope and Ulysses elements are located at different chromosomal sites in different geographical strains of the same species. A total of 79 Penelope and 47 Ulysses euchromatic insertion sites were localized to chromosomal subsections in species of the virilis group. Highly significant deviations from independence of the distributions of Penelope and Ulysses and previously established inversion breakpoints were documented, suggesting that these transposable elements may have played an important role in genomic reorganization and evolution of the virilis species group, which is especially rich in karyotypic variation. Received: 13 April 1999; in revised form: 20 July 1999 / Accepted: 27 July 1999  相似文献   
Margaret G. Kidwell 《Genetica》2002,115(3):325-327

Volume Contents

Contents Volume 115 2002  相似文献   
Previously, treatment of Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein (THp) from different donors with endo-beta-galactosidase has been shown to liberate a tetra- and a Sd(a)-active pentasaccharide, concluding the presence of N-linked carbohydrate chains containing additional N - acetyllactosamine units. These type of oligosaccharides were not found in a detailed structure elucidation of the carbohydrate moiety of THp of one male donor, suggesting a donor-specific feature for these type of structures. Therefore, THp was isolated from four healthy male donors and each subjected to endo-beta-galactosidase treatment in order to release these tetra- and Sd(a)-active pentasaccharide. Differences were observed in the total amount of released tetra- and Sda-active pentasaccharide of the used donors (42, 470, 478, 718 microg/100 mg THp), indicating that the presence of repeating N-acetyllactosamine units incorporated into the N-glycan moiety of THp is donor specific. Furthermore, a higher expression of the Sd(a) determinant on antennae which display N-acetyllactosamine elongation was observed, suggesting a better accessibility for the beta-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase. In order to characterize the N-glycans containing repeating N- acetyllactosamine units, carbohydrate chains were enzymatically released from THp and isolated. The tetraantennary fraction, which accounts for more than 33% of the total carbohydrate moiety of THp, was used to isolate oligosaccharides containing additional N - acetyllactosamine units. Five N-linked tetraantennary oligosaccharides containing a repeating N-acetyllactosamine unit were identified, varying from structures bearing four Sd(a) determinants to structures containing no Sd(a) determinant (see below). One compound was used in order to specify the branch location of the additional N- acetyllactosamine unit, and it appeared that only the Gal-6' and Gal-8' residues were occupied by a repeating N -acetyllactosamine unit.   相似文献   
Nucleotide sequence comparisons were used to investigate the evolution of P transposable elements and the possibility that horizontal transfer has played a role in their occurrence in natural populations of Drosophila and other Diptera. The phylogeny of P elements was examined using published sequences from eight dipteran taxa and a new, partial sequence from Scaptomyza elmoi. The results from a number of different analyses are highly consistent and reveal a P-element phylogeny that contradicts the phylogeny of the species. At least three instances of horizontal transfer are necessary to explain this incongruence, but other explanations cannot be ruled out at this time.   相似文献   
This paper describes work which begins to define the molecular organization in the region of the membrane that comprises the functional domain of the Na:K pump. The membrane-bound phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) and Na, K-ATPase appear to be directly linked via a compartmentalized form of ATP. Evidence for the membrane pool of ATP is based on the labeling characteristics of the phosphoproteins by [γ-(32)P]ATP of ghosts incubated under various conditions. Preincubation of ghosts in the presence of ATP at 37 degrees C, but not at 0 degrees C, completely obscures the formation of the Na-phosphoprotein in ghosts washed and subsequently incubated in the presence of [gamma-(32)P]ATP. In contrast to the Na component, the Mg component of phosphorylation is only slightly altered by preincubation with ATP. ATPase activity measured as (32)P(i) liberated during the subsequent incubation at 0 degrees C, reflects completely the differential effects of preincubation with ATP on (32)P incorporation into phosphoprotein. ATP placed within the pool by preincubation can be removed by operating the Na, K-ATPase or the PGK reaction in the reverse direction by use of exogenous substrates. Alternatively, the membrane pool of ATP can be formed also from exogenous substrates by running the PGK reaction in the forward direction. These results, while providing direct support for a membrane compartment of ATP, also indicate the location of this compartment in relation to the PGK and the Na, K-ATPase. In addition, these results also imply that the Mg and Na components are different enzymatic entities since substrate ATP can be derived from separate sources.  相似文献   
Preparations of H1 histone from HeLa cell nuclei incubated with [3H]NAD to permit poly(ADP-ribose) synthesis were electrophoresed on polyacrylamide gels. The incorporated radioactivity migrated as a sharply defined peak in association with a protein band which moved more slowly than H1, the major protein component. The following observations indicate that this complex is composed of two molecules of H1 and a single chain of poly(ADP-ribose) with one detectable covalent linkage of polymer to protein. 1. The [14C]arginine/[3H]lysine ratio is identical in H1 histone and in the protein moiety of the complex. 2. Protein is displaced from H1 histone to the complex during poly(ADP-ribose) synthesis. At least 90% of the protein in the complex (stainable protein and labelled protein) is derived from H1. 3. Sedimentation rate studies indicate a molecular weight of the complex about twice that of H1 histone. 4. The average chain length of the polymer is 15 ADP-ribose units and there are 7--8 ADP-ribose units for each molecule of H1 histone in the 'complex'. 5. Poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase, which hydrolyses the polymer exoglycosidically from the AMP terminus, degrades the complex producing ADP-ribose and mono-ADP-ribosylated H1 histone which co-electrophoreses with unmodified H1. Although only one covalent linkage between protein and polymer has been detected, the 'complex' does not dissociate when electrophoresed on dodecylsulfate gels. Nor can the noncovalently linked H1 histone of the complex readily exchange with free H1. Complex formation does not occur when purified poly(ADP-ribose) and H1 are mixed.  相似文献   
The effect of lethal selection on linked marker loci was investigated in experimental populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Replicate experimental populations were initiated using flies heterozygous for the lethal gene Stubble and with the enzyme loci esterase-C and phosphoglucomutase in linkage disequilibrium with Stubble. The dynamical behavior of the lethal and marker genes was followed through generation 41 when the experimental was terminated. The major findings of the experiment are: (1) the lethal gene was eliminated from all replicate populations; (2) the marker gene frequency behavior could not be accounted for by lethal selection and recombination alone; and (3) linkage disequilibrium among the marker genes stabilized at high levels. The results of this experiment are contrasted with those of a previous experiment, of similar design, involving the lethal gene Glued. New data from generations 40 and 41 of the Glued experiment are also presented. The qualitative agreement among experiments are also presented. The both experiments indicate the existence of other strongly selected factors in the region spanned by the marker genes.This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation grants GB41116 and DEB76-82479.  相似文献   
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