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Temperature is one of the ubiquitous signals that control both the development as well as virulence of various microbial species. Therefore their survival is dependent upon initiating appropriate response upon temperature fluctuations. In particular, pathogenic microbes exploit host-temperature sensing mechanisms for triggering the expression of virulence genes. Many studies have revealed that the biomolecules within a cell such as DNA, RNA, lipids and proteins help in sensing change in temperature, thereby acting as thermosensors. This review shall provide an insight into the different mechanisms of thermosensing and how they aid pathogenic microbes in host invasion.  相似文献   
The role of Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase (AID) in somatic hypermutation and polyclonal antibody affinity maturation has not been shown for polyclonal responses in humans. We investigated whether AID induction in human B cells following H1N1pdm09 vaccination correlated with in-vivo antibody affinity maturation against hemagglutinin domains in plasma of young and elderly individuals. AID was measured by qPCR in B cells from individuals of different ages immunized with the H1N1pdm09 influenza vaccine. Polyclonal antibody affinity in human plasma for the HA1 and HA2 domains of the H1N1pdm09 hemagglutinin was measured by antibody-antigen complex dissociation rates using real time kinetics in Surface Plasmon Resonance. Results show an age-related decrease in AID induction in B cells following H1N1pdm09 vaccination. Levels of AID mRNA before vaccination and fold-increase of AID mRNA expression after H1N1pdm09 vaccination directly correlated with increase in polyclonal antibody affinity to the HA1 globular domain (but not to the conserved HA2 stalk). In the younger population, significant affinity maturation to the HA1 globular domain was observed, which associated with initial levels of AID and fold-increase in AID after vaccination. In some older individuals (>65 yr), higher affinity to the HA1 domain was observed before vaccination and H1N1pdm09 vaccination resulted in minimal change in antibody affinity, which correlated with low AID induction in this age group. These findings demonstrate for the first time a strong correlation between AID induction and in-vivo antibody affinity maturation in humans. The ability to generate high affinity antibodies could have significant impact on the elucidation of age-specific antibody responses following vaccination and eventual clinical efficacy and disease outcome.  相似文献   
Khurana A  Dey CS 《FEBS letters》2002,522(1-3):119-124
The binding of phosphatidylinositol(4,5)-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P(2)) to profilin at a region distinct from the actin interaction surface is demonstrated by experiments with covalently cross-linked profilin:beta-actin. The result is in agreement with observations made with several mutant profilins and provides strong evidence for two regions on mammalian profilin mediating electrostatic interaction with phosphatidylinositol lipids; one close to the binding site for poly(L-proline), and one partially overlapping with the actin-binding surface. Congruent with this, two plant profilins, which have a reduced number of positive amino acids in one of these regions, displayed a dramatically lower binding to PI(4,5)P(2) compared to human profilin I.  相似文献   
An enhanced intracellular level of Nitric oxide (NO) is essential to ameliorate several pathological conditions of heart and vasculature necessitating the activation of NOS. We have projected in this report the acetylation of eNOS by polyphenolic peracetates (PA) catalyzed by the novel enzyme acetoxy drug: protein transacetylase (TAase) discovered in our laboratory as an unambiguous way of activating NOS which results in the manifestation of physiological action. The human platelet was chosen as the experimental system in order to validate the aforementioned proposition. PA caused profound irreversible activation of platelet NADPH cytochrome c reductase mediated by TAase. The convincing biochemical evidences are presented to show that PA could cause acetylation of the reductase domain of NOS leading to the activation of eNOS in tune with their specificities to platelet TAase. As a result, the enhanced level of NO due to activation of platelet eNOS by PA was found to inhibit the ADP-induced platelet aggregation. The present studies highlight for the first time the role of PA as the novel potent agent for enhancing the intracellular NO levels.  相似文献   
The polypeptides of etioplast and chloroplast fractions, purified on Percoll discontinuous gradient, were phosphorylated in vitro using (γ-32P)ATP, resolved by SDS-PAGE and autoradiographed. In general, about 15-18 phosphopolypeptides in the range of 14-150 kD were distinctly visible in autoradiograms of both organelle fractions with varying degree of radiolabel incorporation. Although short-term irradiation with red or far-red light did not have any significant effect on phosphorylation status of etioplast polypeptides, in vivo irradiation with 1 h white light, followed by in vitro phosphorylation, decreased phosphorylation of a 116 kD polypeptide and increased the phosphorylation of polypeptides of 38 kD and a doublet around 20 kD. Strikingly, the phosphorylation status of 116 kD etioplast polypeptide was adversely affected by Ca2+ as well, and this phosphopolypeptlde was not distinctly visible in the autoradiogram of the chloroplast fraction proteins. However, in vitro phosphorylation of 98, 57 and 50 kD polypeptides of both etioplast and chloroplast fractions was found to be Ca2+ dependent. Unlike Ca2+, 3′,5′-cyclic AMP down-regulated the phosphorylation of several polypeptides of both etioplasts and chloroplasts, including 98 and 50 kD, and up-regulated the phosphorylation of 32 and 57 kD polypeptides. The significance of these observations on changes in phosphoprotein profile of etioplasts and chloroplasts, as influenced by light, Ca2+ and cyclic nucleotides, has been discussed.  相似文献   
Coping with different kinds of biotic and abiotic stresses is the foundation of sustainable agriculture. Although conventional breeding and marker-assisted selection are being employed in mulberry (Morus indica L.) to develop better varieties, nonetheless the longer time periods required for these approaches necessitates the use of precise biotechnological approaches for sustainable agriculture. In an attempt to improve stress tolerance of mulberry, an important plant of the sericulture industry, an encoding late embryogenesis abundant gene from barley (HVA1) was introduced into mulberry plants by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Transgenic mulberry with barley Hva1 under a constitutive promoter actin1 was shown to enhance drought and salinity tolerance. Here, we report that overexpression of barley Hva1 also confers cold tolerance in transgenic mulberry. Further, barley Hva1 gene under control of a stress-inducible promoter rd29A can effectively negate growth retardation under non-stress conditions and confer stress tolerance in transgenic mulberry. Transgenic lines display normal morphology to enhanced growth and an increased tolerance against drought, salt and cold conditions as measured by free proline, membrane stability index and PSII activity. Protein accumulation was detected under stress conditions confirming inductive expression of HVA1 in transgenics. Investigations to assess stress tolerance of these plants under field conditions revealed an overall better performance than the non-transgenic plants. Enhanced expression of stress responsive genes such as Mi dnaJ and Mi 2-cysperoxidin suggests that Hva1 can regulate downstream genes associated with providing abiotic stress tolerance. The investigation of transgenic lines presented here demonstrates the acquisition of tolerance against drought, salt and cold stress in plants overexpressing barley Hva1, indicating that Arabidopsis rd29A promoter can function in mulberry.  相似文献   
The purification and characterization of the buffalo liver microsomal transacetylase (TAase) catalyzing the transfer of acetyl groups from a model acetoxy drug: 7,8-diacetoxy-4-methylcoumarin (DAMC) to GST3-3 has been described here. The enzyme was routinely assayed using DAMC and cytosolic GST as the substrates and was partially purified from microsomes of the buffalo liver. The enzyme was found to have approximate molecular of weight 65 kDa. The action of TAase and DAMC on liver cytosolic GST resulted in the formation of monoacetoxymonohydroxy-4-methylcoumarin (MAMHC) and 7,8-dihydroxy-4-methylcoumarin (DHMC), although the former was the major metabolite. The buffalo liver microsomal TAase exhibited hyperbolic kinetics and yielded K(m) (1667 microM) and V(max) (192 units) when the concentration of DAMC was varied keeping the concentration of GST constant. After having characterized the nature of the substrates and a product of the TAase-catalyzed reaction, we set out to identify the acetylated protein which is another product of the reaction. GST3-3 was used as a model protein substrate for the action of TAase using DAMC as the acetyl donor. The subunit of control and modified GST3-3 were separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and digested with trypsin. The tryptic peptides were extracted from the gel pieces and analyzed by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS). The data search for calibrated and labeled mass peaks of peptides was performed on the Matrix Science Server using the search engine Mascot. The peptide maps so obtained covered 97% of the GST3-3 sequence. On comparison of MALDI peptide maps of modified and control GST, seven new peaks were recognized corresponding to the potentially acetylated peptides in peptide map. The mass value of each of them was 42 Da higher than the theoretical mass of a non-modified GST3-3 tryptic peptide, strongly suggesting acetylation. By examining the fragmentation patterns and by comparing experimental and predicted values for MS/MS daughter ions, the identity of the seven acetylated GST tryptic peptides could be confirmed by the application of LC/MS/MS. In the modified GST, N-terminal proline and six lysines (Lys(51), Lys(82), Lys(123), Lsy(181), Lys(191) and Lys(210)) were found to be acetylated. The structure of acetylated GST revealed that the lysines that underwent acetylation were peripheral in positions.  相似文献   
Enzymes are central to the biology of many pesticides, influencing their modes of action, environmental fates and mechanisms of target species resistance. Since the introduction of synthetic xenobiotic pesticides, enzymes responsible for pesticide turnover have evolved rapidly, in both the target organisms and incidentally exposed biota. Such enzymes are a source of significant biotechnological potential and form the basis of several bioremediation strategies intended to reduce the environmental impacts of pesticide residues. This review describes examples of enzymes possessing the major activities employed in the bioremediation of pesticide residues, and some of the strategies by which they are employed. In addition, several examples of specific achievements in enzyme engineering are considered, highlighting the growing trend in tailoring enzymatic activity to a specific biotechnologically relevant function.  相似文献   
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