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Arginase activity was studied in the brain and other tissues of the rat at the different periods of neurinoma growth. The activity of the enzyme was considerably activated in the affected hemisphere on the 4th day, in the skin of the head and thigh on the 6th day after tumor transplantation. Elevation in arginase activity in the neoplasm itself was recorded on the 16th day. The data obtained point to the physiological significance of arginase during neurinoma growth.  相似文献   
Variation in rates of molecular evolution now appears to be widespread. The demonstration that body size is correlated with rates of molecular evolution suggests that physiological and ecological factors may be involved in molecular rate variation, but large-scale comparative studies are still lacking. Here, we use complete cytochrome b sequences from 85 species of tube-nosed seabirds (order Procellariiformes) and 5 outgroup species of penguins (order Sphenisciformes) to test for an association between body mass and rates of molecular evolution within the former avian order. Cladistic analysis of the 90 sequences estimates a phylogeny largely consistent with the traditional taxonomy of the Procellariiformes. The Diomedeidae, Procellariidae, and Pelecanoididae are monophyletic, while the Hydrobatidae are basal and paraphyletic. However, the two subfamilies within the Hydrobatidae (Hydrobatinae and Oceanitinae) are monophyletic. A likelihood ratio test detects significant deviation from clocklike evolution in our data. Using a sign test for an association between body mass and branch length in the seabird phylogeny, we find that larger taxa tend to have shorter terminal branch lengths than smaller taxa. This observation suggests that rates of mitochondrial DNA evolution are slower for larger taxa. Rate calibrations based on the fossil record reveal concordant body size effects. We interpret these results as evidence for a metabolic rate effect, as the species in this order exhibit large differences in metabolic rates, which are known to be highly correlated with body mass in this group. Our results support previous findings of body size effects and show that this effect can be significant even within a single avian order. This suggests that even lineage-specific molecular clocks may not be tenable if calibrations involve taxa with different metabolic rates.   相似文献   
Iron-containing o-nitrosophenol compounds have been isolated from 64 strains of microorganisms of 18 species. The analysis of author's and published data allowed to divide iron-containing microbial compounds into two physiological groups: ferri-ionophores, i. e. compounds participating in active iron transfer, and those immobilizing iron at increase in its content in medium up to 10(-4)-10(-2) M. O-nitrosophenol pigments were found to belong to the latter group. A scheme of participation of o-nitrosophenol compounds in regulation of iron metabolism in actinomycetes has been proposed.  相似文献   
Molecular evolution of chloroplast DNA sequences   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
Comparative data on the evolution of chloroplast genes are reviewed. The chloroplast genome has maintained a similar structural organization over most plant taxa so far examined. Comparisons of nucleotide sequence divergence among chloroplast genes reveals marked similarity across the plant kingdom and beyond to the cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). Estimates of rates of nucleotide substitution indicate a synonymous rate of 1.1 x 10(-9) substitutions per site per year. Noncoding regions also appear to be constrained in their evolution, although addition/deletion events are common. There have also been evolutionary changes in the distribution of introns in chloroplast encoded genes. Relative to mammalian mitochondrial DNA, the chloroplast genome evolves at a conservative rate.   相似文献   
In order to study the effect of microgravity on the proliferation of mammalian osteosarcoma cells and osteoblasts, the changes in cell proliferation, spindle structure, expression of MAD2 or BUB1, and effect of MAD2 or BUB1 on the inhibition of cell proliferation is investigated by keeping mammalian osteosarcoma cells and osteoblasts under simulated microgravity in a rotating wall vessel (2D-RWVS) bioreactor. Experimental results indicate that the effect of microgravity on proliferation inhibition, incidence of multipolar spindles, and expression of MAD2 or BUB1 increases with the extension of treatment time. And multipolar cells enter mitosis after MAD2 or BUB1 is knocked down, which leads to the decrease in DNA content, and decrease the accumulation of cells within multipolar spindles. It can therefore be concluded that simulated microgravity can alter the structure of spindle microtubules, and stimulate the formation of multipolar spindles together with multicentrosomes, which causes the overexpression of SAC proteins to block the abnormal cells in metaphase, thereby inhibiting cell proliferation. By clarifying the relationship between cell proliferation inhibition, spindle structure and SAC changes under simulated microgravity, the molecular mechanism and morphology basis of proliferation inhibition induced by microgravity is revealed, which will give experiment and theoretical evidence for the mechanism of space bone loss and some other space medicine problems.  相似文献   
In order to clarify possible cytological mechanisms that underlie the beneficial effects of carvacrol-bearing essential oils on health and mental abilities, we studied one of them (oregano essential oil) in experiments on transformed cultured Chinese hamster cells. Possible cytotoxic or mitogenic effects of the preparation at various concentrations were preliminarily estimated by analyzing the cell culture density after 4 days of cultivation. The preparation concentration in the growth medium (on carvacrol basis) varied from 1 × 10?15 up to 5 × 10?4 M (on carvacrol basis). As a result, two concentrations were selected for further experiments, including 2.5 × 10?5 M as the maximal absolutely non-toxic concentration and 2.5 × 10?4 M as the concentration at which the oregano essential oil decreased approximately 2-fold the final cell density of the grown culture. It was found that the preparation at 2.5 × 10?5 M had no effect on either the colony-forming ability of the cells or the saturation density of the culture (which is a marker of its ??biological age??) or kinetics of its ??stationary phase aging?? (degradation of cultured cells in the stationary phase of growth, similar to age-related changes of the cells in aging organism). On the contrary, the oregano essential oil at 2.5 × 10?4 M abruptly diminished colony-forming ability of the cells and influenced as a ??pro-aging?? factor on the saturation density of the cell culture and kinetics of the cell death induced by ??stationary phase aging.?? Based on our own concept of aging and the data obtained, we assumed that detected increase in the life span of mice under the influence of the oregano essential oil could be determined by certain functional changes at the organismal level only, but is not associated with any geroprotective (anti-aging) activity of the preparation, which is manifested at the cellular level and improves the cell viability.  相似文献   
There is a standpoint according to which the suppression of the ability of cells in a multicellular organism to proliferate, taking place during aging, as well as the corresponding decline in the regenerative capacities of tissues and organs, is caused by the specialized mechanisms having emerged in the evolution that decrease the risk of malignant transformation and, thereby, provide for protection against cancer. At the same time, various macromolecular defects start to accumulate in senescent cells of the body, which, on the contrary, elevate the probability for malignant transformation of these cells. Thus, according to the mentioned concept, the restriction of cell proliferation is a double-edged sword, which, on the one hand, decreases the probability for malignant tumor development in young age and, on the other hand, limits the lifespan due to accumulation of “spoiled” cells in old age. However, it remains unclear why normal human cells placed under in vitro conditions and thus having no mentioned “anticancer” barriers, which function at the body level only, NEVER undergo spontaneous malignant transformation. In addition, it is unclear how the freshwater hydra escapes both aging and cancer, as it under certain conditions contains no postmitotic and senescent cells at all and under these conditions (excluding the need for sexual reproduction) can live almost indefinitely, possessing a tremendous regenerative potential (a new organism can emerge from even 1/100 part of the old one). Presumably, the restriction of cell proliferation in an aging multicellular organism is not the result of a certain special program. Apparently, there is no program of aging at all, the aging being a “byproduct” of the program of development, whose implementation in higher organisms necessarily requires emergence of cell populations with a very low and even zero proliferative activity, which actually determines the limited ability of the corresponding organs and tissues to regenerate. On the other hand, the populations of highly differentiated cells incapable or poorly capable of reproduction (e.g., neurons, cardiomyocytes, and hepatocytes) are the particular factor that determines the normal functioning of higher animals and humans. Even regeneration of such organs with the help of stem cells may interfere with the necessary links in elaborate systems. The reductionism (“everything is determined by adverse changes in individual cells”), which has recently become widespread in experimental gerontological research, has brought about several model systems for studying the aging mechanisms in isolated cells (Hayflick phenomenon, stationary phase aging model, cellular kinetic model for testing of geroprotectors and geropromoters, etc.). However, it currently seems that data obtained using such models are inappropriate for an automatic extrapolation to the situation in the whole body. Presumably, impairments in regulatory processes functioning at the neurohumoral level are the major players in the mechanisms underlying aging of multicellular organisms rather than a mere accumulation of macromolecular damage in individual cells. It cannot be excluded that a disturbance of such regulation is the particular reason for the abnormal INCREASE in proliferation intensity of some cell populations that are frequently observed in old age and that lead to senile acromegaly and development of numerous benign tumors. It looks like the quality of CONTROL over cells, organs, and tissues becomes poorer with age rather than the quality of the cells themselves, which leads to an increase in the death rate.  相似文献   
The effect of deep hypothermia on the rat's organism was investigated without the use of hypercapnic hypoxia or administration of medicine. The possibility of resuscitation and rehabilitation of rats after deep hypothermia depending on different rate of heating have been also studied. It has been observed that the cardiac activity stopped at about 3 degrees C. We supposed that the extremely intensive heating and temperature rise of an organism were both limiting factors. We have discovered that the low intensity of heating was the next factor of limitation which was connected with the duration of clinical death. These experiments showed that the intensive cooling and heating (about 0.4 degrees C per min.) are the best for resuscitation and rehabilitation after deep hypothermia.  相似文献   
Problems related to the interpretation of data obtained during testing of potential geroprotectors in cytogerontological experiments are considered. It is emphasized that such compounds/physical factors should influence the processes leading to the age-related increase of death probability of multicellular organisms (primarily human, in whose aging gerontologists are mainly interested). However, in the authors’ opinion, compounds that can be used to treat age-related diseases can hardly be classified as geroprotectors. It is noted that, in the model systems using cultured cells, researchers usually evaluate their viability, the criteria of which strongly depend on the aging theory that is shared by the experimenters. In addition, it is very important what cells are used in the studies—normal or transformed cells of multicellular organisms, unicellular eukaryotic or prokaryotic organisms, etc. In particular, the biologically active compounds that decrease the viability of cultured cancer cells, similarly to the compounds that increase the viability of normal cultured cells, may increase the life span of experimental animals and humans. Various problems with interpretation of data obtained with the Hayflick model, the stationary phase aging model, and the cell kinetics model, as well as in experiments on evaluation of cell colony-forming efficiency, are analyzed. The approaches discussed are illustrated on the example of the results of gerontological studies of rapamycin, a well-known mTOR inhibitor. It is assumed that factors retarding the stationary phase aging (chronological aging) of cultured cells are, apparently, the most promising geroprotectors, although the specific mechanisms of their action may vary considerably.  相似文献   
People can eat a food without having a strong preference for it, and people can prefer a food without eating it. Given this seeming disconnect between attitude and behavior, which type of measure or segment can best be used to profile or identify loyal consumer segments of a food, such as soy? This research compares a usage‐based method (heavy‐light‐nonusers) with a new attitude‐based method (seeker‐neutral‐avoider), and finds that the attitude‐based method differentiates purchase‐related intentions better than the usage‐based method. Implications for profiling consumer taste patterns and consumer segments are provided.  相似文献   
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