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Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was applied to study the structural and thermal properties of bovine brain galactocerebroside (GalCer) containing amide linked non-hydroxylated or alpha-hydroxy fatty acids (NFA- and HFA-GalCer, respectively). Over the temperature range 0-90 degrees C, both GalCer displayed complex thermal transitions, characteristic of polymorphic phase behavior. Upon heating, aqueous dispersions of NFA- and HFA-GalCer exhibited high order-disorder transition temperatures near 80 and 72 degrees C, respectively. En route to the chain melting transition, the patterns of the amide I band of NFA-GalCer were indicative of two different lamellar crystalline phases, whereas those of HFA-GalCer were suggestive of lamellar gel and crystalline bilayers. Cooling from the liquid-crystalline phase resulted in the formation of another crystalline phase of NFA-GalCer and a gel phase of HFA-GalCer, with a phase transition near 62 and 66 degrees C, respectively. Prolonged incubation of GalCer bilayers at 38 degrees C revealed conversions among lamellar crystalline phases (NFA-GalCer) or between lamellar gel and crystalline bilayer structures (HFA-GalCer). Spectral changes indicated that the temperature and/or time induced formation of the lamellar crystalline structures of NFA- and HFA-GalCer was accompanied by partial dehydration and by rearrangements of the hydrogen bonding network and bilayer packing mode of GalCer.  相似文献   
T cell studies in a peptide-induced model of systemic lupus erythematosus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have previously reported that immunization with a peptide mimetope of dsDNA on a branched polylysine backbone (DWEYSVWLSN-MAP) induces a systemic lupus erythematosus-like syndrome in the nonautoimmune BALB/c mouse strain. To understand the mechanism underlying this breakdown in self tolerance, we examined the role of T cells in the response. Our results show that the anti-foreign and anti-self response induced by immunization is T cell dependent and is mediated by I-E(d)-restricted CD4(+) T cells of the Th1 subset. In addition, generation of the critical T cell epitope requires processing by APCs and depends on the presence of both DWEYSVWLSN and the MAP backbone. The breakdown in self tolerance does not occur through cross-reactivity between the T cell epitope of DWEYSVWLSN-MAP and epitopes derived from nuclear Ags. In this induced-model of SLE, therefore, autoreactivity results from the activation of T cells specific for foreign Ag and of cross-reactive anti-foreign, anti-self B cells. Despite the fact that tissue injury is mediated by Ab, the critical initiating T cell response is Th1.  相似文献   
The Y-chromosomal gene TSPY (testis-specific protein Y-encoded) is probably involved in early spermatogenesis and has a variable copy number in different mammalian species. Analysis of bovine BAC clones leads to an estimate of 90 TSPY loci on the bovine Y chromosome. Half of these loci (TSPY-M1 and TSPY-M2) contain a single copy, while the other loci (TSPY-C) contain a cluster of three, possibly four, truncated pseudogenes. Fluorescence in situ hybridization indicated that the TSPY loci are located mainly on the short arm (Yp). The TSPY genes appear to account for about 2.5% of the Y chromosome and contain several published bovine Y-chromosomal microsatellites. The homology of TSPY and the major Y-chromosomal repetitive elements BRY.2 from cattle and OY.1 from sheep (80-85% similarity) further illustrates how the Y chromosome is shaped by rearrangements and horizontal spreading of the most abundant sequences. A comparison of TSPY-M1 sequences from different BAC clones and from related bovine species suggests concerted evolution as one of the mechanisms of the rapid evolution of the mammalian Y chromosome.  相似文献   
Micromolar concentrations of the flavonoid kaempferol were found to efficiently block cerebellar granule cell (CGC) death through low K+-induced apoptosis, as demonstrated by prevention of the activation of caspase-3, internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, and chromatin condensation, without a significant rise in intracellular free Ca2+ concentration. Half of the maximum protection against CGC apoptosis was attained with 8 +/- 2 microM kaempferol. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) were monitored with 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate. Quantitative analysis of intracellularly and extracellularly oriented ROS production up to 3 h from the onset of low K+-induced CGC apoptosis was carried out with acquired digital fluorescence microscopy images of CGC in culture plates using a CCD camera, and also with fluorescence measurements of resuspended CGCs. In both cases, nearly 90% of ROS production by CGCs during the early stages (up to 3 h) after induction of low-K+ apoptosis occurs at the plasma membrane. Kaempferol, at concentrations that blocked CGC apoptosis, has been found to be a particularly potent blocker of extracellularly oriented ROS production by CGCs, and to inhibit the ascorbate-dependent NADH oxidase and superoxide anion production activities of the neuronal plasma membrane redox chain.  相似文献   
Displacement of the contractile protein tropomyosin from actin filament exposes the myosin-binding sites on actin, resulting in actin-myosin interaction and muscle contraction. The objective of the present study was to better understand the interaction of tropomyosin with heat shock protein (HSP)27 in contraction of smooth muscle cells of the colon. We investigated the possibility of a direct protein-protein interaction of tropomyosin with HSP27 and the role of phosphorylated HSP27 in this interaction. Immunoprecipitation studies on rabbit smooth muscle cells indicate that upon acetylcholine-induced contraction tropomyosin shows increased association with HSP27 phosphorylated at Ser82 and Ser78. Transfection of smooth muscle cells with HSP27 phosphorylation mutants indicated that the association of tropomyosin with HSP27 could be affected by HSP27 phosphorylation. In vitro binding studies with glutathione S-transferase (GST)-tagged HSP27 mutant proteins show that tropomyosin has greater direct interaction to phosphomimic HSP27 mutant compared with wild-type and nonphosphomimic HSP27. Our data suggest that, in response to a contractile agonist, HSP27 undergoes a rapid phosphorylation that may strengthen its interaction with tropomyosin. acetylcholine; fusion proteins; serine  相似文献   
Using the patch-clamp technique it was found that the toxicity of the two wheat endosperm proteins puroindoline-a and alpha1-purothionin probably results from the dissipation of ion concentration gradients essential for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis.Abbreviations PIN-a puroindoline-a - PTH alpha1-purothionin Presented at the Biophysical Society Meeting on Ion Channels—from structure to disease held in May 2003, Rennes, France  相似文献   
The incidence of hypertension increases during the late stages of aging; however, the vascular mechanisms involved are unclear. We investigated whether the late stages of aging are associated with impaired nitric oxide (NO)-mediated vascular relaxation and enhanced vascular contraction and whether oxidative stress plays a role in the age-related vascular changes. Aging (16 mo) male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) nontreated or treated for 8 mo with the antioxidant tempol (1 mM in drinking water) or vitamin E (E; 5,000 IU/kg chow) and vitamin C (C; 100 mg. kg-1. day-1 in drinking water) and adult (12 wk) male SHR were used. After the arterial pressure was measured, aortic strips were isolated from the rats for measurement of isometric contraction. The arterial pressure and phenylephrine (Phe)-induced vascular contraction were enhanced, and the ACh-induced vascular relaxation and nitrite/nitrate production were reduced in aging compared with adult rats. In aging rats, the arterial pressure was nontreated (188 +/- 4), tempol-treated (161 +/- 6), and E + C-treated (187 +/- 1 mmHg). Phe (10-5 M) caused an increase in active stress in nontreated aging rats (14.3 +/- 1.0) that was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced in tempol-treated (9.0 +/- 0.7) and E + C-treated rats (9.8 +/- 0.6 x 104 N/m2). ACh produced a small relaxation of Phe contraction in nontreated aging rats that was enhanced (P < 0.05) in tempol- and E + C-treated rats. l-NAME (10-4 M), inhibitor of NO synthase, or ODQ (10-5 M), inhibitor of cGMP production in smooth muscle, inhibited ACh relaxation and enhanced Phe contraction in tempol- and E + C-treated but not the nontreated aging rats. ACh-induced vascular nitrite/nitrate production was not different in nontreated, tempol- and E + C-treated aging rats. Relaxation of Phe contraction with sodium nitroprusside, an exogenous NO donor, was smaller in aging than adult rats but was not different between nontreated, tempol- and E + C-treated aging rats. Thus, during the late stages of aging in SHR rats, an age-related inhibition of a vascular relaxation pathway involving not only NO production by endothelial cells but also the bioavailability of NO and the smooth muscle response to NO is partially reversed during chronic treatment with the antioxidants tempol and vitamins E and C. The data suggest a role for oxidative stress in the reduction of vascular relaxation and thereby the promotion of vascular contraction and hypertension during the late stages of aging.  相似文献   
Fibrosis around the smooth muscle of asthmatic airway walls leads to irreversible airway obstruction. Bronchial epithelial cells release granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in asthmatics and are in close proximity to airway smooth muscle cells (ASMC). The findings in this study demonstrate that GM-CSF induces confluent, prolonged, serum-deprived cultures of ASMC to increase expression of collagen I and fibronectin. GM-CSF also induced ASMC to increase the expression of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta receptors type I, II, and III (TbetaR-I, TbetaR-II, TbetaR-III), but had no detectable effect on the release of TGF-beta1 by the same ASMC. The presence of GM-CSF also induced the association of TGF-beta1 with TbetaR-III, which enhances binding of TGF-beta1 to TbetaR-II. The induction of TbetaRs was parallel to the increased induction of phosphorylated Smad2 (pSmad2) and connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), indicative of TGF-beta-mediated connective tissue synthesis. Dexamethasone decreased GM-CSF-induced TbetaR-I, TbetaR-II, TbetaR-III, pSmad2, CTGF, collagen I, and fibronectin. In conclusion, GM-CSF increases the responsiveness of ASMC to TGF-beta1-mediated connective tissue expression by induction of TbetaRs, which is inhibited by corticosteroids.  相似文献   
Genes controlling antibacterial resistance may be important in the hygiene hypothesis, which states that lack of bacterial infections during childhood would favor development of allergic disease. We, therefore, studied whether Nramp1 (Slc11a1) alleles, which determine susceptibility (Nramp1(s)) or resistance (Nramp1(r)) to intracellular bacteria, affect the efficacy of heat-killed Mycobacterium vaccae in the treatment of allergic asthma in a mouse model. Treatment of OVA-sensitized Nramp1(s) mice with M. vaccae suppressed airway hyperresponsiveness, airway eosinophilia, Ag-specific IgE, and IL-4 and IL-5 production after OVA aerosol challenge. In contrast, M. vaccae hardly affected these parameters in Nramp1(r) mice. In addition, The Nramp1 gene affected both T cell-mediated responses to M. vaccae in vivo and the level of macrophage activation after stimulation with M. vaccae in vitro. In conclusion, the efficacy of M. vaccae in preventing allergic and asthmatic manifestations in a mouse model is strongly affected by Nramp1 alleles. These findings could have important implications for the future use of mycobacteria and their components in the prevention or treatment of allergic asthma. A new link is described between genes, the environment, and the development of allergy, in which the Nramp1 gene fine tunes the hygiene hypothesis.  相似文献   
Lipid rafts are plasma membrane microdomains that are highly enriched in signaling molecules and that act as signal transduction platforms for many immune receptors. The involvement of these microdomains in HLA-DR-induced signaling is less well defined. We examined the constitutive presence of HLA-DR molecules in lipid rafts, their possible recruitment into these microdomains, and the role of these microdomains in HLA-DR-induced responses. We detected significant amounts of HLA-DR molecules in the lipid rafts of EBV(+) and EBV(-) B cell lines, monocytic cell lines, transfected HeLa cells, tonsillar B cells, and human monocytes. Localization of HLA-DR in these microdomains was unaffected by the deletion of the cytoplasmic domain of both the alpha and beta chains. Ligation of HLA-DR with a bivalent, but not a monovalent, ligand resulted in rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of many substrates, especially Lyn, and activation of ERK1/2 MAP kinase. However, the treatment failed to induce further recruitment of HLA-DR molecules into lipid rafts. The HLA-DR-induced signaling events were accompanied by the induction of cell-cell adhesion that could be inhibited by PTK and Lyn but not ERK1/2 inhibitors. Disruption of lipid rafts by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MbetaCD) resulted in the loss of membrane raft association with HLA-DR molecules, inhibition of HLA-DR-mediated protein tyrosine phosphorylation and cell-cell adhesion. MbetaCD did not affect the activation of ERK1/2, which was absent from lipid rafts. These results indicate that although all the HLA-DR-induced events studied are dependent on HLA-DR dimerization, some require the presence of HLA-DR molecules in lipid rafts, whereas others do not.  相似文献   
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