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DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) is a key non-homologous-end-joining (NHEJ) nuclear serine/threonine protein kinase involved in various DNA metabolic and damage signaling pathways contributing to the maintenance of genomic stability and prevention of cancer. To examine the role of DNA-PK in processing of non-DSB clustered DNA damage, we have used three models of DNA-PK deficiency, i.e., chemical inactivation of its kinase activity by the novel inhibitors IC86621 and NU7026, knockdown and complete absence of the protein in human breast cancer (MCF-7) and glioblastoma cell lines (MO59-J/K). A compromised DNA-PK repair pathway led to the accumulation of clustered DNA lesions induced by γ-rays. Tumor cells lacking protein expression or with inhibited kinase activity showed a marked decrease in their ability to process oxidatively induced non-DSB clustered DNA lesions measured using a modified version of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis or single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay). In all cases, DNA-PK inactivation led to a higher level of lesion persistence even after 24–72 h of repair. We suggest a model in which DNA-PK deficiency affects the processing of these clusters first by compromising base excision repair and second by the presence of catalytically inactive DNA-PK inhibiting the efficient processing of these lesions owing to the failure of DNA-PK to disassociate from the DNA ends. The information rendered will be important for understanding not only cancer etiology in the presence of an NHEJ deficiency but also cancer treatments based on the induction of oxidative stress and inhibition of cluster repair.  相似文献   
A new group of hybrid nitric oxide (NO) releasing anti-inflammatory (AI) coxib prodrugs (NO-coxibs) wherein the para-tolyl moiety present in celecoxib was replaced by a N-(4-nitrooxybutyl)piperidyl 15ab, or N-(4-nitrooxybutyl)-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridyl 17ab, NO-donor moiety was synthesized. All compounds released a low amount of NO upon incubation with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) at pH 7.4 (2.4–5.8% range). In comparison, the percentage NO released was higher (3.1–8.4% range) when these nitrate prodrugs were incubated in the presence of l-cysteine. In vitro COX-1/COX-2 isozyme inhibition studies showed this group of compounds are moderately more potent, and hence selective, inhibitors of the COX-2 relative to the COX-1 enzyme. AI structure–activity relationship data acquired showed that compounds having a MeSO2 COX-2 pharmacophore exhibited superior AI activity compared to analogs having a H2NSO2 substituent. Compounds having a MeSO2 COX-2 pharmacophore in conjunction with a N-(4-nitrooxybutyl)piperidyl (ED50 = 132.4 mg/kg po), or a N-(4-nitrooxybutyl)-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridyl (ED50 = 118.4 mg/kg po), moiety exhibited an AI potency profile that is similar to aspirin (ED50 = 128.7 mg/kg po) but lower than ibuprofen (ED50 = 67.4 mg/kg po).  相似文献   
A total of 73 blood samples (56 from smokers and 17 from nonsmokers) were collected to determine the concentrations of selected heavy metal in the whole blood of smokers and nonsmokers living in and around the city of Amman, Jordan. Analysis of heavy metals in the whole blood samples of various groups took in consideration the number of cigarettes smoked per day. The analysis of blood samples was carried out using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. This study aimed to evaluate the blood metal levels in smokers and nonsmokers and to assess the influence of smoking cigarettes on blood metal levels. The results were compared with those from a control group. The results indicated that the average concentrations of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and selenium (Se) were 0.0313, 0.344, 2.328, 3.214, and 0.332 mg/L, respectively. Statistical analysis of results indicated that these average concentrations were significantly higher compared with the average concentrations in nonsmokers (P < 0.05). Moreover, the correlations between blood metal and other blood metal levels in smokers, the correlations between blood metal and other blood metal levels in nonsmokers, and the correlations between blood metal concentration in smokers and its concentration in nonsmokers were calculated. The standard reference material (blood serum National Institute of Standards and Technology 1598) and the quality control were used to validate the reliability of the method used for the estimation of heavy metals in blood samples. Results revealed that there was an agreement between the certified values and the measured values.  相似文献   
The regulation of plant signalling responses by Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases (MAPKs)-mediated protein phosphorylation is well recognized. MAP kinase phosphatases (MKPs) are negative regulators of MAPKs in eukaryotes. We report here the identification and the characterization of TMKP1, the first wheat MKP (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. Durum). Expression profile analyses performed in two durum wheat cultivars showing a marked difference in salt and drought stress tolerance, revealed a differential regulation of TMKP1. Under salt and osmotic stress, TMKP1 is induced in the sensitive wheat variety and repressed in the tolerant one. A recombinant TMKP1 was shown to be an active phosphatase and capable to interact specifically with two wheat MAPKs (TMPK3 and TMPK6). In BY2 tobacco cells transiently expressing GFP::TMKP1, the fusion protein was localized into the nucleus. Interestingly, the deletion of the N-terminal non catalytic domain results in a strong accumulation of the truncated fusion protein in the cytoplasm. In addition, when expressed in BY2 cells, TMPK3 and TMPK6 fused to red fluorescent protein (RFP) were shown to be present predominantly in the nucleus. Surprisingly, when co-expressed with the N-terminal truncated TMKP1 fusion protein; both kinases are excluded from the nuclear compartment and accumulate in the cytoplasm. This strongly suggests that TMKP1 interacts in vivo with TMPK3 and TMPK6 and controls their subcellular localization. Taken together, our results show that the newly isolated wheat MKP might play an active role in modulating the plant cell responses to salt and osmotic stress responses.  相似文献   
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria have been observed with increasing frequency over the past decades, driving the search for new drugs and stimulating the interest in natural products sources. Endophytic fungi from medicinal plants represent a great source of novel bioactive compounds useful to pharmaceutical and agronomical purposes. Diaporthe terebinthifolii is an endophytic species isolated from Schinus terebinthifolius, a plant used in popular medicine for several health problems. The strain D. terebinthifolii LGMF907 was previously reported by our group to produce secondary metabolites with biological activity against phytopathogens. Based on these data, strain LGMF907 was chosen for bioprospecting against microorganisms of clinical importance and for characterization of major secondary metabolites. In this study, different culture conditions were evaluated and the biological activity of this strain was expanded. The crude extracts demonstrated high antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, Micrococcus luteus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus, and methicillin-resistant S. aureus. The compounds diaporthin and orthosporin were characterized and also showed activity against the clinical microorganisms evaluated. This study discloses the first isolation of diaporthin and orthosporin from D. terebinthifolii, and revealed the potential of this endophytic fungus to produce secondary metabolites with antimicrobial activity.  相似文献   
Two genotypes of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were studied to determine the structural cause of seed abortion in this species. In the non-abortive control (wild-type, cultivar BAT93), the histological analysis revealed a classical pattern of seed development and showed coordinated differentiation of the embryo proper, suspensor, endosperm tissue and seed coat. In contrast, the ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) mutant (cultivar BAT93) showed disruption in the normal seed development leading to embryo abortion. Aborted embryos from these degenerate seeds showed abnormalities in suspensor and cotyledons at the globular, heart, torpedo and cotyledon stages. Exploring the feasibility of incorporating the available online bioinformatics databases, we identified 22 genes revealing high homology with genes involved in Arabidopsis thaliana embryo development and expressed in common bean immature seeds. The expression patterns of these genes were confirmed by RT–PCR. All genes were highly expressed in seed tissues. To study the expression profiles of isolated genes during Phaseolus embryogenesis, six selected genes were examined by quantitative RT–PCR analysis on the developing embryos of wild-type and EMS mutant plants. All selected genes were expressed differentially at different stages of embryo development. These results could help to improve understanding of the mechanism of common bean embryogenesis.  相似文献   
We investigated the morphology, morphogenesis and small subunit rRNA gene-based phylogeny of three marine urostylids, Uncinata gigantea Bullington, 1940 Bullington, W. E. (1940). Some ciliates from Tortugas. Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory, 32, 179221. [Google Scholar], Holosticha heterofoissneri Hu & Song, 2001 Hu, X., & Song, W. (2001). Morphology and morphogenesis of Holosticha heterofoissneri n. sp. from the Yellow Sea, China (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida). Hydrobiologia, 448, 171179. doi:10.1023/A:1017553406031.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], and Holosticha cf. heterofoissneri. The dorsal morphogenesis of Uncinata gigantea shows de novo formation of two groups of anlagen near the marginal rows. Holosticha cf. heterofoissneri demonstrates fragmentation of the first dorsal kinety anlage as in Holosticha heterofoissneri. Our population of H. heterofoissneri corresponds well with previously described populations in terms of its general morphology and ciliary pattern. Uncinata gigantea can be recognized by its large and highly contractile body, yellowish to brownish cell colour, two types of cortical granules, and 20–30 transversely oriented and densely arranged cirri in the left marginal row, which often overlie the buccal vertex. Based on the new data, especially infraciliature, the genus Uncinata is here redefined. Both the morphology and phylogenetic analyses suggest that the genus Uncinata should be classified within the family Urostylidae. In addition, both morphological and morphogenetic data suggest that Holosticha bradburyae Gong et al., 2001 Gong, J., Song, W., Hu, X., Ma, H., & Zhu, M. (2001). Morphology and infraciliature of Holosticha bradburyae n. sp. (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) from the Yellow Sea, China. Hydrobiologia, 464, 6369. doi:10.1023/A:1013901621439.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] should be transferred to Uncinata as U. bradburyae (Gong et al., 2001 Gong, J., Song, W., Hu, X., Ma, H., & Zhu, M. (2001). Morphology and infraciliature of Holosticha bradburyae n. sp. (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) from the Yellow Sea, China. Hydrobiologia, 464, 6369. doi:10.1023/A:1013901621439.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) comb. nov., due to its possession of a characteristically prominent beak-like, leftwards curved projection and the developmental mode of the dorsal kineties. This assignment is supported by the phylogenetic analyses, which placed Uncinata gigantea in a clade with U. bradburyae (Gong et al., 2001 Gong, J., Song, W., Hu, X., Ma, H., & Zhu, M. (2001). Morphology and infraciliature of Holosticha bradburyae n. sp. (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) from the Yellow Sea, China. Hydrobiologia, 464, 6369. doi:10.1023/A:1013901621439.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) comb. nov., and revealed only 1.13% (19 bp) difference in their SSU-rDNA gene sequence.  相似文献   
The plant immune receptor FLAGELLIN SENSING 2 (FLS2) is present at the plasma membrane and is internalized following activation of its ligand flagellin (flg22). We show that ENDOSOMAL SORTING COMPLEX REQUIRED FOR TRANSPORT (ESCRT)-I subunits play roles in FLS2 endocytosis in Arabidopsis. VPS37-1 co-localizes with FLS2 at endosomes and immunoprecipitates with the receptor upon flg22 elicitation. Vps37-1 mutants are reduced in flg22-induced FLS2 endosomes but not in endosomes labeled by Rab5 GTPases suggesting a defect in FLS2 trafficking rather than formation of endosomes. FLS2 localizes to the lumen of multivesicular bodies, but this is altered in vps37-1 mutants indicating compromised endosomal sorting of FLS2 by ESCRT-I loss-of-function. VPS37-1 and VPS28-2 are critical for immunity against bacterial infection through a role in stomatal closure. Our findings identify that VPS37-1, and likewise VPS28-2, regulate late FLS2 endosomal sorting and reveals that ESCRT-I is critical for flg22-activated stomatal defenses involved in plant immunity.  相似文献   
In infected cells, hepatitis C virus (HCV) induces the formation of membrane alterations referred to as membranous webs, which are sites of RNA replication. In addition, HCV RNA replication also occurs in smaller membrane structures that are associated with the endoplasmic reticulum. However, cellular mechanisms involved in the formation of HCV replication complexes remain largely unknown. Here, we used brefeldin A (BFA) to investigate cellular mechanisms involved in HCV infection. BFA acts on cell membranes by interfering with the activation of several members of the family of ADP-ribosylation factors (ARF), which can lead to a wide range of inhibitory actions on membrane-associated mechanisms of the secretory and endocytic pathways. Our data show that HCV RNA replication is highly sensitive to BFA. Individual knockdown of the cellular targets of BFA using RNA interference and the use of a specific pharmacological inhibitor identified GBF1, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for small GTPases of the ARF family, as a host factor critically involved in HCV replication. Furthermore, overexpression of a BFA-resistant GBF1 mutant rescued HCV replication in BFA-treated cells, indicating that GBF1 is the BFA-sensitive factor required for HCV replication. Finally, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy analyses indicated that BFA does not block the formation of membranous web-like structures induced by expression of HCV proteins in a nonreplicative context, suggesting that GBF1 is probably involved not in the formation of HCV replication complexes but, rather, in their activity. Altogether, our results highlight a functional connection between the early secretory pathway and HCV RNA replication.Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important human pathogen. It mainly infects human hepatocytes, and this often leads to chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, or hepatocarcinoma. HCV studies have been hampered for many years by the difficulty in propagating this virus in vitro. Things have recently changed with the development of a cell culture model referred to as HCVcc (34, 60, 65), which allows the study of the HCV life cycle in cell culture and facilitates studies of the interactions between HCV and the host cell.HCV is an enveloped positive-strand RNA virus belonging to the family Flaviviridae (35). The viral genome contains a single open reading frame, which is flanked by two noncoding regions that are required for translation and replication. All viral proteins that are produced after proteolytic processing of the initially synthesized polyprotein are membrane associated (15, 43). This reflects the fact that virtually all steps of the viral life cycle occur in close association with cellular membranes.Interactions of HCV with cell membranes begin during entry. Several receptors, coreceptors, and other entry factors have been discovered over the years, which link HCV entry to specialized domains of the plasma membrane, such as tetraspanin-enriched microdomains and tight junctions (8, 16, 59). The internalization of the viral particle occurs by clathrin-mediated endocytosis (5, 40). The fusion of the viral envelope with the membrane of an acidic endosome likely mediates the transfer of the viral genome to the cytosol of the cell (5, 40, 57). However, little is known regarding the pre- and postfusion intracellular transport steps of entering viruses in the endocytic pathway.HCV RNA replication is also associated with cellular membranes. Replication begins with the translation of the genomic RNA of an incoming virus. This leads to the production of viral proteins, which in turn initiate the actual replication of the viral RNA. Mechanisms regulating the transition from the translation of the genomic RNA to its replication are not yet known. All viral proteins are not involved in RNA replication. Studies performed with subgenomic replicons demonstrated that proteins NS3-4A, NS4B, NS5A, and NS5B are necessary and sufficient for replication (6, 27, 37). RNA replication proceeds through the synthesis of a cRNA strand (negative strand), catalyzed by the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity of NS5B, which is then used as a template for the synthesis of new positive strands.Electron microscopy studies using a subgenomic replicon model suggested that replication takes place in membrane structures made of small vesicles, referred to as “membranous webs,” which are induced by the virus (26). Membranous webs are detectable not only in cells carrying subgenomic replicons but also in infected cells (50). They appear to be associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (26). In addition to the membranous webs, a second type of ER-associated replicase that is smaller and more mobile has recently been described (63). Cellular mechanisms leading to these membrane alterations are still poorly understood. In cells replicating and secreting infectious viruses effectively, the situation appears to be even more complex, since replicase components appear to be, at least in part, associated with cytoplasmic lipid droplets (41, 50, 56). This association depends on the capsid protein (41) and may reflect a coupling between replication and assembly. Indeed, HCV assembly and secretion show some similarities with very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) maturation and secretion (24, 64).Our knowledge of the cellular membrane mechanisms involved in the HCV life cycle is still limited. The expression of NS4B alone induces membrane alterations that are reminiscent of membranous webs (19). However, cellular factors that participate in this process are still unknown. On the other hand, several cellular proteins potentially involved in the HCV life cycle have been identified through their interactions with viral proteins. For some of these proteins, a functional role in infection was recently confirmed using RNA interference (48). It is very likely that other cellular factors critical to HCV infection have yet to be identified.To gain more insight into cellular mechanisms underlying HCV infection, we made use of brefeldin A (BFA), a macrocyclic lactone of fungal origin that exhibits a wide range of inhibitory actions on membrane-associated mechanisms of the secretory and endocytic pathways (30). BFA acts on cell membranes by interfering with the activation of several members of the family of ADP-ribosylation factors (ARFs). ARFs are small GTP-binding proteins of the Ras superfamily. They function as regulators of vesicular traffic, actin remodeling, and phospholipid metabolism by recruiting effectors to membranes. BFA does not actually interfere directly with ARF GTPases but rather interferes with their activation by regulators known as guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) (14, 25). We now report the identification of an ARF GEF as a cellular BFA-sensitive factor that is required for HCV replication.  相似文献   
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