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Genes of Arabidopsis thaliana, Orysa sativa, Caenorhabditis elegans, Homo sapiens have been studied by computer analysis. The average intron and exon lengths in genes of these organisms decreases with increase of intron number in genes. The length of introns and exons in A. thaliana and O. sativa genes is change with increase of intron number in genes by high coefficient of correlation. Linear dependence between the sum of exon lengths and intron number in genes increased proportionally to number of gene introns. The average length of introns and genes of human depend on density of genes in DNA.  相似文献   
The natural foci of the Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) in Ukraine were characterized by their geographical factors. The circulation of CCHF virus was found to occur mainly in forest and forest-steppe zones irrespective of the location of administrative regions. The territories found to be most favorable for the prolonged existence of the focus of CCHF were those having high humidity. The possibility of using geoinformation technologies for the correction of the boundaries of natural foci, the evaluation of the influence of geographical factors on the circulation of the virus was shown.  相似文献   
DNA can adopt many structures that differ from the canonical B-form, and several of these non-canonical DNA structures have been implicated in genetic instability associated with human disease. Earlier, we found that Z-DNA causes DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in mammalian cells that can result in large-scale deletions and rearrangements. In contrast, the same Z-DNA-forming CG repeat in Escherichia coli resulted in only small contractions or expansions within the repeat. This difference in the Z-DNA-induced mutation spectrum between mammals and bacteria might be due to different mechanisms for DSB repair; in mammalian cells, non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) is a major DSB repair pathway, while E. coli do not contain this system and typically use homologous recombination (HR) to process DSBs. To test the extent to which the different DSB repair pathways influenced the Z-DNA-induced mutagenesis, we engineered bacterial E.coli strains to express an inducible NHEJ system, to mimic the situation in mammalian cells. Mycobacterium tuberculosis NHEJ proteins Ku and ligase D (LigD) were expressed in E.coli cells in the presence or absence of HR, and the Z-DNA-induced mutations were characterized. We found that the presence of the NHEJ mechanism markedly shifted the mutation spectrum from small deletions/insertions to large-scale deletions (from 2% to 24%). Our results demonstrate that NHEJ plays a role in the generation of Z-DNA-induced large-scale deletions, suggesting that this pathway is associated with DNA structure-induced destabilization of genomes from prokaryotes to eukaryotes.  相似文献   
The plant signaling hormones salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA) are regulators of inducible defenses that are activated upon pathogen or insect attack. Cross-talk between SA- and JA-dependent signaling pathways allows a plant to finely tune its response to the attacker encountered. In Arabidopsis, pharmacological experiments revealed that SA exerts a strong antagonistic effect on JA-responsive genes, such as PDF1.2, indicating that the SA pathway can be prioritized over the JA pathway. SA-mediated suppression of the JA-responsive PDF1.2 promoter was exploited for setting up a genetic screen aiming at the isolation of signal transduction mutants that are impaired in this cross-talk mechanism. The PDF1.2 promoter was fused to the herbicide resistance gene BAR to allow for life/death screening of a population of mutagenized transgenic plants. Non-mutant plants should survive herbicide treatment when methyl jasmonate (MeJA) is applied, but suppression of the JA response by SA should be lethal in combination with the herbicide. Conversely, crucial SA/JA cross-talk mutants should survive the combination treatment. SA effectively suppressed the expression of the PDF1.2::BAR transgene. However, suppression of the BAR gene did not result in suppression of herbicide resistance. Hence, a screening method based on quantitative differences in the expression of a reporter gene may be better suited to identify SA/JA cross-talk mutants. Here, we demonstrate that the PDF1.2::GUS reporter will be excellently suited in this respect.Key words: plant defense, salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, cross-talk, mutant screen, Arabidopsis  相似文献   
The osteoporosis that occurs with aging is associated with reduced number and activity of osteoblastic cells. Aging, menopause, and osteoporosis are correlated with increased oxidative stress and reduced antioxidant defense mechanisms. We previously demonstrated that oxidative stress induced by a variety of compounds such as xanthine/xanthine oxidase (XXO) and minimally oxidized LDL (MM-LDL) inhibit the osteogenic differentiation of osteoprogenitor cells. Oxysterols are a family of products derived from cholesterol oxidation that have important biological activities. Recently, we reported that a specific oxysterol combination consisting of 22(S)- or 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol and 20(S)-hydroxycholesterol has potent osteogenic properties in vitro when applied to osteoprogenitor cells including M2-10B4 (M2) marrow stromal cells. We now demonstrate that this osteogenic combination of oxysterols prevents the adverse effects of oxidative stress on differentiation of M2 cells into mature osteoblastic cells. XXO and MM-LDL inhibited the osteogenic differentiation of M2 cells, demonstrated by the inhibition of markers of osteogenic differentiation: alkaline phosphatase activity, osteocalcin expression and mineralization. Treatment of M2 cells with osteogenic oxysterol combination 22(S)- and 20(S)-hydroxycholesterol both blocked and reversed the inhibition of osteogenic differentiation produced by XXO and MM-LDL in these cells. The protective effect of the oxysterols against oxidative stress was dependent on cyclooxygenase 1 and was associated with the osteogenic property of the oxysterols. These findings further demonstrate the ability of the osteogenic oxysterols to positively regulate osteogenic differentiation of cells, and suggests that the use of these compounds may be a novel strategy to prevent the adverse effects of oxidative stress on osteogenesis.  相似文献   
Here we describe the design and fabrication of an inexpensive cell culture incubator for the stage of an inverted light microscope for use in live cell imaging. This device maintains the temperature of the cell culture at 37 degrees C with great stability and, after reaching equilibrium, provides focal stability of an image for 20-25 min with oil-immersion lenses. We describe two versions of the incubator: one for use with standard 60-mm plastic culture dishes, and the other version for imaging of cells on glass coverslips. Either can be made for less than $400. Most components are widely available commercially, and it requires only simple wiring and 3 h to assemble. Although the device is generally useful for live cell imaging on an inverted microscope, it is particularly suitable for work in which instruments are introduced into the culture, such as electrophysiology or micromanipulation. The design is based on the principle that control performance is limited by the lag time between detection and response. The key element of the design is a heated, temperature-controlled aluminum ring serving as a mini-incubator surrounding the culture vessel. For this reason, we call our design a "ringcubator."  相似文献   
A telomerase assay has been developed for high-throughput screening in 96-well microtiter plates. A crude cell lysate which adds telomere repeats to a biotinylated DNA primer is the source of telomerase. The telomerase-extended primer is hybridized to a digoxigenin-labeled telomere antisense DNA probe. The hybrid is further processed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) as follows. The biotinylated hybrid is captured on streptavidin-coated microtiter plates. The immobilized hybrid is probed with alkaline phosphatase-antidigoxigenin and detected via chemiluminescent readout. The limit of detection of a chemically synthesized tetra-telomere repeat was about 10 attomoles. Apparent telomerase activity was detected in lysates of 293T cells. The signal to background for the assay (ratio of signal for the complete assay mixture divided by the signal for the assay mixture without primer) was around 10. An automated system that performed unattended runs of up to 17 96-well microtiter plates in 8h was constructed.  相似文献   
Effect of antioxidants on actin cytoskeleton in 3T3 fibroblasts and 3T3 fibroblasts transformed with SV40 virus (3T3-SV40 cells) was studied. Antioxidants used were as follows: N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), (-)-2-oxo-4-thiazolidine-carboxylic acid (OTZ), and glutathione in the reduced form (GSH). Both NAC and OTZ are precursors of GSH in the cell, but, in contrast to NAC, OTZ reduces inside the cell forming L-cysteine. The presence of NAC (5-20 mM) in the culture medium of both cell types resulted in loosening of monolayer, fragmentation of stress fibers, and the appearance of amorphous actin structures. As 3T3-SV40 cells contain less actin stress fibers than 3T3 cells, the NAC-induced rearrangements of actin cytoskeleton were stronger in these cells than in 3T3 cells. In contrast to NAC, OTZ (10-20 mM) did not destroy monolayer and did not induce any visible disappearance of stress fibers either in 3T3 or 3T3-SV40 cells. However, in the presence of OTZ, amorphous actin-containing structures were observed in 3T3-SV40 cells. The effect of glutathione on both cell types was similar to that of NAC. The time required for GSH-induced alterations of actin cytoskeleton (about 5 h) was consistent with the increase in the intracellular level of reactive oxygen species (4 h after addition of GSH to the culture medium). Upon removal of the antioxidants from the medium, actin filament structures were reconstructed. However, within 24 h after withdrawal of NAC or GSH, only a partial reconstruction of stress fibers was observed in 3T3 cells. On the contrary, 3T3-SV40 cells demonstrated formation of well-structured actin fibers similar to normal fibroblasts. These results suggest that GSH can act as a pro-oxidant in the absence of oxidative stress.  相似文献   
The surface of the melanoma BRO cells was shown to contain binding sites for N-acetylglucosaminyl-(beta 1-4)-N-acetylmuramyl-alanyl-D-isoglutamine (GMDP). Their number (1500 +/- 200 per cell) and affinity (Kd = 10 +/- +/- 1.2 nM) were determined. The occurrence of these sites was found to correlate with the ability of the melanoma cells to react in vitro with GMDP by increasing the expression of melanoma-associated antigens (MAA). An increased number of the GMDP binding sites (5200 +/- 500 per cell) was observed upon treating the melanoma BRO cells with tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha). The mechanism of the TNF-alpha action most likely involves the unmasking of GMDP binding sites, initially expressed on the cell surface, by activating the endogenous protease that hydrolyzes surface proteins, in particular, highly glycosylated LAMP-2 protein exposed on the melanoma cell surface.  相似文献   
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