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Aquaporins (AQPs) are channel proteins that facilitate the transport of water and small solutes across biological membranes. In plants, AQPs exhibit a high multiplicity of isoforms in relation to a high diversity of sub‐cellular localizations, at the plasma membrane (PM) and in various intracellular compartments. Some members also exhibit a dual localization in distinct cell compartments, whereas others show polarized or domain‐specific expression at the PM or tonoplast, respectively. A diversity of mechanisms controlling the routing of newly synthesized AQPs towards their destination membranes and involving diacidic motifs, phosphorylation or tetramer assembly is being uncovered. Recent approaches using single particle tracking, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching have, in combination with pharmacological interference, stressed the peculiarities of AQP sub‐cellular dynamics in environmentally challenging conditions. A role for clathrin and sterol‐rich domains in cell surface dynamics and endocytosis of PM AQPs was uncovered. These recent advances provide deep insights into the cellular mechanisms of water transport regulation in plants. They also point to AQPs as an emerging model for studying the sub‐cellular dynamics of plant membrane proteins .  相似文献   
The Papanicolaou test (or Pap test) has long been used as a screening tool to detect cervical precancerous/cancerous lesions. However, studies on the use of this test to predict both the presence and change in size of genital warts are limited. We examined whether cervical Papanicolaou test results are associated with the size of the largest anal wart over time in HIV-infected women in an on-going cohort study in the US. A sample of 976 HIV-infected women included in a public dataset obtained from the Women’s Interagency HIV Study (WIHS) was selected for analysis. A linear mixed model was performed to determine the relationship between the size of anal warts and cervical Pap test results. About 32% of participants had abnormal cervical Pap test results at baseline. In the adjusted model, a woman with a result of Atypia Squamous Cell Undetermined Significance/Low-grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (ASCUS/LSIL) had an anal wart, on average, 12.81 mm2 larger than a woman with normal cervical cytology. The growth rate of the largest anal wart after each visit in a woman with ASCUS/LSIL was 1.56 mm2 slower than that of a woman with normal cervical results. However, they were not significant (P = 0.54 and P = 0.82, respectively). This is the first study to examine the relationship between cervical Pap test results and anal wart development in HIV-infected women. Even though no association between the size of anal wart and cervical Pap test results was found, a screening program using anal cytology testing in HIV-infected women should be considered. Further studies in cost-effectiveness and efficacy of an anal cytology test screening program are warranted.  相似文献   
The henipaviruses, represented by Hendra (HeV) and Nipah (NiV) viruses are highly pathogenic zoonotic paramyxoviruses with uniquely broad host tropisms responsible for repeated outbreaks in Australia, Southeast Asia, India and Bangladesh. The high morbidity and mortality rates associated with infection and lack of licensed antiviral therapies make the henipaviruses a potential biological threat to humans and livestock. Henipavirus entry is initiated by the attachment of the G envelope glycoprotein to host cell membrane receptors. Previously, henipavirus-neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies (hmAb) have been isolated using the HeV-G glycoprotein and a human naïve antibody library. One cross-reactive and receptor-blocking hmAb (m102.4) was recently demonstrated to be an effective post-exposure therapy in two animal models of NiV and HeV infection, has been used in several people on a compassionate use basis, and is currently in development for use in humans. Here, we report the crystal structure of the complex of HeV-G with m102.3, an m102.4 derivative, and describe NiV and HeV escape mutants. This structure provides detailed insight into the mechanism of HeV and NiV neutralization by m102.4, and serves as a blueprint for further optimization of m102.4 as a therapeutic agent and for the development of entry inhibitors and vaccines.  相似文献   
Triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) show potential for sequence-specific DNA binding and inhibition of gene expression. We have applied this antigene strategy using a TFO incorporating an Auger-emitting radionucleotide, 125I, to study the production of double-strand breaks (dsb) in the rat aquaporin 5 (rAQP5) cDNA. 125I-TFO bound to the pCMVrAQP5 plasmid in vitro in a dose-dependent manner and formed stable triplexes up to 65 degrees C and in the presence of 140 mM KCl. Further, 125I-TFO resulted in a predictable dsb when analyzed by Southern hybridization. To deliver TFOs to epithelial cells, we employed 125I-TFO-polyethyleneimine-adenovirus (125I-TFO-PEI-Ad) complexes. We hypothesized that these complexes would take advantage of adenoviral characteristics to transfer 125I-TFO to the cell nucleus. Adenovirus-containing complexes brought about greater uptake and nuclear localization of TFOs compared with delivery with 125I-TFO-PEI complexes alone. No significant degradation of 125I-TFO was found after delivery into cells using PEI-Ad complexes and freezing and thawing. We next used PEI-Ad complexes to deliver 125I-TFO and pCMVrAQP5 separately to epithelial cells to determine if triplexes can form de novo within cells, resulting in the specific dsb in the rAQP5 cDNA. After delivery, cell pellets were stored at -80 degrees C for more than 60 days. Thereafter, plasmid DNA was isolated from cells and analyzed for dsb by Southern hybridization. However, none were detected. We conclude that under the experimental conditions employed, effective triplexes, with 125I-TFO and pCMVrAQP5, do not form de novo inside cells.  相似文献   
Gametophytic self-incompatibility in plants involves rejection of pollen when pistil and pollen share the same allele at the S locus. This locus is highly multiallelic, but the mechanism by which new functional S alleles are generated in nature has not been determined and remains one of the most intriguing conceptual barriers to a full understanding of self-incompatibility. The S(11) and S(13) RNases of Solanum chacoense differ by only 10 amino acids, but they are phenotypically distinct (i.e., they reject either S(11) or S(13) pollen, respectively). These RNases are thus ideally suited for a dissection of the elements involved in recognition specificity. We have previously found that the modification of four amino acid residues in the S(11) RNase to match those in the S(13) RNase was sufficient to completely replace the S(11) phenotype with the S(13) phenotype. We now show that an S(11) RNase in which only three amino acid residues were modified to match those in the S(13) RNase displays the unprecedented property of dual specificity (i.e., the simultaneous rejection of both S(11) and S(13) pollen). Thus, S(12)S(14) plants expressing this hybrid S RNase rejected S(11), S(12), S(13), and S(14) pollen yet allowed S(15) pollen to pass freely. Surprisingly, only a single base pair differs between the dual-specific S allele and a monospecific S(13) allele. Dual-specific S RNases represent a previously unsuspected category of S alleles. We propose that dual-specific alleles play a critical role in establishing novel S alleles, because the plants harboring them could maintain their old recognition phenotype while acquiring a new one.  相似文献   
The enzymatically synthesized thiol peptide phytochelatin (PC) plays a central role in heavy metal tolerance and detoxification in plants. In response to heavy metal exposure, the constitutively expressed phytochelatin synthase enzyme (PCS) is activated leading to synthesis of PCs in the cytosol. Recent attempts to increase plant metal accumulation and tolerance reported that PCS over-expression in transgenic plants paradoxically induced cadmium hypersensitivity. In the present paper, we investigate the possibility of synthesizing PCs in plastids by over-expressing a plastid targeted phytochelatin synthase (PCS). Plastids represent a relatively important cellular volume and offer the advantage of containing glutathione, the precursor of PC synthesis. Using a constitutive CaMV 35S promoter and a RbcS transit peptide, we successfully addressed AtPCS1 to chloroplasts, significant PCS activity being measured in this compartment in two independent transgenic lines. A substantial increase in the PC content and a decrease in the glutathione pool were observed in response to cadmium exposure, when compared to wild-type plants. While over-expressing AtPCS1 in the cytosol importantly decreased cadmium tolerance, both cadmium tolerance and accumulation of plants expressing plastidial AtPCS1 were not significantly affected compared to wild-type. Interestingly, targeting AtPCS1 to chloroplasts induced a marked sensitivity to arsenic while plants over-expressing AtPCS1 in the cytoplasm were more tolerant to this metalloid. These results are discussed in relation to heavy metal trafficking pathways in higher plants and to the interest of using plastid expression of PCS for biotechnological applications.  相似文献   
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