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The purpose of this study is to investigate influences of tall oil biodiesel with Mg and Mo based fuel additives on diesel engine performance and emission. Tall oil resinic acids were reacted with MgO and MoO(2) stoichiometrically for the production of metal-based fuel additives (combustion catalysts). The metal-based additives were added into tall oil biodiesel (B60) at the rate of 4 micromol/l, 8 micromol/l and 12 micromol/l for preparing test fuels. In general, both of the metal-based additives improved flash point, pour point and viscosity of the biodiesel fuel, depending on the rate of additives. A single cylinder DI diesel engine was used in the tests. Engine performance values did not change significantly with biodiesel fuels, but exhaust emission profile was improved. CO emissions and smoke opacity decreased by 56.42% and by 30.43%, respectively. In general, low NO(x) and CO(2) emissions were measured with the biodiesel fuels.  相似文献   
This study encompasses ozone modeling in the lower atmosphere. It was aimed to develop an appropriate neural network model in order to predict ozone concentrations in various temporal scales as a function of meteorological variables and air quality parameters. All data were collected from Dilovasi, Turkey as this site represents typical industrial regions with major air pollution problems. In the study performance of the multilayer perceptron models were tested for both annual and seasonal periods as meteorological conditions highly influence the ozone levels. Among the various architectures, a network of two hidden layers with fifteen neurons was found to give successful predictions. Modeling efficiency of the developed network was also evaluated for day light and night time data of warming season exhibiting highest ozone levels. Furthermore, principle component analysis was performed by using annual data in order to reduce the number of input variables describing ozone formation. Model run with principle components has also provided satisfying performance.  相似文献   
Here, we present a diverse, structurally nonredundant data set of two-chain protein-protein interfaces derived from the PDB. Using a sequence order-independent structural comparison algorithm and hierarchical clustering, 3799 interface clusters are obtained. These yield 103 clusters with at least five nonhomologous members. We divide the clusters into three types. In Type I clusters, the global structures of the chains from which the interfaces are derived are also similar. This cluster type is expected because, in general, related proteins associate in similar ways. In Type II, the interfaces are similar; however, remarkably, the overall structures and functions of the chains are different. The functional spectrum is broad, from enzymes/inhibitors to immunoglobulins and toxins. The fact that structurally different monomers associate in similar ways, suggests \"good\" binding architectures. This observation extends a paradigm in protein science: It has been well known that proteins with similar structures may have different functions. Here, we show that it extends to interfaces. In Type III clusters, only one side of the interface is similar across the cluster. This structurally nonredundant data set provides rich data for studies of protein-protein interactions and recognition, cellular networks and drug design. In particular, it may be useful in addressing the difficult question of what are the favorable ways for proteins to interact. (The data set is available at http://protein3d.ncifcrf.gov/~keskino/ and http://home.ku.edu.tr/~okeskin/INTERFACE/INTERFACES.html.)  相似文献   
Nucleotide divergence in cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene of mitochondrial DNA was analyzed to determine interpopulational variation of common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) species sampled along eastern Mediterranean. Nucleotide composition and nucleotide pair frequency analyses of 440 individuals representing 11 populations were investigated. Estimation of evolutionary divergence between sequences was conducted using Tamura-Nei model. Considering 440 individuals, 35 (5%) variable sites and an average variation of 1.9% were found between specimens. Highest divergence was found between Med11 and Med04-Med07 populations; with a genetic distance value of 0.039 (3.9%). Estimation of transition/transversion bias (R) was made under the Tamura-Nei model and resulted as 2.32. Phylogenetic tree was constructed using four methods: neighbor joining (NJ), minimum evolution (ME), maximum likelihood (ML) and unweighted pair-group method of arithmetic average (UPGMA). Results from clustering patterns of the consensus tree, with the sum of branch length = 0.05189, pointed out a correlation between genetic and geographic distance.  相似文献   
W. M. Gregor  N. Keskin 《CMAJ》1967,96(6):312-318
From 1960 to 1965, 44,629 cultures were performed on persons attending chest clinics in the Niagara Peninsula.Tubercle bacilli were cultured from 965 biological specimens (2.16%) and atypical mycobacteria from 281 specimens (0.62%).Twelve subjects had more than one variety of atypical mycobacterium in their secretions, suggesting the occurrence of mutation. The administration of antituberculous drugs may have contributed to the emergence of atypical mycobacteria in some instances, but 41 patients had never received antituberculous drugs.Of 113 persons from whom atypical mycobacteria were cultured only two had lung infection primarily due to the atypical mycobacterium isolated.  相似文献   
Ticks are important ectoparasites, causing a variety of serious infectious diseases in humans and domestic animals. There is very limited taxonomic information about the tick species of Turkey in the literature, even though Turkey has very suitable climate and vegetation for ticks. In the current study, species diversity, hosts and geographical distribution of the ticks present in Turkey are reviewed based on taxonomic data in the literature from 1915 to 2011 and our recent observations. The names of tick species are arranged according to the most recent check lists. The taxonomic records in the literature and our studies on actual tick samples indicated that the tick fauna of Turkey consists of 46 species; 38 species from Ixodidae and 8 species from Argasidae.  相似文献   
Conserved residues in protein-protein interfaces correlate with residue hot-spots. To obtain insight into their roles, we have studied their mobility. We have performed 39 explicit solvent simulations of 15 complexes and their monomers, with the interfaces varying in size, shape, and function. The dynamic behavior of conserved residues in unbound monomers illustrates significantly lower flexibility as compared to their environment, suggesting that already before binding they are constrained in a boundlike configuration. To understand this behavior, we have analyzed the inter- and intrachain hydrogen-bond residence-time in the interfaces. We find that conserved residues are not involved significantly in hydrogen bonds across the interface as compared to nonconserved. However, the monomer simulations reveal that conserved residues contribute dominantly to hydrogen-bond formation before binding. Packing of conserved residues across the trajectories is significantly higher before and after the binding, rationalizing their lower mobility. Backbone torsional angle distributions show that conserved residues assume restricted regions of space and the most visited conformations in the bound and unbound trajectories are similar, suggesting that conserved residues are preorganized. Combined with previous studies, we conclude that conserved residues, hot spots, anchor, and interface-buried residues may be similar residues, fulfilling similar roles.  相似文献   
We have investigated the similarities and differences in the computed dynamic fluctuations exhibited by six members of a protein fold family with a coarse-grained Gaussian network model. Specifically, we consider the cofactor binding fragment of CysB; the lysine/arginine/ornithine-binding protein (LAO); the enzyme porphobilinogen deaminase (PBGD); the ribose-binding protein (RBP); the N-terminal lobe of ovotransferrin in apo-form (apo-OVOT); and the leucine/isoleucine/valine-binding protein (LIVBP). All have domains that resemble a Rossmann fold, but there are also some significant differences. Results indicate that similar global dynamic behavior is preserved for the members of a fold family, and that differences usually occur in regions only where specific function is localized. The present work is a computational demonstration that the scaffold of a protein fold may be utilized for diverse purposes. LAO requires a bound ligand before it conforms to the large-scale fluctuation behavior of the three other members of the family, CysB, PBGD, and RBP, all of which contain a substrate (cofactor) at the active site cleft. The dynamics of the ligand-free enzymes LIVBP and apo-OVOT, on the other hand, concur with that of unliganded LAO. The present results suggest that it is possible to construct structure alignments based on dynamic fluctuation behavior.  相似文献   
Zn2+‐homoeostasis including free Zn2+ ([Zn2+]i) is regulated through Zn2+‐transporters and their comprehensive understanding may be important due to their contributions to cardiac dysfunction. Herein, we aimed to examine a possible role of Zn2+‐transporters in the development of heart failure (HF) via induction of ER stress. We first showed localizations of ZIP8, ZIP14 and ZnT8 to both sarcolemma and S(E)R in ventricular cardiomyocytes (H9c2 cells) using confocal together with calculated Pearson's coefficients. The expressions of ZIP14 and ZnT8 were significantly increased with decreased ZIP8 level in HF. Moreover, [Zn2+]i was significantly high in doxorubicin‐treated H9c2 cells compared to their controls. We found elevated levels of ER stress markers, GRP78 and CHOP/Gadd153, confirming the existence of ER stress. Furthermore, we measured markedly increased total PKC and PKCα expression and PKCα‐phosphorylation in HF. A PKC inhibition induced significant decrease in expressions of these ER stress markers compared to controls. Interestingly, direct increase in [Zn2+]i using zinc‐ionophore induced significant increase in these markers. On the other hand, when we induced ER stress directly with tunicamycin, we could not observe any effect on expression levels of these Zn2+ transporters. Additionally, increased [Zn2+]i could induce marked activation of PKCα. Moreover, we observed marked decrease in [Zn2+]i under PKC inhibition in H9c2 cells. Overall, our present data suggest possible role of Zn2+ transporters on an intersection pathway with increased [Zn2+]i and PKCα activation and induction of HF, most probably via development of ER stress. Therefore, our present data provide novel information how a well‐controlled [Zn2+]i via Zn2+ transporters and PKCα can be important therapeutic approach in prevention/treatment of HF.  相似文献   
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