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Exonuclease III was used to uniformly trim DNA ends of micrococcal nuclease-prepared chromatin fragments down to the first major impediment encountered by the enzyme, which arises from the interaction of H1 with the nucleosome. This trimming, when performed on nucleosome dimers, allowed one to quantitatively determine the center-to-center distance of nucleosomes. This distance, of mean 198 base pairs, was found to essentially vary between about 180 and 215 base pairs, with extremes of 165 and 230 base pairs. Trimming of trimers further revealed that the overall arrangement of nucleosome center-to-center distances along the chromatin fiber is that expected on a statistical basis.  相似文献   
Résumé Le rubidium et le césium introduits à l'état de chlorure dans le milieu de culture ont à faible dose un effet stimulant sur la croissance de Chara fragilis et de Chara vulgaris. La résistance de ces végétaux à l'action toxique des deux ions est accrue par l'addition de potassium au milieu.Les analyses chimiques confirment que le rubidium et le césium sont antagonistes vis-à-vis du potassium et du sodium alors qu'ils ne modifient pas de manière significative le taux de calcium.
Chara fragilis and Chara vulgaris were cultivated in a natural medium containing rubidium and caesium as chloride.The growth of Characeae was increased after culture in the solutions containing Rb and Cs in small amount. The resistance to the toxic effects of these two ions is enhanced if potassium chloride is added to the medium.Quantitative analyses indicate that Rb and Cs decrease the rate of Na and K but have no significative influence on the rate of Ca.
Université de Dijon, Laboratoire de Nutrition minérale des Végétaux  相似文献   
Summary A partial duplication of the distal segment of the long arm of chromosome 5 (q31qter) was observed in an infant with congenital malformations and dysmorphic features. The phenotypically normal father had a balanced translocation between the long arm of chromosome 5 and the short arm of chromosome 9: 46,XY,t(5;9)(q31;p24).The clinical and cytogenetic data obtained from six patients with partial duplications of two different long arm segments of chromosome 5 suggest that partial duplication of the distal long arm of chromosome 5 is associated with microcephaly, hypertelorism, epicanthus, strabismus, large upper lip, low-set, dysplastic ears, in addition to growth and psychomotor retardation. Partial duplication of the proximal part of the long arm of chromosome 5, on the other hand, is associated mainly with musculoskeletal abnormalities including muscle hypotrophy and hypotonia, scoliosis, lordosis, pectus carinatum, cubitus valgus, and genu valgum, in addition to psychomotor retardation. The dysmorphic features in this latter group include a bulging forehead, short nose, thick upper lip, low-set protruding ears and tapering, thin fingers.  相似文献   
Repair synthesis in human cells in tissue culture can be readily separated from semi-conservative DNA synthesis with the aid of a benzoylated naphthoylated DEAE cellulose (BND-cellulose) column. Cells are incubated with a radioactive DNA precursor during treatment with a repair-inducing agent. An inhibitor of semi-conservative DNA synthesis (hydroxyurea) is added to slow the progression of the DNA growing point. The cells are lysed and after treatment with ribonuclease and pronase the lysates are sheared and passed through a BND-cellulose column. Native DNA is eluted with I M NaCl. Any increase in radioactivity in the native DNA is due to repair synthesis and the specific repair activity (nucleotides inserted per mug of DNA) can be determined from radioactivity and absorbancy measurements. Repair can also be measured in the region of the DNA growing point by fractionation of the material eluted from BND-cellulose with 50% formamide. Repair was not detected in N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene (AAAF)-treated lymphoblasts derived from an individual with xeroderma pigmentosum although methyl methanesulfonate (MMS)-induced repair was observed in these cells.  相似文献   
Human peripheral blood lymphocytes are stimulated to a greater extent by sodium periodate when cells are incubated in medium containing human serum than when incubated in medium with fetal calf serum. NaIO4 STIMULATION CAN BE REVERSED BY TREATMENT WITH SODIUM BOROHYDRIDE BUT CELLS ALREADY COMMITTED TO DIVISION ARE NOT AFFECTED BY BOROHYDRATE TREATMENT. Maximal commitment to DNA synthesis of a NaIO4 oxidized cell suspens-on occurs after about 28 hr of incubation in medium. The committal time after periodate stimulation is identical to that after stimulation with concanavalin A. Cells treated with periodate and then reduced with borohydride immediately after oxidation are refractory to further per-odate stimulation. Cells stimulated with periodate and then incubated for 6 hr before treatment with borohydride can be restimulated with periodate, indicating a turnover of membrane sites in the 6 hr period. Periodate-stimulated cells divide only once in response to the stimulation. The progeny of cells which were stimulated with periodate can be restimulated by treatment with either periodate or concanavalin A.  相似文献   


Protein HMGB1, an abundant nuclear non-histone protein that interacts with DNA and has an architectural function in chromatin, was strikingly shown some years ago to also possess an extracellular function as an alarmin and a mediator of inflammation. This extracellular function has since been actively studied, both from a fundamental point of view and in relation to the involvement of HMGB1 in inflammatory diseases. A prerequisite for such studies is the ability to detect HMGB1 in blood or other biological fluids and to accurately measure its concentration.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In addition to classical techniques (western blot, ELISA) that make use of specific anti-HMGB1 antibodies, we present here a new, extremely sensitive technique that is based on the fact that hemicatenated DNA loops (hcDNA) bind HMGB1 with extremely high affinity, higher than the affinity of specific antibodies, similar in that respect to DNA aptamers. DNA-protein complexes formed between HMGB1 and radiolabeled hcDNA are analyzed by electrophoresis on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels using the band-shift assay method. In addition, using a simple and fast protocol to purify HMGB1 on the basis of its solubility in perchloric acid allowed us to increase the sensitivity by suppressing any nonspecific background. The technique can reliably detect HMGB1 at a concentration of 1 pg per microliter in complex fluids such as serum, and at much lower concentrations in less complex samples. It compares favorably with ELISA in terms of sensitivity and background, and is less prone to interference from masking proteins in serum.


The new technique, which illustrates the potential of DNA nanoobjects and aptamers to form high-affinity complexes with selected proteins, should provide a valuable tool to further investigate the extracellular functions of HMGB1 and its involvement in inflammatory pathologies.  相似文献   
Hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 2 (HSD17B2) is a member of aldo-keto reductase superfamily, known to catalyze the inactivation of 17beta-hydroxysteroids to less active 17-keto forms and catalyze the conversion of 20alpha-hydroxyprogesterone to progesterone in vitro. To examine the role of HSD17B2 in vivo, we generated mice deficient in Hsd17b2 [HSD17B2 knockout (KO)] by a targeted gene disruption in embryonic stem cells. From the homozygous mice carrying the disrupted Hsd17b2, 70% showed embryonic lethality appearing at the age of embryonic d 11.5 onward. The embryonic lethality was associated with reduced placental size measured at embryonic d 17.5. The HSD17B2KO mice placentas presented with structural abnormalities in all three major layers: the decidua, spongiotrophoblast, and labyrinth. Most notable was the disruption of the spongiotrophoblast and labyrinthine layers, together with liquid-filled cysts in the junctional region and the basal layer. Treatments with an antiestrogen or progesterone did not rescue the embryonic lethality or the placenta defect in the homozygous mice. In hybrid background used, 24% of HSD17B2KO mice survived through the fetal period but were born growth retarded and displayed a phenotype in the brain with enlargement of ventricles, abnormal laminar organization, and increased cellular density in the cortex. Furthermore, the HSD17B2KO mice had unilateral renal degeneration, the affected kidney frequently appearing as a fluid-filled sac. Our results provide evidence for a role for HSD17B2 enzyme in the cellular organization of the mouse placenta.  相似文献   
The ability to determine the structure of a protein in solution is a critical tool for structural biology, as proteins in their native state are found in aqueous environments. Using a physical chemistry based prediction protocol, we demonstrate the ability to reproduce protein loop geometries in experimentally derived solution structures. Predictions were run on loops drawn from (1)NMR entries in the Protein Databank (PDB), and from (2) the RECOORD database in which NMR entries from the PDB have been standardized and re-refined in explicit solvent. The predicted structures are validated by comparison with experimental distance restraints, a test of structural quality as defined by the WHAT IF structure validation program, root mean square deviation (RMSD) of the predicted loops to the original structural models, and comparison of precision of the original and predicted ensembles. Results show that for the RECOORD ensembles, the predicted loops are consistent with an average of 95%, 91%, and 87% of experimental restraints for the short, medium and long loops respectively. Prediction accuracy is strongly affected by the quality of the original models, with increases in the percentage of experimental restraints violated of 2% for the short loops, and 9% for both the medium and long loops in the PDB derived ensembles. We anticipate the application of our protocol to theoretical modeling of protein structures, such as fold recognition methods; as well as to experimental determination of protein structures, or segments, for which only sparse NMR restraint data is available.  相似文献   
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