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The microphthalmia with linear skin defects syndrome (MLS, or MIDAS) is an X-linked dominant male-lethal disorder almost invariably associated with segmental monosomy of the Xp22 region. In two female patients, from two families, with MLS and a normal karyotype, we identified heterozygous de novo point mutations--a missense mutation (p.R217C) and a nonsense mutation (p.R197X)--in the HCCS gene. HCCS encodes the mitochondrial holocytochrome c-type synthase that functions as heme lyase by covalently adding the prosthetic heme group to both apocytochrome c and c(1). We investigated a third family, displaying phenotypic variability, in which the mother and two of her daughters carry an 8.6-kb submicroscopic deletion encompassing part of the HCCS gene. Functional analysis demonstrates that both mutant proteins (R217C and Delta 197-268) were unable to complement a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant deficient for the HCCS orthologue Cyc3p, in contrast to wild-type HCCS. Moreover, ectopically expressed HCCS wild-type and the R217C mutant protein are targeted to mitochondria in CHO-K1 cells, whereas the C-terminal-truncated Delta 197-268 mutant failed to be sorted to mitochondria. Cytochrome c, the final product of holocytochrome c-type synthase activity, is implicated in both oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and apoptosis. We hypothesize that the inability of HCCS-deficient cells to undergo cytochrome c-mediated apoptosis may push cell death toward necrosis that gives rise to severe deterioration of the affected tissues. In summary, we suggest that disturbance of both OXPHOS and the balance between apoptosis and necrosis, as well as the X-inactivation pattern, may contribute to the variable phenotype observed in patients with MLS.  相似文献   
Leys, used for grazing or production of forage to be conserved as silage or hay, are very important crops in northern areas. In order to measure the N2 fixation in leys of varying ages and during different parts of the season, detailed measurements were taken of yield, N2 fixation and the amounts of N remaining in the field after harvesting red clover (Trifolium pratense L.)-grass leys at a site in northern Sweden, where they are generally harvested twice per growing season. Entire plants, including stubble and roots, were sampled at the time of first and second harvest and, in addition, at the end of the growing season in three neighbouring fields, carrying a first, a second and a third year ley, respectively. N2 fixation was measured by both 15N isotope dilution (ID) and 15N natural abundance (NA) methods. The proportion of clover dry matter (DM) in the stands increased from the first to the second harvest, but the grasses dominated throughout the entire season, especially below ground. The N concentrations, in both herbage and whole plants, were about twice as high in the clover as in the grasses. Seasonal variations in N concentrations were minor, and total N contents followed the same trends as DM. The clover acquired nearly all of its N from N2 fixation: the proportion of N in clover herbage derived from N2 fixation was often >0.8 throughout the season. The variations in the amounts of N2 fixed during the course of the season corresponded well to the seasonal changes in clover biomass. Amounts of fixed N2 allocated to clover herbage during the whole season were in the range 4 to 6 g N m−2 in this unusually rainy year. Calculations of daily N allocation rates to herbage showed that N uptake rates were similar, and high, in grasses during May–June and July–August, while N2 fixation rates in clover were about 10-fold as high in July–August as in May–June, reflecting the need for N in clover growth. The proportion of N remaining in clover stubble and roots after the first and second harvests was about 60 and 25%, respectively, while about 60% of the N in grasses remained in stubble and roots after both harvests. The considerable amounts of biomass and N that were left in field after harvesting red clover-grass leys are important for re-growth of the plants and provide substantial N fertilization for the next crop in the crop rotation.  相似文献   
Spider dragline silk proteins, spidroins, have a tripartite composition; a nonrepetitive N-terminal domain, a central repetitive region built up from many iterated poly-Ala and Gly rich blocks, and a C-terminal nonrepetitive domain. It is generally believed that the repetitive region forms intermolecular contacts in the silk fibers, while precise functions of the terminal domains have not been established. Herein, thermal, pH, and salt effects on the structure and aggregation and/or polymerization of recombinant N- and C-terminal domains, a repetitive segment containing four poly-Ala and Gly rich coblocks, and combinations thereof were studied. The N- and C-terminal domains have mainly alpha-helical structure, and interestingly, both form homodimers. Dimerization of the end domains allows spidroin multimerization independent of the repetitive part. Reduction of an intersubunit disulfide in the C-terminal domain lowers the thermal stability but does not affect dimerization. The repetitive region shows helical secondary structure but appears to lack stable folded structure. A protein composed of this repetitive region linked to the C-terminal domain has a mainly alpha-helical folded structure but shows an abrupt transition to beta-sheet structures upon heating. At room temperature, this protein self-assembles into macroscopic fibers within minutes. The secondary structures of none of the domains are altered by pH or salt. However, high concentrations of phosphate affect the tertiary structure and accelerate the aggregation propensity of the repetitive region. Implications of these results for dragline spidroin behavior in solution and silk fiber formation are discussed.  相似文献   
Haptokinetic cell migration across surfaces is mediated by adhesion receptors including beta1 integrins and CD44 providing adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) ligands such as collagen and hyaluronan (HA), respectively. Little is known, however, about how such different receptor systems synergize for cell migration through three-dimensionally (3-D) interconnected ECM ligands. In highly motile human MV3 melanoma cells, both beta1 integrins and CD44 are abundantly expressed, support migration across collagen and HA, respectively, and are deposited upon migration, whereas only beta1 integrins but not CD44 redistribute to focal adhesions. In 3-D collagen lattices in the presence or absence of HA and cross-linking chondroitin sulfate, MV3 cell migration and associated functions such as polarization and matrix reorganization were blocked by anti-beta1 and anti-alpha2 integrin mAbs, whereas mAbs blocking CD44, alpha3, alpha5, alpha6, or alphav integrins showed no effect. With use of highly sensitive time-lapse videomicroscopy and computer-assisted cell tracking techniques, promigratory functions of CD44 were excluded. 1) Addition of HA did not increase the migratory cell population or its migration velocity, 2) blocking of the HA-binding Hermes-1 epitope did not affect migration, and 3) impaired migration after blocking or activation of beta1 integrins was not restored via CD44. Because alpha2beta1-mediated migration was neither synergized nor replaced by CD44-HA interactions, we conclude that the biophysical properties of 3-D multicomponent ECM impose more restricted molecular functions of adhesion receptors, thereby differing from haptokinetic migration across surfaces.  相似文献   
In the tropics, old-growth forests are converted to other land cover types at a high rate and young secondary forest may gain in importance. Information on associated changes in leaf gas exchange and other leaf traits can be valuable for modelling biogeochemical fluxes under altered land-use patterns. We studied in situ photosynthetic parameters and stomatal conductance for water vapour in eight abundant tree species of young secondary forest and eight tree species of natural old-growth forest in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. In sun leaves, the average maximal stomatal conductance (g smax) in the secondary forest (SF) species was 2.1 times higher than in the old-growth forest (OGF) species. Species with a high g smax reduced g s sharply when vapour pressure deficit of the air increased, whereas species with a low g smax were much less sensitive to air humidity. For area-based photosynthetic capacity (A max-area), the SF species had a 2.3 times higher average than the OGF species. For both, g smax and A max-area the variation among species was higher in the OGF than in the SF. When all tree species (n=16) are considered, species means of specific leaf area (SLA), leaf N concentration and leaf P concentration were significantly correlated with g smax and A max-area. The strong correlation between A max-area and foliar P (r 2=0.8) is remarkable as the alluvial soils in the study region are rich in nutrients. If the eight OGF species are analysed separately, the only significant correlation was observed between SLA and mass-based A max; in the SF species strong correlations were found between leaf size and A max-area and g smax. These results show that the conversion of old-growth forest to young secondary forest in Sulawesi significantly alters tree leaf gas exchange characteristics and that chemical and structural leaf traits can be used for the prediction of these changes. The best correlations between leaf gas exchange parameters and leaf traits were obtained by different traits in the SF species, the OGF species and the entire pool of studied species.  相似文献   
Ensiling plant material with the aid of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) is a common agricultural practice for conserving forages independently of the time point of harvest. Despite ensiling being a natural process, it can be improved by the treatment of the harvested forage with starter cultures before storage. Within this context, Lactobacillus plantarum (L. plantarum) is the most frequently used LAB in commercially available starter cultures. In order to enable the monitoring of the population dynamics of L. plantarum in silage, methods for species-specific detection based on the 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequence were developed by applying a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (QRT-PCR) approach. The QRT-PCR assay was also applied to estimate the development of the L. plantarum population within experimental grass silages. In addition, a multiplex QRT-PCR assay was developed to estimate the amount of L. plantarum 16S rDNA in relation to total bacterial 16S rDNA. This multiplex QRT-PCR assay was applied to monitor the influence of different silage additives on the L. plantarum population.  相似文献   
We measured aboveground plant biomass and soil inorganic nitrogen pools in a biodiversity experiment in northern Sweden, with plant species richness ranging from 1 to 12 species. In general, biomass increased and nitrate pools decreased with increasing species richness. Transgressive overyielding of mixed plant communities compared to the most productive of the corresponding monocultures occurred in communities with and without legumes. N2-fixing legumes had a fertilizing function, while non-legumes had a N retaining function. Plant communities with only legumes had a positive correlation between biomass and soil nitrate content, whereas in plant communities without legumes they were negatively correlated. Both nitrate and ammonium soil pools in mixed non-legume communities were approximately equal to the lowest observed in the corresponding monocultures. In mixed legume/non-legume communities, no correlation was found for soil nitrate with either biomass or legume biomass as percentage of total biomass. The idea of complementarity among species in nitrogen acquisition was supported in both pure non-legume and mixed non-legume/legume communities. In the latter, however, facilitation through increased nitrogen availability and retention, was probably dominating. Our results suggest that diversity effects on biomass and soil N pools through resource use complementarity depend on the functional traits of species, especially N2 fixation or high productivity.  相似文献   
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