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Transglutaminases (TGases) are ubiquitous enzymes that catalyze selective cross-linking between protein-bound glutamine and lysine residues; the resulting isopeptide bond confers high resistance to proteolysis. Phytophthora sojae, a pathogen of soybean, secretes a Ca2+-dependent TGase (GP42) that is activating defense responses in both host and non-host plants. A GP42 fragment of 13 amino acids, termed Pep-13, was shown to be absolutely indispensable for both TGase and elicitor activity. GP42 does not share significant primary sequence similarity with known TGases from mammals or bacteria. This suggests that GP42 has evolved novel structural and catalytic features to support enzymatic activity. We have solved the crystal structure of the catalytically inactive point mutant GP42 (C290S) at 2.95 Å resolution and identified residues involved in catalysis by mutational analysis. The protein comprises three domains that assemble into an elongated structure. Although GP42 has no structural homolog, its core region displays significant similarity to the catalytic core of the Mac-1 cysteine protease from Group A Streptococcus, a member of the papain-like superfamily of cysteine proteases. Proteins that are taxonomically related to GP42 are only present in plant pathogenic oomycetes belonging to the order of the Peronosporales (e.g. Phytophthora, Hyaloperonospora, and Pythium spp.) and in marine Vibrio bacteria. This suggests that a lateral gene transfer event may have occurred between bacteria and oomycetes. Our results offer a basis to design and use highly specific inhibitors of the GP42-like TGase family that may impair the growth of important oomycete and bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   
Summary Green cuttings ofAlnus incana (L.) Moench, consisting of one internode and one leaf with its axillary bud, were easily rooted in aerated liquid substrate under growth-chamber conditions. In tests on material of up to 8 years-old, the age of the stock plants was shown to have no influence on rooting. Tap water or a diluted nutrient solution gave higher rooting percentages than a full strength nutrient solution. Root growth was most rapid in the diluted nutrient solution. Eight out of 9 clones ofA. incana gave a rooting percentage of 80–100% while one clone gave only 40%. Good rooting ofA. incana leafy cuttings, therefore, seems to be genetically controlled.  相似文献   
SUMO conjugation affects a broad range of processes in Arabidopsis thaliana, including flower initiation, pathogen defense, and responses to cold, drought and salt stress. We investigated two sequence-related SUMO-specific proteases that are both widely expressed and show that they differ significantly in their properties. The closest homolog of SUMO protease ESD4, ESD4-LIKE SUMO PROTEASE 1 (ELS1, alternatively called AtULP1a) has SUMO-specific proteolytic activity, but is functionally distinct from ESD4, as shown by intracellular localization, mutant phenotype and heterologous expression in yeast mutants. Furthermore, we show that the growth defects caused by loss of ESD4 function are not due to increased synthesis of the stress signal salicylic acid, as was previously shown for a SUMO ligase, indicating that impairment of the SUMO system affects plant growth in different ways. Our results demonstrate that two A. thaliana SUMO proteases showing close sequence similarity have distinct in vivo functions.  相似文献   
European honey bees are highly important in crop pollination, increasing the value of global agricultural production by billions of dollars. Current knowledge about virulence and pathogenicity of Deformed wing virus (DWV), a major factor in honey bee colony mortality, is limited. With this study, we close the gap between field research and laboratory investigations by establishing a complete in vitro model for DWV pathogenesis. Infectious DWV was rescued from a molecular clone of a DWV-A genome that induces DWV symptoms such as crippled wings and discoloration. The expression of DWV proteins, production of infectious virus progeny, and DWV host cell tropism could be confirmed using newly generated anti-DWV monoclonal antibodies. The recombinant RNA fulfills Koch’s postulates circumventing the need of virus isolation and propagation of pure virus cultures. In conclusion, we describe the development and application of a reverse genetics system for the study of DWV pathogenesis.  相似文献   
We present the directed immobilization of recombinant antibody fragments as ligands for general immunoaffinity chromatography methods. It is based on fusion proteins of scFv fragments with several chitin-binding domains which can be immobilized directly from a crude bacterial lysate on inexpensive chitin beads for the purification of proteins without any gradient or detector. It has been used with a positive pressure manifold, allowing the parallel processing of 24 different samples on a milligram scale, as convenient as plasmid isolation. The method is demonstrated with several anti-protein antibodies. In addition, methods are presented of using an anti-His tag antibody either alone or directly coupled to IMAC to obtain very pure protein. As those methods are scalable, they should prove very useful in the parallel purification of natural and recombinant proteins on small scales (for proteomics), medium scales (for crystallography and NMR), and very large scales (for therapeutic proteins).  相似文献   
We review the role of density dependence in the stochastic extinction of populations and the role density dependence has played in population viability analysis (PVA) case studies. In total, 32 approaches have been used to model density regulation in theoretical or applied extinction models, 29 of them are mathematical functions of density dependence, and one approach uses empirical relationships between density and survival, reproduction, or growth rates. In addition, quasi-extinction levels are sometimes applied as a substitute for density dependence at low population size. Density dependence further has been modelled via explicit individual spacing behaviour and/or dispersal. We briefly summarise the features of density dependence available in standard PVA software, provide summary statistics about the use of density dependence in PVA case studies, and discuss the effects of density dependence on extinction probability. The introduction of an upper limit for population size has the effect that the probability of ultimate extinction becomes 1. Mean time to extinction increases with carrying capacity if populations start at high density, but carrying capacity often does not have any effect if populations start at low numbers. In contrast, the Allee effect is usually strong when populations start at low densities but has only a limited influence on persistence when populations start at high numbers. Contrary to previous opinions, other forms of density dependence may lead to increased or decreased persistence, depending on the type and strength of density dependence, the degree of environmental variability, and the growth rate. Furthermore, effects may be reversed for different quasi-extinction levels, making the use of arbitrary quasi-extinction levels problematic. Few systematic comparisons of the effects on persistence between different models of density dependence are available. These effects can be strikingly different among models. Our understanding of the effects of density dependence on extinction of metapopulations is rudimentary, but even opposite effects of density dependence can occur when metapopulations and single populations are contrasted. We argue that spatially explicit models hold particular promise for analysing the effects of density dependence on population viability provided a good knowledge of the biology of the species under consideration exists. Since the results of PVAs may critically depend on the way density dependence is modelled, combined efforts to advance statistical methods, field sampling, and modelling are urgently needed to elucidate the relationships between density, vital rates, and extinction probability.  相似文献   


Several molecular and population genetic studies have focused on the native sheep breeds of Finland. In this work, we investigated their ancestral sheep populations from Iron Age, Medieval and Post-Medieval periods by sequencing a partial mitochondrial DNA D-loop and the 5’-promoter region of the SRY gene. We compared the maternal (mitochondrial DNA haplotypes) and paternal (SNP oY1) genetic diversity of ancient sheep in Finland with modern domestic sheep populations in Europe and Asia to study temporal changes in genetic variation and affinities between ancient and modern populations.


A 523-bp mitochondrial DNA sequence was successfully amplified for 26 of 36 sheep ancient samples i.e. five, seven and 14 samples representative of Iron Age, Medieval and Post-Medieval sheep, respectively. Genetic diversity was analyzed within the cohorts. This ancient dataset was compared with present-day data consisting of 94 animals from 10 contemporary European breeds and with GenBank DNA sequence data to carry out a haplotype sharing analysis. Among the 18 ancient mitochondrial DNA haplotypes identified, 14 were present in the modern breeds. Ancient haplotypes were assigned to the highly divergent ovine haplogroups A and B, haplogroup B being the major lineage within the cohorts. Only two haplotypes were detected in the Iron Age samples, while the genetic diversity of the Medieval and Post-Medieval cohorts was higher. For three of the ancient DNA samples, Y-chromosome SRY gene sequences were amplified indicating that they originated from rams. The SRY gene of these three ancient ram samples contained SNP G-oY1, which is frequent in modern north-European sheep breeds.


Our study did not reveal any sign of major population replacement of native sheep in Finland since the Iron Age. Variations in the availability of archaeological remains may explain differences in genetic diversity estimates and patterns within the cohorts rather than demographic events that occurred in the past. Our ancient DNA results fit well with the genetic context of domestic sheep as determined by analyses of modern north-European sheep breeds.  相似文献   
 Halophytes from both coastal and inland Central European salt marshes were examined for colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Plants from different families were strongly colonized but the degree of colonization varied with the individual plant and apparently during the vegetation period, too. Members of the typical non-mycorrhizal families like Armeria maritima of the Plumbaginaceae and Salicornia europaea of the Chenopodiaceae were found to be colonized, particularly in the drier salt marshes. High numbers of Glomus spores were found in the saline soils, especially those of the inland locations examined. Approximately 80% of these spores were from Glomus geosporum as shown by a typical restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) pattern of the amplified internal transcribed spacer regions. The present study demonstrates that RFLP analysis is useful when screening habitats for the occurrence of mycorrhizal fungi which can be identified only with difficulty by morphological criteria. Accepted: 25 August 2000  相似文献   
Cells respond to stress stimuli by mounting specific responses. During osmotic and oxidative stress, cation chloride cotransporters, e.g. Na-K-2Cl and K-Cl cotransporters, are activated to maintain fluid/ion homeostasis. Here we report the interaction of the stress-related serine-threonine kinases Ste20-related proline-alanine-rich kinase (SPAK) and oxidative stress response 1 (OSR1) with the cotransporters KCC3, NKCC1, and NKCC2 but not KCC1 and KCC4. The interaction was identified using yeast two-hybrid assays and confirmed via glutathione S-transferase pull-down experiments. Evidence for in vivo interaction was established by co-immunoprecipitation of SPAK from mouse brain with anti-NKCC1 antibody. The interacting region of both kinases comprises the last 100 amino acids of the protein. The SPAK/OSR1 binding motif on the cotransporters consists of nine residues, starting with an (R/K)FX(V/I) sequence followed by five additional residues that are essential for binding but for which no consensus was found. Immunohistochemical analysis of choroid plexus epithelium revealed co-expression of NKCC1 and SPAK on the apical membrane. In contrast, in choroid plexus epithelium from NKCC1 null mice, SPAK immunostaining was found in the cytoplasm. We conclude that several cation chloride co-transporters interact with SPAK and/or OSR1, and we hypothesize that this interaction might play a role during the initiation of the cellular stress response.  相似文献   
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