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Summary The structure of the basement membrane of the high endothelium of reactive human lymph nodes was investigated by techniques selective for carbohydrates (periodic acid-Schiff; critical electrolyte concentration staining with Alcian Blue; lectin histochemistry), specific proteins (immunohistochemistry for laminin and fibronectin) and by conventional techniques of light and transmission electron microscopy. Adjacent small lymphocytes were assigned to B and T cell subsets by use of monoclonal antibodies and they were analysed for non-specific esterase,-glucuronidase,-N-acetylglucaminidase and proteolytic activities. The basement membranes were shown to be distinctive and to contain three layers, of differing laminin, glycosaminoglycan and glycoprotein oligosaccharide content. Certain lymphocytes (probably T) contained enzymes potentially able to degrade some components of these basement membranes.  相似文献   
Crystalline R67 dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is a dimeric molecule with two identical 78 amino acid subunits, each folded into a beta-barrel conformation. The outer surfaces of the three longest beta strands in each protomer together form a third beta barrel having six strands at the subunit interface. A unique feature of the enzyme structure is that while the intersubunit beta barrel is quite regular over most of its surface, an 8-A "gap" runs the full length of the barrel, disrupting potential hydrogen bonds between beta-strand D in subunit I and the adjacent corresponding strand of subunit II. It is proposed that this deep groove is the NADPH binding site and that the association between protein and cofactor is modulated by hydrogen-bonding interactions along one face of this antiparallel beta-barrel structure. A hypothetical model is proposed for the R67 DHFR-NADPH-folate ternary complex that is consistent with both the known reaction stereoselectivity and the weak binding of 2,4-diamino inhibitors to the plasmid-specified reductase. Geometrical comparison of this model with an experimentally determined structure for chicken DHFR suggests that chromosomal and type II R-plasmid specified enzymes may have independently evolved similar catalytic machinery for substrate reduction.  相似文献   
Thermodynamic analysis of the lactose repressor-operator DNA interaction   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Kinetic and equilibrium constants for lactose repressor-operator DNA interaction have been examined as a function of salt concentration, size and sequence context of the operator DNA, and temperature. Significant salt effects were observed on kinetic and equilibrium parameters for pLA 322-8, an operator-containing derivative of pBR 322, and pIQ, an operator and pseudooperator-containing derivative of pBR 322. The association rate constant and equilibrium constant for the 40 base pair operator fragment were also salt dependent. Data for all the DNAs were consistent with a sliding mechanism for repressor-operator association/dissociation [Berg, O. G., & Blomberg, C. (1978) Biophys. Chem. 8, 271-280]. Calculation of the number of ionic interactions based on salt dependence yielded a value of approximately 8 for repressor binding to pIQ and pLA 322-8 vs. approximately 6 for the repressor-40 base pair fragment. These data and the differences in binding parameters for the plasmids vs. the 40 base pair operator are consistent with the formation of an intramolecular ternary complex in the plasmid DNAs. Unusual biphasic temperature dependence was observed in the equilibrium and dissociation rate constants for pLA 322-8, pIQ, and the 40 base pair fragment. These observations coupled with a discontinuity found in the inducer association rate constant as a function of temperature suggest a structural change in the protein. The large positive entropy contributions associated with repressor binding to all the DNAs examined provide the significant driving force for the reaction and are consistent with involvement of ionic and apolar interactions in complex formation.  相似文献   
In vitro inactivation of methionine synthase by nitrous oxide   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is commonly used as an anesthetic agent. Prolonged exposure to N2O leads to megaloblastic anemia in humans and to loss of methionine synthase activity in vertebrates. We now report that purified preparations of cobalamin-dependent methionine synthase (5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase, EC from both Escherichia coli and pig liver are irreversibly inactivated during turnover in buffers saturated with N2O. Inactivation by N2O occurs only in the presence of all components required for turnover: homocysteine, methyltetrahydrofolate, adenosylmethionine, and a reducing system. Reisolation of the inactivated E. coli enzyme after turnover in the presence of N2O resulted in significant losses of bound cobalamin and of protein as compared to controls where the enzyme was subjected to turnover in N2-equilibrated buffers before reisolation. However, N2O inactivation was not associated with major changes in the visible absorbance spectrum of the remaining enzyme-bound cobalamin. We postulate that N2O acts by one-electron oxidation of the cob(I)alamin form of the enzyme which is generated transiently during turnover with the formation of cob(II)alamin, N2, and hydroxyl radical. Generation of hydroxyl radical at the active site of the enzyme could explain the observed irreversible loss of enzyme activity.  相似文献   
Mammalian fertilization is a multi-step process with different requirements for specificity at each step. In the present report we have examined the binding of spermatozoa to homologous and heterologous zonae pellucidae. The homologous zona binding proteins (ZBP) of ejaculated rabbit, pig and human spermatozoa and epididymal mouse spermatozoa have been identified. The rabbit's ZBPs have relative molecular weights (MW) of 32K, 18K, 16K and 14K; the pig's major ZBP is 16K while human spermatozoa bind human zona protein at 17K and 18K. Mouse sperm ZBPs are 19K, 18K and 16K.  相似文献   
Dihydrofolate reductase. The stereochemistry of inhibitor selectivity   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
X-ray structural results are reported for 10 triazine and pyrimidine inhibitors of dihydrofolate reductase, each one studied as a ternary complex with NADPH and chicken dihydrofolate reductase. Analysis of these data and comparison with structural results from the preceding paper (Matthews, D.A., Bolin, J.T., Burridge, J.M., Filman, D.J., Volz, K.W., Kaufman, B. T., Beddell, C.R., Champness, J.N., Stammers, D.K., and Kraut, J. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 381-391) in which we contrasted binding of the antibiotic trimethoprim (TMP) to chicken dihydrofolate reductase on the one hand with its binding to Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase on the other, permit identification of differences that are important in accounting for TMP's selectivity. The crystallographic evidence strongly suggests that loss of a potential hydrogen bond between the 4-amino group of TMP and the backbone carbonyl of Val-115 when TMP binds to chicken dihydrofolate reductase but not when it binds to the E. coli reductase is the major factor responsible for this drug's more potent inhibition of bacterial dihydrofolate reductase. A key finding of the current study which is important in understanding why TMP binds differently to chicken and E. coli dihydrofolate reductases is that residues on opposite sides of the active-site cleft in chicken dihydrofolate reductase are about 1.5-2.0 A further apart than are structurally equivalent residues in the E. coli enzyme.  相似文献   
This work describes a neutral and alkaline elution method for measuring DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs), DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), and DNA-DNA crosslinks in rat testicular germ cells after treatments in vivo or in vitro with both chemical mutagens and gamma-irradiation. The methods depend upon the isolation of testicular germ cells by collagenase and trypsin digestion, followed by filtration and centrifugation. 137Cs irradiation induced both DNA SSBs and DSBs in germ cells held on ice in vitro. Irradiation of the whole animal indicated that both types of DNA breaks are induced in vivo and can be repaired. A number of germ cell mutagens induced either DNA SSBs, DSBs, or cross-links after in vivo and in vitro dosing. These chemicals included methyl methane sulfonate, ethyl methane sulfonate, ethyl nitrosurea, dibromochlorpropane, ethylene dibromide, triethylene melamine, and mitomycin C. These results suggest that the blood-testes barrier is relatively ineffective for these mutagens, which may explain in part their in vivo mutagenic potency.This assay should be a useful screen for detecting chemical attack upon male germ-cell DNA and thus, it should help in the assessment of the mutagenic risk of chemicals. In addition, this approach can be used to study the processes of SSB, DSB, and crosslink repair in DNA of male germ cells, either from all stages or specific stages of development.Abbreviations DBCP dibromochlorpropane - DSB(s) DNA double-strand break(s) - EDB ethylene dibromide - EMS ethyl methane sulfonate - ENU ethyl nitrosurea - MC mitomycin C - MMS methyl methane sulfonate - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - SSB (s) DNA single-strand break(s) - TEM triethylene melamine - UDS unscheduled DNA synthesis  相似文献   
The three-dimensional structure of goose-type lysozyme (GEWL), determined by x-ray crystallography and refined at high resolution, has similarities to the structures of hen (chicken) egg-white lysozyme (HEWL) and bacteriophage T4 lysozyme (T4L). The nature of the structural correspondence suggests that all three classes of lysozyme diverged from a common evolutionary precursor, even though their amino acid sequences appear to be unrelated (Grütter et al. 1983). In this paper we make detailed comparisons of goose-type, chicken-type, and phage-type lysozymes. The lysozymes have undergone conformational changes at both the global and the local level. As in the globins, there are corresponding alpha-helices that have rigid-body displacements relative to each other, but in some cases corresponding helices have increased or decreased in length, and in other cases there are helices in one structure that have no counterpart in another. Independent of the overall structural correspondence among the three lysozyme backbones is another, distinct correspondence between a set of three consecutive alpha-helices in GEWL and three consecutive alpha-helices in T4L. This structural correspondence could be due, in part, to a common energetically favorable contact between the first and the third helices. There are similarities in the active sites of the three lysozymes, but also one striking difference. Glu 73 (GEWL) spatially corresponds to Glu 35 (HEWL) and to Glu 11 (T4L). On the other hand, there are two aspartates in the GEWL active site, Asp 86 and Asp 97, neither of which corresponds exactly to Asp 52 (HEWL) or Asp 20 (T4L). (The discrepancy in the location of the carboxyl groups is about 10 A for Asp 86 and 4 A for Asp 97.) This lack of structural correspondence may reflect some differences in the mechanisms of action of the three lysozymes. When the amino acid sequences of the three lysozyme types are aligned according to their structural correspondence, there is still no apparent relationship between the sequences except for possible weak matching in the vicinity of the active sites.  相似文献   
Forearm glucose uptake (FGU) was studied during 100 g oral glucose tolerance tests (GTT) in nonobese, nondiabetic men who had suffered a myocardial infarction (MI) at or before the age of 40, and the results compared with the response in age-matched normal men. In the MI group the rise in both glucose and insulin concentrations after glucose loading was similar to that in normal subjects, although in the former, peak levels tended to be slightly higher. Concomitant FGU, however, was significantly greater in the MI group than in control subjects in the period 0-90 min and in the test as a whole (0-180 min). The results show that at least in some nondiabetics suffering MI at an early age hyperinsulinism is not a feature and peripheral tissue sensitivity is increased.  相似文献   
Malic enzyme of pigeon liver binds NADPH at four equivalent enzyme sites and binds Mn2+ and malate each at two sets of "tight" and "weak" sites with negative cooperativity [Pry, T. A., & Hsu, R. Y. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 951-962]. Stopped-flow studies on the displacement of NADPH from the malate-enzyme complexes E4-NADPH4, E4-Mn2(2+)-NADPH4, E4-Mn2(2+)-NADPH4-dimalate, and E4-Mn2(2+)-NADPH4-tetramalate by large excess NADP+ or its analogue phosphoadenosine(2')diphospho(5')ribose show that NADPH dissociates from the binary complex rapidly with a first-order rate constant of 427 s-1. Dissociation from the ternary E4-Mn2(2+)-NADPH4 complex containing two tightly bound Mn2+ ions can be described by a single first-order process with a rate constant of 135 s-1, or more satisfactorily by two simultaneous first-order processes attributable to the reactions of Mn2+-deficient (k congruent to 427 s-1) and Mn2+-liganded (k = 96 s-1) subunits. The latter equals twice the maximum steady-state turnover rate of 53.2 + 3.0 s-1 assigned to dissociation of the reduced nucleotide from transient E-Mn2+-NADPH, and this 2:1 ratio strongly supports our proposed "half-of-the-sites" model [Hsu, R. Y., & Pry, T. A. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 962-968]. Dissociation from the E4-Mn2(2+)-NADPH4-dimalate complex (k = 100 s-1) follows only the slower process, suggesting that occupancy of malate at two sites tightens enzyme-bound NADPH on the adjacent sites. Binding of malate at two additional weak sites yields E4-Mn2(2+)-NADPH4-tetramalate and a NADPH dissociation rate constant of 2.69 s-1. The 97% decrease in NADPH dissociation parallels the observed 93% maximal inhibition by malate and is the cause of substrate inhibition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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