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Boreal and subarctic peatlands have been extensively studied for their major role in the global carbon balance. However, study efforts have so far neglected the contribution of these ecosystems to the non-methane biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions, which are important in the atmospheric chemistry and feedbacks on climate change. We aimed at estimating the BVOC emissions from a subarctic peatland in northern Finland. Furthermore, our aim was to assess how these emissions are affected by enhanced UV-B radiation, the amount of which has increased especially at high latitudes as a result of stratospheric ozone depletion. The contribution of BVOC emissions to the total net carbon exchange and correlations between the emission of different BVOCs and net ecosystem CO2 exchange, CH4 emission, total green leaf area, and abiotic factors were also studied. The UV-B exposure, simulating a 20% depletion of stratospheric ozone, was started in 2003, and measurements were performed during the growing seasons of 2006 and 2008. The subarctic peatland proved to be a small source of BVOCs and the dominant moss, Warnstorfia exannulata, emitted a diverse compound spectrum. The water table level exerted a major influence on the BVOC emissions surpassing the effect of enhanced UV-B. In fact, no overall UV-B effect was established on the BVOC emissions, apart from toluene and 1-octene, emissions of which were doubled and tripled by enhanced UV-B in 2008, respectively. The contribution of BVOCs to the total net carbon exchange was below 1%.  相似文献   


There is a vast need to find clinically applicable protein biomarkers as support in cancer diagnosis and tumour classification. In proteomics research, a number of methods can be used to obtain systemic information on protein and pathway level on cells and tissues. One fundamental tool in analysing protein expression has been two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE). Several cancer 2DE studies have reported partially redundant lists of differently expressed proteins. To be able to further extract valuable information from existing 2DE data, the power of a multivariate meta-analysis will be evaluated in this work.  相似文献   


VA7 is a neurotropic alphavirus vector based on an attenuated strain of Semliki Forest virus. We have previously shown that VA7 exhibits oncolytic activity against human melanoma xenografts in immunodeficient mice. The purpose of this study was to determine if intravenously administered VA7 would be effective against human glioma.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In vitro, U87, U251, and A172 human glioma cells were infected and killed by VA7-EGFP. In vivo, antiglioma activity of VA7 was tested in Balb/c nude mice using U87 cells stably expressing firefly luciferase in subcutaneous and orthotopic tumor models. Intravenously administered VA7-EGFP completely eradicated 100% of small and 50% of large subcutaneous U87Fluc tumors. A single intravenous injection of either VA7-EGFP or VA7 expressing Renilla luciferase (VA7-Rluc) into mice bearing orthotopic U87Fluc tumors caused a complete quenching of intracranial firefly bioluminescence and long-term survival in total 16 of 17 animals. In tumor-bearing mice injected with VA7-Rluc, transient intracranial and peripheral Renilla bioluminescence was observed. Virus was well tolerated and no damage to heart, liver, spleen, or brain was observed upon pathological assessment at three and ninety days post injection, despite detectable virus titers in these organs during the earlier time point.


VA7 vector is apathogenic and can enter and destroy brain tumors in nude mice when administered systemically. This study warrants further elucidation of the mechanism of tumor destruction and attenuation of the VA7 virus.  相似文献   
Local biodiversity has traditionally been estimated with taxonomic diversity metrics such as species richness. Recently, the concept of biodiversity has been extended beyond species identity by ecological traits determining the functional role of a species in a community. This interspecific functional diversity typically responds more strongly to local environmental variation compared with taxonomic diversity, while taxonomic diversity may mirror more strongly dispersal processes compared with functional metrics. Several trait‐based indices have been developed to measure functional diversity for various organisms and habitat types, but studies of their applicability on aquatic microbial communities have been underrepresented. We examined the drivers and covariance of taxonomic and functional diversity among diatom rock pool communities on the Baltic Sea coast. We quantified three taxonomic (species richness, Shannon''s diversity, and Pielou''s evenness) and three functional (functional richness, evenness, and divergence) diversity indices and determined abiotic factors best explaining variation in these indices by generalized linear mixed models. The six diversity indices were highly collinear except functional evenness, which merely correlated significantly with taxonomic evenness. All diversity indices were always explained by water conductivity and temperature–sampling month interaction. Taxonomic diversity was further consistently explained by pool distance to the sea, and functional richness and divergence by pool location. The explained variance in regression models did not markedly differ between taxonomic and functional metrics. Our findings do not clearly support the superiority of neither set of diversity indices in explaining coastal microbial diversity, but rather highlight the general overlap among the indices. However, as individual metrics may be driven by different factors, the greatest advantage in assessing biodiversity is nevertheless probably achieved with a simultaneous application of the taxonomic and functional diversity metrics.  相似文献   

Main conclusion

A 3D model of the tracheid wall has been proposed based on high-resolution cryo-TEM where, in contrast to the current understanding, the cellulose elementary fibrils protrude from the cell wall plane. The ultrastructure of the tracheid walls of Picea abies was examined through imaging of ultrathin radial, tangential and transverse sections of wood by transmission electron microscopy and with digital image processing. It was found that the elementary fibrils (EFs) of cellulose were rarely deposited in the plane of the concentric cell wall layers, in contrast to the current understanding. In addition to the adopted concept of longitudinal fibril angle, EFs protruded from the cell wall plane in varying angles depending on the layer. Moreover, the out-of-plane fibril angle varied between radial and tangential walls. In the tangential S2 layers, EFs were always out-of-plane whereas planar orientation was typical for the S2 layer in radial walls. The pattern of protruding EFs was evident in almost all axial and transverse images of the S1 layer. Similar out-of-plane orientation was found in the transverse sections of the S3 layer. A new model of the tracheid wall with EF orientation is presented as a summary of this study. The outcome of this study will enhance our understanding of the elementary fibril orientation in the tracheid wall.  相似文献   
Recombinant sarafloxacin-recognizing antibody was engineered with the use of novel fluoroquinolone (FQ) derivatives. A monoclonal FQ antibody, 6H7, was targeted to random mutagenesis to broaden the specificity of the antibody in development of a generic assay for FQ antibiotics. Engineering involved the synthesis of different small-sized FQ molecules to immobilize and detect the mutant antibodies. Selections with labeled FQs resulted in several mutant antibodies with increased affinity or wider specificity toward different FQs. The best characterized mutant antibody was capable of recognizing seven of eight targeted FQs below maximum residue limits set by the European Union. The results are promising in regard to the development of a multiresidue immunoassay for FQs based on a single antibody.  相似文献   
A laboratory experiment was conducted with two types of closed static chambers to estimate the effects of chamber placement, manual headspace sampling and headspace mixing on methane (CH4) fluxes. Chamber fluxes were compared to a known reference flux in a chamber calibration system. The measurements were conducted with three types of soils (coarse dry, fine dry and fine wet quarts sand) at five flux levels ranging from 60 to 2000 ??g CH4 m?2 h?1. We found that the placement of a non-vented chamber disturbed the initial CH4 concentration development within the chamber headspace for 10 to 30 s. Excluding this short period from the flux calculation resulted in a lower flux estimate (mean±SE) of 126?±?26 ??g CH4 m?2 h?1 compared to 134?±?26 ??g CH4 m?2 h?1 if data from time zero of the enclosure were included. We also found that in non-mixed chambers (no fan mixing) the gas sampling by syringes or gas bottles disturbed the development of CH4 concentration during the enclosure. Furthermore, flux estimates in non-mixed chambers were significantly underestimated (on average 36%) compared to the measured reference fluxes. However, the use of fans to constantly mix the chamber headspace during enclosure significantly improved the goodness-of-fit of the regression analysis used to calculate the flux and further eliminated the disturbance of the manual sampling on the concentration development. We recommend that chambers should be vented during the placement of the chamber, and that fans are used as an integrated part of static chambers while headspace mixing with syringes should be avoided.  相似文献   
The antipsychotic drug thioridazine is a candidate drug for an alternative treatment of infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in combination with the β-lactam antibiotic oxacillin. The drug has been shown to have the capability to resensitize MRSA to oxacillin. We have previously shown that the expression of some resistance genes is abolished after treatment with thioridazine and oxacillin. To further understand the mechanism underlying the reversal of resistance, we tested the expression of genes involved in antibiotic resistance and cell wall biosynthesis in response to thioridazine in combination with oxacillin. We observed that the oxacillin-induced expression of genes belonging to the VraSR regulon is reduced by the addition of thioridazine. The exclusion of such key factors involved in cell wall biosynthesis will most likely lead to a weakened cell wall and affect the ability of the bacteria to sustain oxacillin treatment. Furthermore, we found that thioridazine itself reduces the expression level of selected virulence genes and that selected toxin genes are not induced by thioridazine. In the present study, we find indications that the mechanism underlying reversal of resistance by thioridazine relies on decreased expression of specific genes involved in cell wall biosynthesis.  相似文献   
Retinol binding protein (RBP) and an engineered lipocalin, DigA16, have been studied using molecular dynamics simulations. Special emphasis has been placed on explaining the ligand–receptor interaction in RBP–retinol and DigA16–digoxigenin complexes, and steered molecular dynamics simulations of 10–20 ns have been carried out for the ligand expulsion process. Digoxigenin is bound deep inside the cavity of DigA16 and forms several stable hydrogen bonds in addition to the hydrophobic van der Waals interaction with the aromatic side-chains. Four crystalline water molecules inside the ligand-binding cavity remain trapped during the simulations. The strongly hydrophobic receptor site of RBP differs considerably from DigA16, and the main source of ligand attraction comes from the phenyl side-chains. The hydrogen bonds between digoxigenin and DigA16 cause the rupture forces on ligand removal in DigA16 and RBP to differ. The mutated DigA16 residues contribute approximately one-half of the digoxigenin interaction energy with DigA16 and, of these, the energetically most important are residues His35, Arg58, Ser87, Tyr88, and Phe114. Potential “sensor loops” were found for both receptors. These are the outlier loops between residues 114–121 and 63–67 for DigA16 and RBP, respectively, and they are located near the entrance of the ligand-binding cavity. Especially, the residues Glu119 (DigA16) and Leu64 (RBP) are critical for sensing. The ligand binding energies have been estimated based on the linear response approximation of binding affinity by using a previous parametrization for retinoids and RBP.  相似文献   
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