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We previously developed Hokushin wheat line as a hypoallergenic wheat lacking ω5-gliadin (1BS-18), a major allergen for wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis. However, the allergenicity of 1BS-18 has not been understood completely. In this study, we evaluated the allergenicity of 1BS-18 such as anaphylactic elicitation ability and sensitization ability using rats sensitized with ω5-gliadin or glutens prepared from Hokushin (Hokushin gluten) or 1BS-18 (1BS-18 gluten). Rats were sensitized by intraperitoneal administration of ω5-gliadin, Hokushin gluten or 1BS-18 gluten. Immunoglobulin E-mediated systemic anaphylaxis was evaluated by measuring changes in rectal temperature for 30 min after intravenous challenge with ω5-gliadin or the test glutens in unsensitized rats or rats sensitized with ω5-gliadin or the test glutens. In ω5-gliadin-sensitized rats, intravenous challenge with ω5-gliadin or Hokushin gluten significantly decreased the rectal temperature at 30 min after challenge while challenge with 1BS-18 gluten did not reduce the rectal temperature. Furthermore, intravenous challenge with ω5-gliadin significantly decreased the rectal temperature in rats sensitized with Hokushin gluten or 1BS-18 gluten. However, the reduced degree observed in 1BS-18 gluten-sensitized rats was smaller than that in Hokushin gluten-sensitized rats. In conclusion, 1BS-18 elicited no allergic reaction in ω5-gliadin-sensitized rats and had less sensitization ability for ω5-gliadin than that of Hokushin wheat.  相似文献   
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) is a posttranslational glycolipid modification of proteins that anchors proteins in lipid rafts on the cell surface. Although some GPI-anchored proteins (GPI-APs), including the prion protein PrPC, have a glycan side chain composed of N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc)−galactose−sialic acid on the core structure of GPI glycolipid, in vivo functions of this GPI-GalNAc side chain are largely unresolved. Here, we investigated the physiological and pathological roles of the GPI-GalNAc side chain in vivo by knocking out its initiation enzyme, PGAP4, in mice. We show that Pgap4 mRNA is highly expressed in the brain, particularly in neurons, and mass spectrometry analysis confirmed the loss of the GalNAc side chain in PrPC GPI in PGAP4-KO mouse brains. Furthermore, PGAP4-KO mice exhibited various phenotypes, including an elevated blood alkaline phosphatase level, impaired bone formation, decreased locomotor activity, and impaired memory, despite normal expression levels and lipid raft association of various GPI-APs. Thus, we conclude that the GPI-GalNAc side chain is required for in vivo functions of GPI-APs in mammals, especially in bone and the brain. Moreover, PGAP4-KO mice were more vulnerable to prion diseases and died earlier after intracerebral inoculation of the pathogenic prion strains than wildtype mice, highlighting the protective roles of the GalNAc side chain against prion diseases.  相似文献   
A novel oligodendrocyte (OL)-specific cDNA was isolated from brain capillary endothelial cells and characterized. The cDNA encodes a protein of 1099 amino acids that contains a signal peptide and a transmembrane domain. The protein was expressed in mature OLs in vivo and in vitro cell cultures and was thus designated as mature OL transmembrane protein (MOLT). RT-PCR analysis showed that MOLT mRNA was expressed in brain, lung, pancreas, and testis. A polyclonal antibody raised against a part of the mouse MOLT reacted specifically with multipolar OLs possessing radially oriented processes that penetrated into the gray matter. More cells were detected in the white matter, and these had longitudinally oriented processes. In a rat OL lineage culture system, oligodendrocyte precursor cells did not initially produce MOLT mRNA and protein, but when they begun to differentiate into mature OLs, they started expressing MOLT. Consequently, MOLT may function as OLs become mature and may serve as a cell-surface marker for OL differentiation.  相似文献   
Cannabinoids have been reported to be involved in affecting various biological functions through binding with cannabinoid receptors type 1 (CB1) and 2 (CB2). The present study was designed to investigate whether swallowing, an essential component of feeding behavior, is modulated after the administration of cannabinoid. The swallowing reflex evoked by the repetitive electrical stimulation of the superior laryngeal nerve in rats was recorded before and after the administration of the cannabinoid receptor agonist, WIN 55-212-2 (WIN), with or without CB1 or CB2 antagonist. The onset latency of the first swallow and the time intervals between swallows were analyzed. The onset latency and the intervals between swallows were shorter after the intravenous administration of WIN, and the strength of effect of WIN was dose-dependent. Although the intravenous administration of CB1 antagonist prior to intravenous administration of WIN blocked the effect of WIN, the administration of CB2 antagonist did not block the effect of WIN. The microinjection of the CB1 receptor antagonist directly into the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) prior to intravenous administration of WIN also blocked the effect of WIN. Immunofluorescence histochemistry was conducted to assess the co-localization of CB1 receptor immunoreactivity to glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 (GAD67) or glutamate in the NTS. CB1 receptor was co-localized more with GAD67 than glutamate in the NTS. These findings suggest that cannabinoids facilitate the swallowing reflex via CB1 receptors. Cannabinoids may attenuate the tonic inhibitory effect of GABA (gamma-aminobuteric acid) neurons in the central pattern generator for swallowing.  相似文献   
Prior to rhombomere development, structures called prorhombomeres appear in the mammalian hindbrain. This study clarifies the developmental relationship between prorhombomeres and their descendent rhombomeres and hindbrain crest cells in mouse embryos by focal dye injections at various levels of prorhombomere A (proRhA), proRhB, and proRhC, as well as at their boundaries. ProRhA gives rise to two rhombomeres, rhombomeres 1 and 2 (r1 and r2), as well as to crest cells that migrate into the first pharyngeal arch, including the trigeminal ganglion. ProRhB develops into r3 and r4 and produces crest cells populating the second arch and acousticofacial ganglion. The anterior portion of proRhC gives rise to r5 and r6 and to crest cells migrating into the third pharyngeal arch and the IXth ganglion; its posterior portion develops into r7 and releases crest cells into the fourth pharyngeal arch region as well as the Xth ganglion. These results suggest that the boundaries between prorhombomeres serve as lineage restrictions for both hind-brain neuroepithelial cells and for segmental origins of crest cell populations in mouse embryos. The Hox code of the mouse head can be schematized in a much simpler way based on this prorhombomeric organization of the hind-brain, suggesting that prorhombomeres primarily underlie mammalian hind-brain segmentation.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of polyamines, which are necessary for proliferation and antioxidation in Trypanosoma brucei gambiense Wellcome strain (WS) and Trypanosoma brucei brucei ILtat 1.4 strain (IL). No difference was found in activity of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), a key enzyme in polyamine synthesis in trypanosomes, in both strains maintained in vitro; higher (P < 0.05) ODC values were found in IL in vivo. However, WS in vivo exhibited higher proliferation rates with higher spermidine content and decreased host survival times than IL. The in vitro proliferation and polyamine contents of WS increased with the addition of polyamine to the 1-difluoromethylornithine culture medium, but not IL. These results suggested that WS uses extracellular polyamine for proliferation. In the in vitro culture, WS was less tolerant of hydrogen peroxide (oxidative stress) than IL, and malondialdehyde levels in WS were higher than in IL. The expression of trypanothione synthetase mRNA in WS in vitro was higher than in IL. These results suggest that IL is dependent on the synthesis of polyamines for proliferation and reduction of oxidative stress, whereas WS is dependent on the uptake of extracellular polyamines. A thorough understanding of the differences in the metabolic capabilities of various trypanosomes is important for the design of more effective medical treatments.  相似文献   
Salicylic acid (SA) is known to be an essential component responsible for disease resistance in dicotyledonous plants. In rice, however, tissue contains extremely high endogenous levels of SA that do not increase after pathogen infection, suggesting that the SA has other major functions in healthy leaves. Although involvement of SA in oxidative-stress response is known in some dicotyledonous plants, antioxidative role of SA in rice is obscure. In this study, we examined the involvement of SA in the protection against oxidative stress in rice, using transgenic plants expressing the bacterial nahG gene that encodes salicylate hydroxylase, an SA-degrading enzyme. In SA-deficient NahG rice, the glutathione pool size was constitutively diminished as compared with control plants. NahG seedlings showed a delayed development phenotype, an increased susceptibility to oxidative stress and they developed light-induced lesions in their leaves without pathogen infection. Conversely, treatment with an activator of the SA-mediated defense-signaling pathway, probenazole, increased the glutathione pool size and suppressed lesion formation. These results suggest that in rice, SA has an important role in the response to high-light-induced oxidative stress, through its regulatory effects on glutathione homeostasis.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of in vitro anoxia and in vivo hypoxia (8% O2/92% N2) on norepinephrine (NE)- and carbachol-stimulated phosphoinositide (PI) turnover in rat brain slices. The formation of 3H-labeled polyPI in cortical slices was impaired by in vitro anoxia and fully restored by reoxygenation. Accumulation of 3H-labeled myo-inositol phosphates (3H-IPs) stimulated by 10(-5) M NE was significantly reduced by anoxia (control at 60 min, 1,217 +/- 86 cpm/mg of protein; anoxia for 60 min, 651 +/- 82 cpm/mg; mean +/- SEM; n = 5; p less than 0.01), and reoxygenation following anoxia resulted in overshooting of the accumulation (control at 120 min, 1,302 +/- 70 cpm/mg; anoxia for 50 min plus oxygenation for 70 min, 1,790 +/- 126 cpm/mg; n = 5; p less than 0.01). The underlying mechanisms for the two phenomena--the decrease caused by anoxia and the overshooting caused by reoxygenation following anoxia--seemed to be completely different because of the following observations. (a) Although the suppression of NE-stimulated accumulation at low O2 tensions was also observed in Ca2+-free medium, the overshooting in response to reoxygenation was not. (b) Carbachol-stimulated accumulation was significantly reduced by anoxia and was restored by reoxygenation only to control levels. Thus, the postanoxic overshooting in accumulation of 3H-IPs seems to be a specific response to NE. (c) The decrease observed at low O2 tensions was due to a decrease in Emax value, whereas the postanoxic overshooting was due to a decrease in EC50 value.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Theobroxide, a natural product, strongly stimulates the biosynthesis of jasmonic acid (JA) in Pharbitis nil. In this study, we investigated the accumulation of protein by the immunoblot analysis of lipoxygenase (LOX), allene oxide synthase (AOS), and allene oxide cyclase (AOC), key enzymes in JA biosynthesis, and how the endogenous levels of JA in P. nil are affected by theobroxide. The effect of JA on the accumulations of these proteins was monitored simultaneously. The results show that theobroxide treatment led to a high level accumulation of JA, which is due to high accumulations of LOX, AOS, and AOC proteins induced by theobroxide treatment both under short day (SD) and long day (LD) conditions. However, under SD conditions AOS and AOC proteins are not enhanced by JA treatment. Kinetic analysis of protein levels shows that a biphasic activation of AOC protein by theobroxide is displayed and the first activation of AOC protein together with elevated JA levels is observed within 30min after treatment. Meanwhile, AOS and LOX proteins are activated by theobroxide later than AOC protein, suggesting that AOC plays an essential role in the initial JA formation induced by theobroxide. Since theobroxide-increased JA levels also show a biphasic manner similar to AOC activation and AOS, LOX proteins are activated later than AOC, and thus we propose a positive JA feedback regulation. Interestingly, AOS protein, which is also the enzyme for the biosynthesis of 9,10-ketol-octadecadienoic acid (KODA, a flowering inducing factor), accumulates markedly due to the simultaneous involvement of theobroxide and SD conditions, suggesting that AOS probably plays a role in flower bud formation in P. nil.  相似文献   
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