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Deoxyribonucleic acid base composition of some members of the Micrococcaceae   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
Auletta, Angela E. (Catholic University, Washington, D.C.), and E. R. Kennedy. Deoxyribonucleic acid base composition of some members of the Micrococcaceae. J. Bacteriol. 92:28-34. 1966.-Thirty-seven strains from the genera Micrococcus, Staphylococcus, Gaffkya, and Sarcina were examined for deoxyribonucleic acid base composition and biochemical activity. Organisms were tested for production of catalase, coagulase, deoxyribonuclease, oxidase, phosphatase, hydrogen sulfide, indole, and acetoin; nitrate reduction; gelatin, starch, and urea hydrolysis; citrate and ammonium phosphate utilization; NaCl tolerance; growth at 10 and 45 C, and growth in litmus milk. They were tested for production of acid from dextrose and mannitol under anaerobic conditions, and for aerobic production of acid from dextrose, mannitol, lactose, sucrose, raffinose, maltose, xylose, and glycerol. Organisms could be divided into two groups on the basis of guanine-cytosine (GC) content. Group I had an average GC content of 32%, and included all organisms which produced acid from dextrose. Group II had an average GC content of 62%, and included those organisms incapable of producing acid from dextrose under anaerobic conditions. Sarcina ureae had a GC content of 43%.  相似文献   
The infectivity of Trichinella pseudospiralis infective larvae was reduced significantly following exposure to low pH or a combination of 1% pepsin at low pH compared to that for larvae isolated in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) at pH 7.0. Reduction of host gastric pH by administration to mice of sodium bicarbonate solution in PBS was accompanied by an increase in the infectivity of larvae isolated in 1% pepsin/HCl (P/HCl) compared to that for worms inoculated into hosts given PBS alone. Fewer adult worms developing from larvae isolated in P/HCl became established in the host small bowel than was seen with larvae isolated in PBS; moreover, the fecundity in vitro of adult worms developing from P/HCl-isolated larvae was reduced below that for adults developing from larvae isolated from host muscle in PBS. More adult worms were recovered following infection of immune hosts with PBS-isolated larvae than were recovered from immune mice challenged with larvae isolated in P/HCl. Similar findings were observed in mice immunized by infection with Trichinella spiralis and challenged with T. pseudospiralis larvae isolated in either P/HCl or PBS. Immunization of mice with T. pseudospiralis larvae isolated by either method and challenged with larvae of T. spiralis resulted in recovery of similar percentages of the challenge inoculum.  相似文献   
Cells interact with extracellular fibronectin (FN) via adhesive fibronectin receptors (FNRs) that are members of the very late antigens (VLAs) subgroup of the integrin family. In stationary fibroblasts, the FNR is highly organized and distributed identically to extracellular FN fibrils. However, in highly migratory neural crest cells and embryonic somatic fibroblasts, this organization is lost and the FNR appears diffuse. Similarly, oncogenic transformation typically leads to disorganization of the FN receptor and loss of matrix FN. Two models can account for these observations. First, the FN matrix may organize the FN receptor at extracellular matrix contacts on the cell surface. Motile cells not depositing FN matrices thus lack organized receptors. Alternatively, as the FNR is required for optimal FN matrix assembly, (McDonald, J. A., B. J. Quade, T. J. Broekelmann, R. LaChance, K. Forseman, K. Hasegawa, and S. Akiyama. 1987. J. Biol. Chem. 272:2957-2967; Roman, J. R. M. LaChance, T. J. Broekelmann, C. J. R. Kennedy, E. A. Wayner, W. G. Carter, J. A. McDonald. 1989. J. Cell Biol. 108:2529-2543) and has putative cytoskeletal links, it could be organized from within the cell helping to position newly forming FN fibrils. To study this question, we developed peptide antibodies specifically recognizing the alpha 5 subunit of the FNR. Using these antibodies, we examined the organization of FN and of the FNR in normal, matrix assembly inhibited, and SV40-transformed human fibroblasts. On FN-coated substrates, the FNR is found in focal contacts rather than diffusely on the basal cell surface, suggesting FNR interaction with intracellular components. However, when FN fibrils are deposited, the FNR is co-distributed with these fibrils. Preventing FN matrix assembly prevents organization of the FNR. Moreover, when fibroblasts with well established FN matrices and co-distributed FNR are incubated briefly with monoclonal antibodies that block FNR binding to FN, the FNR is no longer co-distributed with the FN matrix. Thus, the FN receptor is organized in fibrils on the cell surface in response to extracellular FN. Because exogenous FN restores a FN matrix and receptor organization to SV40-transformed cells, the diffuse FN receptor phenotype appears to be related to loss of the FN matrix rather than to impaired FNR function. These results explain diffusely distributed FNRs in migratory neural crest and embryonic fibroblasts lacking well organized FN matrices and emphasize the existence of separate but related systems controlling FN deposition and recognition by receptor-armed cells.  相似文献   
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) increases renal calcium absorption exclusively in cortical thick limbs and distal tubules. Lack of sufficient tissue has precluded detailed biochemical study of the mechanisms responsible for the hypercalcemic effect of PTH. Therefore, we assessed PTH action on calcium transport in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, a cell line expressing distal characteristics, to determine its suitability as a model for analyzing PTH action. Calcium transport across MDCK cells grown to confluence on porous filters was measured at 37 degrees C in Ussing chambers. Mucosal-to-serosal calcium fluxes (JCa, mol/min cm-2 x 10(-9)) were measured with 45Ca at -3, -1, 5, 10, and 20 min; agonist was added at 0 min. Basal JCa averaged 0.98. PTH at 0.2 microM increased JCa by 12% (P less than 0.05) and 1 microM PTH by 70% (P less than 0.01). Calcitonin (1 microM) had no effect on JCa. The fact that high concentrations of dibutyryl cAMP (1 mM) and forskolin (10 microM) increased JCa by only 37% and 22%, respectively, suggested that cAMP-independent mechanisms may participate in PTH-stimulated JCa. Therefore we examined the effect of other putative second messengers. In the presence of 2 mM external [Ca], 10 nM A23187 increased JCa by 88%, and 10 microM A23187 increased JCa by 121%. Addition of 10 microM phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) increased JCa by 60%. We conclude that: 1) PTH specifically stimulates unidirectional calcium absorption in MDCK cells; 2) both adenylate cyclase-coupled and calcium-coupled receptors may participate in signaling the response to PTH; and 3) confluent MDCK cells represent a useful experimental model for elucidating the biochemical mechanisms involved in the renal hypercalcemic action of PTH.  相似文献   
The current distributions of the freshwater fish acanthocephalans Pomphorhynchus laevis and Acanthocephalus anguillae are described and shown to be discontinuous and mutually exclusive, both regionally and locally, in the British Isles. An hypothesis is erected to account for this pattern. It is suggested that as the continental freshwater cyprinids colonized post-glacial mainland Britain via the eastward-flowing rivers and the Thames-Rhine link, they brought with them both species of acanthocephalan. The present, more extensive distribution of P. laevis in the British Isles and Ireland is explained by (1) early formation of a marine strain that colonized the Baltic and North Sea and estuaries of North Sea rivers, (2) later transfers of infected barbel to other English rivers from the R. Thames by man, and (3) transfers to Ireland of infected cyprinids from England by man. Different and restricted availability of preferred definitive and intermediate hosts subsequently resulted in the formation of distinct strains in England and Ireland. The distribution of A. anguillae can be explained by similar anthropogenic influences, but since its definitive and intermediate hosts are more widely available, strain formation has not yet been detected. Competitive interactions between the two parasites in the intestine of the definitive hosts are thought to be responsible for their mutual exclusiveness.  相似文献   
T cell recognition of HIV synthetic peptides in a natural infection   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Because T cell responses are critical for defense against viral infections, a series of synthetic peptides derived from the predicted sequence for HIV-1 proteins gp41, pg120, gag, and viral polymerase were used to test the T cell proliferative response of HIV-1 seropositive individuals. Of HIV-1-infected donors from various clinical categories 90% (27/30) had sensitized cells that proliferated in response to at least one of 21 HIV peptides tested. Cells from HIV seronegative controls did not proliferate (0/9) in response to these HIV peptides. Individuals with fewer clinical manifestations of HIV-1 disease responded to a greater number of peptides (average for asymptomatic seropositives = 8.1 peptides; AIDS patients averaged 2.0). The number of peptides recognized also correlated with absolute number of CD4+ cells, but not with delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity to a (non-HIV) battery of Ag. However, clinical stage at no time correlated with the response to any particular peptide. Response patterns differed considerably among individuals, and some peptides stimulated proliferation in many (48%) HIV-infected donors (peptides gp41-2 and pol-3), whereas another peptide elicited no T cell response in any donor tested (peptide gp120-8). We have also begun to investigate the basis for individual heterogeneity of T lymphocyte proliferative responses of HIV-infected donors to the 21 HIV synthetic peptides. Peptide structure and HLA class II determinants both influenced patterns of lymphocyte responses. Reactivity correlated with peptide size, the presence of alpha and beta secondary structure and lack of reverse turn potential. Hydropathy and charge had no predictive value. Peptides derived from HIV sequences that vary highly among strains tended to be recognized less frequently. HIV-infected lymphocyte donors were HLA typed to examine the influence of the MHC on T lymphocyte proliferation. Analysis of the frequencies of individuals reacting to specific peptides, when compared to the allele frequencies in the population at large, indicated association of some responses to DR alleles. More DR association was observed with peptides that showed "moderate" reactivity than with those that were "highly" reactive. We suggest that highly reactive peptides are capable of forming a structure closer to an "ideal" T cell epitope that can associate with many DR alleles. In contrast, "moderately" reactive determinants have less favorable structures for interaction, are more limited in their ability to interact and therefore show more restriction to specific class II alleles.  相似文献   
Some pseudomonads produce a toxin that specifically inhibits winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) root growth and the growth of several microorganisms. The toxin does not inhibit pea (Pisum sativum) root growth, but the organisms are aggressive root colonizers and their effect on Rhizobium leguminosarum growth, colonization, and nodulation of peas was not known. Peas were grown in Leonard jars in the greenhouse. Pea roots were inoculated with R. leguminosarum, a toxin-producing Pseudomonas sp., both, or neither (control). The Pseudomonas sp. colonized pea roots more rapidly and in greater number than R. leguminosarum after ten days. In the presence of the Pseudomonas sp., the R. leguminosarum population on the rhizoplane was less at ten days. When the roots were inoculated with both R. leguminosarum and Pseudomonas sp., the number of nodules were greater than when R. leguminosarum was inoculated alone, but nodule dry weight and pea shoot biomass were similar to plants inoculated with only R. leguminosarum. Although these results need confirmation with non-sterile soil and field studies, these preliminary results indicate that peas will not be affected by wheat root-inhibitory rhizobacteria.  相似文献   
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