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Intravenous administration of short-chain fatty acid (SCFA), such as propionate, butyrate, valerate and caproate, caused a transient increase in transmural potential difference (p.d.) across the small intestine of rat in vivo. There was a sigmoid relationship between the change in the p.d. and the logarithm of the dose of SCFA. The median effective dose of propionate, n-butyrate, n-valerate and n-caproate, which was calculated from the each dose-response curve obtained from the terminal ileum, 1.31, 1.43, 0.83 and 0.81 μmole, respectively. Repeated administrations of the same dose of propionate evoked progressively smaller response. The dose-response curve of propionate was shifted to the left by neostigmine and to the right by atropine, suggesting that the action of SCFA may be mediated by acetylcholine, which was released from a nerve ending.  相似文献   
The activity of a neutral protease is increased in soluble fractions from the intestine of rats after a shift from a protein-free to a casein mash and an injection of triiodothyronine. The increased activity is prevented by the administration of cycloheximide. The time curve of the response of the protease activity in intestine is similar to that of liver DNA synthesis after a shift to 50% casein and triiodothyronine.  相似文献   
Three polygalacturonases (PG) have been isolated from carrots(Daucus carota L. cv. Kintoki). Two were isolated from roottissues (PG-I and PG-II) and one from cell suspension cultures(PG-III). PG-I and PG-III were readily solubilized in a lowionic strength buffer, whereas PG-II required additional NaClto be solubilized. These seems to be a change in the propertiesof PG between the original tissue and carrot cell cultures.The three PGs were partially purified by chromatography on SephadexG-150, and characterized. Elution from a Sephadex G-150 column indicated a molecular weightof about 48,000 for all three PGs. PG-III, studied in detail,hydrolyzed the galacturonan chain in an exo-fashion, and wasnot activated by a variety of cations at concentrations of 0.5or 1.0 mM. The pH optimum, and pH and heat stability of PG-Iand PG-III were slightly different from those of PG-II. PG-Iwas also different from PG-II and PG-III in its pectin hydrolyzingactivity. These results indicate that the enzymatic properties of PG-IIIfrom cell cultures are very similar to those of PG-I or PG-IIfrom root tissues; the only significant difference seems tobe the binding properties of the PGs to the cell wall materials. (Received March 23, 1981; Accepted June 11, 1981)  相似文献   
ß-Naphthyl di-, tri- or tetraphosphate inhibits photophosphorylationof spinach chloroplasts competitively with ADP, whereas ß-naphthylmonophosphate inhibits it competitively with Pi. The apparentKi of ß-naphthyl diphosphate for the ADP site was300 µM and that of ß-naphthyl monophosphatefor the Pi site was 1.45 mM. At 10 mM, both of these two organicphosphates inhibited photophosphorylation more than 90%. Noneof the above four ß-naphthyl phosphates were phosphorylatedby chloroplasts. ß-Naphthyl di-, tri- or tetraphosphateinhibits ATPase activity of isolated chloroplast coupling factor1 (CF1) (EC [EC] ) and light-triggered ATPase activity ofchloroplasts competitively with ATP, whereas ß-naphthylmonophosphate acts non-competitively. None of the four ß-naphthylphosphates were hydrolyzed by these two ATPase activities. Atconcentrations equal to ADP or ATP, ß-naphthyl di-,tri- or tetraphosphate inhibited these three reactions in theorder; ATPase of isolated CF1> photophosphorylation>light-triggeredATPase of chloroplasts. The results suggest that the effect of the monophosphate isprincipally on the Pi site(s) and that of the di-, tri- or tetraphosphateis on the adenine nucleotide site(s) on the active center ofCF1. 1Part of this work was reported at the 1979 Annual Meeting ofthe Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists (Nagoya, April 7,1979) and the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese BiochemicalSociety (Tokyo, October 7, 1979). This work was supported inpart by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministryof Education, Science and Culture, Japan (311808 and 311909). (Received November 14, 1979; )  相似文献   
Ultrastructure of the mating tube formed in yeast haplont of the heterobasidiomycete Tremella mesenterica was studied by electron microscopy. Cell wall of the mating tube emerged as evagination of the inner layers, rupturing outer layers of the mother cell wall. Comparison with budding cells suggested that the tube emergence place at bud scar and the process of tube emergence was the same as that of bud emergence. Electron transparent vesicles of 0.1 m diameter were scattered in the cytoplasm of the mating tube. Nucleus-associated organelle was located at one side of the nuclear envelope which extended towards the mating tube. A few microtubules were detected in the mating tube, but their association with a nucleus was not clear. The cytoplasmic structure of the mating tube was discussed in comparison with that of hyphae of the filamentous fungi.  相似文献   
Summary The rat hepatoma cell line, H4-II-E, was grown serially over a I-year period and about 30 passages in arginine-, glutamine-, and tyrosine-deprived and ornithine-supplemented Eagle's mininum essential medium with no supplements other than biotin. The adapted cel line, R-Y121B, proliferates in the above mentioned medium with a doubling time of about 4 days and maintains hepatic “marker” enzymes such as tyrosine aminotransferase, phenylalanine hydroxylase, and all the enzymes of the urea cycle. This work was supported in part by Grant-in-Aid for Cancer Research 301050 and Science Research Grant 337013 from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   
A gas chromatographic—mass spectrometric analysis was used to separate and identify abnormal compounds in the nail of psoriatic patients. The nail was extracted with heated ethanol, and the extract was analyzed with and without trimethylsilylation. Tetradecanoic acid octadecyl ester, hexadecanoic acid octadecyl ester and octadecanoic acid octadecyl ester were first identified in the psoriatic nail, but were not detected in normal nail.  相似文献   
Most tethered adult crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus) assumed flight postures with or without flapping their wings in a windstream. Nymphal crickets (sixth and seventh, i.e. final, instars) also displayed the flight posture in spite of the incompleteness of wing development. These adult nymphal crickets rolled their heads towards the light source in response to unequal illumination of the compound eyes only while maintaining the flight posture. The amphtude of the head rolling movements was proportional to the change of light position up to 120°C, and independent of the light intensity if the duration was longer than 1 sec. The unequal illumination could also induce a transient increase in discharge frequency of the wing muscles on both sides, a decrease in wing beat amplitude of the ipsilateral wing on the illuminated side, and bending movements of the legs and abdomen towards the light. Cutting either of the nerve connectives at any level between the subosophageal and metathoracic ganglia did not affect the response of either the head or the abdomen to illumination. These results are discussed in relation to the steering mechanism associated with the dorsal light reaction.  相似文献   
Pancreatic elastase was isolated from acetone powder of porcine pancreas by a one step purification procedure on a trialanyl CH-Sepharose 4B affinity column. This column exhibited affinity not only for active elastase but also for trypsin and chymotrypsin which were present in the same pancreatic powder. However, as the extent of affinity toward elastase is considerably higher, the proper conditions were determined with which the adsorbed elastase was isolated in a highly purified form. The yield of elastolytic activity ranged from 60–85% and the purified elastase was shown to be one component by polyacrylamide disc electrophoresis.  相似文献   
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