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Secondary Forests on Anthropogenic Soils of the Middle Madeira River: Valuation, Local Knowledge, and Landscape Domestication in Brazilian Amazonia. Anthropogenic forests and soils are widespread throughout Amazonia and are the product of the landscape domestication process carried out by Amazonian societies since pre-Colombian times. Areas of Terra Preta de índio (TPI, Amazonian Dark Earths) are recognized by local rural residents and associated with specific forms of use and management of these soils and associated secondary forests. We used a quantitative approach to investigate how secondary forests on TPI are recognized and used by local residents along the middle Madeira River, Central Amazonia. Sixty-two residents were interviewed in three riverside communities and listed the ethnospecies and their uses in secondary forests on TPI and on non-anthropogenic soils (NAS). Local residents mentioned more ethnospecies on TPI (mean ± standard deviation: 19.5 ± 8.9) than on NAS (17.4 ± 8.5), and the use value of the environment to the informants (UVia) was higher on TPI (19 ± 5.7) than on NAS (16.2 ± 6.0). Eleven ethnospecies were classified as anthropogenic soil indicators, among which three intensively used palms are widely recognized as indicators of anthropogenic areas and two are domesticated to some degree. The intimate and lasting interactions between humans and TPI have favored the maintenance of secondary forests in these domesticated landscapes with a diverse assemblage of useful and domesticated species. Rural residents in Amazonia recognize these forests as an important source of food and other resources. The use, management, and traditional knowledge related to these domesticated landscapes may provide useful information for the understanding of Amazonian historical ecology and for the design of more efficient biodiversity management and conservation plans.  相似文献   
NOSs (nitric oxide synthases) catalyse the oxidation of L-arginine to L-citrulline and nitric oxide via the intermediate NOHA (N(ω)-hydroxy-L-arginine). This intermediate is rapidly converted further, but to a small extent can also be liberated from the active site of NOSs and act as a transportable precursor of nitric oxide or potent physiological inhibitor of arginases. Thus its formation is of enormous importance for the nitric-oxide-generating system. It has also been shown that NOHA is reduced by microsomes and mitochondria to L-arginine. In the present study, we show for the first time that both human isoforms of the newly identified mARC (mitochondrial amidoxime reducing component) enhance the rate of reduction of NOHA, in the presence of NADH cytochrome b? reductase and cytochrome b?, by more than 500-fold. Consequently, these results provide the first hints that mARC might be involved in mitochondrial NOHA reduction and could be of physiological significance in affecting endogenous nitric oxide levels. Possibly, this reduction represents another regulative mechanism in the complex regulation of nitric oxide biosynthesis, considering a mitochondrial NOS has been identified. Moreover, this reduction is not restricted to NOHA since the analogous arginase inhibitor NHAM (N(ω)-hydroxy-N(δ)-methyl-L-arginine) is also reduced by this system.  相似文献   
N R Clement  J M Gould 《Biochemistry》1981,20(6):1534-1538
The fluorescence intensity (at 510 nm) of the hydrophilic pyrene analogue 8-hydroxy-1,3,6-pyrenetrisulfonate (pyranine) is strongly dependent upon the degree of ionization of the 8-hydroxyl group (pKa = 7.2) and hence upon the medium pH, over the range pH 6--10. Because of its polyanionic character, pyranine does not bind significantly to phospholipid vesicles having a net anionic surface charge. As a result, it is possible to form vesicles in the presence of pyranine which, after removal of external probe by gel filtration, contain pyranine entrapped within the internal aqueous compartment. Once entrapped, pyranine does not readily leak out of the vesicles. Because the fluorescence properties of entrapped pyranine resemble closely the properties of bulk pyranine solution with respect to pH sensitivity, pyranine can be used as a reliable reporter of aqueous pH changes within anionic vesicles. When HCl is rapidly added to a suspension of unilamellar soybean phospholipid (asolectin) vesicles preincubated at alkaline pH, a biphasic decrease in the pH of the vesicle inner aqueous compartment is observed. An initial, very rapid and electrically uncompensated H+ influx (t 1/2 less than 1 s) results in the generation of a transmembrane electric potential opposing further H+ influx. This leads to the development of a much slower (t 1/2 approximately equal to 5 min), valinomycin-sensitive, proton--counterion exchange which continues until the proton concentration gradient is eliminated. Similar results were obtained in asolectin vesicles prepared by detergent dilution, in sonicated egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles, and in multilamellar asolectin liposomes. The rather high permeability of soybean lipid membranes to H+ is surprising in view of the widespread use of these lipids for the reconstitution of membrane proteins which are thought to generate or utilize H+ ion gradients in energy transduction reactions.  相似文献   

Many environmental applications exist for biosensors capable of providing real-time analyses. One pressing current need is monitoring for agents of chemical- and bio-terrorism. These applications require systems that can rapidly detect small organics including nerve agents, toxic proteins, viruses, spores and whole microbes. A second area of application is monitoring for environmental pollutants. Processing of grab samples through chemical laboratories requires significant time delays in the analyses, preventing the rapid mapping and cleanup of chemical spills. The current state of development of miniaturized, integrated surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor elements has allowed for the development of inexpensive, portable biosensor systems capable of the simultaneous analysis of multiple analytes. Most of the detection protocols make use of antibodies immobilized on the sensor surface. The Spreeta 2000 SPR biosensor elements manufactured by Texas Instruments provide three channels for each sensor element in the system. A temperature-controlled two-element system that monitors for six analytes is currently in use, and development of an eight element sensor system capable of monitoring up to 24 different analytes will be completed in the near future. Protein toxins can be directly detected and quantified in the low picomolar range. Elimination of false positives and increased sensitivity is provided by secondary antibodies with specificity for different target epitopes, and by sensor element redundancy. Inclusion of more than a single amplification step can push the sensitivity of toxic protein detection to femtomolar levels. The same types of direct detection and amplification protocols are used to monitor for viruses and whole bacteria or spores. Special protocols are required for the detection of small molecules. Either a competition type assay where the presence of analyte inhibits the binding of antibodies to surface-immobilized analyte, or a displacement assay, where antibodies bound to analyte on the sensor surface are displaced by free analyte, can be used. The small molecule detection assays vary in sensitivity from the low micromolar range to the high picomolar.

The mitochondrial amidoxime reducing component mARC is a newly discovered molybdenum enzyme that is presumed to form the catalytical part of a three-component enzyme system, consisting of mARC, heme/cytochrome b5, and NADH/FAD-dependent cytochrome b5 reductase. mARC proteins share a significant degree of homology to the molybdenum cofactor-binding domain of eukaryotic molybdenum cofactor sulfurase proteins, the latter catalyzing the post-translational activation of aldehyde oxidase and xanthine oxidoreductase. The human genome harbors two mARC genes, referred to as hmARC-1/MOSC-1 and hmARC-2/MOSC-2, which are organized in a tandem arrangement on chromosome 1. Recombinant expression of hmARC-1 and hmARC-2 proteins in Escherichia coli reveals that both proteins are monomeric in their active forms, which is in contrast to all other eukaryotic molybdenum enzymes that act as homo- or heterodimers. Both hmARC-1 and hmARC-2 catalyze the N-reduction of a variety of N-hydroxylated substrates such as N-hydroxy-cytosine, albeit with different specificities. Reconstitution of active molybdenum cofactor onto recombinant hmARC-1 and hmARC-2 proteins in the absence of sulfur indicates that mARC proteins do not belong to the xanthine oxidase family of molybdenum enzymes. Moreover, they also appear to be different from the sulfite oxidase family, because no cysteine residue could be identified as a putative ligand of the molybdenum atom. This suggests that the hmARC proteins and sulfurase represent members of a new family of molybdenum enzymes.  相似文献   
We hypothesized that interference of opiate antagonist-precipitated withdrawal signs under anesthesia is anesthetic-specific. Three groups of morphine-dependent rats were compared in different experimental conditions using a protocol of rapid withdrawal induction by an antagonist under anesthesia. We observed that ketamine and midazolam have different effects on the expression of withdrawal. This brings specific insights into the pharmacological basis of therapy with induction of opiate antagonist.  相似文献   
Ultrasound examinations of the sciatic nerve were performed using high-resolution transducers (7.5, 10 to 20 MHz) both in anatomical specimens and in healthy volunteers. The ultrasonographic anatomy (sono-anatomy) of the nerve, its course along the thigh and its echogenicity in comparison with muscles, tendons and adipose tissue were investigated in 10 isolated muscle/nerve preparations. In addition, the influence of the angle of the applied transducer on the various different tissues was evaluated. In the clinical part of the study, the sciatic nerve was identified ultrasonographically in both thighs of 50 sex-matched healthy volunteers aged between 2 and 76 years. The normal sciatic nerve presents as a tubular echogenic structure with parallel linear internal echoes in the longitudinal section, and as a punctiform moderately echoic structure in cross-section, with the perineurium producing bright boundary echoes. Varying the insonating angle of the transducer reduced echogenicity, but to a smaller degree than in muscles and tendons. Unequivocal identified of the sciatic nerve from the level of the gluteal fold to its bifurcation in the distal thigh was possible in all but one case. We conclude that the course of the sciatic nerve along the thigh can be reliably identified and imaged with high-resolution ultrasound.  相似文献   
The pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses acyl-HSL quorum-sensing signals to regulate genes controlling virulence and biofilm formation. We found that paraoxonase 1 (PON1), a mammalian lactonase with an unknown natural substrate, hydrolyzed the P. aeruginosa acyl-HSL 3OC12-HSL. In in vitro assays, mouse serum-PON1 was required and sufficient to degrade 3OC12-HSL. Furthermore, PON2 and PON3 also degraded 3OC12-HSL effectively. Serum-PON1 prevented P. aeruginosa quorum-sensing and biofilm formation in vitro by inactivating the quorum-sensing signal. Although 3OC12-HSL production by P. aeruginosa was important for virulence in a mouse sepsis model, Pon1-knock-out mice were paradoxically protected. These mice showed increased levels of PON2 and PON3 mRNA in epithelial tissues suggesting a possible compensatory mechanism. Thus, paraoxonase interruption of bacterial communication represents a novel mechanism to modulate quorum-sensing by bacteria. The consequences for host immunity are yet to be determined.  相似文献   
Biogeography and divergence times in the mulberry family (Moraceae)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The biogeographical history of the mulberry family (Moraceae) was investigated using phylogenetic inferences from nuclear and chloroplast DNA, molecular dating with multiple fossil calibrations, and independent geological evidence. The Moraceae are centered in the tropics which has invited the hypothesis that the family has Gondwanan origins and extant distribution is the result of vicariance due to the break-up of Gondwana. However, the cosmopolitan distribution of Moraceae suggests a more complicated biogeographical history. The timing and location of Moraceae diversification also bears on the origin of the fig pollination mutualism, a model for the study of coevolution and specialization. Recent molecular dating of pollinating fig wasps suggested that an ancient Gondwanan origin coupled with vicariance and dispersal could account for the present day distribution of the mutualism. Here, we provide the first assessment of this hypothesis based on dating of figs and their relatives. Minimum age estimates suggest that the Moraceae had diversified by at least the mid-Cretaceous and major clades including the figs may have radiated during the Tertiary after the break-up of Gondwanaland. Molecular evidence together with Eurasian fossils suggest that the early diversification of Moraceae in Eurasia and subsequent migration into the southern hemisphere is at least as plausible as the Gondwanan hypothesis. These findings invite a reevaluation of the biogeography of fig pollination and highlight the need for incorporating multiple sources of evidence in biogeographical reconstructions.  相似文献   
© 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 19:192–193, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/jbt.20083  相似文献   
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