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The targeted removal of damaged proteins by proteolysis is crucial for cell survival. We have shown previously that the Lon protease selectively degrades oxidized mitochondrial proteins, thus preventing their aggregation and cross-linking. We now show that the Lon protease is a stress-responsive protein that is induced by multiple stressors, including heat shock, serum starvation, and oxidative stress. Lon induction, by pretreatment with low-level stress, protects against oxidative protein damage, diminished mitochondrial function, and loss of cell proliferation induced by toxic levels of hydrogen peroxide. Blocking Lon induction with Lon siRNA also blocks this induced protection. We propose that Lon is a generalized stress-protective enzyme whose decline may contribute to the increased levels of protein damage and mitochondrial dysfunction observed in aging and age-related diseases.  相似文献   
The ability of the telomeric DNA‐binding protein, TRF2, to stimulate t‐loop formation while preventing t‐loop deletion is believed to be crucial to maintain telomere integrity in mammals. However, little is known on the molecular mechanisms behind these properties of TRF2. In this report, we show that TRF2 greatly increases the rate of Holliday junction (HJ) formation and blocks the cleavage by various types of HJ resolving activities, including the newly identified human GEN1 protein. By using potassium permanganate probing and differential scanning calorimetry, we reveal that the basic domain of TRF2 induces structural changes to the junction. We propose that TRF2 contributes to t‐loop stabilisation by stimulating HJ formation and by preventing resolvase cleavage. These findings provide novel insights into the interplay between telomere protection and homologous recombination and suggest a general model in which TRF2 maintains telomere integrity by controlling the turnover of HJ at t‐loops and at regressed replication forks.  相似文献   


To identify early changes in brain structure and function that are associated with cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF).


Cross-sectional brain Magnetic Resonance I (MRI) study.


Community based cohort in three U.S. sites.


A Caucasian and African-American sub-sample (n= 680; mean age 50.3 yrs) attending the 25 year follow-up exam of the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study.

Primary and Secondary Outcomes

3T brain MR images processed for quantitative estimates of: total brain (TBV) and abnormal white matter (AWM) volume; white matter fractional anisotropy (WM-FA); and gray matter cerebral blood flow (GM-CBF). Total intracranial volume is TBV plus cerebral spinal fluid (TICV). A Global Cognitive Function (GCF) score was derived from tests of speed, memory and executive function.


Adjusting for TICV and demographic factors, current smoking was significantly associated with lower GM-CBF and TBV, and more AWM (all <0.05); SA with lower GM-CBF, WM-FA and TBV (p=0.01); increasing BMI with decreasing GM-CBF (p<0003); hypertension with lower GM-CBF, WM-FA, and TBV and higher AWM (all <0.05); and diabetes with lower TBV (p=0.007). The GCS was lower as TBV decreased, AWM increased, and WM-FA (all p<0.01).


In middle age adults, CVRF are associated with brain health, reflected in MRI measures of structure and perfusion, and cognitive functioning. These findings suggest markers of mid-life cardiovascular and brain health should be considered as indication for early intervention and future risk of late-life cerebrovascular disease and dementia.  相似文献   
Accumulation and degradation of scar tissue in fibrotic liver disease occur slowly, typically over many years. Direct measurement of fibrogenesis, the rate of scar tissue deposition, may provide valuable therapeutic and prognostic information. We describe here results from a pilot study utilizing in vivo metabolic labeling to measure the turnover rate of hepatic collagen and collagen-associated proteins in plasma for the first time in human subjects. Eight subjects with chronic liver disease were labeled with daily oral doses of 2H2O for up to 8 weeks prior to diagnostic liver biopsy and plasma collection. Tandem mass spectrometry was used to measure the abundance and fractional synthesis rate (FSR) of proteins in liver and blood. Relative protein abundance and FSR data in liver revealed marked differences among subjects. FSRs of hepatic type I and III collagen ranged from 0.2–0.6% per day (half-lives of 4 months to a year) and correlated significantly with worsening histologic fibrosis. Analysis of plasma protein turnover revealed two collagen-associated proteins, lumican and transforming growth factor beta-induced-protein (TGFBI), exhibiting FSRs that correlated significantly with FSRs of hepatic collagen. In summary, this is the first direct measurement of liver collagen turnover in vivo in humans and suggests a high rate of collagen remodeling in advanced fibrosis. In addition, the FSRs of collagen-associated proteins in plasma are measurable and may provide a novel strategy for monitoring hepatic fibrogenesis rates.  相似文献   
Despite growing recognition that mineral sites restored for nature conservation can enhance local biodiversity, the wider societal benefits provided by this type of restoration relative to alternative options are not well understood. This study addresses this research gap by quantifying differences in ecosystem services provision under two common mineral site after-uses: nature conservation and agriculture. Using a combination of site-specific primary field data, benefits transfer and modelling, we show that for our sites restoration for nature conservation provides a more diverse array of ecosystem services than would be delivered under an agricultural restoration scenario. We also explore the effects of addressing different conservation targets, which we find alter the provision of ecosystem services on a service-specific basis. Highly species-focused intervention areas are associated with increased carbon storage and livestock grazing provision, whereas non-intervention areas are important for carbon sequestration, fishing, recreation and flood risk mitigation. The results of this study highlight the wider societal importance of restored mineral sites and may help conservation managers and planners to develop future restoration strategies that provide benefits for both biodiversity and human well-being.  相似文献   
Neurofibromatosis type 2 is an inherited autosomal disorder caused by biallelic inactivation of the NF2 tumor suppressor gene. The NF2 gene encodes a 70-kDa protein, merlin, which is a member of the ezrin-radixin-moesin (ERM) family. ERM proteins are believed to be regulated by a transition between a closed conformation, formed by binding of their N-terminal FERM domain and C-terminal tail domain (CTD), and an open conformation, in which the two domains do not interact. Previous work suggests that the tumor suppressor function of merlin is similarly regulated and that only the closed form is active. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms that control its conformation is crucial. We have developed a series of probes that measures merlin conformation by fluorescence resonance energy transfer, both as purified protein and in live cells. Using these tools, we find that merlin exists predominately as a monomer in a stable, closed conformation that is mediated by the central α-helical domain. The contribution from the FERM-CTD interaction to the closed conformation appears to be less important. Upon phosphorylation or interaction with an effector protein, merlin undergoes a subtle conformational change, suggesting a novel mechanism that modulates the interaction between the FERM domain and the CTD.Neurofibromatosis type 2 is an inherited autosomal disorder that is characterized by bilateral schwannomas of the eighth cranial nerve. The tumor suppressor gene responsible for this disorder, NF2, was cloned in 1993 (45). Biallelic inactivation of the NF2 gene is also seen in spontaneous schwannoma, meningioma, and malignant mesothelioma (22). In mouse models, deletion of the Nf2 gene is embryonic lethal, indicating an essential role for NF2 in development (24). Heterozygous mice develop a variety of aggressive metastatic tumors that have lost the wild-type allele (23). Targeted deletion of the Nf2 gene in Schwann cells leads to schwannoma formation (7). In vitro, Nf2-null cells grow to significantly higher densities (31), suggesting that contact inhibition of growth is impaired in these cells and that mediation of growth arrest at high cell density may be the basis for the tumor suppressor function of the NF2 gene. In normal fibroblasts, merlin is inactive as a growth suppressor in subconfluent cells, becoming activated as they approach confluence, thereby effecting contact inhibition of growth (26).The NF2 gene encodes a 70-kDa protein called merlin (for moesin, ezrin, radixin-like protein), which shares significant homology with members of the ezrin-radixin-moesin (ERM) branch of the Band 4.1 superfamily (45). The domain structure of merlin, also shared with other ERM proteins, consists of an N-terminal FERM domain, followed by a central α-helical region (CH) and a C-terminal tail domain (CTD). The merlin FERM domain has relatively high sequence similarity with other ERM family members, a 60 to 70% identity over the first 300 amino acids. The CH domain and the CTD show much lower identity (28 to 36%); however, the α-helical character of the CH domain is preserved, as is the heptad repeat pattern typical of α-helices that form coiled coils (46).The critical point of regulation of all the ERM proteins is a high-affinity intramolecular interaction between the C-terminal domain and the FERM domain (4) (Fig. (Fig.1).1). The FERM domain folds into a three-lobed cloverleaf structure that acts as a multifaceted docking site for protein binding partners (16, 39). The CTD, consisting of four major and two minor helices and a beta sheet, binds to the FERM domain by extending across the face of the F2 and F3 lobes (32). This intramolecular head-to-tail binding results in a “closed” conformation, with the C-terminal domain covering much of the surface of the FERM domain (32, 44). For ezrin, radixin and moesin, the CTD functions as a mask, blocking access of effector molecules, such as the cell surface receptors CD44 and ICAM2 and adaptor molecules, like EBP50/NHERF, to sites on the surface of the FERM domain (11, 25, 44). The interaction between the CTD and FERM domain is regulated by phosphatidyl inositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate (PIP2) binding to the FERM domain and by phosphorylation of a critical residue in the CTD (3, 6, 10, 49). This residue, threonine 567 in ezrin, is conserved throughout the ERM family (21). Phosphorylation introduces a negative charge and a bulky side group that effectively reduces the affinity of the interaction, releasing the CTD from the FERM domain and causing a transition to an open conformation. Low-angle rotary shadowing electron microscopy (13) and biochemical studies (12) of purified radixin suggest that in the open conformation it is an extended filamentous structure with globular N and C termini that is greater than 240 Å in length. Signal transduction systems, such as the epidermal growth factor and Rho A pathways, induce phosphorylation of ERM proteins at the conserved C-terminal threonine via a number of kinases, including Rho kinase and protein kinase Cα (21, 28). Thus, conformational regulation of ERM proteins can be a point of integration of ERM activity with signal transduction pathways. The overall concept of ERM regulation, then, is centered upon a transition between an inactive, closed conformation that is mediated by the FERM-CTD interaction and an active, open conformation that is regulated by phosphorylation. In these two states, ERM proteins likely interact with different sets of binding partners, resulting in distinct functional outcomes.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.ERM tertiary structure as represented by the crystal structure of full-length Sf-moesin (20), but with the merlin amino acid sequence substituted for Sf-moesin. Approximate boundary amino acid residues for all domains appear at the top of the figure. Each domain is assigned a different color. The ERM structure consists of an N-terminal FERM domain folded into three lobes, F1, F2, and F3. This is followed by a central α-helical domain containing three subhelices (αA, αB, and αC) and a CTD with four short helices. An ERM protein is thought to have an open conformation, an extended structure with the FERM domain and the CTD separated by the α-helical domain, that is more than 240 Å long. In the closed conformation, the α-helical domain bends at the αA-αB junction and again at the αB-αC junction, causing the CTD to be positioned over F2 and F3 of the FERM domain. More than half of the surface of the FERM domain is masked by interaction with the CTD, αA, and parts of αB and αC.Like the classical ERMs, merlin is also thought to be regulated by changes in conformation. The FERM domain and the CTD of merlin interact with each other, albeit at a lower level of affinity than the ezrin FERM domain and the CTD (29). There are important differences, however, between merlin and the other ERM proteins. First, phosphorylation of the conserved C-tail threonine T576 has not been reported to occur in mammalian merlin, and nonphosphorylatable and phosphomimetic substitutions at this site have no effect on merlin activity (42). Instead, merlin is phosphorylated at serine 518 in the CTD, a target of the p21-activated kinase PAK and protein kinase A (1, 18, 47). The growth-suppressive function of merlin is activated by dephosphorylation of S518 by the phosphatase PP1δ in a density-dependent manner (14). Second, it was reported in a study using FERM domain and CTD truncates of merlin that only cotransfection of both the N-and C-terminal halves resulted in growth suppression (38). Together, these observations suggested a model of inactive, phosphorylated merlin in an open conformation that, upon cell-to-cell contact, is dephosphorylated and transitions to a closed, growth suppressive conformation.The existing model for conformational regulation described above is inferred from indirect data and assays that generally measure the interaction of isolated FERM and CTD truncates rather than full-length molecules (9, 29, 38). It has been impossible to test directly because tools have not been available to specifically assay for either the open or the closed form of merlin. Therefore, we have developed a series of probes that measures merlin conformation by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), both as purified protein and in live cells. Using these tools, we show that merlin exists predominately as a monomer in a stable, largely closed conformation. Additionally, we find that the closed conformation is largely mediated by the central α-helical domain; the contribution of the FERM-CTD interaction appears to be less significant than previously thought. Finally, we find that phosphorylation and protein interaction cause unexpectedly small changes in merlin conformation. We propose a new and more refined model for merlin regulation, in which merlin function is regulated by specific but subtle conformational changes that modulate the interaction between the FERM domain and the CTD.  相似文献   


The Canadian CT Head Rule was developed to allow physicians to be more selective when ordering computed tomography (CT) imaging for patients with minor head injury. We sought to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing this validated decision rule at multiple emergency departments.


We conducted a matched-pair cluster-randomized trial that compared the outcomes of 4531 patients with minor head injury during two 12-month periods (before and after) at hospital emergency departments in Canada, six of which were randomly allocated as intervention sites and six as control sites. At the intervention sites, active strategies, including education, changes to policy and real-time reminders on radiologic requisitions were used to implement the Canadian CT Head Rule. The main outcome measure was referral for CT scan of the head.


Baseline characteristics of patients were similar when comparing control to intervention sites. At the intervention sites, the proportion of patients referred for CT imaging increased from the “before” period (62.8%) to the “after” period (76.2%) (difference +13.3%, 95% CI 9.7%–17.0%). At the control sites, the proportion of CT imaging usage also increased, from 67.5% to 74.1% (difference +6.7%, 95% CI 2.6%–10.8%). The change in mean imaging rates from the “before” period to the “after” period for intervention versus control hospitals was not significant (p = 0.16). There were no missed brain injuries or adverse outcomes.


Our knowledge–translation-based trial of the Canadian CT Head Rule did not reduce rates of CT imaging in Canadian emergency departments. Future studies should identify strategies to deal with barriers to implementation of this decision rule and explore more effective approaches to knowledge translation. (ClinicalTrials.gov trial register no. NCT00993252)More than six million instances of head and neck trauma are seen annually in emergency departments in Canada and the United States.1 Most are classified as minimal or minor head injury, but in a very small proportion, deterioration occurs and neurosurgical intervention is needed for intracranial hematoma.2,3 In recent years, North American use of computed tomography (CT) for many conditions in the emergency department, including minor head injury, has increased five-fold.1,4 Our own Canadian data showed marked variation in the use of CT for similar patients.5 Over 90% of CT scans are negative for clinically important brain injury.68 Owing to its high volume of usage, such imaging adds to health care costs. There have also been increasing concerns about radiation-related risk from unnecessary CT scans.9,10 Additionally, unnecessary use of CT scanning compounds the Canadian problems of overcrowding of emergency departments and inadequate access to advanced imaging for nonemergency outpatients.Clinical decision rules are derived from original research and may be defined as tools for clinical decision-making that incorporate three or more variables from a patient’s history, physical examination or simple tests.1113 The Canadian CT Head Rule comprises five high-risk and two medium-risk criteria and was derived by prospectively evaluating 3121 adults with minor head injury (Figure 1) (Appendix 1, available at www.cmaj.ca/cgi/content/full/cmaj.091974/DC1).6 The resultant decision rule was then prospectively validated in a group of 2707 patients and showed high sensitivity (100%; 95% confidence interval [CI ] 91–100) and reliability.14 The results of its validation suggested that, in patients presenting to emergency departments with minor head trauma, a rate of usage of CT imaging as low as 62.4% was possible and safe.Open in a separate windowFigure 1The Canadian CT Head Rule, as used in the study. Note: CSF = cerebrospinal fluid, CT = computed tomography, GCS = Glasgow Coma Scale.Unfortunately, most decision rules are never used after derivation because they are not adequately tested in validation or implementation studies.1519 We recently successfully implemented a similar rule, the Canadian C-Spine Rule, at multiple Canadian sites.20 Hence, the goal of the current study was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of an active strategy to implement the Canadian CT Head Rule at multiple emergency departments. We wanted to test both the impact of the rule on rates of CT imaging and the effectiveness of an inexpensive and easily adopted implementation strategy. In addition, we wanted to further evaluate the accuracy of the rule.  相似文献   
In eukaryotic cells, multiple DNA repair mechanisms respond to a wide variety of DNA lesions. Homologous recombination-dependent repair provides a pathway for dealing with DNA double-strand breaks and replication fork demise. A key step in this process is the resolution of recombination intermediates such as Holliday junctions (HJs). Recently, nucleases from yeast (Yen1) and human cells (GEN1) were identified that can resolve HJ intermediates, in a manner analogous to the E. coli HJ resolvase RuvC. Here, we have analyzed the role of Yen1 in DNA repair in S. cerevisiae, and show that while yen1Δ mutants are repair-proficient, yen1Δ mus81Δ double mutants are exquisitely sensitive to a variety of DNA-damaging agents that disturb replication fork progression. This phenotype is dependent upon RAD52, indicating that toxic recombination intermediates accumulate in the absence of Yen1 and Mus81. After MMS treatment, yen1Δ mus81Δ double mutants arrest with a G2 DNA content and unsegregated chromosomes. These findings indicate that Yen1 can act upon recombination/repair intermediates that arise in MUS81-defective cells following replication fork damage.  相似文献   
The immunosuppressive agents cyclosporin A (CsA) and FK‐506 have previously been shown to exhibit neurotrophic and neuroprotective properties in vivo. Given that significant clinical expertise exists for both drugs, they represent an attractive starting point for treatment of acute neural injuries. One putative mechanism for neuroprotection by these drugs relates to inhibition of calcineurin activity. However each drug–immunophilin complex can potentially influence additional signal transduction pathways. Furthermore, several non‐immunosuppressive immunophilin ligands have been described as possessing neuroprotective properties, suggesting that neuroprotection may be separable from calcineurin inhibition. In the present study, we examined the mechanism of this neuroprotection in facial motor neurons following axotomy‐induced injury. Similar to previous studies in rats, CsA and FK‐506 enhanced motor neuron survival in mice following acute injury. To examine the mechanism responsible for neuroprotection by these agents, pharmacologic inhibitors of several potential alternate signalling pathways (17‐(allylamino)‐17‐demethoxygeldanamycin, rapamycin, cypermethrin) were evaluated with respect to neuroprotection. Of these, only cypermethrin, a direct calcineurin inhibitor not previously associated with neuronal survival properties, was observed to significantly enhance motor neuron survival following injury. The results demonstrate for the first time that direct inhibition of calcineurin is neuroprotective in vivo. These data support a model in which calcineurin inhibition promotes neuronal survival, distinct from effects upon neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   
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