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1. Yellow perch (Perca flavescens) are often the only surviving fish species in acidified lakes. We studied four lakes along a gradient of recovery from acidification and that had different food web complexities. All had abundant yellow perch, two had low piscivore abundance, one had a well‐established piscivore population and one was manipulated by introducing piscivorous smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu). We hypothesised that there would be strong effects on perch abundance, behaviour and diet induced by the presence of piscivores. 2. In the manipulated lake, the bass reduced yellow perch abundance by 75% over a 2‐year period. Concomitantly, perch use of the pelagic habitat fell from 48 to 40%. 3. In contrast to findings from less disturbed systems, yellow perch in the littoral zone of the manipulated lake did not strongly shift from zooplankton to benthic food sources after the arrival of piscivores. Diet analysis using stable carbon isotopes revealed a strong continued reliance on zooplankton in all lakes, independent of the degree of piscivory. The failure to switch to benthos in the refuge area of the littoral zone is most likely related to the depauperate benthos communities in these formerly acidified lakes. 4. Yellow perch in lakes recovering from acidification face a considerable ecological challenge as the necessary switch to benthic diet is hindered by a low abundance of benthos. The arrival of piscivores in these recovering lakes imposes further restrictions on perch access to food items. We infer that future recovery of perch populations (and higher trophic levels) will have to be preceded by the re‐establishment of diverse benthic macroinvertebrate communities in these lakes.  相似文献   
The sperm tail from representatives of several families of Diptera has been examined by high resolution electron microscopy and a computer analysis that improved the visualization of recorded patterns. A considerable variability in sperm tail structure is found within Diptera, and is actually greater than that of any other insect order. The 'generalized insect sperm axoneme'. which is characterized as a 9+9+2 axoneme and by the accessory microtubules having 16 protofilaments, was found only in some dipterans; these are members of Mycetophilidae. From this fact we conclude that Mycetophilidae is likely to be the most primitive extant dipteran group. Another mycetophilid, Boletina , was seen to have accessory tubules with 15 protofilaments as have members of families Dixidae, Chironomidae, Culicidae, and Bibionidae. The last two families have spermatozoa of a type designated as 9+9+'1' there is a central rod rather than two microtubules. We regard this 9+9+'1'pattern with 15 protofilaments to represent a synapomorphic feature. Representatives of the neatoceran families Tipulidae and Trichoceridae have accessory tubules with 13 protofilaments as do examined members of several brachyceran families. Brachycera is hence likely to be derived from the vicinity of the tipulid family. The intertubular material is small in Mycetophilidae and most nematoceran groups, whereas in Tipulidae and Brachycera it is enlarged; here it bridges the space between the accessory tubules and contains various inclusions.  相似文献   
Abstract: The two odontocete taxa Squalodon grateloupii and Patriocetus ehrlichii, both the type species of their respective genera, have been at the centre of a great deal of taxonomic confusion. Originally regarded to be conspecific, these two taxa have been the subject of a bewildering taxonomic debate lasting for more than a century, which recently led to the suggestion to abandon these widely used names and replace S. grateloupii with the similar, yet independently and later proposed name S. gratelupi as the type species of Squalodon. Here, we attempt to summarise the events leading to the current confused situation in the hope of resolving this issue once and for all and argue that the name Squalodon grateloupii, as originally proposed, should be reinstated.  相似文献   
Three ciliate species from Australia and Norway were examined by silver impregnation, biometry, and scanning electron microscopy. Trochiliopsis australis n. sp. (order Nassulida, family Microthoracidae) differs from the single other known species of the genus, T. opaca, by its prominent ridges on the left side, the distinctly longer anterior segment of somatic kinety 2, and by the doubled total number of kinetosomes. Pelagohalteria n. g. (order Oligotrichida, family Halteriidae) differs from Halteria by the structure of the bristle complexes, which are composed of a vertically and a horizontally oriented row of kinetosomes. Two Halteria species belong to the new genus: P. viridis (Fromentel, 1876) n. comb., which is redescribed here, and P. cirrifera (Kahl, 1935) n. comb. Strobilidium lacustris n. sp. (order Oligotrichida, family Strobilidiidae) differs from its nearest relative, S. velox, by the smooth pellicle, the absence of symbiotic green algae, and by its larger size.  相似文献   
1. The introduced North American crayfish Pacifastacits leniusculus is currently replacing the native crayfish Astacus astacus in a Swedish lake. Using field data from co-occurring populations on life-history traits and population size structure of the two species, this study evaluated possible mechanisms behind the replacement. 2. Pacifastacus showed a higher capacity for population increase; the species had a higher individual growth rate, reached sexual maturity at a smaller size and lower age, and had a higher per capita egg production than Astacus. 3. A higher frequency of non-lethal injuries in Astacus suggested the predominance of Pacifastacus in interference interactions. These results support a competitive exclusion hypothesis. 4. A dramatic change in relative abundance of the two species in recent years was the result of an almost complete cessation in recruitment of young-of-the-year (YOY) in Astacus. Poor recruitment in Astacus was probably caused by the combined effects of interspecific competition and predation, resulting in increased mortality among YOY Astacus, and by reproductive interference, suppressing the less common species. 5. The results support the hypothesis that the observed replacement of Astacus by Pacifastacus is governed by a combination of several interacting mechanisms, of which  相似文献   
The epidermis of Xenoturbella bocki Westblad was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Two cell types predominate in the epidermis: multiciliated epidermal cells and non-ciliated or monociliated gland cells. A conspicuous feature is the dense ciliary coverage and the numerous gland cell openings. Xenoturbella has a characteristic pattern of axonemal filament termination in the distal tips of their cilia. Each epidermal cilium has the typical 9 + 2 patten through the major part of its shaft. Near the tip there is a shelf at which doublets 4–7 terminate. Doublets 1, 2, 3, 8 and 9 continue into the thinner distal part of the cilium. A similar shelf in cilia is known only from the turbellarian orders Nemertodermatida and Acoela, and hence may be an apomorphic feature which indicates a close relationship between Xenoturbellida, Nemertoder-matida and Acoela. The basal body is provided with a so-called basal foot which has a cross-striated appearance and an expanded distal plate that seems to act as a microtubule organizing center. Approximately 15–25 microtubuli radiate from the endplate of the basal foot to the basal bodies caudally. The arrangement of basal foot and ciliary rootlets in Xenoturbella differs from that of Acoela and related orders in that there are two striated rootlets only (an anterior and a posterior one), rather than one main rootlet and two lateral rootlets.  相似文献   
Molecular evolution of rodent insulins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several trees of amino acid sequences of rodent insulins were derived with the maximum-parsimony procedure. Possible orthologous and paralogous relationships were investigated. Except for a recent gene duplication in the ancestor of rat and mouse, there are no strong arguments for other paralogous relationships. Therefore, a tree in agreement with other biological data is the most reasonable one. According to this tree, the capacity to form zinc-binding hexamers was lost once in the ancestor of the hystricomorph rodents, followed by moderately increased evolutionary rates in the lineages to African porcupine and chinchilla but highly increased rates in at least three independent lines to other taxa of this suborder: guinea pig, cuis, and Octodontoidea (coypu and casiragua).   相似文献   
For both vertebrate developmental and evolutionary biologists, and also for clinicians, the neural crest (NC) is a fundamental cell population. An understanding of Sox10 function in NC development is of particular significance since Sox10 mutations underlie several neurocristopathies. Surprisingly, experiments in different model organisms aimed at identifying Sox10's role(s) have suggested at least four distinct functions. Sox10 may be critical for formation of neural crest cells (NCCs), maintaining multipotency of crest cells, specification of derivative cell fates from these cells and their differentiation. Here, I discuss this controversy and argue that these functions are, in part, molecularly interrelated.  相似文献   
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