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The degree of mechanical coupling of chromosomes to the spindles of Nephrotoma and Trimeratropis primary spermatocytes varies with the stage of meiosis and the birefringent retardation of the chromosomal fibers. In early prometaphase, before birefringent chromosomal fibers have formed, a bivalent can be displaced toward a spindle pole by a single, continuous pull with a microneedle. Resistance to poleward displacement increases with increased development of the chromosomal fibers, reaching a maximum at metaphase. At this stage kinetochores cannot be displaced greater than 1 micrometer toward either spindle pole, even by a force which is sufficient to displace the entire spindle within the cell. The abolition of birefringence with either colcemid or vinblastine results in the loss of chromosome-spindle attachment. In the absence of birefringent fibers a chromosome can be displaced anywhere within the cell. The photochemical inactivation of colcemid by irradiation with 366-nm light results in the reformation of birefringent chromosomal fibers and the concomitant re-establishment of chromosome attachment to the spindle. These results support the hypothesis that the birefringent chromosomal fibers anchor the chromosomes to the spindle and transmit the force for anaphase chromosome movement.  相似文献   
The sesquiterpene lactones isolated from species in the genus Artemisia have been reviewed in an attempt to better understand the phylogeny and systematics of the four sections (subgenera), Abrotanum, Absinthium, Dracunculus and Seriphidium, proposed by Besser in 1829. The absence of hair on the receptacle is the only morphological characteristic separating species of Abrotanum from the species of Absinthium. There are no chemical characteristics segregating the species in these two subgenera since both produce eudesmanolides and guaianolides that are identical or biosynthetically similar. This suggests that the two subgenera could be combined into one (Artemisia) as proposed by Poljakov. The subgenus Seriphidium is composed of two geographical groups, one in the Old World and the other in the New World. The Old World species almost exclusively produce sesquiterpene lactones in the eudesmanolide class whereas the New World species (section Tridentatae) produce eudesmanolides and guaianolides, many of the latter being identical or structurally related to the sesquiterpene lactones in New World Abrotanum species. The chemical data in conjunction with geographic distributions suggest that the subgenus Seriphidium is polyphyletic and that the section Tridentatae originated from Abrotanum. Consequently, the Tridentate should be recognized as a subgenus separate and distinct from the Old World Seriphidium. There was insufficient information from the subgenus Dracunculus for interpretation.  相似文献   
It has been shown that simultaneous attrition of cellulose in an attritor containing stainlesssteel beads results in a substantial enhancement of the enzymatic hydrolysis. The attrition exerts two opposing effects, continuous delamination and comminution of the substrate with formation of new reactive sites and a gradual denaturation and inactivation of the enzyme. Consequently, the hydrolysis proceeds very rapidly at first and levels off at about 70% saccharification of the substrate. Accumulation of hydrolysis products is also responsible for inhibition of the enzyme. The attrition method is effective for the saccharification of cottonwood in which the cellulosic microfibrils are embedded in a matrix of lignin and hemicelluloses. A comparison between the saccharification of wood, lignocellulose, holocellulose, and cellulose with simultaneous attrition showed that the lignin component provided more hindrance toward the saccharification process than hemicelluloses, which are themselves subject to enzymatic hydrolysis.  相似文献   
The pathway and kinetics of photosynthate unloading in developing seeds of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were investigated using steady-state labeling with 14CO2. The continuous assimilation of 14CO2 at constant specific activity produced stable tracer fluxes that facilitated straightforward analyses of photosynthate import and unloading in developing seeds. The kinetics of tracer equilibration within intact seeds were compatible with a symplastic route of photosynthate unloading in the seed coat. The import and partitioning of tracer within seeds were partially disrupted by the surgical excision of the distal halves of seeds as practiced during the preparation of “empty” seed coats for perfusion.  相似文献   
Summary The quantitative traits height and ear-emergence date were analyzed in the F2 progeny of a cross between a tall winter barley cultivar (Gerbel) and a short spring barley cultivar (Heriot). The trait distributions were found to be related to the genotypes at two biochemical loci, -amylase (Bmy1) and water-soluble protein (Wsp3), which are known to lie on the long arm of chromosome 4. Linkages between each trait and the markers were investigated using normal mixture models. The two parental phenotypes and the heterozygote phenotype of Bmy1 were distinguishable so the model could be used directly to estimate linkage between Bmy1 and a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for height (Height). The Gerbel homozygote and heterozygote phenotype of Wsp3 could not be distinguished and the model was adapted accordingly. The proportion of plants requiring vernalization was consistent with control by two independent genes acting epistatically, and a normal mixture model based on a two-gene hypothesis was fitted to the distribution of ear-emergence date to estimate linkage between the marker loci and a QTL for ear-emergence date (Vrn1). The parameters of each model were the recombination fraction between the marker locus and the QTL and the means and standard deviations associated with each QTL genotype; these were estimated by maximum likelihood. The fitted distributions correspond well to those observed and the order of the loci along the chromosome is inferred to be HeightVrn1Bmy1Wsp3, with Wsp3 being the most distal.  相似文献   
Summary A line of flax, homozygous for four genes controlling resistance to flax rust, was transformed with T-DNA vectors carrying the maize transposable elements Ac and Ds to assess whether transposition frequency would be high enough to allow transposon tagging of the resistance genes. Transposition was much less frequent in flax than in Solanaceous hosts such as tobacco, tomato and potato. Transposition frequency in callus tissue, but not in plants, was increased by modifications to the transposase gene of Ac. Transactivation of the excision of a Ds element was achieved by expressing a cDNA copy of the Ac transposase gene from the Agrobacterium T-DNA 2 promoter. Progeny of three plants transformed with Ac and 15 plants transformed with Ds and the transposase gene, were examined for transposition occurring in the absence of selection. Transposition was observed in the descendants of only one plant which contained at least nine copies of Ac. Newly transposed Ac elements were observed in 25–30% of the progeny of some members of this family and one active Ac element was located 28.8 (SE=6.3) map units from the L 6 rust-resistance gene. This family will be potentially useful in our resistance gene tagging program.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that the use of avidin-biotin immunohistochemical techniques for antigen detection in neural tissue produces nonspecific background staining. For this reason neural tissue was used to test the quality, sensitivity and specificity of four commercially available antibody detection kits which use avidin or streptavidin binding to biotin. Free-floating, thick-section immunohistochemistry on perfusion fixed rat central nervous system revealed variability among staining kits for all parameters analyzed under the same experimental conditions. The reagents from the Vector 'Elite' kit were the most sensitive and specific, and received the highest overall rating for quality. Most commercial products tested could be used at greater dilutions than those recommended by the manufacturers without compromising specific staining. No staining was evident when the primary and secondary antibodies were omitted. This suggests that nonspecific binding is unlikely to be due to endogenous ligands, charge of hydrophilic reactions between these tertiary complexes and the tissue sections.  相似文献   
Inhibition of receptor-bound urokinase by plasminogen-activator inhibitors   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) binds to a specific receptor on various cell types, the bound molecule retaining its enzymatic activity against plasminogen. We have now investigated whether receptor-bound uPA also retains the ability to react with and be inhibited by plasminogen activator inhibitors (PAI-1 and PAI-2). uPA bound to its receptor on human U937 monocyte-like cells was inhibited by PAI-1 (in its active form in the presence of vitronectin fragments) with an association rate constant of 4.5 x 10(6) M-1 s-1, which was 40% lower than that obtained for uPA in solution (7.9 x 10(6) M-1 s-1). The inhibition of uPA by PAI-2 was decreased to a similar extent by receptor binding, falling from 5.3 x 10(5) to 3.3 x 10(5) M-1 s-1. Stimulation of U937 cells with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate was accompanied by a further reduction in receptor-bound uPA inhibition by PAI-1 and PAI-2 to 1.7 x 10(6) and 1.1 x 10(5) M-1 s-1, respectively. These constants although lower than those for uPA in solution still represent rather rapid inhibition of the enzyme, and demonstrate that uPA bound to its specific cellular receptor remains available for efficient inhibition by PAI's, which may therefore play a major role in controlling cell-surface plasminogen activation and extracellular proteolytic activity.  相似文献   
The pseudoautosomal boundary is defined by an Alu repeat element on the Y chromosome. The Alu element is found on all Y chromosomes and on no X chromosomes, establishing it as part of Y-specific sequences. Distal to the Alu element, sequences from the X and Y are strictly homologous, suggesting that the boundary is formed by an abrupt break in sequence homology. Further investigation of the function of the boundary has been undertaken by examining the population structure of an MspI restriction-site polymorphism (XY274), which is located 274 bp distal to the Alu insertion site. Southern blot and polymerase chain reaction analysis demonstrate fixation of the high allele (noncutting or AT base pair) of XY274 on the Y chromosome in most populations, while a full range of high allele frequencies is found on the X chromosomes of different populations. Two exceptions to fixation on the Y chromosome were found in African populations. The level of linkage disequilibrium suggests that the first few hundred base pairs of the pseudoautosomal region on the Y chromosome share a single common origin more recent than the origin of the species.  相似文献   
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