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A Test of Neutrality Based on Interlocus Associations   总被引:30,自引:9,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
J. K. Kelly 《Genetics》1997,146(3):1197-1206
The evolutionary processes governing variability within genomic regions of low recombination have been the focus of many studies. Here, I investigate the statistical properties of a measure of intrlocus genetic associations under the assumption that mutations are selectively neutral and sites are completely linked. This measure, denoted Z(nS), is based on the squared correlation of allelic identity at pairs of polymorphic sites. Upper bounds for Z(nS) are determined by simulations. Various deviations from the neutral model, including several different forms of natural selection, will inflate the value of Z(nS) relative to its neutral theory expectations. Larger than expected values of Z(nS) are observed in genetic samples from the yellow-ac-scute and Adh regions of Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   
Neocentromere activity is a classic example of nonkinetochore chromosome movement. In maize, neocentromeres are induced by a gene or genes on Abnormal chromosome 10 (Ab10) which causes heterochromatic knobs to move poleward at meiotic anaphase. Here we describe experiments that test how neocentromere activity affects the function of linked centromere/kinetochores (kinetochores) and whether neocentromeres and kinetochores are mobilized on the spindle by the same mechanism. Using a newly developed system for observing meiotic chromosome congression and segregation in living maize cells, we show that neocentromeres are active from prometaphase through anaphase. During mid-anaphase, normal chromosomes move on the spindle at an average rate of 0.79 μm/min. The presence of Ab10 does not affect the rate of normal chromosome movement but propels neocentromeres poleward at rates as high as 1.4 μm/min. Kinetochore-mediated chromosome movement is only marginally affected by the activity of a linked neocentromere. Combined in situ hybridization/immunocytochemistry is used to demonstrate that unlike kinetochores, neocentromeres associate laterally with microtubules and that neocentromere movement is correlated with knob size. These data suggest that microtubule depolymerization is not required for neocentromere motility. We argue that neocentromeres are mobilized on microtubules by the activity of minus end–directed motor proteins that interact either directly or indirectly with knob DNA sequences. C urrent models suggest that chromosomes move by a combination of forces generated by microtubule disassembly (Inoue and Salmon, 1995; Waters et al., 1996) and the activity of molecular motors (Vernos and Karsenti, 1996; Yen and Schaar, 1996). Microtubule disassembly generates a constant poleward force; while molecular motors can generate force in either poleward or away-from-pole directions, depending on the characteristics of the motor protein. Both plus and minus end–directed microtubule-based motors are localized to kinetochores (Hyman and Mitchison, 1991). Immunolocalization experiments indicate that mammalian kinetochores contain the minus end– directed motor dynein throughout metaphase and anaphase (Pfarr et al., 1990; Steuer et al., 1990). The kinesin-like proteins CENP-E, which has a transient kinetochore localization in animals, and MCAK, which is localized between the kinetochore plates of mammalian chromosomes, are also thought to generate and/or regulate chromosome movement (Yen et al., 1992; Lombillo et al., 1995; Wordeman and Mitchison, 1995).In addition to the molecular motors on kinetochores, several kinesin-like proteins are localized to chromosome arms (Vernos and Karsenti, 1996). Two subfamilies of arm-based motors have been identified in animals: the NOD subfamily (Afshar et al., 1995; Tokai et al., 1996) and the Xklp1/chromokinesin subfamily (Vernos et al., 1995; Wang and Adler, 1995). Both Nod and Xklp1 are required for positioning chromosomes on the metaphase plate, suggesting that they encode plus end–directed motors (Afshar et al., 1995; Vernos et al., 1995). Other evidence suggests that minus end–directed motors interact with chromosome arms. In the plant Haemanthus, a poleward force acts along chromosome arms during metaphase (Khodjakov et al., 1996), and forces propelling chromosome arms poleward have been detected during anaphase in crane fly spermatocytes (Adames and Forer, 1996). Little is known about how poleward arm motility at metaphase–anaphase affects the fidelity or rate of chromosome segregation.The neocentromeres of maize (Rhoades and Vilkomerson, 1942) provide a particularly striking example of poleward chromosome arm motility. In the presence of Abnormal chromosome 10 (Ab10),1 heterochromatic DNA domains known as knobs are transformed into neocentromeres and mobilized on the spindle (Rhoades and Vilkomerson, 1942; Peacock et al., 1981; Dawe and Cande, 1996). Knobs are primarily composed of a tandem 180-bp repeat (Peacock et al., 1981) which shows homology to a maize B centromere clone (Alfenito and Birchler, 1993). A characteristic feature of neocentromeres is that they arrive at the spindle poles in advance of centromeres; in extreme cases the neocentromere-bearing chromosome arms stretch towards the poles (Rhoades and Vilkomerson, 1942; Rhoades, 1952). A recently identified mutation (smd1) demonstrates that a trans-acting factor(s) encoded on Ab10 is essential for converting the normally quiescent heterochromatic knobs into active neocentromeres (Dawe and Cande, 1996).Here we use neocentromeres as a model for understanding the mechanisms and importance of nonkinetochore chromosome movement. As a part of our analysis, we developed a four-dimensional system for observing chromosome segregation in living meiocytes. Our experiments were designed to determine (a) how poleward arm motility affects the rate and fidelity of chromosome segregation; and (b) whether the mechanism of neocentromere motility is comparable to the mechanism of kinetochore motility.  相似文献   
Shields, Richard K., Laura Frey Law, Brenda Reiling, KellySass, and Jason Wilwert. Effects of electrically induced fatigueon the twitch and tetanus of paralyzed soleus muscle in humans.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(5):1499-1507, 1997.We analyzed the twitch and summated torque(tetanus) during repetitive activation and recovery of the human soleusmuscle in individuals with spinal cord injury. Thirteen individualswith complete paralysis (9 chronic, 4 acute) had the tibial nerveactivated every 1,500 ms with a 20-Hz train (7 stimuli) for 300 ms anda single pulse at 1,100 ms. The stimulation protocol lasted 3 min andincluded 120 twitches and 120 tetani. Minimal changes were found forthe acute group. The chronic group showed a significant reduction inthe torque and a significant slowing of the contractile speeds of boththe twitch and tetanus. The decrease in the peak twitch torque was significantly greater than the decrease in the peak tetanus torque early during the fatigue protocol for the chronic group. The twitch time to peak and half relaxation time were prolonged during fatigue, which was associated with improved fusion of the tetanus torque. At theend of the fatigue protocol, the decrease in the peak twitch torque wasnot significantly different from the decrease in the peak tetanustorque. After 5 min of rest, the contractile speeds recovered causingthe tetanus to become unfused, but the tetanus torque became lessdepressed than the twitch torque. The differential responses for thetwitch and the tetanus suggest an interplay between optimal fusioncreated from contractile speed slowing and excitation contractioncoupling compromise. These issues make the optimal design of functionalelectrical stimulation systems a formidable task.

The growth of one smooth and three individual striated muscles was studied from birth to old age (105 weeks), and where possible during the later stages of foetal life also. Developmental changes in protein turnover (measured in vivo) were related to the changing patterns of growth within each muscle, and the body as a whole. Developmental growth (i.e. protein accumulation) in all muscles involved an increasing proportion of protein per unit wet weight, as well as cellular hypertrophy. The contribution of the heart towards whole-body protein and nucleic acid contents progressively decreased from 18 days of gestation to senility. In contrast, post-natal changes in both slow-twitch (soleus) and fast-twitch (tibialis anterior) skeletal muscles remained reasonably constant with respect to whole-body values. Such age-related growth in all four muscle types was accompanied by a progressive decline in both the fractional rates of protein synthesis and breakdown, the changes in synthesis being more pronounced. Age for age, the fractional rates of synthesis were highest in the oesophageal smooth muscle, similar in both cardiac and the slow-twitch muscles, and lowest in the fast-twitch tibialis muscle. Despite these differences, the developmental fall in synthetic rates was remarkably similar in all four muscles, e.g. the rates at 105 weeks were 30-35% of their values at weaning. Such developmental changes in synthesis were largely related to diminishing ribosomal capacities within each muscle. When measured under near-steady-state conditions (i.e. 105 weeks of age), the half-lives of mixed muscle proteins were 5.1, 10.4, 12.1 and 18.3 days for the smooth, cardiac, soleus and tibialis muscles respectively. Old-age atrophy was evident in the senile animals, this being more marked in each of the four muscle types than in the animal as a whole. In each muscle of the senile rats the protein content and composition per unit wet weight, and both the fractional and total rates of synthesis, were significantly lower than in the muscles of younger, mature, animals (i.e. 44 weeks). In the soleus the decreased synthesis rate appeared to be related to a further fall in the ribosomal capacity. In contrast, the changes in synthesis in the three remaining muscles correlated with significant decreases in the synthetic rate per ribosome.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Wei-Ping Lu  Don P. Kelly 《BBA》1984,765(2):106-117
Four c-type cytochromes were purified by several procedures including chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B, Phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B and Sephadex G-75, G-100 and G-200 and chromatofocusing. Cytochrome c-551 had a pI value of 5.2 and an Mr of 260 000 consisting of six non-covalently bound polypeptides each with an Mr of 43 000, and contained four to five haems. Cytochrome c-552.5 had a pI value of 4.8 and an Mr of 56 000 consisting of two polypeptides with the same Mr 29 000, and contained two haems. Cytochromes c-551 and c-552.5 were reduced by ascorbate to about 70 and 60% of the fully dithionite-reduced values, respectively, and both were essential components in the thiosulphate-oxidizing multi-enzyme system (other components of the system were ‘enzyme A’, ‘enzyme B’ and sulphite: cytochrome c oxidoreductase). These two cytochromes functioned as electron carriers and effectors in the oxidation of thiosulphate. Some evidence suggested that cytochrome c-551 might be a specialized electron transfer component for sulphonate-sulphur oxidation. Both cytochromes could be reduced by thiosulphate in the presence of enzymes A and B. Cytochrome c-550 (basic) and cytochrome c-550 (acidic) were small proteins with Mr 15 000 and 14 000 and pI values of over 8 and 5, respectively. Their physiological role is uncertain.  相似文献   
The mutant allele giant of Drosophila melanogaster affects the timing and the level of increase in ecdysteroid titer normally occurring at puparium formation. The third larval instar is extended by 4 days in phenotypically “giant” individuals during which the imaginal discs mature slower than normal and finally take on the folding pattern characteristic of maturity at a time when normal individuals have already formed puparia. After puparium formation, development occurs at the same rate in giant and wild-type animals. Feeding 20-hydroxyecdysone at 94 hr after oviposition allows giant larvae to develop at the same rate as wild-type larvae and to produce normal-sized adults (although at 94 hr the imaginal discs of giant lack much of the folding pattern of mature discs). Radioimmunological determination of ecdysteroid titers in giant and normal individuals indicates that the peak of ecdysteroid activity associated with puparium formation is lower in giant and occurs 4 days later than normal. These results indicate that giant is an ecdysteroid-deficient mutant with major effects on metamorphosis. Unlike previously reported ecdysteroid-deficient mutants, however, giant larvae eventually develop into adults and may be induced to undergo complete metamorphosis at the same time as wild type by feeding 20-hydroxyecdysone.  相似文献   
Summary The lamina fusca of the hamster eye contains layers of flattened, slightly overlapping fibroblasts. Thin sections of the overlapping margins reveal punctate, tight-junction-like membrane appositions associated with accumulation of cytoplasmic filaments, 5–7 nm in diameter. Intermediate filaments are present in the surrounding cytoplasm. A diffuse dense substance occurs in adjacent intercellular space. Freeze-fracture replicas show that the membrane appositions are mainly single-stranded tight junctions, each composed of two fibrils (micelles), and each continuous or nearly continuous around the fibroblastic perimeter. Fracturing characteristics of these junctions offer a unique opportunity to gain further insight into tight junctional morphology. When exposed, the fibrils adhere to the P-face, measure 9.2±0.3 nm in diameter, and are accompanied by a narrow band of membrane differing in texture from non-junctional membrane. Characteristically, the junctional fibrils themselves mark the deviation line along which fracture planes pass from one membrane of the junction to the other. This pattern exposes, over long distances, the P-face of one membrane on one side of this line and E-face of the adjacent membrane on the other. Analysis of any single junction over such distances reveals that the juxtaposition of the fibrils may gradually twist or undulate over a range of at least 180° within the two involved membranes. The fracture plane appears preferentially to pass between the two junctional fibrils; association of the cytoskeleton with junctional fibrils may govern this route of fracture. Cytoskeletal attachment appears to be to a single fibril and may alternate from one fibroblast to the next depending on which cytoplasmic leaflet is nearest a given fibril.Parts of this work have been presented at meetings of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (Kelly and Hageman 1983) and the American Association of Anatomists (Hageman and Kelly 1984)  相似文献   
Cell surface antigens of a multipotential embryonal carcinoma (EC) line, PCC4, have been investigated. As do other EC cells, these cells express the F9 antigen but not the H-2 or Ia antigens. In addition, these cells express another antigen called PCC4. This antigen is present on the multipotential EC cells tested, on spermatozoa, and on the inner cell mass of newly implanted blastocyst.  相似文献   
A rapid method is described for the identification of lectin binding membrane glycocomponents in polyacrylamide gels. The method requires only small quantities of membrane material and is applicable to a wide variety of lectins. Solubilized membrane components are electrophoretically separated according to molecular weight in a SDS-polyacrylamide gel. The gel is then incubated in a solution containing the 125I-lectin. After elution of unbound 125I-lectin, the gel is dried down and those bands which have bound the 125I-lectin are identified by radioautography. The amount of bound 125I-lectin can be quantified by either densitometric scanning of the radioautogram or by liquid scintillation counting of the dried gel.  相似文献   
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