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Laminin alpha5 is prominent in the basement membrane of alveolar walls, airways, and pleura in developing and adult lung. Targeted deletion of laminin alpha5 in mice causes developmental defects in multiple organs, but embryonic lethality has precluded examination of the latter stages of lung development. To identify roles for laminin alpha5 in lung development, we have generated an inducible lung epithelial cell-specific Lama5 null (SP-CLama5(fl/-)) mouse through use of the Cre/loxP system, the human surfactant protein C promoter, and the reverse tetracycline transactivator. SP-CLama5(fl/-) embryos exposed to doxycycline from E6.5 died a few hours after birth. Compared to control littermates, SP-CLama5(fl/-) lungs had dilated, enlarged distal airspaces, but basement membrane ultrastructure was preserved. Distal epithelial cell differentiation was perturbed, with a marked reduction of alveolar type II cells and a virtual absence of type I cells. Cell proliferation was reduced and apoptosis was increased. Capillary density was diminished, and this was associated with a decrease in total lung VEGF production. Overall, these findings indicate that epithelial laminin alpha5, independent of its structural function, is necessary for murine lung development, and suggest a role for laminin alpha5 in signaling pathways that promote alveolar epithelial cell differentiation and VEGF expression.  相似文献   
Mutation and recombination are the primary sources of genetic variation. To better understand the evolution of genetic variation, it is crucial to comprehensively investigate the processes involving mutation accumulation and recombination. In this study, we performed mutation accumulation experiments on four heterozygous diploid yeast species in the Saccharomycodaceae family to determine spontaneous mutation rates, mutation spectra, and losses of heterozygosity (LOH). We observed substantial variation in mutation rates and mutation spectra. We also observed high LOH rates (1.65–11.07×10−6 events per heterozygous site per cell division). Biases in spontaneous mutation and LOH together with selection ultimately shape the variable genome-wide nucleotide landscape in yeast species.  相似文献   
Anaerobiosis results in the selective synthesis of a particular set of polypeptides in the maize root including the two alcohol dehydrogenases (Sachs, M. M., Freeling, M., and Okimoto, R. (1980) Cell 20, 761-768), pyruvate decarboxylase (Wignarajah, K., and Greenway, H. (1976) New Phytol. 77, 575-584; Laszlo, A., and St. Lawrence, P. (1983) Mol. Gen. Genet. 192, 110-117), glucose phosphate isomerase (Kelley, P. M., and Freeling, M. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 673-677) and aldolase (Kelley, P. M., and Freeling, M. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 14180-14183). This report describes the identification and characterization of cDNA clones to five different mRNA species induced upon anaerobic shock. Immunoprecipitation of hybrid-selected translation polypeptides has determined the identity of the cDNA clone for fructose-1,6-diphosphate aldolase mRNA. Quantitative hybridization analysis of anaerobic mRNAs using the cDNA clones has shown that there is not a simultaneous accumulation of anaerobic mRNAs. Upon reintroduction of air, the anaerobic mRNAs disappear rapidly and at approximately the same rate. A translocation line that generates progeny that contain 1, 2, and 3 doses of the long arm of chromosome one (1L) allowed us to test for clustering of the anaerobic genes; two of the anaerobic genes tested do not reside with Adh 1 and Phi 1 on the long arm of chromosome 1.  相似文献   
Outer membrane proteins of Vibrio cholerae were purified by sucrose density centrifugation and Triton X-100 extraction at 10 mM Mg2+. The proteins were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. V. cholerae outer membrane proteins presented a unique pattern when compared with the patterns of other gram-negative rods. There were 8 to 10 major bands (Mr 94,000 to 27,000), with most of the protein located in band 5 (Mr approximately 45,000), which thus appears to be the major structural protein of the outer membrane. Lipid and carbohydrate were associated with band 6.  相似文献   
The molecular chaperone HSP90 aids the maturation of a diverse but select set of metastable protein clients, many of which are key to a variety of signal transduction pathways. HSP90 function has been best investigated in animal and fungal systems, where inhibition of the chaperone has exceptionally diverse effects, ranging from reversing oncogenic transformation to preventing the acquisition of drug resistance. Inhibition of HSP90 in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana uncovers novel morphologies dependent on normally cryptic genetic variation and increases stochastic variation inherent to developmental processes. The biochemical activity of HSP90 is strictly conserved between animals and plants. However, the substrates and pathways dependent on HSP90 in plants are poorly understood. Progress has been impeded by the necessity of reliance on light-sensitive HSP90 inhibitors due to redundancy in the A. thaliana HSP90 gene family. Here we present phenotypic and genome-wide expression analyses of A. thaliana with constitutively reduced HSP90 levels achieved by RNAi targeting. HSP90 reduction affects a variety of quantitative life-history traits, including flowering time and total seed set, increases morphological diversity, and decreases the developmental stability of repeated characters. Several morphologies are synergistically affected by HSP90 and growth temperature. Genome-wide expression analyses also suggest a central role for HSP90 in the genesis and maintenance of plastic responses. The expression results are substantiated by examination of the response of HSP90-reduced plants to attack by caterpillars of the generalist herbivore Trichoplusia ni. HSP90 reduction potentiates a more robust herbivore defense response. In sum, we propose that HSP90 exerts global effects on the environmental responsiveness of plants to many different stimuli. The comprehensive set of HSP90-reduced lines described here is a vital instrument to further examine the role of HSP90 as a central interface between organism, development, and environment.  相似文献   
Molecular chaperones are highly conserved in all free-living organisms. There are many types of chaperones, and most are conveniently grouped into families. Genome sequencing has revealed that many organisms contain multiple members of both the DnaK (Hsp70) family and their partner J-domain protein (JDP) cochaperone, belonging to the DnaJ (Hsp40) family. Escherichia coli K-12 encodes three Hsp70 genes and six JDP genes. The coexistence of these chaperones in the same cytosol suggests that certain chaperone-cochaperone interactions are permitted, and that chaperone tasks and their regulation have become specialized over the course of evolution. Extensive genetic and biochemical analyses have greatly expanded knowledge of chaperone tasking in this organism. In particular, recent advances in structure determination have led to significant insights of the underlying complexities and functional elegance of the Hsp70 chaperone machine.  相似文献   
Reported effects of trophy harvest often are controversial. The subject is nuanced and many studies lack details necessary to place their results in context. Consequently, many studies are misunderstood or their conclusions misapplied. We propose that all dialogues about trophy hunting include a definition of how they use the term trophy, details of variables measured and why they were selected, and explanations of temporal and spatial scales employed. Only with these details can potential effects of trophy hunting be understood in context and used for management and policy decisions. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
In marine ecosystems, macroalgae are the habitat for several microorganisms, fungi being among them. In the Antarctic benthic coastal ecosystem, macroalgae play a key role in organic matter cycling. In this study, 13 different macroalgae from Potter Cove and surrounding areas were sampled and 48 fungal isolates were obtained from six species, four Rhodophyta Ballia callitricha, Gigartina skottsbergii, Neuroglossum delesseriae and Palmaria decipiens, and two Phaeophyceae: Adenocystis utricularis and Ascoseira mirabilis. Fungal isolates mostly belonged to the Ascomycota phylum (Antarctomyces, Cadophora, Cladosporium, Penicillium, Phialocephala, and Pseudogymnoascus) and only one to the phylum Mucoromycota. Two of the isolates could not be identified to genus level, implying that Antarctica is a source of probable novel fungal taxa with enormous bioprospecting and biotechnological potential. 73% of the fungal isolates were moderate eurypsychrophilic (they grew at 5–25 °C), 12.5% were eurypsychrophilic and grew in the whole range, 12.5% of the isolates were narrow eurypsychrophilic (growth at 15–25 °C), and Mucoromycota AUe4 was classified as stenopsychrophilic as it grew at 5–15 °C. Organic extracts of seven macroalgae from which no fungal growth was obtained (three red algae Georgiella confluens, Gymnogongrus turquetii, Plocamium cartlagineum, and four brown algae Desmarestia anceps, D. Antarctica, Desmarestia menziesii, Himantothallus grandifolius) were tested against representative fungi of the genera isolated in this work. All extracts presented fungal inhibition, those from Plocamium cartilagineum and G. turquetii showed the best results, and for most of these macroalgae, this represents the first report of antifungal activity and constitute a promising source of compounds for future evaluation.  相似文献   
Cellular therapy is a potential approach to improve the regenerative capacity of damaged or diseased skeletal muscle. However, its clinical use has often been limited by impaired donor cell survival, proliferation and differentiation following transplantation. Additionally, functional improvements after transplantation are all-too-often negligible. Because the host microenvironment plays an important role in the fate of transplanted cells, methods to modulate the microenvironment and guide donor cell behavior are warranted. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the use of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) for 1 or 4 weeks following muscle-derived stem cell (MDSC) transplantation into dystrophic skeletal muscle can modulate the fate of donor cells and enhance their contribution to muscle regeneration and functional improvements. Animals submitted to 4 weeks of NMES after transplantation demonstrated a 2-fold increase in the number of dystrophin+ myofibers as compared to control transplanted muscles. These findings were concomitant with an increased vascularity in the MDSC+NMES group when compared to non-stimulated counterparts. Additionally, animals subjected to NMES (with or without MDSC transplantation) presented an increased maximal specific tetanic force when compared to controls. Although cell transplantation and/or the use of NMES resulted in no changes in fatigue resistance, the combination of both MDSC transplantation and NMES resulted in a faster recovery from fatigue, when compared to non-injected and non-stimulated counterparts. We conclude that NMES is a viable method to improve MDSC engraftment, enhance dystrophic muscle strength, and, in combination with MDSC transplantation, improve recovery from fatigue. These findings suggest that NMES may be a clinically-relevant adjunct approach for cell transplantation into skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
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