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Abstract: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is widely held to be a disorder associated with oxidative stress due, in part, to the membrane action of amyloid β-peptide (Aβ). Aβ-associated free radicals cause lipid peroxidation, a major product of which is 4-hydroxy-2- trans -nonenal (HNE). We determined whether HNE would alter the conformation of synaptosomal membrane proteins, which might be related to the known neurotoxicity of Aβ and HNE. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, using a protein-specific spin label, MAL-6(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-maleimidopiperidin-1-oxyl), was used to probe conformational changes in gerbil cortical synaptosomal membrane proteins, and a lipid-specific stearic acid label, 5-nitroxide stearate, was used to probe for HNE-induced alterations in the fluidity of the bilayer domain of these membranes. Synaptosomal membranes, incubated with low concentrations of HNE, exhibited changes in protein conformation and bilayer order and motion (fluidity). The changes in protein conformation were found to be concentration- and time-dependent. Significant protein conformational changes were observed at physiologically relevant concentrations of 1–10 µ M HNE, reminiscent of similar changes in synaptosomal membrane proteins from senile plaque- and Aβ-rich AD hippocampal and inferior parietal brain regions. HNE-induced modifications in the physical state of gerbil synaptosomal membrane proteins were prevented completely by using excess glutathione ethyl ester, known to protect neurons from HNE-caused neurotoxicity. Membrane fluidity was found to increase at higher concentrations of HNE (50 µ M ). The results obtained are discussed with relevance to the hypothesis of Aβ-induced free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation, leading to subsequent HNE-induced alterations in the structure and function of key membrane proteins with consequent neurotoxicity in AD brain.  相似文献   
3'-processing of mRNA precursors depends on several protein factors. One of them, cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor (CPSF) is required for the cleavage of the mRNA precursor or as well as for the tail elongation reaction. We have obtained complementary DNA encoding the 160 kDa subunit, which had previously been shown to interact with the AAUAAA polyadenylation signal. The cDNAs code for an open reading frame of 1444 amino acids. The translated protein has a calculated molecular weight of 161 kDa and a predicted pl of 6.2. Polyclonal antibodies raised against a bacterially expressed fragment of the cDNA recognise 160 kDa subunit of purified calf thymus CPSF. The sequence contains a possible nuclear localisation signal but none of the known RNA binding motifs. It does, however, show sequence similarities to a UV-damaged DNA binding protein (UVdDb).  相似文献   
 Saccade-related burst neurons (SRBNs) in the monkey superior colliculus (SC) have been hypothesized to provide the brainstem saccadic burst generator with the dynamic error signal and the movement initiating trigger signal. To test this claim, we performed two sets of open-loop simulations on a burst generator model with the local feedback disconnected using experimentally obtained SRBN activity as both the driving and trigger signal inputs to the model. First, using neural data obtained from cells located near the middle of the rostral to caudal extent of the SC, the internal parameters of the model were optimized by means of a stochastic hill-climbing algorithm to produce an intermediate-sized saccade. The parameter values obtained from the optimization were then fixed and additional simulations were done using the experimental data from rostral collicular neurons (small saccades) and from more caudal neurons (large saccades); the model generated realistic saccades, matching both position and velocity profiles of real saccades to the centers of the movement fields of all these cells. Second, the model was driven by SRBN activity affiliated with interrupted saccades, the resumed eye movements observed following electrical stimulation of the omnipause region. Once again, the model produced eye movements that closely resembled the interrupted saccades produced by such simulations, but minor readjustment of parameters reflecting the weight of the projection of the trigger signal was required. Our study demonstrates that a model of the burst generator produces reasonably realistic saccades when driven with actual samples of SRBN discharges. Received: 25 October 1994/Accepted in revised form: 20 June 1995  相似文献   
Bradyrhizobium japonicum mutant 132 was obtained by random TnphoA mutagenesis of strain 110spc4. A 6.5 kb BamHI kanamycin-resistance-coding DNA fragment of mutant 132 was used as a hybridization probe to clone the corresponding wild-type fragment. DNA sequence analysis of a 3213 bp BamHI—ClaI fragment revealed that three open reading frames (ORFs) were encoded in the same orientation. Based on sequence similarities to other proteins in the database, the second ORF was called sipS (signal peptidase). The TnphoA insertion in mutant 132 was found to be in frame near the 3′ end of sipS. The resulting SipS—PhoA hybrid polypeptide was shown to be expressed in free-living B. japonicum and in Escherichia coli cultures. An immunoblot analysis with a polyclonal antibody directed against the alkaline phosphatase revealed the appearance of a weak signal of a 70 kDa polypeptide both in B. Japonicum and in E. coli, in agreement with the calculated size of the hybrid polypeptide. A much stronger 52 kDa band was also detected. Mutant 132 was specifically disturbed in the interaction with soybean (Glycine max) when the bacteria were released from the infection threads. The bacteroids were not stably maintained within the symbiosome. Numerous vesicles were found in the plant cytosol, which finally resulted in the formation of large vacuoles within the infected nodule cells. Immunohistochemical analyses with antibodies directed against nodulins of the peribacteroid membrane indicated a lower expression of these proteins. The mutant phenotype was genetically complemented by 4.4 kb BamHI fragment including sipS. Subfragments thereof also complemented a temperature-sensitive E. coli lepB mutant, demonstrating that the B. japonicum fragment was functionally replacing Lepts in E. coli. Genetic studies suggested that the three genes are organized in one common operon which is expressed from a promoter upstream of the sequenced region. Inactivation of the gene downstream of sipS did not result in a detectable phenotype.  相似文献   
Late Neogene planktonic foraminifera have been examined at Site 310 in the Central North Pacific and their stratigraphic ranges and frequencies are presented here. Blow's (1969) zonation developed for tropical regions has been applied where applicable. Where tropical index taxa are rare or absent in this temperate region, Globorotalia crassaformis, and the evolutionary bioseries G. conoidea — G. conomiozea and G. puncticula — G. inflata have been found useful for zonal subdivisions. A correlation between stratigraphic ranges and frequency distributions of these species at Site 310 in the Central North Pacific, and Site 284 in the Southwest Pacific indicates that these species are relatively consistent biostratigraphic markers in temperate regions of both the North and South Pacific Oceans. An informal zonation for temperate latitudes of the Southwest Pacific has been established by Kennett (1973) and a similar zonal subdivision can be made at Site 310.Paleoclimatic/paleoceanographic interpretations based on coiling ratios, percent abundance, and phenotypic variations of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma indicate four major cold events during early, middle, and late Pliocene, and early Pleistocene. Faunal correlations of these events with similar events elsewhere in the Northeast and Southwest Pacific which have been paleomagnetically dated indicate the following approximate ages for these cold events: 4.7 Ma, 3.0 Ma, 2.6–1.8 Ma. and 1.2 Ma. Faunal assemblages have been divided into three groups representing cool, intermediate, and warmer water assemblages. Cool water assemblages are dominated by >60% N. pachyderma; intermediate temperature faunas are dominated by species of Globigerina and Globigerinita and contain between 20% and 30% N. pachyderma. Warmer water assemblages are dominated by species of Globorotalia and contain <10% N. pachyderma. Frequency oscillations within these groups, in addition to paleotemperature parameters evident in N. pachyderma, afford refined paleoclimatic/paleoceanographic interpretations.  相似文献   
NADPH reduces both liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 and cytochrome b5. In the presence of CO, ferrous cytochrome P-450 can slowly transfer electrons to amaranth, an azo dye. This reaction is followed by the reoxidation of cytochrome b5 which proceeds at essentially the same rate as does cytochrome P-450 oxidation. It is suggested that cytochrome b5 directly reduces cytochrome P-450 in rat liver microsomes.  相似文献   
Four distinct actin genes of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus have been isolated from a recombinant Charon 4 phage library of genomic DNA. The four genes differ considerably from each other in many of their restriction sites. Two of the four genes are closely linked; they are present in the same fragment of cloned DNA. This fragment has been extensively mapped, and some parts of the DNA have been sequenced. The two linked genes are oriented in the same direction, separated by 7.5 kb of DNA. One has an intron following the CAG that codes for the glutamine residue at position 121 in the amino acid sequence of actin. This represents the fifth distinct site at which introns have been found in actin genes, suggesting that the primordial actin gene had at least 6 exons and 5 introns. The actin genes from a distinctive family in which most introns have apparently been precisely excised from the genes.  相似文献   
Summary The hyperglycemic neuropeptide was purified to homogeneity from sinus glands of the crayfish,Orconectes limosus, by a simple two-step procedure consisting of preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by gel chromatography on Sephadex G-50. A total of 40 g was obtained from 1,670 lyophilized sinus glands. The molecule consists of 58 amino acid residues plus an undetermined number of Trp residues. The following amino acid composition was found: Asx8; Thr2; Ser3; Glx6; Pro1; Gly2; Ala3; 1/2 Cys4; Val5; Met1; Ile3; Leu5; Tyr5; Phe3; Trpn.d.; His0; Lys3; Arg4. A minimal MW of 6,812 was calculated. The N-terminal residue appears to be blocked. Analysis of the pure hormone on an isoelectric focusing gel gave an pI of 5.04–5.10. The hormone differs from that ofCarcinus (Keller and Wunderer, 1978) in its amino acid composition and pI (Carcinus: 4.55–4.63). The following features are common for both theOrconectes and theCarcinus hormone: the size of the molecule, the blocked N-terminus, the presence of two intrachain disulfide bridges and the general acidic nature. A dose ofOrconectes hormone which is highly effective in this species has no or only very little effect inUca, whereas the same dose ofCarcinus hormone, which is markedly hyperglycemic in the brachyuranUca, exhibits no effect in the astacuranOrconectes. In animals of 10 g live weight, injection of 1.9 pmol/animal causes a threefold increase in the hemolymph glucose level.Dedicated to Professor L.H. Kleinholz on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   
Transcutaneous pO2 of volunteers during hyperbaric oxygenation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Continuous transcutaneous pO2 measurements (tcPO2 measurements) were performed in healthy volunteers who were breathing air and oxygen under hyperbaric conditions (max. 4 ata). The results show a close correlation of PO2 values measured by the noninvasive method, in blood from discret arterial punctures, chamber PO2, respectively, the PO2 of the inspiratory gas mixture which was checked up to maximal values of 2,200 mm Hg. The PO2 in the arterial blood samples was measured immediately after the puncture insight the hyperbaric chamber using a specially designed through electrode.  相似文献   
Using the method of forced feeding on higher and lower levels, two groups of chickens differring in growth rate were obtained. In the chickens of the two groups 72 measurements of heat production were made. Chickens of these groups were compared considering either the same age or similar body weight. It has been found that propythiouracil treatment (120 mg/kg duging 10 consecutive days) decreases heat production in the chickens of both groups. However, this effect was much more pronounced in the birds maintained on the higher level of nutrition and growing more rapidly than in those maintained on the lower level of nutrition and growing slowly.  相似文献   
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