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A nomenclature including abbreviation for the metal-substituted (bacterio)chlorophylls active in natural photosynthesis is proposed as metal-(bacterio)chlorophyll and M-(B)Chl.  相似文献   
Polyglutamine (polyQ) expansion mutation causes conformational, neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. These diseases are characterized by the aggregation of misfolded proteins, such as amyloid fibrils, which are toxic to cells. Amyloid fibrils are formed by a nucleated growth polymerization reaction. Unexpectedly, the critical nucleus of polyQ aggregation was found to be a monomer, suggesting that the rate-limiting nucleation process of polyQ aggregation involves the folding of mutated protein monomers. The monoclonal antibody 1C2 selectively recognizes expanded pathogenic and aggregate-prone glutamine repeats in polyQ diseases, including Huntington's disease (HD), as well as binding to polyleucine. We have therefore assayed the in vitro and in vivo aggregation kinetics of these monomeric proteins. We found that the repeat-length-dependent differences in aggregation lag times of variable lengths of polyQ and polyleucine tracts were consistently related to the integration of the length-dependent intensity of anti-1C2 signal on soluble monomers of these proteins. Surprisingly, the correlation between the aggregation lag times of polyQ tracts and the intensity of anti-1C2 signal on soluble monomers of huntingtin precisely reflected the repeat-length dependent age-of-onset of HD patients. These data suggest that the alterations in protein surface structure due to polyQ expansion mutation in soluble monomers of the mutated proteins act as an amyloid-precursor epitope. This, in turn, leads to nucleation, a key process in protein aggregation, thereby determining HD onset. These findings provide new insight into the gain-of-function mechanisms of polyQ diseases, in which polyQ expansion leads to nucleation rather than having toxic effects on the cells.  相似文献   
The viability or developmental ability of porcine embryos after slow-freezing and thawing differs depending on the embryonic stage or the batch, which is defined as a group of embryos obtained from one donor at one time. We froze porcine blastocysts in batches and assessed their cryotolerance by using two expanded blastocysts (EBs) as samples to predict the developmental potential of other blastocysts from the same batch at different stages. Two EBs from the same batch that had been separately frozen were thawed and cultured in vitro for 48 h to examine their in vitro ability to develop to the hatched blastocyst stage. Thereafter, each batch was assigned to Grade A, B, or C according to the viability of the two EBs, i.e., 100% viability (2/2: number of hatched blastocysts/number of cultured EBs) was Grade A; 50% (1/2) was Grade B; and 0% (0/2) was Grade C. The viability of EBs after freeze-thawing and in vitro culture varied depending on the batch and was lower (31.0+/-10.2%, mean+/-S.E.M.; P<0.01) than that of unfrozen controls (96.8+/-2.3%). The viability of frozen-thawed hatched blastocysts (HBs) did not differ among the graded batches, but the blastocyst diameter decreased (from 409 to 326 microm) as the batch grade decreased (from A to C). When both EBs and HBs from batches of the same grade were transferred to recipients (average 11.7 EBs and 16.0 HBs per recipient), the rate of pregnancy and farrowing in recipients decreased (from 77.8% to 0%) and the number of piglets obtained decreased (from 15.3 to 0) as the batch grade decreased. However, when not only frozen-thawed EBs from Grade B or C batches, but also four helper embryos at the morula to early blastocyst stage (which were expected to support the pregnancy) were transferred, the number of piglets generated was higher from EBs from Grade B batches (16.0) than from EBs from Grade C batches (0.0). When frozen-thawed HBs and helper embryos were transferred, the number of piglets generated was higher from HBs from Grade B batches (12.7) than that from HBs from Grade C batches (1.9). After slow-freezing of porcine blastocysts, their rate of survival to the piglet stage differs batchwise, and in vitro viability assessment of sample EBs after freezing and thawing may help in assessing the post-freezing and post-thawing developmental potential of other blastocysts at different stages from the same batch.  相似文献   
We have recently shown that the matrix protein M of Borna disease virus (BDV) copurifies with the affinity-purified nucleoprotein (N) from BDV-infected cells, suggesting that M is an integral component of the viral ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP). However, further studies were hampered by the lack of appropriate tools. Here we generated an M-specific rabbit polyclonal antiserum to investigate the intracellular distribution of M as well as its colocalization with other viral proteins in BDV-infected cells. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed that M is located both in the cytoplasm and in nuclear punctate structures typical for BDV infection. Colocalization studies indicated an association of M with nucleocapsid proteins in these nuclear punctate structures. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that M also colocalizes with the viral genome, implying that M associates directly with viral RNPs. Biochemical studies demonstrated that M binds specifically to the phosphoprotein P but not to N. Binding of M to P involves the N terminus of P and is independent of the ability of P to oligomerize. Surprisingly, despite P-M complex formation, BDV polymerase activity was not inhibited but rather slightly elevated by M, as revealed in a minireplicon assay. Thus, unlike M proteins of other negative-strand RNA viruses, BDV-M seems to be an integral component of the RNPs without interfering with the viral polymerase activity. We propose that this unique feature of BDV-M is a prerequisite for the establishment of BDV persistence.  相似文献   
Rubrivivax gelatinosus having both the spheroidene and spirilloxanthin biosynthetic pathways produces carotenoids (Cars) with a variety of conjugated chains, which consist of different numbers of conjugated double bonds (n), including the C=C (m) and C=O (o) bonds. When grown under anaerobic conditions, the wild type produces Cars for which n = m = 9-13, whereas under semiaerobic conditions, it additionally produces Cars for which n = m + o = 10 + 1, 13 + 1, and 13 + 2. On the other hand, a mutant, in which the latter pathway is genetically blocked, produces only Cars for which n = 9 and 10 under anaerobic conditions and n = 9, 10, and 10 + 1 under semianaerobic conditions. Those Cars that were extracted from the LH2 complex (LH2) and the reaction center (RC), isolated from the wild-type and the mutant Rvi. gelatinosus, were analyzed by HPLC, and their structures were determined by mass spectrometry and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The selective binding of Cars to those pigment-protein complexes has been characterized as follows. (1) Cars with a shorter conjugated chain are selectively bound to LH2 whereas Cars with a longer conjugated chain to the RC. (2) Shorter chain Cars with a hydroxyl group are bound to LH2 almost exclusively. This rule holds either in the absence or in the presence of the keto group. The natural selection of shorter chain Cars by LH2 and longer chain Cars by the RC is discussed, on the basis of the results now available, in relation to the light-harvesting and photoprotective functions of Cars.  相似文献   
The antimalarial activity of 1-aryl-3,3-dialkyltriazenes to Plasmodium berghei NK-65 in infected mice was evaluated at an intraperitoneal dose of 100mg/kgbw. Some of these compounds were found to possess potent antimalarial activity.  相似文献   
On the basis of our previous study on antiviral agents against the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus, a series of nucleoside analogues whose 5'-hydroxyl groups are masked by various protective groups such as carboxylate, sulfonate, and ether were synthesized and evaluated to develop novel anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) agents. Among these, several 5'-O-masked analogues of 6-chloropurine-2'-deoxyriboside (e.g., 5'-O-benzoyl, 5'-O-p-methoxybenzoyl, and 5'-O-benzyl analogues) were found to exhibit effective anti-HCV activity. In particular, the 5'-O-benzoyl analogue exhibited the highest potency with an EC(50) of 6.1 microM in a cell-based HCV replicon assay. Since the 5'-O-unmasked analogue (i.e., 6-chloropurine-2'-deoxyriboside) was not sufficiently potent (EC(50)=47.2 microM), masking of the 5'-hydroxyl group seems to be an effective method for the development of anti-HCV agents. Presently, we hypothesize two roles for the 5'-O-masked analogues: One is the role as an anti-HCV agent by itself, and the other is as a prodrug of its 5'-O-demasked (deprotected) derivative.  相似文献   
Oral administration of edible bird's nest extract (EBNE) improved bone strength and calcium concentration in the femur of ovariectomized rats. Dermal thickness was also increased by EBNE supplementation, whereas EBNE administration did not affect the serum estradiol concentration. These results suggest that EBNE is effective for the improvement of bone loss and skin aging in postmenopause all women.  相似文献   
We investigated whether oral administration of palmitoleate ameliorates disorders of lipid metabolism to clarify the effects of one of the components of fish oil. Lipid levels in the liver and plasma were significantly decreased by palmitoleate and by EPA administration. These results suggest that palmitoleate, in addition to EPA, plays a role in the regulation of lipid metabolism by fish oil.  相似文献   
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