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Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) has been investigated as the target of several antigen-specific anti-prostate tumor vaccines. The goal of antigen-specific active immunotherapies targeting PAP would ideally be to elicit PAP-specific CD8+ effector T cells. The identification of PAP-specific CD8+ T-cell epitopes should provide a means of monitoring the immunological efficacy of vaccines targeting PAP, and these epitopes might themselves be developed as vaccine antigens. In the current report, we hypothesized that PAP-specific epitopes might be identified by direct identification of pre-existing CD8+ T cells specific for HLA-A2-restricted peptides derived from PAP in the blood of HLA-A2-expressing individuals. 11 nonamer peptides derived from the amino acid sequence of PAP were used as stimulator antigens in functional ELISPOT assays with peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 20 HLA-A2+ patients with prostate cancer or ten healthy blood donors. Peptide-specific T cells were frequently identified in both groups for three of the peptides, p18–26, p112–120, and p135–143. CD8+ T-cell clones specific for three peptides, p18–26, p112–120, and p299–307, confirmed that these are HLA-A2-restricted T-cell epitopes. Moreover, HLA-A2 transgenic mice immunized with a DNA vaccine encoding PAP developed epitope-specific responses for one or more of these three peptide epitopes. We propose that this method to first identify epitopes for which there are pre-existing epitope-specific T cells could be used to prioritize MHC class I-specific epitopes for other antigens. In addition, we propose that the epitopes identified here could be used to monitor immune responses in HLA-A2+ patients receiving vaccines targeting PAP to identify potentially therapeutic immune responses.  相似文献   
Mycobacterium tuberculosis EsxA and EsxB proteins are founding members of the WXG100 (WXG) protein family, characterized by their small size (∼100 amino acids) and conserved WXG amino acid motif. M. tuberculosis contains 11 tandem pairs of WXG genes; each gene pair is thought to be coexpressed to form a heterodimer. The precise role of these proteins in the biology of M. tuberculosis is unknown, but several of the heterodimers are secreted, which is important for virulence. However, WXG proteins are not simply virulence factors, since nonpathogenic mycobacteria also express and secrete these proteins. Here we show that three WXG heterodimers have structures and properties similar to those of the M. tuberculosis EsxBA (MtbEsxBA) heterodimer, regardless of their host species and apparent biological function. Biophysical studies indicate that the WXG proteins from M. tuberculosis (EsxG and EsxH), Mycobacterium smegmatis (EsxA and EsxB), and Corynebacterium diphtheriae (EsxA and EsxB) are heterodimers and fold into a predominately α-helical structure. An in vivo protein-protein interaction assay was modified to identify proteins that interact specifically with the native WXG100 heterodimer. MtbEsxA and MtbEsxB were fused into a single polypeptide, MtbEsxBA, to create a biomimetic bait for the native heterodimer. The MtbEsxBA bait showed specific association with several esx-1-encoded proteins and EspA, a virulence protein secreted by ESX-1. The MtbEsxBA fusion peptide was also utilized to identify residues in both EsxA and EsxB that are important for establishing protein interactions with Rv3871 and EspA. Together, the results are consistent with a model in which WXG proteins perform similar biological roles in virulent and nonvirulent species.The WXG100 (WXG; pfam06013) proteins are a class of effector molecules found in gram-positive bacteria (26). WXG proteins are characterized by their small size (∼ 100 amino acids [aa]) and the presence of a WXG motif, or its structural equivalent, near the midpoint of their primary sequence (26). Bioinformatic analyses have shown that one WXG gene is frequently positioned near, or directly adjacent to, a second, related, WXG gene (14). The gene pairs characterized thus far encode proteins that associate to form 1:1 complexes (20, 31). The WXG proteins were once thought to be restricted to the mycobacteria, but homologues have now been detected in species of Bacillus, Listeria, Streptomyces, and Corynebacterium, among others, and the Pfam server lists >89 distinct WXG-encoding species and strains (10).The identification of WXG proteins encoded by the pathogens Mycobacterium tuberculosis (15, 17, 19, 36), Mycobacterium marinum (13), and Staphylococcus aureus (5) has created significant interest in the proteins'' biological activity. Nevertheless, these proteins are not a priori virulence factors (39), since organisms expressing WXG proteins are not necessarily capable of causing disease. In addition to pathogenesis, the WXG proteins are associated with processes as disparate as zinc homeostasis (24) and conjugal gene transfer (9, 11). A model for the mechanism(s) of action of these proteins that includes an explanation for their apparent functional versatility is at present lacking. One reason for this ambiguity may be the near-absence of studies comparing virulence-associated and non-virulence-associated WXG proteins, which is a goal of this study.The M. tuberculosis secreted virulence factors EsxA (also called ESAT-6, or Rv3875) and EsxB (CFP-10; Rv3874) are the founding members of the WXG family, and M. tuberculosis derivatives defective in EsxA and EsxB are attenuated (17, 19, 36). The results of biochemical and structural studies indicate that EsxA and EsxB form a tightly associated heterodimer, EsxAB (25, 30, 31). The M. tuberculosis genome contains 23 WXG genes, named esxA to esxW, and the majority of these are expressed as tandem pairs (26). Of the pairs, five, including esxA and esxB, are contained within larger, highly conserved genetic loci, called esx-1 to esx-5 (Fig. (Fig.1).1). These loci have been the focus of much research, since mutants of esx-1 are attenuated, and esx-3 and esx-5 are necessary for in vitro growth of M. tuberculosis and M. marinum (1, 2, 32-34). The esx loci are proposed to encode secretory apparatuses dedicated to the secretion of their cognate WXG proteins (1).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Genetic map of the esx-1 loci of M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis. The M. tuberculosis esx-1 genes discussed in the text are indicated by white arrows, as are their M. smegmatis homologues. The M. tuberculosis map also shows the Rv3884 and Rv3885 genes, which are part of the adjacent esx-2 locus. pRD1-2F9 is the cosmid that was used to create an esx-1-specific prey library. pRD1-2F9 includes the Rv3860 to Rv3885 genes, thus encompassing the entire esx-1 locus and part of esx-2. The four genes below the M. smegmatis map include defective insertion sequences (ISs) inserted into MSMEG_0075.Although the majority of genes required for the secretion of the EsxAB heterodimer are encoded from within esx-1, additional non-esx-1 genes are necessary for secretion. In particular, one M. tuberculosis locus, esp, encodes three proteins essential for EsxAB secretion (12, 23). The first gene of the operon encodes a protein, EspA, that is cosecreted with EsxAB via the ESX-1 apparatus (12). Although no direct physical evidence has been presented, the inference from the interdependent cosecretion of the three proteins is that they likely form a complex, which is secreted by the ESX-1 apparatus. In this paper we provide the first genetic evidence that these three proteins interact.The lack of a genetic assay for the study of ESX-1 activity in M. tuberculosis has hindered the identification of all of the protein components of the apparatus and all of the substrates that it secretes. However, the fast-growing, nonpathogenic organism Mycobacterium smegmatis has a conserved esx-1 locus that is essential for DNA transfer, and we have exploited this requirement for genetic studies (9). These analyses have shown that the M. smegmatis ESX-1 apparatus is functionally related to that of M. tuberculosis (11) and that M. smegmatis encodes non-esx-1 genes necessary for the secretion of the EsxAB heterodimer, including orthologues of EspA (9).Here we have examined whether the secondary and quaternary structures of M. tuberculosis EsxA and EsxB are prototypical for other, functionally distinct and evolutionarily distant members of the WXG family (Fig. (Fig.2A).2A). Comparisons were made to homologues encoded by M. smegmatis (esxA and esxB), Corynebacterium diphtheriae (esxA and esxB), and an additional non-virulence-related pair from M. tuberculosis (esxG and esxH, encoded from the esx-3 locus). Structural characterization of these proteins establishes that their secondary and quaternary structures are conserved, with each pair folding into a predominately α-helical structure and associating to form a heterodimer. We next devised and tested the utility of a novel strategy to identify proteins that interact specifically with these WXG heterodimers. This involved fusing EsxB and EsxA to create a biomimetic heterodimer for use in mycobacterial two-hybrid experiments. We reasoned that the use of this unique bait would allow the detection of proteins that interact with both components of the native heterodimer and that these proteins would normally go undetected in the conventional, single-protein two-hybrid screens. Indeed, using this approach, we identified novel protein partners of M. tuberculosis EsxBA (MtbEsxBA). We show for the first time that EspA proteins from M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis interact with the EsxBA heterodimer (from both species) but not with EsxA or EsxB alone. We also provide evidence for promiscuity between the different M. tuberculosis ESX apparatuses by showing that EsxBA, encoded by esx-1, can interact with Esx proteins encoded by esx-2. Taken together, our studies suggest that the WXG proteins possess similar structures and properties, regardless of the host species and the apparent biological function.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Sequence alignment of WXG proteins characterized in this study and the strategy used to facilitate their expression. (A) Amino acid sequence alignment of four pairs of WXG proteins. Conserved sequences are in boldface, and the signature WXG motif is indicated with asterisks. Three residues in Rv3874 (EsxB) and a single residue in Rv3875 (EsxA) are underlined; they are the sites of amino acid substitutions discussed in the text that abrogate Rv3871 interactions. (B) (Bottom) Scheme for coexpression of tandemly arranged WXG genes. (Top) The ribbon cartoon (30) shows how the two monomers are freed from the expressed fusion protein by thrombin cleavage (scissors) at the peptide tether (balls and sticks).  相似文献   
Proteins with Pumilio RNA binding domains (Puf proteins) are ubiquitous in eukaryotes. Some Puf proteins bind to the 3′-untranslated regions of mRNAs, acting to repress translation and promote degradation; others are involved in ribosomal RNA maturation. The genome of Trypanosoma brucei encodes eleven Puf proteins whose function cannot be predicted by sequence analysis. We show here that epitope-tagged TbPUF7 is located in the nucleolus, and associated with a nuclear cyclophilin-like protein, TbNCP1. RNAi targeting PUF7 reduced trypanosome growth and inhibited two steps in ribosomal RNA processing.  相似文献   
Peptide toxins found in a wide array of venoms block K+ channels, causing profound physiological and pathological effects. Here we describe the first functional K+ channel-blocking toxin domain in a mammalian protein. MMP23 (matrix metalloprotease 23) contains a domain (MMP23TxD) that is evolutionarily related to peptide toxins from sea anemones. MMP23TxD shows close structural similarity to the sea anemone toxins BgK and ShK. Moreover, this domain blocks K+ channels in the nanomolar to low micromolar range (Kv1.6 > Kv1.3 > Kv1.1 = Kv3.2 > Kv1.4, in decreasing order of potency) while sparing other K+ channels (Kv1.2, Kv1.5, Kv1.7, and KCa3.1). Full-length MMP23 suppresses K+ channels by co-localizing with and trapping MMP23TxD-sensitive channels in the ER. Our results provide clues to the structure and function of the vast family of proteins that contain domains related to sea anemone toxins. Evolutionary pressure to maintain a channel-modulatory function may contribute to the conservation of this domain throughout the plant and animal kingdoms.  相似文献   
In vitro studies have used protein markers to distinguish between myogenic cells isolated from fast and slow skeletal muscles. The protein markers provide some support for the hypothesis that satellite cells from fast and slow muscles are different, but the data are equivocal. To test this hypothesis directly, three-dimensional skeletal muscle constructs were engineered from myogenic cells isolated from fast tibialis anterior (TA) and slow soleus (SOL) muscles of rats and functionality was tested. Time to peak twitch tension (TPT) and half relaxation time (RT1/2) were 30% slower in constructs from the SOL. The slower contraction and relaxation times for the SOL constructs resulted in left shift of the force-frequency curve compared with those from the TA. Western blot analysis showed a 60% greater quantity of fast myosin heavy chain in the TA constructs. 14 days of chronic low-frequency electrical stimulation resulted in a 15% slower TPT and a 14% slower RT1/2, but no change in absolute force production in the TA constructs. In SOL constructs, slow electrical stimulation resulted in an 80% increase in absolute force production with no change in TPT or RT1/2. The addition of cyclosporine A did not prevent the increase in force in SOL constructs after chronic low-frequency electrical stimulation, suggesting that calcineurin is not responsible for the increase in force. We conclude that myogenic cells associated with a slow muscle are imprinted to produce muscle that contracts and relaxes slowly and that calcineurin activity cannot explain the response to a slow pattern of electrical stimulation. tissue engineering; calcineurin; electrical stimulation; engineered muscle; bioreactors  相似文献   
Synopsis Spatial patterns of resource use by small-bodied fishes in the San Juan River were examined using stable isotopes. Using δ15N of fishes as an index of trophic position, our data suggest both native and non-native fishes primarily consumed macro-invertebrates. The δ13C of these fishes further suggested a detritus-based food web, from which most species fed on chironomids in low-velocity habitats. A two-way ANOVA revealed a significant interaction between trophic level of fish species and longitudinal position in the river. This interaction was primarily attributed to a decline in trophic level of non-native red shiner Cyprinella lutrensis, relative to other species, in upstream reaches of the river. In addition, ANCOVA results suggest trophic position of fishes was dependent on channel type (primary vs. secondary), as there was less variability in resource use in secondary channels. These data provided a spatial framework of trophic interactions that can be used to predict the outcome of management actions. Overall, we confirmed high overlap in resource used between native and non-native fishes. However, spatial variation in trophic interactions both longitudinally and laterally in the river present a challenge to resource managers attempting to managing entire river systems.  相似文献   
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