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The biosynthesis of protein-bound complex N-glycans in mammals requires a series of covalent modifications governed by a large number of specific glycosyltransferases and glycosidases. The addition of oligosaccharide to an asparagine residue on a nascent polypeptide chain begins in the endoplasmic reticulum. Oligosaccharide processing continues in the Golgi apparatus to produce a diversity of glycan structures. UDP-N-acetylglucosamine:α-3- -mannoside β-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (EC; GlcNAc-TI) is a key enzyme in the process because it is essential for the conversion of high-mannose N-glycans to complex and hybrid N-glycans. We have isolated the mouse gene encoding GlcNAc-TI (Mgat-1) from a genomic DNA library. The mouse sequence is highly conserved with respect to the human and rabbit homologs and exists as a single protein-encoding exon. Mgat-1 was mapped to mouse Chromosome 11, closely linked to the gene encoding interleukin-3 by the analysis of multilocus interspecies backcrosses. RNA analyses of Mgat-1 expression levels revealed significant variation among normal tissues and cells.  相似文献   
During January-April 1989. we monitored survival, reproduction, and body condition of 19 radio-collared arctic hares Lepus areticus introduced to two predominantly (80%) forested islands. Merchant (66 1 ha) and Burke (82 6 ha), in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland By late April, bone-marrow fat (42 7%) and kidney fat indices were lower than found in populations on the mountain barrens of western Newfoundland However, most island hares gained weight overwinter, and litter sizes (mean. 4 2 in utero) and testis weights (mean, 8 3 g) were as large or larger than recorded from other introduced and natural populations in Newfoundland The distribution of telemetry locations, tracks and feeding sites indicated that hares frequented the scattered barrens (totalling c 30 ha) on both islands in greater proportion than available These results suggest that, in the absence of snowshoe hares and mammalian predators, forested regions interspersed with small patches of barrens can sustain arctic hares  相似文献   
Summary IS112 is a transposable element identified in Streptomyces albus G by its frequent mutagenic insertion into the genes for the SalI restriction-modification system. IS112 is present in several copies in the genome of S. albus G. Homologous sequences were detected in other Streptomyces strains. Sequence analysis revealed that IS112 has a length of 883 by with a GC content of 67.4%. The copy that was isolated contained imperfect inverted repeats (16/20 match) at its ends and was flanked by a 2 by duplication at the target site, which was located within the gene (salIR) for the Sall endonuclease. A long open reading frame (ORF) encoding a putative polypeptide of 256-253 amino acids spans almost the entire sequence. Significant homology was detected between this polypeptide and that corresponding to ORFB of IS493, an insertion sequence recently isolated from Streptomyces lividans 66.
Aeration of plasmid-free Enterococcus faecalis strains resulted in an 8- to 16-fold decrease in sex pheromone cAD1 activity in culture filtrates. Levels of two unrelated pheromones, cPD1 and cAM373, were unaffected by culture aeration. Aeration also resulted in a decrease in the expression of conjugative transfer functions observed in cells containing pAD1 traB mutations, verifying a link between traB function and pheromone “shutdown.” Tests with a series of pAD1 mini-plasmids indicated that the product of the traB gene was involved in, but not sufficient for, pheromone shutdown; the cooperation of one or more other gene products encoded within the pheromone response control region was required.  相似文献   
Summary A gene encoding -glucanase activity from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens was subcloned in both orientations into plasmid shuttle vector pSA3. In only one orientation could a co-integrate be generated with the conjugative plasmid pVA797. The plasmid co-integrate was conjugated into Lactobacillus helveticus strain CNRZ450, where it was stably maintained without antibiotic selection and exhibited -glucanase activity. This method of introducing cloned DNA into thermophilic lactobacilli will facilitate the study of heterologous gene expression in non-transformable species. Offprint requests to: J. K. Thompson  相似文献   
Quantitative receptor autoradiography was used to examine the binding of [125I]-human CGRP in the dorsal horn of the L4 spinal segment of rats with a chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve or unilateral dorsal rhizotomies of spinal segments L1–L6. At the times selected for study, we found no change in the amount of CGRP binding in any areas examined following CCI. In contrast, our results showed a temporally related increase in the amount of CGRP binding in areas within laminae I–II and in lateral lamina V of the dorsal horn ipsilateral to the rhizotomies. These results indicate that CGRP binding sites are regulated, most likely, by changes in the release of CGRP. Further, our results suggest that the release of CGRP from primary afferent neurons is unchanged in animals with a CCI.  相似文献   
The occurrence of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and it's mRNA was studied in lungs of rats and piglets using in situ hybridization with two synthetic oligonucleotide probes followed by immunocytochemistry (ICC). CGRP mRNA was present in pulmonary neuroendocrine cells (PNEC) of both the solitary type and cluster type (neuroepithelial body; NEB) at all levels of the airway epithelium from bronchi to alveoli. The distribution of labelled cells was similar to that previously described with ICC. The 44-mer probe provided stronger hybridization signal than the 34-mer and the two combined increased labelling slightly. Formalin fixation reduced labelling and tended to increase background. Labelling for CGRP mRNA was evenly distributed over the cytoplasm, whereas CGRP-like immunoreactivity (LI) usually was of highest intensity toward the base of the PNEC, suggesting basal accumulation of synthesized peptide. CGRP-LI was also observed in occasional rat ganglia and in some, but not all, piglet ganglia. These local neurons may contribute to the CGRP fibers of airways and vasculature, and could theoretically bridge their dendrites and axons between NEB and the effector organ (e.g. artery or arteriole) thus accomplishing a function similar to the postulated axon reflex.  相似文献   
The unknown modified nucleotide G*, isolated from both Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Torulopsis utilis initiator tRNAs(Met), has been identified as an O-ribosyl-(1"----2')-guanosine-5"-phosphate, called Gr(p), by means of HPLC, UV-absorption, mass spectrometry and periodate oxidation procedures. By comparison with the previously published structure of Ar(p) isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae initiator tRNA(Met), the (1"----2')-glycosidic bond in Gr(p) has been postulated to have a beta-spatial conformation. The modified nucleotide Gr(p) is located at position 64 in the tRNA(Met) molecules, i.e. at the same position as Ar(p). Since we have also characterized Gr(p) in Candida albicans initiator tRNA(Met), the phosphoribosylation of purine 64 can be considered as a constant nucleotide modification in the cytoplasmic initiator tRNAs(Met) of all yeast species so far sequenced. Precise evidence for the presence of Gr(p) in initiator tRNAs(Met) of several plants is also reported.  相似文献   
Glutamate dehydrogenase preparations from several sources have been shown to have suffered limited proteolysis during purification. This proteolysis has been previously shown to involve removal of the N-terminal tetrapeptide and to result in changes in the regulatory properties of the enzyme. In the present work the previously unidentified N-terminal residue of the unproteolysed enzyme from ox brain and liver is shown to be cysteine. The thiol group of this residue is masked in the native enzyme but it becomes accessible after reduction. Exposure of solutions of the unproteolysed enzyme to air oxidation causes large changes in its sensitivity to inhibition by the antipsychotic drug perphenazine, GTP and by high concentrations of NADH. No such changes occurred in the behaviour of preparations of the enzyme that had suffered proteolysis during purification under these conditions.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Santiago Grisolia.  相似文献   
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