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Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein (PEBP), alternatively named Raf-1 kinase inhibitor protein, is the precursor of the hippocampal cholinergic neurostimulating peptide (HCNP) corresponding to its natural N-terminal fragment, previously described to be released by hippocampal neurons. PEBP is a soluble cytoplasmic protein, also associated with plasma and reticulum membranes of numerous cell types. In the present report, using biochemistry and cell biology techniques, we report for the first time the presence of PEBP in bovine chromaffin cell, a well described secretion model. We have examined its presence at the subcellular level and characterized this protein on both secretory granule membranes and intragranular matrix. In addition, its presence in bovine chromaffin cell and platelet exocytotic medium, as well as in serum, was reported showing that it is secreted. Like many other proteins that lack signal sequence, PEBP may be secreted through non-classic signal secretory mechanisms, which could be due to interactions with granule membrane lipids and lipid rafts. By two-dimensional liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, HCNP was detected among the intragranular matrix components. The observation that PEBP and HCNP were secreted with catecholamines into the circulation prompted us to investigate endocrine effects of this peptide on cardiovascular system. By using as bioassay an isolated and perfused frog (Rana esculenta) heart preparation, we show here that HCNP acts on the cardiac mechanical performance exerting a negative inotropism and counteracting the adrenergic stimulation of isoproterenol. All together, these data suggest that PEBP and HCNP might be considered as new endocrine factors involved in cardiac physiology.  相似文献   
Three broad classes of Ca(2+)-activated potassium channels are defined by their respective single channel conductances, i.e. the small, intermediate, and large conductance channels, often termed the SK, IK, and BK channels, respectively. SK channels are likely encoded by three genes, Kcnn1-3, whereas IK and most BK channels are most likely products of the Kcnn4 and Slo (Kcnma1) genes, respectively. IK channels are prominently expressed in cells of the hematopoietic system and in organs involved in salt and fluid transport, including the colon, lung, and salivary glands. IK channels likely underlie the K(+) permeability in red blood cells that is associated with water loss, which is a contributing factor in the pathophysiology of sickle cell disease. IK channels are also involved in the activation of T lymphocytes. The fluid-secreting acinar cells of the parotid gland express both IK and BK channels, raising questions about their particular respective roles. To test the physiological roles of channels encoded by the Kcnn4 gene, we constructed a mouse deficient in its expression. Kcnn4 null mice were of normal appearance and fertility, their parotid acinar cells expressed no IK channels, and their red blood cells lost K(+) permeability. The volume regulation of T lymphocytes and erythrocytes was severely impaired in Kcnn4 null mice but was normal in parotid acinar cells. Despite the loss of IK channels, activated fluid secretion from parotid glands was normal. These results confirm that IK channels in red blood cells, T lymphocytes, and parotid acinar cells are indeed encoded by the Kcnn4 gene. The role of these channels in water movement and the subsequent volume changes in red blood cells and T lymphocytes is also confirmed. Surprisingly, Kcnn4 channels appear to play no required role in fluid secretion and regulatory volume decrease in the parotid gland.  相似文献   
Identification of species in natural populations has recently received increased attention with a number of investigators proposing rigorous methods for species delimitation. Morphologically conservative species (or species complexes) with deep phylogenetic histories (and limited gene flow) are likely to pose particular problems when attempting to delimit species, yet this is crucial to comparative studies of the geography of speciation. We apply two methods of species delimitation to an ancient group of lizards (genus Xantusia) that occur throughout southwestern North America. Mitochondrial cytochrome b and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene sequences were generated from samples taken throughout the geographic range of Xantusia. Maximum likelihood, Bayesian, and nested cladogram analyses were used to estimate relationships among haplotypes and to infer evolutionary processes. We found multiple well-supported independent lineages within Xantusia, for which there is considerable discordance with the currently recognized taxonomy. High levels of sequence divergence (21.3%) suggest that the pattern in Xantusia may predate the vicariant events usually hypothesized for the fauna of the Baja California peninsula, and the existence of deeply divergent clades (18.8%-26.9%) elsewhere in the complex indicates the occurrence of ancient sundering events whose genetic signatures were not erased by the late Wisconsin vegetation changes. We present a revised taxonomic arrangement for this genus consistent with the distinct mtDNA lineages and discuss the phylogeographic history of this genus as a model system for studies of speciation in North American deserts.  相似文献   
Chemical alarm cues released from injured tissue are not released under any other context and therefore reliably inform nearby prey of the presence of a predator. Laboratory and field studies have demonstrated that most aquatic taxa show antipredator responses to chemical alarm cues. Ostariophysan fish (e.g. minnows) possess specialized skin cells that contain an alarm chemical. Magurran et al. (1996, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B,263, 1551-1556) were the first to use underwater video to carefully document the behavioural response of free-ranging wild populations of minnows to minnow alarm cues. They found no evidence of an antipredator response, and challenged the assumption that the contents of these cells indicate risk in the field. They proposed that alarm responses are context dependent in that they are an artefact of enclosed environments such as laboratory aquaria and field traps. Here, we repeat their experiment on free-swimming field populations of littoral fish and report a significant decrease in the number of fish in areas where chemical alarm cues of blacknose shiners, Notropis heterolepis (Ostariophysi: Cyprinidae) were released. The effect of these chemical cues was equal in magnitude to the effect of the presentation of a model predator. The response to the approach of a model predator (visual cue) was intensified by pre-exposure to chemical alarm cues. We corroborated this interaction between chemical and visual indicators of predation risk in a laboratory study using glowlight tetras, Hemigrammus erythrozonus (Ostariophysi: Characidae). Response to the visual stimulus of a predator was significantly intensified by previous exposure to conspecific chemical alarm cues. We conclude that ostariophysan skin indeed contains an alarm cue that (1) informs nearby prey of imminent predation risk, (2) induces some form of antipredator behaviour in most contexts, and (3) affects subsequent behavioural responses to stimuli in other sensory modalities.  相似文献   
Chronic mitochondrial dysfunction, in particular of complex I, has been strongly implicated in the dopaminergic neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease. To elucidate the mechanisms of chronic complex I disruption-induced neurodegeneration, we induced differentiation of immortalized midbrain dopaminergic (MN9D) and non-dopaminergic (MN9X) neuronal cells, to maintain them in culture without significant cell proliferation and compared their survivals following chronic exposure to nanomolar rotenone, an irreversible complex I inhibitor. Rotenone killed more dopaminergic MN9D cells than non-dopaminergic MN9X cells. Oxidative stress played an important role in rotenone-induced neurodegeneration of MN9X cells, but not MN9D cells: rotenone oxidatively modified proteins more in MN9X cells than in MN9D cells and antioxidants decreased rotenone toxicity only in MN9X cells. MN9X cells were also more sensitive to exogenous oxidants than MN9D cells. In contrast, disruption of bioenergetics played a more important role in MN9D cells: rotenone decreased mitochondrial membrane protential and ATP levels in MN9D cells more than in MN9X cells. Supplementation of cellular energy with a ketone body, D-beta-hydroxybutyrate, decreased rotenone toxicity in MN9D cells, but not in MN9X cells. MN9D cells were also more susceptible to disruption of oxidative phosphorylation or glycolysis than MN9X cells. These findings indicate that, during chronic rotenone exposure, MN9D cells die primarily through mitochondrial energy disruption, whereas MN9X cells die primarily via oxidative stress. Thus, intrinsic properties of individual cell types play important roles in determining the predominant mechanism of complex I inhibition-induced neurodegeneration.  相似文献   
DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) plays an essential role in murine development and is thought to be the enzyme primarily responsible for maintenance of the global methylation status of genomic DNA. However, loss of DNMT1 in human cancer cells affects only the methylation status of a limited number of pericentromeric sequences. Here we show that human cancer cells lacking DNMT1 display at least two important differences with respect to wild type cells: a profound disorganization of nuclear architecture, and an altered pattern of histone H3 modification that results in an increase in the acetylation and a decrease in the dimethylation and trimethylation of lysine 9. Additionally, this phenotype is associated with a loss of interaction of histone deacetylases (HDACs) and HP1 (heterochromatin protein 1) with histone H3 and pericentromeric repetitive sequences (satellite 2). Our data indicate that DNMT1 activity, via maintenance of the appropriate histone H3 modifications, contributes to the preservation of the correct organization of large heterochromatic regions.  相似文献   
Cell cycle aberrations occurring at the G(1)/S checkpoint often lead to uncontrolled cell proliferation and tumor growth. We recently demonstrated that IL-1beta inhibits insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I-induced cell proliferation by preventing cells from entering the S phase of the cell cycle, leading to G(0)/G(1) arrest. Notably, IL-1beta suppresses the ability of the IGF-I receptor tyrosine kinase to phosphorylate its major docking protein, insulin receptor substrate-1, in MCF-7 breast carcinoma cells. In this study, we extend this juxtamembrane cross-talk between cytokine and growth factor receptors to downstream cell cycle machinery. IL-1beta reduces the ability of IGF-I to activate Cdk2 and to induce E2F-1, cyclin A, and cyclin A-dependent phosphorylation of a retinoblastoma tumor suppressor substrate. Long-term activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt signaling pathway, but not the mammalian target of rapamycin or mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways, is required for IGF-I to hyperphosphorylate retinoblastoma and to cause accumulation of E2F-1 and cyclin A. In the absence of IGF-I to induce Akt activation and cell cycle progression, IL-1beta has no effect. IL-1beta induces p21(Cip1/Waf1), which may contribute to its inhibition of IGF-I-activated Cdk2. Collectively, these data establish a novel mechanism by which prolonged Akt phosphorylation serves as a convergent target for both IGF-I and IL-1beta; stimulation by growth factors such as IGF-I promotes G(1)-S phase progression, whereas IL-1beta antagonizes IGF-I-induced Akt phosphorylation to induce cytostasis. In this manner, Akt serves as a critical bridge that links proximal receptor signaling events to more distal cell cycle machinery.  相似文献   
Gonadal steroids exhibit neuroprotective and neurotherapeutic effects. The lumbar spinal cord of male rats contains a highly androgen-sensitive population of motoneurons, the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB), whose morphology and function are dependent on testosterone in adulthood. Unilateral SNB motoneuron depletion induces dendritic atrophy in contralateral SNB motoneurons, but this atrophy is reversed in previously castrated males treated with testosterone. In the present experiment we test the hypothesis that the morphology of SNB motoneurons is protected from atrophy after contralateral motoneuron depletion by exogenous testosterone alone (i.e., with no delay between castration and testosterone replacement). We unilaterally depleted SNB motoneurons by intramuscular injection of cholera toxin conjugated saporin. Simultaneously, some saporin-injected rats were castrated and immediately given replacement testosterone. Four weeks later, contralateral SNB motoneurons were labeled with cholera toxin conjugated HRP, soma sizes were measured, and dendritic arbors were reconstructed. Contralateral SNB motoneuron depletion induced somal atrophy and dendritic retraction, but testosterone treatment prevented both of these effects. Thus, the presence of high-normal levels of testosterone prevents motoneuron atrophy induced by contralateral motoneuron depletion. These data support a therapeutic role for testosterone in preventing atrophy induced by motoneuron injury.  相似文献   
Functional activities that have been ascribed to the nef gene product of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) include CD4 downregulation, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I downregulation, downregulation of other plasma membrane proteins, and lymphocyte activation. Monkeys were infected experimentally with SIV containing difficult-to-revert mutations in nef that selectively eliminated MHC downregulation but not these other activities. Monkeys infected with these mutant forms of SIV exhibited higher levels of CD8(+) T-cell responses 4 to 16 weeks postinfection than seen in monkeys infected with the parental wild-type virus. Furthermore, unusual compensatory mutations appeared by 16 to 32 weeks postinfection which restored some or all of the MHC-downregulating activity. These results indicate that nef does serve to limit the virus-specific CD8 cellular response of the host and that the ability to downregulate MHC class I contributes importantly to the totality of nef function.  相似文献   
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