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The centrosome, consisting of a pair of centrioles surrounded by pericentriolar material, directs the formation of bipolar spindles during mitosis. Aberrant centrosome number can promote chromosome instability, which is implicated in tumorigenesis. Thus, centrosome duplication needs to be tightly regulated to occur only once per cell cycle. Separase, a cysteine protease that triggers sister chromatid separation, is involved in centriole disengagement, which licenses centrosomes for the next round of duplication. However, at least two questions remain unsolved: what is the substrate relevant to the disengagement, and how does separase, activated at anaphase onset, act on the disengagement that occurs during late mitosis. Here, we show that kendrin, also named pericentrin, is cleaved by activated separase at a consensus site in vivo and in vitro, and this leads to the delayed release of kendrin from the centrosome later in mitosis. Furthermore, we demonstrate that expression of a noncleavable kendrin mutant suppresses centriole disengagement and subsequent centriole duplication. Based on these results, we propose that kendrin is a novel and crucial substrate for separase at the centrosome, protecting the engaged centrioles from premature disengagement and thereby blocking reduplication until the cell passes through mitosis.  相似文献   
We evaluated the extent of shrinkage in body size of juvenile marbled sole Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae after preservation in 70% ethanol for 6, 12, 24, or 48 h, or 4 weeks. Standard length (SL, range of the analyzed specimens: 22.82–53.01 mm) decreased by 5.6% after 12 h and body weight (BW 0.174–2.964 g) decreased 27.8% after 24 h preservation in 70% ethanol. There was no further decrease in SL or BW after 12 or 24 h of preservation, respectively. The original body size could be estimated based on the size after preservation in 70% ethanol for 4 weeks using the following equations: SL original = 1.05 SL preserved + 0.37 and BW original = 1.36 BW preserved + 0.04. The condition factor calculated using the body size of preserved individuals was 16.0 and 15.8% lower than that calculated from the original body size and the body size back-calculated using the linear regression equations described above, respectively. Thus, our data suggest that the shrinkage of body size due to preservation in ethanol can cause errors in estimation of the condition factor. Our results can be used to improve the accuracy of estimating size-related biological parameters based on juvenile marbled sole that are preserved in ethanol.  相似文献   
Computational models are employed as tools to investigate possible mechanoregulation pathways for tissue differentiation and bone healing. However, current models do not account for the uncertainty in input parameters, and often include assumptions about parameter values that are not yet established. The objective of this study was to determine the most important cellular characteristics of a mechanoregulatory model describing both cell phenotype-specific and mechanobiological processes that are active during bone healing using a statistical approach. The computational model included an adaptive two-dimensional finite element model of a fractured long bone. Three different outcome criteria were quantified: (1) ability to predict sequential healing events, (2) amount of bone formation at early, mid and late stages of healing and (3) the total time until complete healing. For the statistical analysis, first a resolution IV fractional factorial design (L64) was used to identify the most significant factors. Thereafter, a three-level Taguchi orthogonal array (L27) was employed to study the curvature (non-linearity) of the 10 identified most important parameters. The results show that the ability of the model to predict the sequences of normal fracture healing was predominantly influenced by the rate of matrix production of bone, followed by cartilage degradation (replacement). The amount of bone formation at early stages was solely dependent on matrix production of bone and the proliferation rate of osteoblasts. However, the amount of bone formation at mid and late phases had the rate of matrix production of cartilage as the most influential parameter. The time to complete healing was primarily dependent on the rate of cartilage degradation during endochondral ossification, followed by the rate of cartilage formation. The analyses of the curvature revealed a linear response for parameters related to bone, where higher rates of formation were more beneficial to healing. In contrast, parameters related to fibrous tissue and cartilage showed optimum levels. Some fibrous connective tissue- and cartilage formation was beneficial to bone healing, but too much of either tissue delayed bone formation. The identified significant parameters and processes are further confirmed by in vivo animal experiments in the literature. This study illustrates the potential of design of experiments methods for evaluating computational mechanobiological model parameters and suggests that further experiments should preferably focus at establishing values of parameters related to cartilage formation and degradation.  相似文献   
Xylem parenchyma cells (XPCs) of boreal hardwood species adapt to sub-freezing temperatures by deep supercooling to maintain a liquid state of intracellular water near −40 °C. Our previous study found that crude xylem extracts from such tree species exhibited anti-ice nucleation activity to promote supercooling of water. In the present study, thus, we attempted to identify the causative substances of supercooling. Crude xylem extracts from katsura tree ( Cercidiphyllum japonicum ), of which XPCs exhibited deep supercooling to −40 °C, were prepared by methanol extraction. The crude extracts were purified by liquid–liquid extraction and then by silica gel column chromatography. Although all the fractions obtained after each purification step exhibited some levels of anti-ice nucleation activity, only the most active fraction was retained to proceed to the subsequent level of purification. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of a fraction with the highest level of activity revealed four peaks with high levels of anti-ice nucleation activity in the range of 2.8–9.0 °C. Ultraviolet (UV), mass and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra revealed that these four peaks corresponded to quercetin-3- O - β -glucoside (Q3G), kaempferol-7- O - β -glucoside (K7G), 8-methoxykaempferol-3- O - β -glucoside (8MK3G) and kaempferol-3- O - β -glucoside (K3G). Microscopic observations confirmed the presence of flavonoids in cytoplasms of XPCs. These results suggest that diverse kinds of anti-ice nucleation substances, including flavonol glycosides, may have important roles in deep supercooling of XPCs.  相似文献   
Phosphorylation of AMP into ADP and ATP, that can outrun their hydrolysis, was made possible in a simulated hydrothermal environment when trimetaphosphate was used as the phosphate source. The best yields of phosphorylated products were obtained when the reaction fluids whose temperature was set at about 100 degrees centigrade was injected into the cold environment maintained at 0 degree in a recycling manner. Hydrothermal environments in the primitive ocean could also have served as prebiotic sites for phosphorylation, among others.  相似文献   
Two kinds of layer silicate powder, Micromica and chlorite, were used to aid protein crystallization by the addition to hanging drops. Using appropriate crystallization buffers, Micromica powder facilitated crystal growth speed for most proteins tested in this study. Furthermore, the addition of Micromica powder to hanging drops allowed the successful crystallization of lysozyme, catalase, concanavalin A, and trypsin even at low protein concentrations and under buffer conditions that otherwise would not generate protein crystals. Except for threonine synthase and apoferritin, the presence of chlorite delayed crystallization but induced the formation of large crystals. X-ray analysis of thaumatin crystals generated by our novel procedure gave better quality data than did that of crystals obtained by a conventional hanging drop method. Our results suggest that the speed of crystal growth and the quality of the corresponding X-ray data may be inversely related, at least for the formation of thaumatin crystals. The effect of Micromica and chlorite powders and the application of layer silicate powder for protein crystallization are discussed.  相似文献   
Tubular-interstitial injury plays a key role in the progression of chronic kidney disease. Although endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress plays significant roles in the development of chronic diseases such as neurodegenerative disease, cardiomyopathy and diabetes mellitus, its pathophysiological role in chronic renal tubular cell injury remains unknown. BiP is an essential chaperone molecule that helps with proper protein folding in the ER. Recently, we have produced a knock-in mouse that expresses a mutant-BiP in which the retrieval sequence to the ER is deleted in order to elucidate physiological processes that are sensitive to ER functions in adulthood. The heterozygous mutant-BiP mice showed significant tubular-interstitial lesions with aging. Furthermore, proteinuria induced by chronic protein overload accelerated the tubular-interstitial lesions in the mutant mice, accompanying caspase-12 activation and tubular cell apoptosis. These results suggest that the ER stress pathway is significantly involved in the pathophysiology of chronic renal tubular-interstitial injury in vivo.  相似文献   
Successful automatic self-pollination in flowering plants isdependent on the correct development of reproductive organs.In the stamen, the appropriate growth of the filament, whichlargely depends on the mechanical properties of the cell wall,is required to position the anther correctly close to the stigmaat the pollination stage. Xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolases(XTHs) are a family of enzymes that mediate the constructionand restructuring of xyloglucan cross-links, thereby controllingthe extensibility or mechanical properties of the cell wallin a wide variety of plant tissues. Our reverse genetic analysishas revealed that a loss-of-function mutation of an ArabidopsisXTH family gene, AtXTH28, led to a decrease in capability forself-pollination, probably due to inhibition of stamen filamentgrowth. Our results also suggest that the role of AtXTH28 inthe development of the stamen is not functionally redundantwith its closest paralog, AtXTH27. Thus, our finding indicatesthat AtXTH28 is specifically involved in the growth of stamenfilaments, and is required for successful automatic self-pollinationin certain flowers in Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   
We have been further studying on the specific lignification in the gourd fruits as shown in the previous paper. During the process of lignification, the both activities of peroxidase and β-glucosidase were decreased, and so were shikimic acid, while some organic acids including quinic acid were detected by paper chromatography.  相似文献   
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