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Power requirements in the agitation of non-Newtonian fermentation broths with and without aeration were measured by a strain gage-type dynamometer. Broth from the production of gluc-amylase by Endomyces species and carboxymethyl cellulose solutions were used as non-Newtonian fluids. In gas–liquid agitation systems, the correlation between Pg and P02 ND3/Q0.56 observed by Michel and Miller was found to be applicable to non-Newtonian fluids in laminar and transition regions. This was particularly true for fluids with apparent viscosities larger than 300 cp. The impeller diameter and impeller blade width had considerable effects on power consumption in a nongassed system. It was suggested, therefore, that Pg/P0 should be correlated by a dimensionless term involving some impeller-size factors.  相似文献   
A new simplified method has been devised for staining aluminum and has been tested in paraffin sections of bone from 60 patients who have undergone hemodialysis. Iliac crest bone fragments were fixed in 20% phosphate-buffered formalin for less than a day and demineralized at room temperature in 10% phosphate-buffered formalin containing 5% formic acid for only 2 to 3 hr. Four-micron paraffin sections, accompanied by positive controls, were stained with Maloney's aluminum stain, the Berlin blue reaction for iron, dylon or Congo red for amyloid and von Kossa's reaction for calcium. Aluminum and iron were demonstrated particularly at the mineralizing front of bony tissues; aluminum in 52 cases, iron in 45. Dylon staining also gave positive results in 52 cases. It is important in determining whether aluminum deposition is present that the von Kossa reaction remains positive even after demineralization. This method may be more useful for demonstrating aluminum in bony tissues than the complicated and time-consuming resin-embedding method currently used.  相似文献   
Larvae of genus Pieris in the northern part of Kyoto City are parasitized by two tachinid flies:Epicampocera succincta, a specialist on genus Pieris, and Compsilura concinnata, a generalist with very wide host-range. We surveyed the parasitism rates of Pieris by both flies for two years at six study areas. In these study areas, there lived three host species in the genus Pieris: P. rapae, P. melete, and P. napi, but neither tachinid parasitized P. napi to any significant extent. In the mountainous district, P. rapae and P. melete coexisted and their populations were relatively continuous, while in the lowland, only P. rapae larvae were abundant in spring and autumn, but even they disappeared in summer. Parasitisms by E. succincta occurred mainly in mountainous district and never in the lowland. C. concinnata parasitized Pieris in all the areas, but its parasitisms occurred mainly in autumn. We analyzed the factors affecting the spatial and temporal patterns of parasitism rates and presumed that the temporal discontinuity of host population restricted the distribution of the specialist parasitoid.  相似文献   
The influence of the intracellular K+ concentration on the effects of growth factors (insulin, EGF, hydrocortisone, and transferrin) and LDL on growth of HeLa cells was investigated. Upon replacement of K+ in a chemically defined medium (K(+)-CDM) by Rb+ (Rb(+)-CDM), about 80% of the intracellular K+ was replaced by Rb+ within 24 h, but showed no further change in the next 24 h, irrespective of addition of dialyzed calf serum (5%) or growth factors to the medium. In Rb(+)-CDM, cell growth and DNA synthesis were greatly suppressed, although cell viability was not significantly altered for 72 h. The suppression of cell growth was partially restored by addition of serum, insulin (5 micrograms/ml), or LDL (2.5 mg/ml) to Rb(+)-CDM. A combination of serum and insulin or insulin and LDL stimulated cell growth to approximately the level in K(+)-CDM without any addition, but a combination of serum and LDL did not have more effect than that of serum alone. Unexpectedly, other factors were ineffective in stimulating growth in Rb(+)-CDM. In Rb(+)-CDM, the effect of insulin was lost in 24-48 h, whereas that of LDL persisted for at least 96 h. Insulin and LDL also enhanced growth in K(+)-CDM. After cessation of cell growth in Rb(+)-CDM for 24 h, addition of insulin and/or LDL markedly restored cell growth and DNA synthesis. Therefore, insulin and LDL may stimulate certain mechanisms required for cell growth that can operate in K(+)-deficient conditions.  相似文献   
Purified rat brain Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM-kinase II) is stimulated by brain gangliosides to a level of about 30% the activity obtained in the presence of Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM). Of the various gangliosides tested, GT1b was the most potent, giving half-maximal activation at 25 microM. Gangliosides GD1a and GM1 also gave activation, but asialo-GM1 was without effect. Activation was rapid and did not require calcium. The same gangliosides also stimulated the autophosphorylation of CaM-kinase II on serine residues, but did not produce the Ca2+-independent form of the kinase. Ganglioside stimulation of CaM-kinase II was also present in rat brain synaptic membrane fractions. Higher concentrations (125-250 microM) of GT1b, GD1a, and GM1 also inhibited CaM-kinase II activity. This inhibition appears to be substrate-directed, as the extent of inhibition is very dependent on the substrate used. The molecular mechanism of the stimulatory effect of gangliosides was further investigated using a synthetic peptide (CaMK 281-309), which contains the CaM-binding, inhibitory, and autophosphorylation domains of CaM-kinase II. Using purified brain CaM-kinase II in which these regulatory domains were removed by limited proteolysis. CaMK 281-309 strongly inhibited kinase activity (IC50 = 0.2 microM). GT1b completely reversed this inhibition, but did not stimulate phosphorylation of the peptide on threonine-286. These results demonstrate that GT1b can partially mimic the effects of Ca2+/CaM on native CaM-kinase II and on peptide CaMK 281-309.  相似文献   
The degradation of H1 histone and high mobility group (HMG) nonhistone proteins was stimulated when the homogenate from chick liver was incubated in the presence of phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). Two proteinase inhibitors, elastatinal and chymostatin, significantly inhibited the PMSF-stimulated degradation of H1 histone and HMG proteins. On the contrary, other proteinase inhibitors like leupeptin, pepstatin, trypsin inhibitor, antipain, o-phenanthroline and EDTA had no effect on the degradation of the nuclear proteins. These results warn the researcher to be cautious while using PMSF for preparation of nuclear proteins such as H1 histone and HMG proteins.  相似文献   
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