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Saturated and trans-unsaturated fatty acids, such as laurate and elaidate, elicited O2- generation in intact porcine and human neutrophils and also in a cell-free preparation of porcine neutrophils. The activities thus induced were comparable to those induced by cis-unsaturated fatty acids. However, the activation by saturated or trans-unsaturated fatty acids was depressed almost completely in the presence of Ca2+ at around 1 mM, which is usually contained in the media for phagocytes. In contrast, the activation by cis-unsaturated fatty acids such as arachidonate was scarcely affected by Ca2+. These findings appear to demand reevaluation of the effects of long chain fatty acids on the respiratory burst system in phagocytes.  相似文献   
A germination-specific amidase of bacilli is a major spore-lytic enzyme that is synthesized with a putative signal sequence and hydrolyses spore cortex in situ. The sleB gene encoding this amidase in Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus cereus was expressed in the forespore compartment of sporulating cells under the control of sigmaG, as shown by Northern blot and primer extension analyses. The forespore-specific expression of B. subtilis sleB was further indicated by the forespore-specific accumulation of a SleB-green fluorescent protein fusion protein from which a putative secretion signal of SleB was deleted. Immunoelectron microscopy with anti-SleB antiserum and a colloidal gold-immunoglobulin G complex showed that the enzymes from both Bacillus species are located just inside the spore coat layer in the dormant spore, and in the dormant spore, the amidases appear exist in a mature form lacking a signal sequence. These results indicate that SleB is translocated across the forespore's inner membrane by a secretion signal peptide and is deposited in cortex layer synthesized between the forespore inner and outer membranes. The peripheral location of the spore-lytic enzymes in the dormant spore suggests that spore germination is initiated at the exterior of the cortex.  相似文献   

Key message

Greatest potential, QTLs for hypoxia and waterlogging tolerance in soybean roots were detected using a new phenotypic evaluation method.


Waterlogging is a major environmental stress limiting soybean yield in wet parts of the world. Root development is an important indicator of hypoxia tolerance in soybean. However, little is known about the genetic control of root development under hypoxia. This study was conducted to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) responsible for root development under hypoxia. Recombinant inbred lines (RILs) developed from a cross between a hypoxia-sensitive cultivar, Tachinagaha, and a tolerant landrace, Iyodaizu, were used. Seedlings were subjected to hypoxia, and root development was evaluated with the value change in root traits between after and before treatments. We found 230 polymorphic markers spanning 2519.2 cM distributed on all 20 chromosomes (Chrs.). Using these, we found 11 QTLs for root length (RL), root length development (RLD), root surface area (RSA), root surface area development (RSAD), root diameter (RD), and change in average root diameter (CARD) on Chrs. 11, 12, 13 and 14, and 7 QTLs for hypoxia tolerance of these root traits. These included QTLs for RLD and RSAD between markers Satt052 and Satt302 on Chr. 12, which are important markers of hypoxia tolerance in soybean; those QTLs were stable between 2 years. To validate the QTLs, we developed a near-isogenic line with the QTL region derived from Iyodaizu. The line performed well under both hypoxia and waterlogging, suggesting that the region contains one or more genes with large effects on root development. These findings may be useful for fine mapping and positional cloning of gene responsible for root development under hypoxia.
By random transposon Tn5 insertions, we previously identified six virulence-associated SalI fragments, B, D, F, G, H, and P, in the 230-kilobase plasmid pMYSH6000 of Shigella flexneri 2a. In this study, we analyzed the sites of 134 independent Tn5 insertions on four contiguous SalI fragments, B, P, H, and D, of pMYSH6000 and identified five virulence-associated regions; four were associated with inducing a positive Sereny test (Ser), invasion into epithelial cells (Inv), binding to Congo red (Pcr), and inhibition of bacterial growth (Igr), and one was associated with the Ser and Inv but not with the Pcr or Igr phenotypes. Hybridization studies revealed that these virulence-associated DNA regions were highly conserved among 15 other virulence plasmids of four species of Shigella and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli. These data indicate that at least seven separate genetic determinants on the virulence plasmid are required for full expression of the virulence phenotype of shigellae.  相似文献   
The clinical application of cell transplantation for severe heart failure is a promising strategy to improve impaired cardiac function. Recently, an array of cell types, including bone marrow cells, endothelial progenitors, mesenchymal stem cells, resident cardiac stem cells, and embryonic stem cells, have become important candidates for cell sources for cardiac repair. In the present study, we focused on the placenta as a cell source. Cells from the chorionic plate in the fetal portion of the human placenta were obtained after delivery by the primary culture method, and the cells generated in this study had the Y sex chromosome, indicating that the cells were derived from the fetus. The cells potentially expressed 'working' cardiomyocyte-specific genes such as cardiac myosin heavy chain 7beta, atrial myosin light chain, cardiac alpha-actin by gene chip analysis, and Csx/Nkx2.5, GATA4 by RT-PCR, cardiac troponin-I and connexin 43 by immunohistochemistry. These cells were able to differentiate into cardiomyocytes. Cardiac troponin-I and connexin 43 displayed a discontinuous pattern of localization at intercellular contact sites after cardiomyogenic differentiation, suggesting that the chorionic mesoderm contained a large number of cells with cardiomyogenic potential. The cells began spontaneously beating 3 days after co-cultivation with murine fetal cardiomyocytes and the frequency of beating cells reached a maximum on day 10. The contraction of the cardiomyocytes was rhythmical and synchronous, suggesting the presence of electrical communication between the cells. Placenta-derived human fetal cells may be useful for patients who cannot supply bone marrow cells but want to receive stem cell-based cardiac therapy.  相似文献   
Aquaporin adipose (AQPap), which we identified from human adipose tissue, is a glycerol channel in adipocyte [Kishida et al. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 20896-20902]. In the current study, we determined the genomic structure of the human AQPap gene, and identified three AQPap-like genes that resembled (approximately 95%) AQPap, with little expression in human tissues. The AQPap promoter contained a putative peroxisome proliferator response element (PPRE) at -46 to -62, and a putative insulin response element (IRE) at -542/-536. Deletion of the PPRE abolished the pioglitazone-mediated induction of AQPap promoter activity in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Deletion and single base pair substitution analysis of the IRE abolished the insulin-mediated suppression of the human AQPap gene. Analysis of AQPap sequence in human subjects revealed three missense mutations (R12C, V59L and G264V), and two silent mutations (A103A and G250G). The cRNA injection of the missense mutants into Xenopus oocytes revealed the absence of the activity to transport glycerol and water in the AQPap-G264V protein. In the subject homozygous for AQPap-G264V, exercise-induced increase in plasma glycerol was not observed in spite of the increased plasma noradrenaline. We suggest that AQPap is responsible for the increase of plasma glycerol during exercise in humans.  相似文献   
The outcome of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection varies among individuals, but the genetic factors involved remain unknown. We conducted a population-based association study in which 238 Japanese individuals positive for anti-HCV antibody were genotyped for 269 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 103 candidate genes that might influence the course of infection. Altogether, 50 SNPs in 32 genes were listed. Genetic polymorphisms in IL4, IL8RB, IL10RA, PRL, ADA, NFKB1, GRAP2, CABIN1, IFNAR2, IFI27, IFI41, TNFRSF1A, ALDOB, AP1B1, SULT2B1, EGF, EGFR, TGFB1, LTBP2, and CD4 were associated with persistent viremia (P < 0.05), whereas those in IL1B, IL1RL1, IL2RB, IL12RB1, IL18R1, STAT5A, GRAP2, CABIN1, IFNAR1, Mx1, BMP8, FGL1, LTBP2, CD34, and CD80 were associated with different serum alanine aminotransferase levels in HCV carriers (P < 0.05). The sorted genes allow us to draw novel hypotheses for future studies of HCV infection to ultimately identify bona fide genes and their variations.  相似文献   
The Role of Half-Transporters in Multidrug Resistance   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
ATP-binding cassette proteins comprise a superfamily of transporter proteins, a subset of which have been implicated in multidrug resistance. Although P-glycoprotein was described over 15 years ago, the recent expansion in the number of transporters identified has prompted renewed interest in the role of drug transporters in clinical drug resistance. These newly identified transporters include additional members of the MRP family, ABC2, and a new half-transporter, MXR/BCRP/ABCP1. This half-transporter confers high levels of resistance to mitoxantrone, anthracyclines, and the camptothecins SN-38 and topotecan. At 72 kDa, MXR localizes to the plasma membrane in cells which highly overexpress the protein either through gene amplification or though gene rearrangement. Future studies will be aimed at identifying an inhibitor, and attempting to translate recognition of this new transporter into a target for anticancer treatment.  相似文献   
It has been shown that DNA demethylation plays a pivotal role in the generation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. However, the underlying mechanism of this action is still unclear. Previous reports indicated that activation-induced cytidine deaminase (Aid, also known as Aicda) is involved in DNA demethylation in several developmental processes, as well as cell fusion-mediated reprogramming. Based on these reports, we hypothesized that Aid may be involved in the DNA demethylation that occurs during the generation of iPS cells. In this study, we examined the function of Aid in iPS cell generation using Aid knockout (Aid−/−) mice expressing a GFP reporter under the control of a pluripotent stem cell marker, Nanog. By introducing Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc, Nanog-GFP-positive iPS cells could be generated from the fibroblasts and primary B cells of Aid−/− mice. Their induction efficiency was similar to that of wild-type (Aid+/+) iPS cells. The Aid−/− iPS cells showed normal proliferation and gave rise to chimeras, indicating their capacity for self-renewal and pluripotency. A comprehensive DNA methylation analysis showed only a few differences between Aid+/+ and Aid−/− iPS cells. These data suggest that Aid does not have crucial functions in DNA demethylation during iPS cell generation.  相似文献   
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