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We report enrichment in the efficiency of generating mice transgenic for expression of a human protein in their milk using GFP-mediated preimplantation screening. The transgene array consisted of a functional gene (human alpha-1 antitrypsin under the control of the ovine BLG promoter) linked 5' to a reporter gene (GFP under the control of the murine Oct-4 promoter). GFP expression was detected in blastocysts by fluorescence microscopy and green and nongreen embryos were transferred to recipients in separate groups. In the first experiment, of seven pups that resulted from the transfer of blastocysts expressing GFP, five (71%) were transgenic. The experiment was repeated and of 12 pups that resulted from transfer of GFP-expressing blastocysts, 11 were transgenic (92%). The presence of the reporter cassette used for preimplantation screening did not affect the expression level of alpha-1-antitrypsin in the milk of the transgenic mice. In addition, in a related experiment wherein the GFP reporter gene was co-injected with a second mammary-specific transgene, pINC, no effect on transgene expression was observed. For mice transgenic for the mammary-specific gene alone, expression levels for four different lines were 192, 197, 382, and 415 microg/mL. For mice transgenic for both the mammary-specific transgene and the Oct4-GFP reporter cassette, expression levels for seven different lines were 282, 321, 468, 497, 499, 516, and 806 microg/mL.  相似文献   
The presence or absence of social counterparts can be instrumental in shaping both individual and collective behaviors. Furthermore, factors of the social environment may safeguard individuals from environmental stressors. In the study reported here, we tested the effects of moving into a new habitat on the mean, variance, and repeatability of individual behavioral tendencies between two social contexts (isolated vs. in a social group). Using the arid social spider, Stegodyphus dumicola (Araneae: Eresidae), we tested whether individuals' boldness was influenced by either (i) their time spent in a social group or (ii) their latency since having moved into a new habitat. We found that the effect of moving into a new habitat on individuals' boldness depended on whether spiders entered the novel environment in isolation or as part of a social group. Spiders that experienced a habitat shift with a social group showed no change in their average boldness, whereas individuals that shifted environments in isolation showed an increase in their mean boldness. Interestingly, neither of these trends was influenced by the time which had elapsed since the habitat shift, suggesting that shifting habitats has a lasting effect on isolated spiders' behavioral tendencies. Finally, we assessed how time spent in a new environment influenced colonies' collective foraging behavior. Here, we found that the longer social groups remained in a new environment, the faster the group responded to prey. Taken together, our data demonstrate that the effects of shifting physical environments on individuals' boldness may depend on individuals' social context, and that group tenure is associated with subtle shifts in colonies' collective foraging behavior.  相似文献   
BackgroundSchistosomiasis affects over 200 million people worldwide but only praziquantel is available for treatment and control. Drug discovery is often based on phenotypic drug screening, involving different parasite stages retrieved from infected mice. Aiming to reduce animal use, we validated an in vitro growth method for juvenile Schistosoma mansoni for the purpose of drug sensitivity assays.Methodology/Principal findingsWe compared inter–batch variability of serum, worm size and organ development, gender distribution, and drug sensitivity between in vitro and in vivo grown worms over different life stages. In vitro developed S. mansoni in Hybridoma medium supplemented with 20% human serum were similar in size as in vivo worms until 28 days of incubation (males 1.4 ± 0.2 mm, females 1.1 ± 0.5 mm long). qPCR analysis revealed similar gender distribution both on newly transformed schistosomula and worms grown for 21 days. Worms developed in vitro and in vivo were similarly sensitive to praziquantel from 7 to 35 days of development with the exception of 21 days of development, where a slightly lower activity was observed for the in vitro grown worms (IC50: 0.54 μM in vitro, 0.14 μM in vivo 72 hours post-incubation). The evaluation of five additional drugs revealed a similar sensitivity on worms developed for 21 days, with the exception of mefloquine, where we observed a 10-fold lower sensitivity on in vitro developed schistosomes when compared to in vivo grown (IC50: 4.43 μM in vitro, 0.48 μM in vivo).ConclusionA large number of juvenile S. mansoni worms can be grown in vitro, which show similar drug sensitivity, gender distribution, size and morphology as the worms recovered from rodents, supporting the use of this method in drug screening efforts.  相似文献   
Females of many socially monogamous species accept or even actively seek copulations outside the social pair bond. As females cannot increase the number of offspring with promiscuous behaviour, the question arises why they engage in extra-pair mating. We used microsatellite data to determine paternity, heterozygosity and genetic relatedness in the reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus), a species with high levels of extra-pair paternity (EPP). We found that extra-pair young (EPY) were more heterozygous than within-pair young (WPY). The high heterozygosity of the EPY resulted from a low genetic similarity between females and their extra-pair mates. EPY were heavier and larger when compared with their maternal half-siblings shortly before they left the nest. Recapture data indicated a higher fledgling survival of EPY compared with WPY. Our data suggest that reed bunting females increase the viability of their offspring and thus fitness through extra-pair mating with genetically dissimilar males.  相似文献   
The identification of protein function based on biological information is an area of intense research. Here we consider a complementary technique that quantitatively groups and relates proteins based on the chemical similarity of their ligands. We began with 65,000 ligands annotated into sets for hundreds of drug targets. The similarity score between each set was calculated using ligand topology. A statistical model was developed to rank the significance of the resulting similarity scores, which are expressed as a minimum spanning tree to map the sets together. Although these maps are connected solely by chemical similarity, biologically sensible clusters nevertheless emerged. Links among unexpected targets also emerged, among them that methadone, emetine and loperamide (Imodium) may antagonize muscarinic M3, alpha2 adrenergic and neurokinin NK2 receptors, respectively. These predictions were subsequently confirmed experimentally. Relating receptors by ligand chemistry organizes biology to reveal unexpected relationships that may be assayed using the ligands themselves.  相似文献   
Single species infections with schistosomes, geohelminths, and intestinal protozoans are common over large parts of sub-Saharan Africa, and it is expected that polyparasitism affects a considerable proportion of the population, hence posing a great toll on public health. However, few investigations have been carried out to quantify the extent of polyparasitism. Here, a detailed assessment is reported for the epidemiology of Schistosoma mansoni, geohelminths, and intestinal protozoan infections, with particular emphasis on polyparasitism among 260 community members in rural C?te d'Ivoire. Schistosoma mansoni, Entamoeba coli, and hookworm were the predominant species with prevalences of 71.5, 64.6, and 51.9%, respectively. Only 8 individuals displayed no infection, whereas two-thirds of the population harbored 3 or more parasites concurrently. There were a series of significant pairwise parasite co-occurrences, e.g., between S. mansoni and hookworms and between S. mansoni and E. coli. It is concluded that polyparasitism in the population studied here was very common, which is probably the case also in other areas of rural C?te d'Ivoire and elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa. These findings call for integrated approaches to effectively control multiple parasitic and protozoan infections.  相似文献   
Streptolysins S and O from hemolytic streptococci were found to induce mitochondrial swelling and the release of malic dehydrogenase from mitochondria; no other streptococcal products were as active. Mg++, cyanide, dinitrophenol, bovine serum albumin, and antimycin all inhibited streptolysin-induced mitochondrial swelling; only the latter two agents prevented release of malic dehydrogenase from the particles. The streptolysins also solubilized beta-glucuronidase from the less numerous lysosomes of mitochondrial fractions. Vitamin A induced swelling of mitochondria with release of malic dehydrogenase and, at higher concentrations, release of beta-glucuronidase. In these effects, streptolysin S and vitamin A resembled cysteine and ascorbate, which induced swelling and lysis of mitochondria together with solubilization of enzymes. In contrast, mitochondrial swelling induced by such agents as phosphate, thyroxine, or substrates was not accompanied by release of enzymes. The release of enzymes from particles is suggested as a criterion for distinguishing "lytic" agents from those which induce mitochondrial swelling dependent upon electron transport. It was possible to dissociate effects on mitochondria and lysosomes in these experiments; less streptolysin was necessary to damage lysosomes than mitochondria; the converse was found with vitamin A. Injury to mitochondria resulted from the direct action of these agents, since the lysosomal enzymes released as a consequence of their action were not capable of inducing mitochondrial swelling or release of enzymes under the conditions studied.  相似文献   
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