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The effect of N-(3-phenyl-2-propenyl)-1-deoxynojirimycin (ppDNM) on the lectin binding to HIV-1 glycoprotein was analyzed by using biotinylated lectins of various sugar specificities as probes. ppDNM potentially inhibited HIV-1-induced syncytium formation and viral infectivity of HIV-1 without cytotoxicity. The lectin binding assay showed that ppDNM treatment reduced Con A binding to gp120 of HIV-1.  相似文献   
The formation of spicules and development of pluteus arms in sea urchin embryos were strongly blocked by H-7 (1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine dihydrochloride) but were not affected by HA1004 ( N -(2-guanidinoethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide hydrochloride). Archenteron formation occurred normally in the presence of these compounds. Late gastrulae (28 hr after fertilization) were exposed to 32Pi for 30 min at 20°C, and then dissociated and their primary mesenchyme cells with spicules, embryo-wall cells and archenteron cells were separated. Then, the radioactivities in the protein fractions of these separated cells were measured. Results showed that culture of embryos with H-7 strongly inhibited 32p incorporation into proteins in primary mesenchyme cells but caused little inhibition of its incorporations in embryo-wall cells and archenteron cells. The effective concentrations of H-7 for inhibition of 32p incorporation were within the range that blocked spicule formation and growth of pluteus arms in embryos. HA1004 only slightly inhibited 32p incorporation into protein in mesenchyme cells, embryo-wall cells and archenteron cells of embryos exposed to 32Pi. Protein kinase C activity was detectable only in isolated primary mesenchyme cells associated with spicule structures. These suggest that phosphorylation of proteins by protein kinase C contributes to the formation of spicule structures.  相似文献   
In brain tissue a spectrin-like calmodulin-binding protein calspectin, or fodrin, is concentrated in a synaptosome fraction, where most of the calspectin is associated with the synaptic membranes. This endogenous calspectin was phosphorylated by protein kinase system(s) associated with the membranes. Here, we report the solubilization and partial purification of the membrane-associated calspectin kinase activity. The activity was resolved on a gel filtration column into two fractions, peaks I and II having estimated Mr of 800 000 and 88 000. The activity of peak I was dependent on the presence of both Ca2+ and calmodulin. Peak II revealed a basal activity in the absence of Ca2+ and calmodulin, which was stimulated 2-fold by addition of Ca2+. Calmodulin had no effect on the peak II activity.  相似文献   
Bacteriological and serological characteristics of three Bacillus thuringiensis isolates obtained in Japan were investigated. They formed typical rhomboidal parasporal inclusions but flagellar (H) antigens of these isolates were different from those of the known 17 H serotypes of B. thuringiensis. The three isolates were divided into two new serotypes (serotypes 18 and 19). The serotype 18 isolate (3–71) produced thermostable exotoxin and the inclusions of this isolate were toxic to larvae of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, but nontoxic to larvae of the mosquito, Aedes aegypti. The other isolate (119-72) belonging to serotype 18 produced inclusions nontoxic to larvae of B. mori and A. aegypti and did not produce thermostable exotoxin. However, other bacteriological properties of the isolate 119-72 were similar to those of the isolate 3–71. The serotype 19 isolate (117-72) produced inclusions nontoxic to larvae of B. mori and A. aegypti and did not produce thermostable exotoxin. Acid production from saccharose and the production of brownish purple pigment were observed in the two serotype 18 isolates, while neither of them was observed in the serotype 19 isolate. In other 29 biochemical properties tested, there was no difference among the three isolates. Based on these characteristics, the following two subspecies names are proposed: Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kumamotoensis (serotype 18) for the type strain 3–71 and Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. tochigiensis (serotype 19) for the type strain 117-72.  相似文献   
Pancreatic elastase was isolated from acetone powder of porcine pancreas by a one step purification procedure on a trialanyl CH-Sepharose 4B affinity column. This column exhibited affinity not only for active elastase but also for trypsin and chymotrypsin which were present in the same pancreatic powder. However, as the extent of affinity toward elastase is considerably higher, the proper conditions were determined with which the adsorbed elastase was isolated in a highly purified form. The yield of elastolytic activity ranged from 60–85% and the purified elastase was shown to be one component by polyacrylamide disc electrophoresis.  相似文献   
Restriction endonucleases EcoRI and HindIII generated fragments of T4 cytosine-containing DNA were inserted into bacteriophage vector λgtSuIII and plasmid vectors pMB9 and pBR313. Resulting clones were screened for hybridization with 32P labeled T4 tRNA. Recombinant bacteriophages and plasmids were isolated which contained a T4 fragment coding for T4 RNA species 1 and 2 and T4 tRNAArg. Selected λ-T4 hybrid bacteriophages were grown to high titer and their DNA analyzed by gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   
Because only the first mating results in fertilization in Tetranychus kanzawai (Acari: Tetranychidae), adult males guard quiescent deutonymph females (i.e., precopulatory mate guarding). A previous study reported that quiescent deutonymph females guarded by a male attract more conspecific males than solitary females and then hypothesized that guarded females release more chemical signals than solitary ones to attract males. Quiescent deutonymph females do not feed. If the hypothesis is appropriate, guarded females should invest energy in attracting males at the expense of investment in other activities, such as egg production. Therefore, we compared oviposition rates immediately after adult emergence between guarded females and solitary females. On the first day, the oviposition rate of guarded females was lower than that of solitary females. On the second day, however, there was no significant difference between female groups. These results suggest that guarded females invest energy in activities other than egg production before adult emergence and that the energetic cost is easily recoverable. We believe that our finding indirectly supports the hypothesis that guarded females release more chemical signals than solitary females to attract conspecific males.  相似文献   
The complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of a symbiotic bacterium Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110 was determined. The genome of B. japonicum was a single circular chromosome 9,105,828 bp in length with an average GC content of 64.1%. No plasmid was detected. The chromosome comprises 8317 potential protein-coding genes, one set of rRNA genes and 50 tRNA genes. Fifty-two percent of the potential protein genes showed sequence similarity to genes of known function and 30% to hypothetical genes. The remaining 18% had no apparent similarity to reported genes. Thirty-four percent of the B. japonicum genes showed significant sequence similarity to those of both Mesorhizobium loti and Sinorhizobium meliloti, while 23% were unique to this species. A presumptive symbiosis island 681 kb in length, which includes a 410-kb symbiotic region previously reported by G?ttfert et al., was identified. Six hundred fifty-five putative protein-coding genes were assigned in this region, and the functions of 301 genes, including those related to symbiotic nitrogen fixation and DNA transmission, were deduced. A total of 167 genes for transposases/104 copies of insertion sequences were identified in the genome. It was remarkable that 100 out of 167 transposase genes are located in the presumptive symbiotic island. DNA segments of 4 to 97 kb inserted into tRNA genes were found at 14 locations in the genome, which generates partial duplication of the target tRNA genes. These observations suggest plasticity of the B. japonicum genome, which is probably due to complex genome rearrangements such as horizontal transfer and insertion of various DNA elements, and to homologous recombination.  相似文献   
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