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Close linkage of MEN2A with RBP3 locus in Japanese kindreds   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary The gene responsible for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN2A) has recently been assigned to the pericentromeric region of chromsome 10 in European Caucasian kindreds by linkage analysis using a DNA marker, interstitial retinol-binding protein 3 (RBP3). We have found tight linkage between the MEN2A and RBP3 loci in Japanese MEN2A kindreds. The maximum lod score is 5.19 at a recombination fraction of 0.00. This result suggests that mutation of a certain gene close to RBP3 is responsible for MEN2A irrespective of ethnic backgrounds.  相似文献   
Mouse neuroblastoma Neuro 2a cells are known to extend neurite-like processes in response to gangliosides added to the culture medium. We compared the structural features of proteoglycans (PG) synthesized by conventional Neuro 2a cells with those of neurite-bearing cells. Two different proteoglycans labeled with [35S]sulfate, namely, chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CS-PG) and heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HS-PG), were found both in the cell layer and in the culture medium of the conventional cells. CS-PG isolated from the cell layer had a Kav value of 0.38 on Sepharose CL-6B, and had CS side chains with Mr of 27,000. HS-PG in the cell layer was slightly larger (Kav of 0.33) in terms of hydrodynamic size than CS-PG, and the apparent Mr of the heparan sulfate side chains was 10,000. The structural parameters of CS-PG and HS-PG isolated from the medium were almost identical to those of the PGs in the cell layer. In addition to these PGs, single-chain HS, with an average Mr of 2,500, was observed only in the cell layer and this component was the major sulfated component in the cell layers of both control and ganglioside treated cells. The neurite-bearing cells also synthesized both CS-PG and HS-PG which were very similar in hydrodynamic size to those synthesized by the conventional cells, but the size of HS side chains was greater. Radioactivity, as35S, of each sulfated component from the gangliosideteated culture seemed to be slightly less than that of the corresponding component from the control culture. These findings indicate that the marked morphological change in Neuro 2a cells, induced by gangliosides is not accompanied by major changes in the synthesis of PGs.  相似文献   
The distribution and secretion of atrial natriuretic peptides (ANPs) were investigated in bovine adrenal medulla. (1) Cultured bovine adrenal medullary cells (2 x 10(6)/dish) contained 100.4 +/- 6.0 fmol of immunoreactive ANP (IR-ANP) and 207.3 +/- 6.6 nmol of catecholamines as epinephrine plus norepinephrine. (2) Stimulation of nicotinic but not muscarinic acetylcholine receptors caused a cosecretion of IR-ANP and catecholamines corresponding to the ratio of IR-ANP to catecholamines in cultured bovine adrenal medullary cells. (3) Carbachol-stimulated secretion of IR-ANP was dependent on the presence of extracellular Ca2+. (4) Chromaffin granules isolated from bovine adrenal medulla contained large amounts of IR-ANP and catecholamines, in the same ratio as did cultured adrenal medullary cells. (5) Reverse-phase HPLC analysis showed that both stored and secreted IR-ANP consisted of two components, which eluted at the position of ANP(99-126) or ANP(1-126). These results indicate that ANPs are stored as ANP(99-126) and ANP(1-126) in chromaffin granules, and are cosecreted in parallel with catecholamines in a Ca2+-dependent manner by the stimulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.  相似文献   
Abstract: The cell adhesion molecule L1 is a multifunctional protein in the nervous system characterizing cell adhesion, migration, and neurite outgrowth. In addition to full-length L1, we found an alternatively spliced variant lacking both the KGHHV sequence in the extracellular part and the RSLE sequence in the cytoplasmic part of L1. This L1 variant was expressed exclusively in nonneuronal cells such as Schwann cells, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes, in contrast to the expression of the full-length L1 in neurons and cells of neuronal origin. To investigate the functions of the L1 variant, we established cell lines transfected with a cytoplasmic short L1 (L1cs) cDNA that lacks only the 12-bp segment encoding for the RSLE sequence. The promoting activities of homophilic cell adhesion, neurite outgrowth, and neuronal cell migration of L1cs-transfected cells (L4-2) were similar to those of full-length L1-transfected cells (L3-1), but the cell migratory activity of L4-2 itself was clearly lower than that of L3-1. In conclusion, the short form of L1 is a nonneuronal type, in contrast to the neuronal type of the full-length L1. Deletion of the four amino acids RSLE in the cytoplasmic region of L1 markedly reduced cell migratory activity, suggesting an importance of the RSLE sequence for the signaling events of neuronal migration mediated by L1.  相似文献   
Summary A temperature-sensitive osmophilic mutant of Zygosaccharomyces rouxii, OS15, was isolated, which required high salt or sugar concentration for growth above 30°C. Cell viability at 35°C in the presence of NaCl was higher than in the absence of NaCl, and a survival ratio of the mutant cells after incubation at 55°C was also higher in the presence of NaCl than NaCl-free condition. Furthermore, resistance to UV light, hygromycin B and geneticin was improved in the presence of NaCl. There was no difference between the parent and the mutant in fatty acid saturation and microscopic cell shape under NaCl condition.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of aluminum (Al) accumulation in the human aorta and cerebral arteries. The Al contents in the aortae and in the cerebral arteries from 23 human subjects was determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotometry (ICP-AES). The subjects' age range was 45–99-yr-old; 15 of the subjects were males and 8 were females. Al was detected in twelve aortae and in six cerebral arteries, when the entire specimen was analyzed. Two specimens where Al was found in the cerebral arteries contained no Al in the aorta. No relationship to the subject's sex was found. When related to age, two groups were established. Group L (45–75 yr old) and group H (>75 yr old), which exhibited aortal Al concentrations of 33.3 and 72.7%, respectively. When the aortic wall was dissected into the tunica intima, media, and adventitia, Al was found mainly in the tunica media. In the aorta, significant relationships were found between Al and phosphorus (P) levels (r=0.801,p<0.01) and between Al and calcium (Ca) (r=0.661,p<0.05). We have concluded that Al accumulation is age-dependent and that it occurs both in the aorta and in the cerebral artery. In the aorta, accumulation occurs mainly in the tunica media. Both P and Ca appear to enhance aortal Al accumulation.  相似文献   
Concanamycin 4-B, a macrolide antibiotic with an 18-membered lactone ring, is known as a specific inhibitor of the vacuolar type of H+-ATPase, as is bafilomycin A1. The drug was tested for its effect on regulation of the vacuolar pH (pHv) of internodal cells of a fresh water characean alga, Chara corallina, under normal conditions and under salt stress. The pHv was measured either on isolated vacuolar sap with a conventional pH electrode or directly by inserting a pH-sensitive glass microelectrode into the vacuole. Proton-pumping into tonoplast vesicles was almost completely inhibited by concanamycin 4-B at 1 nM. Concanamycin 4-B at 1 μM significantly increased pHv while bafilomycin A1 was ineffective when applied at 1 μM. Concanamycin 4-B did not affect pHv when applied at 0.1 μM and increasing the concentration to 10 μM did not amplify the degree of alkalization. Concanamycin 4-B also inhibited pHv regulation under NaCl stress. When Chara cells were treated with 100 mM NaCl, pHv promptly increased and then recovered to the original level. The reacidification was completely inhibited by concanamycin 4-B (1 μM), suggesting that the reacidification was achieved by the H+-ATPase of the tonoplast.  相似文献   
Light-induced changes of cytosolic pH (pHc) and the plasmalemmapotential (Em) in dark-adapted leaf cells of the aquatic plant,Egeria densa were measured simultaneously with double-barreledpH-sensitive microelectrodes. Upon illumination, pHc increasedtransiently and then decreased to a level that was lower thanthe original value, while the plasmalemma was greatly hyperpolarizedafter an initial small depolarization. DCMU inhibited the light-inducedchanges in both pHc and Em. DCMU acted without directly inhibitingthe electrogenic proton pump in the plasmalemma since a decreasein pHc caused by treatment with butyrate (H+-loading) hyperpolarizedthe plasmalemma in DCMU-pretreated cells. N.N-Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide(DCCD) also inhibited the light-induced changes in both pHcand Em. This result may be explained by direct inhibition ofthe proton pump in the plasmalemma by DCCD since the decreasein pHc caused by butyrate did not induce membrane hyperpolarizationin DCCD-treated leaf cells. Fusicoccin induced membrane hyperpolarizationand slight acidification of the cytosol. DCCD inhibited thefusicoccin-induced changes in both pHc and Em. The mechanismof the light-induced changes in pHc is discussed in relationto activities of the proton pump in the plasmalemma and photosynthesis. (Received January 10, 1994; Accepted June 9, 1994)  相似文献   
To understand the immune mechanism suggested in HTLV-I-associated myelopathy (HAM/TSP), we investigated T cell response to proteolipid protein (PLP). Because of high autologous proliferative response (APR) of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in culture, the lymphocyte proliferation assay was not useful in this disease. Unexpectedly, however, APR was profoundly (70–98%) suppressed in 6 of 9 cases when PLP peptide 105-124 was added in the culture. PLP peptide 85-104 or 145-159 also suppressed APR in a few cases. Time course study showed that the peptide-mediated suppression became apparent after day 4 in culture. The results can be interpreted as that suppressor cells recognizing the PLP peptides were present in the PBMC of HAM/TSP patients and suppressed the APR as the consequence of antigen specific response. This may indicate that a T cell response to certain PLP determinants is involved in the pathomechanism of HAM/TSP at least in part. Molecular mimicry between PLP and HTLV-I mayaccount for the T cell sensitization to PLP in HAM/TSP.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Marjorie B. Lees.  相似文献   
The flowering response of axillary buds of seedlings of Pharbitis nil Choisy, cv. Violet, was examined in relation to the timing of apical bud removal (plumule including the first leaf or second leaf) before or after a flower-inductive 16-h dark period. When the apical bud was removed well before the dark period, flower buds formed on the axillary shoots that subsequently developed, but when removed just before, or after, the dark period, different results were observed depending on the timing of the apical bud removal and plant age. In the case of 8-day-old seedlings, fewer flower buds formed on the axillary shoots developing from the cotyledonary node when plumules were removed 20 to 0 h before the dark period. When the apical bud was removed after the dark period, no flower buds formed. Using 14-day-old seedlings a similar reduction of flowering response was observed on the axillary shoots developing from the first leaf node when the apical bud was removed just after the dark period. To further elucidate the relationship between apical dominance and flowering, kinetin or IAA was applied to axillary buds or the cut site where the apical bud was located. Both chemicals influenced flowering, probably by modulating apical dominance which normally forces axillary buds to be dormant.  相似文献   
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