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The tyramide signal amplification (TSA) technique has been shown to detect scarce tissue antigens in light and electron microscopy. In this study we applied the TSA technique at the electron microscopic level to pre-embedding immunocytochemistry. This protocol was compared to the non-amplified protocol. With the TSA protocol, the labeling of GM130, a cis-Golgi matrix protein, was tested in a cell line and found to be highly sensitive and more enhanced than that with the simple protocol. Moreover, the gold particles were well localized to the cis-side of the Golgi apparatus in both the TSA and the simple protocol.  相似文献   
A novel transgene silencing phenomenon was found in the ornamental plant, gentian (Gentiana triflora × G. scabra), in which the introduced Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter region was strictly methylated, irrespective of the transgene copy number and integrated loci. Transgenic tobacco having the same vector did not show the silencing behavior. Not only unmodified, but also modified 35S promoters containing a 35S enhancer sequence were found to be highly methylated in the single copy transgenic gentian lines. The 35S core promoter (−90)-introduced transgenic lines showed a small degree of methylation, implying that the 35S enhancer sequence was involved in the methylation machinery. The rigorous silencing phenomenon enabled us to analyze methylation in a number of the transgenic lines in parallel, which led to the discovery of a consensus target region for de novo methylation, which comprised an asymmetric cytosine (CpHpH; H is A, C or T) sequence. Consequently, distinct footprints of de novo methylation were detected in each (modified) 35S promoter sequence, and the enhancer region (−148 to −85) was identified as a crucial target for de novo methylation. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) showed that complexes formed in gentian nuclear extract with the −149 to −124 and −107 to −83 region probes were distinct from those of tobacco nuclear extracts, suggesting that the complexes might contribute to de novo methylation. Our results provide insights into the phenomenon of sequence- and species- specific gene silencing in higher plants.  相似文献   
N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V (GnT-V) catalyzes the addition of beta1,6-GlcNAc branching of N-glycans, which contributes to metastasis. N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase III (GnT-III) catalyzes the formation of a bisecting GlcNAc structure in N-glycans, resulting in the suppression of metastasis. It has long been hypothesized that the suppression of GnT-V product formation by the action of GnT-III would also exist in vivo, which will consequently lead to the inhibition of biological functions of GnT-V. To test this, we draw a comparison among MKN45 cells, which were transfected with GnT-III, GnT-V, or both, respectively. We found that alpha3beta1 integrin-mediated cell migration on laminin 5 was greatly enhanced in the case of GnT-V transfectant. This enhanced cell migration was significantly blocked after the introduction of GnT-III. Consistently, an increase in bisected GlcNAc but a decrease in beta1,6-GlcNAc-branched N-glycans on integrin alpha3 subunit was observed in the double transfectants of GnT-III and GnT-V. Conversely, GnT-III knockdown resulted in increased migration on laminin 5, concomitant with an increase in beta1,6-GlcNAc-branched N-glycans on the alpha3 subunit in CHP134 cells, a human neuroblastoma cell line. Therefore, in this study, the priority of GnT-III for the modification of the alpha3 subunit may be an explanation for why GnT-III inhibits GnT-V-induced cell migration. Taken together, our results demonstrate for the first time that GnT-III and GnT-V can competitively modify the same target glycoprotein and furthermore positively or negatively regulate its biological functions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to clarify the disibution, shape, and immunohistochemical characteristics of serotonin-immunoreactive neuroendocrine cells (SIR-NECs) in mouse prostate and in the surrounding genital organs by histological and immunohistochemical analysis of the light microscopic serial sections of urethra. We collected lower urinary tracts from 13-week-old mice and observed the distribution pattern and shape of the SIR-NECs by serial light microscopy. The organs on the sections were divided into three anatomical zones to clarify the distribution pattern of SIR-NECs: (1) zone A, the ducts near the prostatic urethra; (2) zone B, the ducts outside the urethral sphincter; and (3) zone C, the acinus areas. Sections were double immune-stained with antibodies against serotonin and one of neuroendocrine-related factors (NRFs), including 10 neural cell markers and eight neurotransmitters, and also 4′,6-diamino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). In addition, SIR-NECs were double immune-stained with antibodies against cytokeratin 5 (CK5) and p63, together with DAPI. SIR-NECs were mostly localized in zone A, and no SIR-NECs were observed in zone C. The proportion of flask-shaped SIR-NECs was approximately 15% in zones A and B. No flask-shaped SIR-NECs were observed in urethral epithelia. The NRFs co-localized with SIR-NEC were calcitonin gene-related peptide, CD56, chromogranin A, neuron-specific enolase, neuron cytoplastic protein 9.5, and synaptophysin (72.3%, 73.2%, 88.9%, 92.3%, 91.7%, and 81.9%, respectively). CK5 and p63 were not co-localized with SIR-NECs. In this study, SIR-NEC of the urethra and the surrounding genital organs was ubiquitous in the urethra and the ducts near the urethra and co-expressed specific nerve-related NRFs.

Interphylum crossing was examined between sea urchin eggs (Temnopleurus hardwicki) and oyster sperm (Crassostrea gigas). The eggs could receive the spermatozoa with or without cortical change. The fertilized eggs that elevated the fertilization envelope began their embryogenesis. Electron microscopy revealed that oyster spermatozoa underwent acrosome reaction on the sea urchin vitelline coat, and their acrosomal membrane fused with the egg plasma membrane after the appearance of an intricate membranous structure in the boundary between the acrosomal process and the egg cytoplasm. Oyster spermatozoa penetrated sometimes into sea urchin eggs without stimulating cortical granule discharge and consequently without fertilization envelope formation. The organelles derived from oyster spermatozoa seemed to be functionally inactive in the eggs whose cortex remained unchanged.  相似文献   
Detecting biclusters from expression data is useful, since biclusters are coexpressed genes under only part of all given experimental conditions. We present a software called SiBIC, which from a given expression dataset, first exhaustively enumerates biclusters, which are then merged into rather independent biclusters, which finally are used to generate gene set networks, in which a gene set assigned to one node has coexpressed genes. We evaluated each step of this procedure: 1) significance of the generated biclusters biologically and statistically, 2) biological quality of merged biclusters, and 3) biological significance of gene set networks. We emphasize that gene set networks, in which nodes are not genes but gene sets, can be more compact than usual gene networks, meaning that gene set networks are more comprehensible. SiBIC is available at http://utrecht.kuicr.kyoto-u.ac.jp:8080/miami/faces/index.jsp.  相似文献   
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