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In both animal and human behavioral repertoires, classical expected utility theory is considered a fundamental element of decision making under conditions of uncertainty. This theory has been widely applied to problems of animal behavior and evolutionary game theory, as well as to human economic behavior. The Allais paradox hinges on the expression of avoidance of bankruptcy by humans, or death by starvation in animals. This paradox reveals that human behavioral patterns are often inconsistent with predictions under the classical expected utility theory as formulated by von Neumann and Morgenstern. None of the many attempts to reformulate utility theory has been entirely successful in resolving this paradox with rigorous logic. We present a simple, but novel approach to the theory of decision making, in which utility is dependent on current wealth, and in which losses are more heavily weighted than gains. Our approach resolves the Allais paradox in a manner that is consistent with how humans formulate decisions under uncertainty. Our results indicate that animals, including humans, are in principle risk-averse. Our restructuring of dynamic utility theory presents a basic optimization scheme for sequential or dynamic decisions in both animals and humans.  相似文献   
An ESS model to better understand the evolutionary dynamics of a primitive non-mating type gamete size was developed with reference to the PBS (Parker, Baker and Smith’s) theory, which was based on total numbers of zygotes formed and the zygote survival rates. We did not include mating types since it has been suggested that primitive mating systems did not have mating types. As input parameters, we used experimental data on gamete motility of marine green algae. Based on hard sphere collision mechanics, we detailed the fertilization kinetics of gametes that swim in water prior to fusing with their partners through a set of coupled, non-linear differential equations. These equations were integrated numerically using typical values of the constant parameters. To estimate the relative zygote survival rate, we used a function that is sigmoid in shape and examined some evolutionarily stable strategies in mating systems that depend on optimizing values of the invasion success ratio.  相似文献   
The vast majority of CLA+ T cells are resident in normal skin   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
There are T cells within normal, noninflamed skin that most likely conduct immunosurveillance and are implicated in the development of psoriasis. We isolated T cells from normal human skin using both established and novel methods. Skin resident T cells expressed high levels of CLA, CCR4, and CCR6, and a subset expressed CCR8 and CXCR6. Skin T cells had a remarkably diverse TCR repertoire and were mostly Th1 memory effector cells with smaller subsets of central memory, Th2, and functional T regulatory cells. We isolated a surprising number of nonexpanded T cells from normal skin. To validate this finding, we counted T cells in sections of normal skin and determined that there are approximately 1 x 10(6) T cells/cm(2) normal skin and an estimated 2 x 10(10) T cells in the entire skin surface, nearly twice the number of T cells in the circulation. Moreover, we estimate that 98% of CLA(+) effector memory T cells are resident in normal skin under resting conditions. These findings demonstrate that there is a large pool of memory T cells in normal skin that can initiate and perpetuate immune reactions in the absence of T cell recruitment from the blood.  相似文献   
Sustained oscillation is frequently observed in population dynamics of biospecies. The oscillation comes not only from deterministic but also from stochastic characteristics. In the present article, we deal with a finite size lattice which contains prey and predator. The interaction between a pair of lattice points is carried out by two different methods; local and global interactions. In the former, interaction occurs between adjacent sites, while in the latter interaction takes place between any pair of lattice sites. It is found that both systems exhibit undamped oscillations. The amplitude of oscillation decreases with the increase of the total lattice sites. In the case of global interaction, we can present a stochastic differential equation which is composed of two factors, i.e., the Lotka–Volterra equation with density dependence and noise term. The quantitative agreement between theory and simulation results of global interaction is almost perfect. The stochastic theory qualitatively expresses characteristics of sustainable oscillation for local interaction.  相似文献   
Study of perturbation experiments is crucial for conservation biology. We carry out Monte Carlo simulations on finite-size lattices composed of n species (n ≤ 4). The value of mortality rate m of top predator is altered to a higher or lower level, and a fluctuation enhancement (FE) is explored. Here FE means an uncertainty in population dynamics. It is found for ≥ 2 that FE is observed, when m is decreased. Namely, when we protect the top predator, its population dynamics becomes very difficult to predict.  相似文献   
The Skp2 oncoprotein belongs to the family of F-box proteins that function as substrate recognition factors for SCF (Skp1, cullin, F-box protein) E3 ubiquitin-ligase complexes. Binding of the substrate to the SCFSkp2 complex catalyzes the conjugation of ubiquitin molecules to the bound substrate, resulting in multi-ubiquitination and rapid degradation by the 26 S proteasome. Using Skp2 as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen, we have identified UBP43 as a novel substrate for Skp2. UBP43 belongs to the family of ubiquitin isopeptidases and specifically cleaves ISG15, a ubiquitin-like molecule that is induced by cellular stresses, such as type 1 interferons (IFN), nephrotoxic damage, and bacterial infection. UBP43 was originally identified as an up-regulated gene in knock-in mice expressing an acute myelogenous leukemia fusion protein, AML1-ETO, as well as in melanoma cell lines treated with IFN-beta. The phenotype of UBP43 knockout mice includes shortened life span, hypersensitivity to IFN, and neuronal damage, suggesting that tight regulation of ISG15 conjugation is critical for normal cellular function. In this study, we demonstrate that UBP43 is ubiquitinated in vivo and accumulates in cells treated with proteasome inhibitors. We also show that Skp2 promotes UBP43 ubiquitination and degradation, resulting in higher levels of ISG15 conjugates. In Skp2-/- mouse cells, levels of UBP43 are consistently up-regulated, whereas levels of ISG15 conjugates are reduced. Our results demonstrate that the SCFSkp2 is involved in controlling UBP43 protein levels and may therefore play an important role in modulating type 1 IFN signaling.  相似文献   
We examined the paraquat detoxicative system in mouse livers. The survival rate of mice receiving 50 mg/kg paraquat was 41% at 7 days and significantly rose to 88, 64, 69% with pretreatment with phenytoin, phenobarbital, and rifampicin, respectively. Phenytoin induced activity in NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase, CYP3A, CYP2B, and CYP2C that was 3 to 4 times higher than that of the controls. Phenobarbital induced CYP2B and rifampicin induced CYP3A, respectively, in addition to NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase. 3-Methylcholanthrene did not induce these enzymes and did not alter the survival rate. All the mice pretreated with CoCl(2) (a CYP synthesis inhibitor) or SKF 525-A (a CYP inhibitor) were dead after 5 days, and troleandomycin (a CYP3A-specific inhibitor) also reduced the survival rate. When cell homogenates were incubated with paraquat and NADPH, paraquat decreased and its metabolic intermediate paraquat-monopyridone was formed. Troleandomycin inhibited the decrease in paraquat and increased the monopyridone. After making a subfraction of the homogenate, monopyridone was produced in the postmicrosomal 105,000g supernatant, but not in the microsomes. The pretreatment of mice with phenytoin decreased the monopyridone in the postmitochondrial fraction, but did not affect the supernatant. These results indicated that paraquat was first metabolized in the postmicrosomal supernatant into monopyridone, and that may have been subsequently hydroxylated by the microsomes. Repeated intravenous injections of alpha-tocopherol to paraquat-loaded mice significantly reduced the paraquat mortality and when these mice were pretreated with rifampicin, 100% of them survived. These studies demonstrate that postmitochondrial fractions play an important role in paraquat detoxication metabolism, and that the combination of CYP induction and alpha-tocopherol administration is highly useful for the survival of paraquat-exposed mice.  相似文献   
Sera from seven species of monkeys and apes were electrophoresed in starch gels for examining their serum transferrin variations. A single transferrin component was observed in 130 individuals ofMacaca fuscata, while other three macaque species showed multiple components of transferrin. The transferrin ofMacaca fuscata was electrophoretically identical to one of the transferrin components of other macaque species.  相似文献   
We developed a numerical simulation of mating experiment to study effects of phototactic gamete behavior and density on fertilization success, using the C++ programming language, and pseudo-parallelization methods with input parameters based on experimental data. In our experiments, we found that gametes with positive phototaxis are favored, particularly in shallow water, because they can search for potential mates on the two-dimensional (2-D) water surface rather than randomly in three dimensions. We also found evidence that sperm (male gametes) limitation might not be the dominant selective force in the evolution of isogamous or slightly anisogamous marine green algae because almost all of female gametes can be fertilized on the 2-D water surface meaning they might not be under sperm limited conditions. Gamete density also appears to affect mating success seriously. These findings were produced by some technical progress made recently to rapidly and correctly count the numbers of zygotes formed calculating the locations of huge numbers of male and female gametes in the test tank. Both gamete behavior and density might be determined by environmental conditions of habitat, particularly the depth of water.  相似文献   
Budding yeasts are highly suitable for aging studies, because the number of bud scars (stage) proportionally correlates with age. Its maximum stages are known to reach at 20-30 stages on an isolated agar medium. However, their stage dynamics in a liquid culture is virtually unknown. We investigate the population dynamics by counting scars in each cell. Here one cell division produces one new cell and one bud scar. This simple rule leads to a conservation law: "The total number of bud scars is equal to the total number of cells." We find a large discrepancy: extremely fewer cells with over 5 scars than expected. Almost all cells with 6 or more scars disappear within a short period of time in the late log phase (corresponds to the inflection point). This discrepancy is confirmed directly by the microscopic observations of broken cells. This finding implies apoptosis in older cells (6 scars or more).  相似文献   
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